

1017 Uppsatser om Remote usability testing - Sida 32 av 68

Gulliver Simulation - En systemarkitektur f or n atverkssimulering av

Nowadays, a lot of resources are spent on developing systems that will make it possible forvehicles to act autonomously, and make them more effective. One of the projects that isworking on this is the Gulliver Project. Gulliver has constructed a number of miniaturevehicles equipped with various sensors, to use as a physical testbed for autonomousdriving. One big disadvantage with this method is the long iteration time that occursduring the development and testing of a new software.This project has improved this process by developing a system architecture of a virtualtestbed where it is possible to simulate autonomus vehicles that communicates throughany type of wireless network. The testbed has made it possible to simulate autonomusvehicle systems that with a reasonable margin of error, acts like the system would actin a physical test.

Se hit! : En studie om hur man genom informationsarkitektur och grafiskt gränssnitt når ut med ett budskap på webben

Vårt arbete har gått ut på att skapa två separata webbplatser. Vi har varit delaktiga i hela processerna från idéstadie till färdiga produkter. Webbplatserna vi tagit fram är Jag är fri - en kampanjhemsida åt RFSL, samt Laszlo & Tear - en presentationshemsida åt en musikduo. De två webbplatserna skiljer sig åt då vi klassar Jag är fri som samhällsnytta medan vi klassar Laszlo & Tear som underhållning. Vi såg dock en gemensam nämnare - att de skulle verka marknadsförande och att webbplatsbesökaren enkelt och tydligt skulle uppfatta syftet.

Mobila enheter, webben och centrala designprinciper

Det har blivit allt vanligare att vi idag använder våra mobila enheter till att besöka webben. I detta examensarbete undersöks vilka centrala designprinciper en designer bör eftersträva när avsikten är att förenkla användningen av en webbplats i en statisk och en rörlig situation via den mobila enheten. Examensarbetet innefattar en litteraturgenomgång, observationsintervjuer vid två tillfällen och en prototyputveckling. Det första intervjutillfället identifierade de grundläggande designprinciperna som sedan stod till grund för prototypen. Det andra intervjutillfället genomfördes mot prototypen med samma individer.

Designutmaningar för fjärrdiagnostik av fordon

Under de senaste åren har e-underhåll väckt ökat intresse. Det är en underhållshantering där exempelvis ett fordon hanteras och övervakas över internet. Inom detta område finns det olika tekniker. En sådan teknik som vuxit fram under de senaste åren är ?remote diagnostic system? eller fjärrdiagnostiska system.

Centraliserad styrning av åtkomstlistor

Can the Danish "Aftalesystemet", a system with the intention to simplify the use of services within health care, be used in Sweden? This project has investigated the possibility by installing and testing the system and explored its functions to detect any eventual problems. Analyses were made of the system's graphical part and the underlying code to see in greater detail how the communication between units occurred, since no actual documentation of it existed. Discussions with the developers took place regarding how the current system works and how further development should continue. In order to test the system, a completely virtual environment was used.

Virtuella vävnadsobjekt för medicinska träningsapplikationer

This Master thesis discusses the development of a virtual human soft tissue object for use in exercise applications of various medical procedures.The soft tissue object to be developed shall look like, feel like and behave as living human tissue. It shall give the user a realistic feeling of weight, softness and roughness, and shall behave in a correct way for exercise purposes. The soft tissue model is to be used in a three dimensional stereo graphic environment with haptic feedback. A prototype for practicing the procedure of inserting a catheter is built. The prototype is used to evaluate the potential of the virtual environment for medical exercise applications, and to assess the realism and usability of the soft tissue object.

Ärendehantering i Windows 8 : Nytt användargränssnitt för iipax permission

This master thesis was performed at IdaInfront AB. The aim of the thesis was toinvestigate how the design principles ofthe user interface in Windows 8 can beapplied to a case management system. Theuser interface in Windows 8 is based ona design language called Metro and it isprimarily designed for touch screens.Ida Infront AB wanted to know whatpossibilities and limitations the Metrointerface offers.The study has resulted in a prototypeapplication that is developed in Windows8. The prototype shows how the Metrointerface can be applied on a casemanagement system. Some limitations inthe usability have been identified inthe Metro interface when applied to acase management system.

Kan markfuktighetskartor användas för att hitta skogsmark med hög bonitet? : ett gis-baserat försök med dtw-index och laserskannad övre höjd

The depth-to-water-index (DTW-index) is derived from digital elevation models (DEM) to map soil wetness, in terms of distance from soil surface to the ground water table. The aim of this GIS based study was to investigate the existence of a relationship between DTW-index and forest site productivity (SP). The belief of such an assumed relationship was based on knowledge that the ground water level is related to site properties that can either promote or impede tree growth. Data primarily comprised rasters of the Krycklan catchment in northern Sweden and depicted DTW-index and a laser scanned vegetation height. The 100th height percentile of each pixel in the vegetation raster was assumed to mirror the top-height, letting it act as a relative measure of SP within a delineated area of equal stand age.

Att optimera för målgruppen : Processen att skapa en målgruppsanpassad landningssida för Rebtel

Företaget Rebtel ville ha en ny landningssida som riktade sig till internationella studenter. Denna sida skulle vara optimerad för målgruppen både gällande design och innehåll. En förundersökningen bestående av bland annat intervjuer med målgruppen, målgruppsanalyser och research gjordes därför. Förundersökningen bestod också av intervjuer med olika roller på företaget Rebtel för att få en inblick i olika arbetsrollers perspektiv och uppgifter under en sådan process. Med hjälp av förundersökningens fynd togs skisser fram och en landningssida utvecklades bland annat genom programmeringsspråken HTML5, CSS3, LESS, JavaScript, .NET och C#.

M2M - affecting organisations, offerings and relations

Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication is a phase in the digital revolution connecting computing devices with each other bringing along new business opportunities for companies. Although being a fast growing field it has not been researched to any greater extent, particularly not within the academical literature. Consequently, information on how M2M can affect organisations seems strongly needed. This thesis uses three perspectives, derived from already recognised business benefits of M2M, as an aid to select proper theoretical tools to investigate the phenomenon. The purpose of this thesis is to gain knowledge of how an M2M adoption affects a firm?s organisation, customer offerings and customer relations.

Lokaliseringsbaserade tjänster : En användar- och kontextcentrerad kartläggning av LBS

Location-based services (LBS) contains of services helping users of finding positions of themselves or other objects. LBS applications can present information in varies types of ways, these could be threw speech, text, geographic symbols, photos etc. Not many studies have been done to examine the aspects of LBS communication and there is a demand for user and context centered mapping.The purpose of this report is to present a model for the development of user and context based services. The model will give guide lines of recommendations when implementing LBS. The different technologies that support LBS will also be noticed.

Utvärdering av olika diagnostiska metoder för infektioner med bovint coronavirus hos nötkreatur :

This paper shortly describes the coronavirus family, bovine corona viruses (BCV) properties and two diseases that BCV causes, winter dysentery and calf diarrhoea. The purpose of the study was to compare different diagnostic methods to detect BCV. Different methods are discussed, PCR, ELISA, immunofluorescense and virus isolation. Investigations were made in three different herds with winter dysentery; one dairy cattle farm with about 100 cows of different ages, one testing station for bulls with about 150 bulls and another small dairy cattle farm with 26 cows and 20 replacement heifers and calves. Faeces and nasal swabs were analysed with PCR and ELISA. The result shows that PCR seems to be a reliable method for detecting BCV but that the ELISA test can not be used as a reliable diagnostic method to analyse samples from animals with winter dysentery..

Såromvårdnad med antiseptiska medel hos häst

Clinicians in veterinary practice have responsibilities for the development of global antibiotic resistance. In some cases, antibiotics are contraindicated or even useless in wound treatments and therefore other options are needed. Antiseptics may be another option but their use are controversial and may be questioned by owners. As professionals, it may be very difficult to be able to motivate this choice of treatment. The aim of this paper is to gain knowledge about four antiseptics; iodine, silver, polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) and honey to make it easier for veterinary nurses and other clinicians in veterinary practices to decide their potential use. The assessment will be made with consideration of the available evidence concerning the properties, usability and the animal?s experience. The results showed a lack of evidence in in-vivo studies in horses, particularly studies within the field of veterinary nursing.

Smarta Hus : Nya behov och lösningar med participativ design

In this Bachelor Thesis (20 p.), we present the history and development of "Intelligent Houses", and most important- explore some of the future possibilities in this area. The project has been carried out through an interdisciplinary cooperation between three different educations at the Blekinge Institute of Technology. By conducting a dialogue with various actors with different professions, we have been trying to identify needs within the concept of "Intelligent Houses", were the end user is not only the tenant or homeowner. Through Participatory Design methods, such as a Future Workshop, we have brought the users together to discuss their own and each others needs and hindrances in their respective work practice, and how intelligent house technology could improve their work conditions. We have also been testing a highly sophisticated CO/CO2/Moisture/Temperature/Enthalpy multi-sensor & controller, originally developed for regulating indoor climate systems.

NNN... Nostalgi: Om effekterna av nostalgi vid konsumtion

The presence of nostalgic emotions during consumption is often seen as something purely positive to a product. To evoke these emotions has become a very common tool in marketing and advertising. Paradoxically very few studies have focused on the effects of nostalgia. The purpose of the thesis has been to understand how the presence of nostalgic emotions during consumption effect consumers. The research model used is a quantitative study with testing of hypotheses generated from theory.

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