

1017 Uppsatser om Remote usability testing - Sida 30 av 68

Oljetemperaturens inverkan på motoroljans degradering i lastbil

The market for heavy duty engines is constantly requiring engines that should be more andmore powerful, while still maintaining low fuel consumption. As a result of increasing enginepower, the engine and coolant temperature increases as well due to insufficient coolingperformance (because of design issues, cost etc.).Also, emission legislations, both current and future, require more and more measures to betaken by engine manufacturers. One way of meeting the legislations is the use of cooled EGR(Exhaust Gas Recirculation), which also lead to increased coolant temperatures.Both these factors also naturally lead to increased engine oil temperatures, the consequencesof which are not thoroughly investigated.This thesis project aims to investigate effects of high temperatures on engine oil degradation,with focus on the greatest degradation process: oxidation. To do this several engine runs havebeen performed on a 310 hp engine with EGR to see what happens to the engine oil in a realengine when exposed to high temperatures. During the tests oil samples have been taken andanalysed for important parameters.As a complement to these engine tests some laboratory oxidation testing have also beenperformed, to be able to compare engine test data with laboratory tests.One goal of the project was to try to formulate an empirical oxidation model, which would beable to predict oil oxidation levels in an engine, given any running parameters.

Säker hantering av lösgående nötkreatur :

After I heard that two deadly accidents in farming 2003 were created by work with cattle, I got the idea of writing this degree project. So far there are not too many reports written about safety for the worker nor the animal. Therefore it will fit in with a report about safe handling of free stalled cattle. The Swedish Board of Agriculture would also like to do an information material about outside stalled cattle with this degree project as a background. The collecting of material was made by visiting farmers. The goal was to visit 15 ? 20 herds and when this is being written 19 herds have been visited.

Gränsdragningsproblemet i luck egalitarianism

The purpose of my study is to investigate whether luck egalitarianism can be savedfrom its inability to draw a line between risks which can reasonably be expected to beavoided, and risk which can not. Such a demarcation is of particular importance forthis influential theory of distributive justice, since it serves to judge whether a personis entitled to compensation for a bad outcome of a taken risk, or not. Testing theintuitiveness and coherence of various contending principles for how to separateavoidable risks from unavoidable ones, I conclude that luck egalitarianism seemsunable to draw a clear line between the two kinds of risks. Instead the theory appearsto be dependent on conceptions of a 'normal life', making it remarkably vague.Furthermore, I argue that luck egalitarianism seems unable to manage without takingsufficientarian and utilitarian concerns into account, for the purpose of decidingwhich risks are avoidable, and which are not..

OSE och Linux : En studie om prestanda

There are some key elements which distinguish a general operating system, such as Linux, from a Real Time operating system, such as OSE. The later belongs to the category of soft Real Time systems while Linux is a general operating system, with significantly improved real time properties after version 2.6. These improvements make it interesting to compare the two systems.When comparing two operating systems, there are a number of issues which have to be considered. One way to measure the performance of the systems is by studying the time consumption for the same functionality and hardware.During the study, the items that appeared as the most important for the performance of the systems, were: process primitives, system primitives, interprocess communication, context switches and interrupt latency.This work demonstrates that it is possible and reasonable to do performance testing on two different operating systems. The implemented tests cover a number of basic functionalities, which appeared to be the most crucial ones for the performance of the systems..

Master-slavesystem med två haptiska robotar för palpation på

Axelopererade personer har svårt att röra sig under några veckor efter operationen. Den som bor i glesbygden och blir opererad i axeln eller armen måste regelbundet åka långa sträckor för att besöka sjukvården och bli undersökt. Frågan är om det går att minska dessa bilturer och samtidigt behålla vårdkvaliteten? Man har kunnat reducera patienternas resande till och från sjukvården med hjälp av en enkel videokonferensanläggning som patienten får låna hem. Med denna utrustning kan patienten upprätta videomöten med vårdpersonalen istället för att åka till sjukvården.

Metoder för utvärdering av webbplatsers användbarhet : Expertutvärdering och användartestning som ett ramverk

Utvärderingar är viktigt att göra på alla slags produkter. Det finns en uppsjö av olika tillvägagångssätt för att utvärdera en webbplats användbarhet. Syftet med den här rapporten är att undersöka om metoderna expertutvärdering och användartestning är ett tillräckligt effektivt och enkelt ramverk att använda för att grundligt utvärdera en webbplats ur ett användbarhetsperspektiv. Vi har använt dessa metoder för att utvärdera en webbplats och sedan analyserat huruvida metoderna har kompletterat varandra när det kommer till antalet och typen av funna fel. Undersökningen visar att båda metoderna genererar ungefär lika många unika problem var för sig och att de kompletterar varandra mycket bra.

Bike Around

Physical activity can reduce the risk of developing dementia, and studies show that people who already have some form of the disease can get a better memory function and find it easier to perform daily tasks if the activity is performed regularly. People who are diagnosed with dementia are generally not offered physical activity to a high extent, nor is there a wide range of equipment developed to suit the target group.The Bike Around project was launched during a workshop in Copenhagen and was organized by HCH and Techna Science with the aim to develop new training equipment for people with dementia. The workshop resulted in the development of a customized training bike where the user can get a biking experience from his wheelchair or favorite chair. By integrating the pedal movement with a prerecorded movie projected on a screen, the memory can be stimulated both visually and by the activity itself.Our assignment in the project consisted of three parts: design of the bike, movie playback and software programming. During the project a prototype has been created that meets the requirements of ergonomics and usability..

Lara : en skattjakt med mobil datorförstärkt verklighet

Prestandan i dagens mobiltelefoner har ökat på senare tid. Därmed har det blivit aktuellt med förstärkt verklighet i mobilapplikationer. Det här arbetet har undersökt hur förstärkt verklighet används i mobilapplikationer för att framhäva en plats. Genom att använda förstärkt verklighet blir det möjligt att tillföra information till den verkliga platsen. I syfte att applicera förstärkt verklighet har vi utvecklat Lara.

Växjö - "Europas grönaste stad" : En undersökning av motiveringarna bakom en "grön" kommuns miljösatsningar

This essay investigates the statements of Växjö municipality?s motives for some of its many environmental projects. The aim of the essay is to be theory-testing as to see how a municipality/city which promotes itself as being ?green? motivates its efforts in the environmental area. Växjö city promotes itself as ?The greenest city in Europe?, an award appointed to the city by BBC and other international media.

Kinetisk Keramik

Do ceramics have to be static? This was the question that spurred me into this work, and what kept me working on to achieve the possibility of motion in my ceramic objects. By combining the knowledge gained through my former education as an avionics technician with my interest in the ancient ceramic craft, I strive to create kinetic ceramic handicraft suitable for interaction with an audience.By a series of different phases I slowly go from understanding what kind of motion I want my objects to have, to actually realizing this motion in three-dimensional objects. Through the use of simple models made from corrugated fiberboard followed by more advanced plaster models, combined with different complementary materials such as bicycle inner-tubing and recycled aluminium cans among many others, I, through a vast series of testing, slowly build up a knowledge base later applied to the ceramic objects.The result is for me a success; I have found a way for me to combine ceramics with mechanics. Through this I have created kinetic ceramic handicraft intended for interaction with an audience..

?Var är du?? En studie om virtuella kollaborativa designprocesser i en studiemiljö

The design process of an interaction design student is mostly collaborative and computer oriented. Based on this, it?s hard to believe that we have not yet found a tool that will facilitate our needs. With this in mind, which elements do we need to promote collaboration in a virtual design process? This thesis will include design processes, collaboration, creativity and virtual awareness, amongst others.

Automatisk trimning av drivsystemreglering från MATLAB

This master thesis covers the development of an automatic tuning process for the existing speed controller for drive systems. The drive systems are resonant two-mass systems where a motor is used to drive a load connected by a shaft. The developed method relies heavily on system identification and the construction of a complete mechanical model of the process. With this approach, the common problem with poor load speed control that derives from measuring only the motor speed can be addressed and solved for a majority of such processes.The automatic tuning method has along with general test functions been implemented in a complete tool for automatic tuning, testing and performance evaluation and reporting for drive systems..

Mobiltelefoni för synskadade - ur ett användarperspektiv

Mobiltelefoni är ett ständigt ämne då det hela tiden sker utvecklingar. Dock finns det en gruppsom inte har lika stort deltagande i detta område som andra. Dessa personer är synskadade på olika nivåer. Vi har i denna uppsats studerat hård- och mjukvaror för synskadade inom mobiltelefoni ur en användares perspektiv. Vi har ställt frågan:?Vilka särskilda behov gällande mobiltelefoni har synskadade användare och hur kan dessa omsättas i hårdvara och mjukvara??Vi har genom telefonintervjuer identifierat åtta användares behov av hård- och mjukvara för synskadade för att kunna ge förslag på en anpassad hårdvara samt en förbättring av en mjukvara.

Enkätundersöking om vad privata skogsägare vill se på en skoglig aktörs hemsida

This degree projects made on behalf of AB Karl Hedin to find out what private forest estate owners would like to have on a forestry-related website. The reason for finding out what estate owners think of the forest websites is to meet needs of the forest owners who are customers of AB Karl Hedin. Marketing and use of the Internet for information search for products and services are two key concepts in this study. To be able to perform the study, a telephone survey was made to find out what estate owners want and what they are missing on a forest site. The survey can be summarized at following conclusion: The marketing of AB Karl Hedin website must be stronger The forest owners want more information on forest business, prices and forestry services.

En Modell av SOA för Agila Organisationer

In a dynamic and unpredictable reality, either rigid structures or silo architectures areappropriate ways to organize an agile organization. This thesis enlightens these relationsbetween Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and an organization who acts in a varied andconstantly changing business environment. In other words, this thesis enlightens the question:?How suitable is SOA to organize the enterprise who will meet a constantly changing andheterogenic business environment?.The thesis presents a model where an efficient organization must be agile to be able to actquickly in the business environments with constantly changing desires, needs, expectations,desires etc. According to the same model a Service Oriented Architecture organizes theenterprise elements such as processes, resources, competences, responsibilities, informationsystems etc.

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