

4033 Uppsatser om Relevant innehåll - Sida 13 av 269

Primär eller sekundär söktjänst? En effektivitetsstudie av söktjänsten Google och metasöktjänsten Dogpile

This thesis examines the retrieval effectiveness of two Web search engines. The two search engines are chosen to represent two different types Google as a broad general search engine and Dogpile as a broad general metasearcher. Twenty queries have been used and the first twenty hits for each query were evaluated for relevance. The queries were invented by the authors, based upon their interests and information needs. They were expressed in a general manner, by using one or several keywords, in accordance with the simple search mode available for each search engine.

Musikens innebörd och påverkan i elevers skolgång : En studie om hur musiken betraktas och används av elever och lärare i årskurs 8 och 9.

I have been using qualitative interviews to explore music's influence in school from a learning perspective, community perspective and identity-building perspective. I have visited two classes at two different schools to do these interviews with ten informants, both students and teachers. My interview questions were almost the same for both students and teachers, but differed in wording. My research is based on the informants? answers and relevant sources such as literary books, curricula and the Internet.After fieldwork was completed, I transcribed the interviews to further analyze them according to relevant theories, such as Bergman (2009) and Antal Lundström (1996).

Europeisk fusionskontroll : på olika villkor

The decision of the European Commission to block the merger between Volvo and Scania in the late 90?s became the starting point to the debate of the possible discriminating effects of the European merger regulation. Especially since the Commission a few years earlier had approved of the merger between Mercedes-Benz and Kässbohrer on the German bus market, where the conditions for competition had been similar to those at hand in the Swedish case. The issue that was and still is in focus is whether the European merger regulation is more difficult to pass for large companies situated on a smaller domestic market than is the case for their competitors of corresponding size but situated on a larger domestic market.This thesis aims at examining what the judgement of the geographical relevant market means for the application of the Merger act. This is being done from two perspectives.

Utvärdering av Skogens Dag i Borås 2005 evenemanget som informationskanal

The purpose of this thesis is to examine Skogsstyrelsens event Skogens Dag as an information channel by looking at information use and information behaviour during the communication process of the event. This is done by examining the aims of Skogsstyrelsens information distribution during the event in relation to its outcomes. The evaluation is focused on long term effects on the target group and it is restricted to Skogens Dag in Borås 2005. The question this thesis intends to answer is: How does the event Skogens Dag function as a tool for information distribution? The theoretical background gives an account of the communication process as well as the relevant aspects of marketing, social marketing, campaigns and public relations, as these are communication attempts that can use an event as a medium.

Kunskapssyn och behov av IKT-verktyg

In a world where digital media is becoming a greater part of people?s everyday and working lives it is plausible to assume that the upcoming generation of pupils expect the teaching media to adapt thereafter. It is this assumption of an increased demand that Natur & Kultur is hoping to be able to meet. This thesis has been a stage in the process of producing digital material in the subject of mathematics for high school students. Specifically the aims of this thesis have been to make a rough description of the largest competitive companies? products within the same market, explore and put together a brief theoretical foundation of contemporary research and produce concrete examples of ideas for digital applications.

Organisationskultur och informationssökning. En fallstudie av internkommunikationen på ett folkbibliotek

This thesis aims to identify bottlenecks in the internal communication of aSwedish public library. Specifically, it addresses the behaviour of the library staff when they seekfor work-oriented information through interaction with their colleagues. A fundamental assumptionof this study is that the information-seeking process depends on organisational culture. I have madean exploratory case study in a medium-sized Swedish public library, where relevant issues areidentified and correlated with the culture of the organisation.I have used Schein's three-level model to describe the culture of the library; this model definesculture as a set of basic assumptions and the actions of people as expressions of their culture. Datafor the study were gathered using several approaches, including interviews with the library staff andobservations of them.

Analys av konsignationslager : inom tillverkande industri

In this composition, a study of consignment inventory on basis of the factors which are important for implementation and application of consignment inventory are made. Logistics chain from subcontractor to end customer is becoming more complex when the volume of items constantly increases to satisfy the needs of the market. From that perspective, companies had large inventories but today it is a lot of different solutions to streamline inventory management. One way that recently becomes increasingly common is to let the subcontractor fill up the customers stock using different approaches such as VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory). A further step in the evolution can be to make use of consignment inventory where the vendor owns the stock of the customer.

Samverkan vid v?rd?verg?ng av ?ldre personer med komplexa v?rd- och omsorgsbehov - den kommunala prim?rv?rdssjuksk?terskans erfarenheter

Bakgrund: S?mre v?rdkvalitet, bristande omv?rdnadsinsatser och on?diga sjukhusinl?ggningar ?r konsekvenser av brister i samverkan f?r ?ldre personer med komplexa v?rd- och omsorgsbehov. F?r samh?llet inneb?r brister i samverkan felaktig f?rdelning av v?rdresurser och h?ga ekonomiska kostnader. H?lso- och sjukv?rd st?r inf?r stora utmaningar i att tillgodose v?rdbehovet hos den ?ldrande befolkningen d?r multisjuklighet ?kar och h?lso- och sjukv?rdsresurser minskar.

V?sentlighetsanalysens utveckling. En studie om hur presentationen av v?sentlighetsanalyser varierar ?ver tid inom ledande industrif?retag i Sverige

Bakgrund & Problemdiskussion: Under det senaste decenniet har f?retagens h?llbarhetsredovisning blivit allt viktigare, med ?kade krav p? att rapportera b?de finansiella och milj?m?ssiga effekter. I samband med inf?randet av CSRD st?lls krav p? f?retagen att utf?ra en dubbel v?sentlighetsanalys som innefattar b?de finansiella och milj?m?ssiga effekter. V?sentlighetsbegreppet har dock tidigare saknat reglering och d?rmed pr?glas redovisningen av en oenighet och brister upplevs inom h?llbarhetsredovisningen. Syfte: Syftet med rapporten ?r att beskriva hur begreppet v?sentlighet har utvecklats inom h?llbarhetsredovisning samt hur detta redovisas i f?retagens rapporter.


Bakgrund Arbetsterapi handlar om att m?jligg?ra aktiviteter f?r personer som de vill och beh?ver g?ra, p? det s?tt de ?nskar. Meningsfulla aktiviteter leder till en k?nsla av sammanhang, h?lsa och v?lm?ende. Vid sjukdomar kan engagemanget i aktivitet minska men kreativitet kan anv?ndas som ett v?rdefullt verktyg f?r att ?ka engagemanget igen.

Skillnader mellan manligt och kvinnligt? : Ett genusperspektiv på ledaregenskaper

AimThe purpose of this study is to investigate if there is any variance between masculine and feminine physical education teachers leadership.Are men more authoritarian than woman in their education? Do the influence of pupils have something to do with the gender of the teacher?s? Do the pupils respect masculine physical education teachers any different compound to feminine teachers?MethodWe have studied relevant literature that consider masculine and feminine leadership. The choice was to work with senior compulsory school. We choose the community of Botkyrka, through comfort choice. The criterion for the teachers were that they would have a swedish physical education and have been working at least for 4 years.

Sjuksk?terskors upplevelse av att ge amningsst?d i barnh?lsov?rden - en tv?rsnittsstudie med mixad metod. ?Kunskap ?r aldrig tungt att b?ra?

Bakgrund: Det finns m?nga f?rdelar med amning, b?de f?r barnet och den ammande. Att f? till en fungerande amning kan vara en komplicerad process som tar tid. D? det uppst?r problem h?nvisas mamman till barnh?lsov?rden (BHV) f?r att f? st?d och sjuksk?terskan har en viktig roll i detta.

Att planera, genomföra och utforma en föredömlig reklamkampanj

As the field of marketing becomes increasingly competitive, creative tools to reach the intended consumer needs to be utilized. In order to break through the crowded airways and packed ad space, one can choose to direct the message through channels that relate to currenttrends in society, while using innovative artistic concepts. The fundamental purpose behind this report is to provide a roadmap for creating a successful and unique marketing campaign. In addition, we have attempted to identify how visual methods can add valuable attributes to the campaign, ensuring a more progressive and distinct impression. To illustrate our claims, we have chosen to analyze Wasabröd?s latest marketing effort, ?Change Bread,? by dividing it into three sections, including planning, execution, and the visual creation.

Evaluering av återvinningseffektiviteten i Svensk Medicin och Google Scholar med medicinska frågor ur Fråga doktorn.

The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate and compare the retrieval effectiveness of two search engines on the Internet: Svensk Medicin and Google Scholar. Svensk Medicin is a medicine-specific search engine and Google Scholar specialises in indexing scholarly material. A set of 20 questions in four categories were used to conduct the searches with the search engines. Genuine medical information needs were selected from a question collection provided by the television program Fråga doktorn. The relevance of the first 10 retrieved documents was judged by using a binary scale and the measure used was precision.

En studie om införandet av expected loss model : - En mer tillförlitlig och relevant metod för nedskrivning av finansiella tillgångar?

Accounting has been critized for being one of the leading factors in the latest financial crisis. One of the primary problem areas was identified as delayed recogonition of losses on financial instruments. Consequently, a new impairment model is being developed and is to be namned expected loss model. The difference from the present model, incurred loss model, is that it takes losses into consideration on an much earlier level. Even though the model may be theoretically feasible, in practice it may implicate a number of issues.

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