

1017 Uppsatser om Remote usability testing - Sida 29 av 68

Testing and optimization of Unicorn Fluid-Structure Interaction solver for simulating an industrial problem

In industry applications, such as power supply plants, the issue of interaction between fluid and structure is always presented. More precisely, the fluid flow affects the structure by applying force(s) on it and vice versa. As a result, the structure can move (vibrate) or deform. A good understanding of this problem can help to design the system in term of safety, stability and efficiency.This project aims to optimize and test the Unicorn FSI solver from the FEniCS project [1] to simulate the interaction of fluid and structure in an experiment, which was carried out at Vattenfall Research and Development. The target is to improve the Unicorn FSI solver to cope with a real industrial problem.

Användbarheten i Business Intelligens-system : Utvecklingen av användbarheten och funktionaliteten i ett webbaserat BI-system

The purpose of this study is to evaluate an existing user interface. The company in question has a web-based user interface (available through logging in via their website), but they are interested in making the process of using the interface more convenient and the interface more accessible, so that users without a background in computing can properly manage the interface. At the same time they want to apply additional functionalities in order create and to manage increased traffic on the company?s website. For this reason it is important to take into account the issues involved in human-computer interaction (HCI) as well as aspects of cognitive psychology in order to make the tool and the web interface more usable, more motivational, and therefore more efficient and professional.

Triac Driver Platform

In the electronic industrials, power control of AC motors is commonly used. For example power control of a washing machine motor, a vacuum cleaner motor or a coffee machine motor. The company Rejlers Ingenjörer AB has many projects where power control of AC motors is included. A prototype card for this task can save time and money for the company in the future and this is the reason for this thesis.The motors are power controlled by a TRIAC and control of the trigging pulses to the TRIAC. This card is modularly built and can easily be adapted for future projects where the power control of AC motors are included.The prototype card can be used as a subsystem in a larger electronics projects or as it is in lab environment for testing and evaluating new motors..

Undersökning av optimeringsalternativ för elektrostatlackering

This report describes a thesis done at the Jönköping University of Technology. The aim of this thesis was to create conditions to optimize an existing automatic electrostatic coating system by changing the technology for dispensing lacquer. To select the technology, a study of different dispensing techniques carried out which concluded that the piezoelectric membrane and electrostatic atomization are the most interesting techniques.In order to perform tests with dispensing techniques a demonstrator has been optimized. The controller and PC software of the demonstrator has been programmed to be able to send out PWM signals that control the dispensers. An adapter card was designed to control the piezoelectric membrane and a steering link to the electrostatic atomization has been developed for PWM signals up to 500V.The work has laid ground for a demonstrator where further testing of the dispensing technologies can be performed..


Detta arbete är det första steget i en lång process vars slutgiltiga mål är att utveckla en metod för automatisk övergång från en icke-generisk objektorienterad applikation till en generisk.Helst borde stöd för en sådan transformation implementeras i en utvecklingsmiljö, IDE. En analogi skulle kunna dras till faktorisering av klasser, en operation som stöds av de flesta utvecklingsmiljöer idag. Som ett första steg i en pågående process är detta arbete tänkt att fungera som ett icke-trivialt exempel för framtida analys. Exemplet består av ett icke-generisk och ett generisk grafpaket som är skrivet i Java 1.4.2 respektive Java 5.0. Uppsatsen beskriver övergången från den icke-generiska till den generiska lösningen på systematiskt sätt som går att upprepa.

Kommunikation på byggarbetsplatsen : Förbättringsmöjligheter med modern teknik

This Thesis in Military Technology deals with experiences drawn from the forced introduction of Weapons Station 01, 2009. The work aims to identify the experiences regarding the forced procurement of military equipment to see how they can develop normal and fast procurement of equipment. The main conclusions of  this work, is to achieve greater capability and increase the military utility, are: -          Common objectives and priorities of stakeholders-          Response and joint types shall determine requirements for system-          Ensure an integrated project team also at lower levels-          Engage the integrated logistic support early in the materiel process-          Include Armed Forces staff as early as possible in the testing and validation-          Prioritize work to facilitate the rapid development of decision on use (BOA)-          Provide back up for increased redundancy in the mission area .

Utvärdering av solcellsanläggningen på Universeum

The main aim of this master thesis was to see the process of an interactive online reference service from idea to final product. The reference service we have studied is developed and used by the Library of the National Institute for Working Life in Stockholm, Sweden and goes by the name phibi. Our goal was to review the whole realization process from the reasons why a service like this was created, how the service was introduced and implemented inside the organisation and finally what the result and consequences were for both the library staff and for the users of the service. Phibi is designed to be a tool that fosters communication between the library staff and the remote users where the users get the opportunity to be helped with their questions by the library staff although they are not physically present in the library. To understand the process we conducted a case study with 11 interviews of the library staff, the superior and the initiator to phibi.

Elektroniska ämnesguider : Innehåll, struktur och layout

The purpose of this essay is to study the process of developing electronic subject guides for the Internet. Our focus is the content, structure and layout of the subject guide. The study has resulted in a number of guidelines that may be of help in the development of future subject guides. To achieve this purpose we have studied the existing subject guide at one of the faculties of the University of Lund, Sweden. We performed a series of interviews with the originators, and made a questionnaire for the users.

Humorstilar, Emotionell Perception och Kön ? Vem skrattar mest och vem skrattar sist?

The main aim of this research was to investigate four humour styles, affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating humour, and compare these with emotional perception. Forty-eight persons took part in the research, 27 women and 21 men living in the southern part of Sweden. Two humour tests were used: the Humour Scale Questionnaire ? HSQ, with 32 items, and a newly composed video test, assembled after pilot testing from 26 video clips, the Humour Video Questionnaire ? HVQ. To measure perception and interpretation of emotion, the revised version of the ?Reading the Mind in the Eyes? Test was used.

Realisering av en modulär skogsmaskin - En skalmodell

Wood for commercial use is harvested from forests using forest machines like harvesters which folds, branches and cuts trees and forwarders which transports logs to a landing area for further transport to a processing facility. Future forest machines have to be much gentler to the machine operators and forest soil than today's machines. Hence new machine solutions must be developed and tested. A practical way is to develop a physical scale model which can be used as a test-bed to incorporate different types of solutions for suspensions, cabin damping, tires and tracks, crane and overall architecture. The aim of this project was to develop such a 1:5 scale model of a forest machine, named as ?Skogbil.A scaling strategy was employed to arrive at important scale dimensions and specifications ofSkogbil which would be comparable to the full scale model.

Strategi, syften och visioner för intranät : av intranät i samband med uppgradering.

Intranets can streamline workflow processes, improve communication and add value to the employees of an organization. Companies that don?t take advantage of the potential in their intranet is a common phenomenon. In connection with a migration project dealing with a switch of content management system it turned out that SAS Technical Services lacked clear objectives and strategies for the use of their intranet. Thereby they didn?t make the most of the possibilities an intranet brings.The work with this thesis began with collecting the experiences the company could take with them from the migration project.

Virkets formförändring och dess betydelse vid postning :

The purpose of this thesis was to create a saw pattern program for the sawmill industry. I have chosen to focus on the module that describes the shrinking on the wood. There are several theories about how the wood deforms by shrinking. Several hypotheses were simulated in the program and after testing them I decided to use only one of them (hypothesis C). The program is written in Visual Basic .NET and I choused that program language because it is easy to do changes in the layout. Another great advantage in Visual .Net is that you can mix different languages in the same program.

Undersökning av sambandet mellan strålningstemperatur och NDVI i Sahel

Several studies have analysed the relationship between Normalised DifferenceVegetation Index (NDVI) and radiative surface temperature. A main goal for moststudies have been to find the best method for carrying out land cover classificationsand to study land cover changes, based on a combination between the twoparameters. Since atmospheric components have a significant influence on bothparameters, most applications were based on multi-temporal data. The quality of theindividual values in such a combination is improved, but the biophysical justificationis uncertain. This study presents a different method, based on only the combination ofvalues that have been registered the same day and about the same time of the day.125 daily images of NDVI and 250 images of radiometric temperature were used inorder to analyse the relationship between (1) NDVI and radiative temperature and (2)NDVI and relative temperature difference between early morning and mid-day.Results between NDVI and radiative temperature show a significant negativecorrelation on areas where a distinct growing season develops, and a strong positivcorrelation where vegetation is abscent throghout the season.

Ström- och temperaturkontroll

Storing kinetic energy in a flywheel allows for more efficient driving of electricvehicles. Research in this area is in progress at Uppsala University, where a flywheelwith magnetic bearings encased in a vacuum chamber is being constructed. To makethis possible methods for measuring the current through the electromagnets in thebearings and temperatures in the flywheel need to be developed. This has been thepurpose of this report. The current measurement resulted in a resistive method, andthe implementation of eight measurement circuits in the system.

Webben och äldre

 Internet har utvecklats till att bli den enskilt största källan för information och tjänster från myndigheter och företag. Webbsidor produceras dock sällan med användbarhet i fokus. Detta innebär en risk för att informationssökning och utnyttjande av tjänster försvåras eller omöjliggörs för stora grupper av befolkningen. I denna uppsats fokuseras på äldres problem med att tillgodogöra sig information via Internet på grund av syn-, koordinations- och kognitiva problem, dess bakomliggande orsaker och hur detta kan och bör åtgärdas.Sammanlagt 65 webbsidor har studerats och vi konstaterar att ingen av dessa uppfyller de krav och rekommendationer som finns för att producera användarvänliga webbsidor. Vidare konstaterar vi att de riktlinjer som World Wide Web Consortium utvecklat och som bland annat rekommenderas av Verket för förvaltningsutveckling inte ger någon garanti för att webbsidor blir mer användarvänliga.Uppsatsen avslutas med några rekommendationer för att skapa mera användarvänliga webbsidor. .

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