8519 Uppsatser om Rehabilitation process - Sida 10 av 568
Muntorrhet ? Oral hälsa och Livskvalitet : En litteraturstudie
Physiotherapists treat people with different views of the world and medical beliefs, which require a good understanding of cultural differences. One way to achieve cultural understanding is through self-reflection in a new context. During five weeks the authors, two physiotherapy students, completed a clinical practice at the rehabilitation center Pina Palmera, Zipolite, Oaxaca, Mexico. At the beginning of the period a critical incident was chosen, when the head physiotherapist for the ward Cuidados Especiales intended to sell jewellery to the authors during a treatment of a patient. The authors have by using the reflection framework "Framework to guide reflective process", and Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) for analysis, discussed different ways of communication, adherence, education, and self-reflection and critical thinking.
En rörig historia : en fallstudie över Secorocs processflöde av DTH-rör
Abstract Title: A messy story ? a case study of Secorocs process flow of DTH-pipes Presentation date: 2010-06-02 Course: Bachelor thesis in businessAuthor: Kristoffer ForsmanAdvisor: Kjell GustafssonKeywords: Management control, process control, lean production, process flow analysisPurpose: The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to develop an overview of the process flow for a specific product, and with the help of this mapping based on a lean production philosophy show possible improvement proposals and how these can lead to a more efficient process flow.Methodology: I have used a case study of Secorocs DTH-pipes and my primary data are gathered through interviews and observations. I have used theoretical framework to establish a process flow analysis. This is to obtain data on process activities and whether they are creating value or not. This leads to a current mapping of the situation in Secoroc on DTH-pipes and then analyzed and suggestions for improvement are developed.Conclusions: That by using the above mentioned mapping of process flow of DTH-pipes, problem areas could be illustrated.
Processorientering : En undersökning av samarbetet mellan process- och resursägare
År 2011 startade SDC, skogsnäringens IT-företag, arbetet med att övergå från en funktionsorganisation till en processorganisation. Detta har medfört förändringar i ledarskapet då tidigare avdelningschefer har ersatts med process- och resursägare. Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att identifiera förbättringsförslag för samarbetet mellan process- och resursägare vid SDC. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats då samarbetet mellan process- och resursägare har studerats. En kvalitativ ansats har valts då målet är att uppfatta informanternas upplevelser kring samarbetet mellan process- och resursägare så nära verkligheten som möjligt.
Visuell identitet : Några estetelevers tankar om att framställa sig själv genom stil och hur det kommer till uttryck i praktiken
Denna studie behandlar begreppen process och produkt. Syftet är att genom ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv undersöka några bildlärares syn på begreppen process och produkt i bildundervisningen på högstadiet. Tidigare har fokus legat på elevers färdiga produkt men idag är bedömningen i bildämnet mer fokuserad på elevers process (Skolverket, 2012:3). Undersökningen genomfördes genom kavlitativa intervjuer. Intervjufrågorna är förankrade i Lindströms (2002:4-5) process- och produktkriterier.
Kontroll av rengöring med ATP-luminometer hos livsmedelsverksamheter med pizzaberedning i Sundbybergs kommun
This BSc thesis is a part of an initial step of a collaboration between Skansen and Kenyan Wildlife Service (KWS) and constitutes of an inventory of the Nairobi Animal Orphanage run by KWS. Animal Orphanage takes care of orphaned and injured animals arriving from throughout Kenya. The project started out as a refuge and as a temporary place for animals in need of care and help. With time it has evolved to an establishment that resembles and functions more like an animal zoo. The aim of this inventory is to focus on how the biological needs of Congo grey parrots ( Psittacus erithacus erithacus) and cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) are met, in terms of management and housing.
Produktionsanalys av: Backa Teaters uppsättning av: UTOPIA 2012. När var du i paradiset senast?
This essay analyzes the production process in connection with the original play Utopia 2012, which premiered at Backa Theatre, Gothenburg, Sweden on 27 October 2012.The aim of the essay is to seek a deeper understanding of this particular production process. No universal process plan was employed when creating Utopia 2012. Therefore, taking into account artistic, technical and administrative aspects of the work, a chronological process map has also been constructed in connection with this essay, in order to clarify each step of the theatrical working process.The theoretical approach is hermeneutic, and the material is based on interviews with key individuals with different professions and functions within the working process in order to gain multifaceted perspectives and results. The interviews took place at Backa Theatre with the exception of those held by telephone with the project?s two producers, both of whom by that time no longer worked at Backa Theatre.The findings of the essay mostly indicate that, with the significant exception of director Mattias Andersson?s artistic vision, no fixed process map nor explicitly articulated common goals were employed in this particular theatre production.
Överklagande och dess roll inom bostadsbyggandet : En granskning av plan- och bygglovsprocessen
The aim of this diploma work was to obtain a review of the appeal process in Sweden under the Planning and Building Act and the possibilities of appeal in the planning and building permit process. The work was intended to identify potential problems surrounding the appeal process and possible efficiency measures. The goal was to form a report that provides a satisfactory overview of the appeal process in theory and practical application as well as provide relevant concrete proposals on how the appeal process can be streamlined.Background and facts surrounding the work were taken from different types of literature and through several interviews with representatives in government, industry and politicians.The main problems related to the appeal process are in the long processing times and the high number of appeals. There is a great interest to streamline the appeals process and the government is going to launch studies in which possible future actions will be investigated.It is possible to appeal for up to two instances before you need a so called ?leave to appeal? in order for your complaint to be passed on to the next instance.
67,44 miljoner skäl till demokrati : En studie av processerna i EU-finansierade projekt
In a global context the traditional democratic process is facing new challenges. Scholars are talking about a transition from government to governance, where local and regional networks as well as international collaboration are an important part in how regional policy is produced and implemented. In this paper the processes in regional projects funded by the European Union are considered, and related to the traditional democratic process. The study has been fulfilled through informant interviews with representatives from four EU-projects. The interviews are supplemented by a qualitative text analysis of current statutes.
Politiskt organisationsbyggande - Vilken betydelse har samrådsprocessen haft i arbetet med att bygga upp en ny organisation för kollektivtrafiken i Värmland? : En fallstudie av arbetet med trafikförsörjningsprogrammet i Värmland
On the first of January 2012, a new public authority was formed in Värmland, due to a new legislation on public transport. The first task for the new public authority was to produce a plan for the development of public transport. In order to do so, it had to execute an extensive consultation process about the long-term goals of public transport. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how a public authority can use a consultation process as a means to clarify accountability and produce unified goals. To answer that, I have done a case study about how the new regional public authority in Värmland for public transport has acted in the process of writing a plan for the development of public transport.
Inkludering på vitryska : Fältstudier i Vitryssland gällande inkludering av
The aim of this study is to describe and examine the characteristics of inclusion of children with disabilities in the kinder garden and primary school in Belarus. The data in this study were collected through interviews with special teachers and staff at the Developing and Rehabilitation center. The interviews were supported by child-observations and a literature study. Staying in boarding schools prevents handicap students from integrating with the society as well as getting social experience. Integrated education demands the combination of two regularities: education of children with normal development and special education of children with psycho-physiological problems.
Hur hanterar SAS kundklagomål? : En kvalitativ studie av den interna processen
It is important that companies knows how to handle a complaint when they receive one from a customer. This information could the company take care of and use when they develop new services. Furthermore a good complain handling leads to satisfied and loyal customers which increases the revenue for the company. We have examined how SAS handle their internal information process and if this process affects the information and in that case how. The study is performed with a qualitative method, based on deep interviews.
Skolan som institution : En processtudie av skolpolitikens skeenden
This thesis has aimed to study steering process and institutionalization in the context of educational policy work. This has been conducted by using empirical material from the political decision-making process that preceded the implementation of a new national program on how principals should be educated and certified. By using an aggregated theoretical point of view containing new institutionalism and traditional Swedish curriculum theory, the process was analyzed from different perspectives. The results depict a process that contained several actors who tried to shape the principal education program differently. From the theoretical perspectives, the decision-making process could be understood as an act of both self-interest as well as trust in their own beliefs and cultural values.
Jämställd hörselvård : Teknisk hörselrehabilitering ur ett könsperspektiv
Idag finns få studier gällande könsskillnader inom hörselvården, däremot finns forskning inom andra vårdområden. Hörselvården består bland annat av rehabilitering, där den tekniska hörselrehabiliteringen är en stor del. Den innefattar främst utprovning av hörapparater och hörseltekniska hjälpmedel. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det finns några skillnader mellan män och kvinnor gällande den tekniska hörselrehabiliteringen. Metoden för studien är kvantitativ och deskriptiv. En journalgenomgång inom ett enskilt landsting genomfördes. Totalt ingick patientjournaler för 56 personer i undersökningen.
Standardisering kontra flexibilitet : En fallstudie av utvecklingsprocesser
Process standardization is a topic that has generated a lot of research and literature. At first, the focus was on production; today processes are used in all different kind of business areas.The aim of this study has been to analyze how processes can be applied on development businesses and how IT systems affect the result of the process. To accomplish this, we have asked questions such as what standardization is in a development process? Why are the processes standardized? What difficulties can appear with standardization? And how the IT-systems affect the result of the process?To answer these questions, we have preformed a case study on Saab. Saab is a well know Swedish company who are working with a project called the GMS-project, where they develop processes to cover the whole company´s business areas.The literature gives the reader an understanding of processes and standardization.
Dialogen mellan hantverkare och material -en undersökning av skaparprocessen
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofiekandidatexamen iKulturvård, Ledarskap i slöjd ochkulturhantverk15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2014:35.