8519 Uppsatser om Rehabilitation process - Sida 9 av 568
Man packar ihop sin väska och där står hon och har lämnat ut hela sitt liv : En studie av professionella aktörers syn på våldsutsatta kvinnors upplevelser av rättsprocessen och deras möjligheter till samhälleligt stöd
The study aims to illustrate how women victims of male violence in intimate relationships are treated during the legal process and with professional perspective describe what women?s experiences considered to be in the legal process. The study also aims to draw attention to the interventions for abused women during the legal process.The results are based on interviews with professionals in the justice system, and on observations in the courtroom. Overall our results show that abused women are in need of a great quantity of help and support before, during and after the negotiation. The legal process is very stressful for the women.
VÅLDTAGEN: ett förpliktigande epitet. En kritisk diskursanalys
Our purpose has been to review and analyse the representation of rape, as well as discussions concerning rehabilitation, present in texts targeted at professionals and/or female victims of rape. We wish to investigate whether female victims of rape themselves are given the opportunity of individual positioning with regard to the crimes they have been exposed to. We consider it to be of relevance that female victims of rape themselves are given the opportunity to act, react and feel individually in the context in which they find themselves, without judgement or certain expectations on how to act being dealt to them from their surroundings. Our research questions have been as follows; what views of the phenomenon that is rape are presented in the texts? Do the texts apply any specific theoretical analysis aimed at the possible explanations of the phenomenon that is rape? In what ways do the texts present the significance of rape for the female rape victim? How are the victims feelings of disgrace, guilt and disgust with regard to rape explained, are these reactions linked to the understanding of female sexuality? How are methods of the rehabilitation of female rape victims presented in the texts? Do the texts render possible any other/varying subject positions as a female rape victim? To answer these research questions we have applied a critical discourse analysis on our selection of texts and thereafter made a connection to relevant theory.
Axelrehabilitering med fokus på Serratus Anterior : en systematisk litteraturstudie av EMG-studier
AimThe aim of this study was to, through a systematic literature review of evidence based electromyographic (EMG) studies, identify specific exercises for rehabilitation of the Serratus Anterior muscle. The research questions were: ?Which exercises can be recommended to use to activate the Serratus Anterior?? and ?Are the recommended exercises altered between studies on individuals with and without shoulder dysfunction??. MethodThe method was a systematic literature review. First the study aim and research questions were formulated. A research protocol was then formulated with inclusion and exclusion criteria and search terms.
Risken för diskriminering pga. etnicitet i samband med rekrytering
The purpose of this study is to investigate ethnic discrimination in the recruitment process. National and international law protect individuals from ethnic discrimination by potential employers during the recruitment process.Despite the laws in place to protect human rights, minorities in society do not have the same opportunities in the labor market as the rest of the population. Minorities continue to have difficulties compared to Swedish nationals in the recruiting process. Highly educated immigrants seeking employment in Sweden continue to report being treated unfairly based on their ethnic background.Ethnic discrimination in the recruiting process is based on prejudice and stereotypes that affect decisions whether it is visible or hidden, intentional or unintentional.Under the law, it is not legal to base a decision on prejudices or stereotypes. Therefore, it is important for the employer to highlight the job requirements to ensure the recruitment process is ethical.
En modell för att kostnadseffektivt öka produktionen inom aluminium-bearbetning
The purpose of this study is from a case study develop a model that aims to cost effectively improve productivity in a manufacturing production process. The study highlights the importance of having knowledge about customer needs and using a holistic process perspective when improving productivity to identify the relations between the process stations and by this find problems that cause waste and losses in productivity. Tools and methods used to make production more efficient such as single minute exchange of die, spaghetti diagram, 5s and master production schedule is presented an applied in the model to see how these effect costs, productivity etc.Maintenance effects on quality and productivity in a manufacturing company will as well be covered in this thesis. The results and conclusions finally reveals how the process improvement tools, maintenance and production planning for example effects each other and why it is important to establish an attitude in the company where continuous process improvement should be emphasized..
Innovationsprocessen : Framgångsfaktorer och hinder
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the innovation process of companies, and to analyse how important success factors and obstacles are in their innovation process.Method: The investigation strategy used for this essay was to interview companies that work with innovations. The essay has a qualitative approach. Both primary ? in the form of interviews - and secondary data ? literature found in books, scientific articles and internet - have been used to achieve our results.Results: The result of this essay is: there is not just one inovation process that is applicable to all companies. On the other hand, there are some guidelines that could be followed in the process.
Medborgarna och demokratin. En fallstudie om medborgardeltagande och medborgarinflytande i Helsingborg utifrån ett deltagardemokratiskt perspektiv
People are given better opportunities to participate in polity today. Democratic equality entails that all individuals are equal and therefore they should be included in the process of making the decisions. How can participation be defined and does it mean that having the possibility to participate means that people can influence the process of making the decisions in polity process?This paper focuses on participation and influence in polity and examine the relationship between having the possibility to participate and having the possibility to actually influence polity process on more local level. Therefore I have been examining the citizens? participation and influence in Helsingborg which is my case study.
Kvinnor, kriminalitet och könsmaktsordning : En kvalitativ studie om återanpassningsarbete på Färingsöanstalten ur ett genusperspektiv
This thesis explore women?s needs when reentering society after having served a sentence at the female prison Färingsö, outside Stockholm and whether those needs are being met in the reentry strategies that are being provided. Parallel to this the thesis also examines if there, based on nonconformity and gender theories, is a socially constructed representation of women maintained in the rehabilitation work.The method of this thesis applied semi-structured interviews and used snowball sampling to expand the network of informants to obtain the data necessary. Totally five interviews were carried out. Previous research has shown that women in prison have much more complex problems than men and that there is a need for reentry strategies that take gender in account.The results showed that in terms of being able to reenter back in society, women needed help to structure a previously chaotic life.
Undersökning av metoder för att analysera och modellera efter stora datamaterial, hantering av programmet SPSS samt en studie i Kronoberg läns gymnasieelevers psykiska ohälsa
The sawmill industry is a relative fragmented industry that is in an economic upswing andwith a hard competition. The customers have high demands on their suppliers and the highcustomer demand make it necessary for the companies to make a streamlining in planningand production. For that reason it is very important that the planning- and productionprocesses aren?t to complex and with a simple structure.The purpose of this report is to study and map out a marked out part of a planning- andproduction process, from adjust works to final delivery, at a company in the sawmill industry.Different methods have been used for the report, among others interviews and subordinatedmaterial.We have mapped out a marked out part of the planning- and production process at theCompany. This part we have studied, and we have analysed the process it self and otherthings connected to the process.We see the planning- and production process in the Company as complex.
Utveckling av dataanalysprogram för Opcon Powerbox
Opcon Powerbox is a product developed by Opcon together with the underlying company SRM (Svenska Rotor Maskiner) where surplus heat from the industry is used through an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC)?process to produce electricity. An ORC-process is a thermodynamic circle process in which a refrigerant is used as the working fluid. The refrigerant makes it possible for the circle process to operate at lower temperatures than the conventional Rankine process.In this master?s thesis a data analysis software for the Opcon Powerbox has been developed in which measurement data is retrieved and handled from the Opcon Powerbox.
SYNS VI I SVERIGE? : En rättssäkerhetsstudie om barn i migrationsprocessen
The current thesis is on the rule of law and how the principles of the rule of law are met in thenew Swedish migration process. The migration process has been subjected to criticism duringseveral years and on different occasions. The migrations process is viewed through a ?rightsof the child? perspective, foremost to seek if the rights of the child are met. The children are avulnerable group, not the least in the process of migration.
?Daddy?, from Vision to Video
?A designer rarely works alone?. The first sentence of Jonas Löwgren and Erik Stolterman's chapter on design as a social process made me curious. What if a designer worked alone? What are the actual differences between working on a project alone and as part of a group? How would it influence the creative process? What would be different when coming up with ideas, meeting with clients and setting deadlines? Does the influence of another designer stifle the individual creativity or does it actually nurish it? This paper is written to answer these and other questions as well as take you through the creative process of the production of ?Daddy? - the music video..
Att skapa former och arenor : Lokal samverkan inom psykiatri/socialpsykiatri
Samverkan inom psykiatri/socialpsykiatri inbegriper organisationer och de professionella roller som utgår ifrån olika lagar och riktlinjer, organisatoriska strukturer samt teoretiska och professionella grunder. Syftet med denna studie är att ge en bild av hur en kommunal socialnämnd och en lokal psykiatrisk verksamhet kan arbeta med en långsiktig strategi för samverkan.Denna fallstudie granskar samverkan mellan psykiatrin och socialtjänsten i en kommun i Stockholms län. Ansatsen är organisationsteoretisk och belyser de strukturer och processer som samverkan innebär. De organisationer som berörs tillhör olika administrativa och politiska sektorer inom landsting respektive kommun och innefattar olika professionella inriktningar såsom läkare, socialsekreterare, sjuksköterskor, psykologer, kuratorer, arbetsterapeuter, boendestödjare, mentalskötare m.fl. Fallstudien omfattar dels en dokumentationsstudie över avtal och rutiner för samverkan, utvärderingar och andra typer av dokumentation samt en intervjustudie av personer med olika professionella roller inom respektive organisation.
Gentrifieringsprocessen : Omvandlingen av nedgångna till attraktiva stadsdelar
Title: The process of gentrification ?the transformation of declined neighbourhoods into attractive ones Gentrification = ?A social process of change where people with high socioeconomic status move into neighbourhoods which traditionally has been dominated by people from the lower classes or from ethnical minorities.? (Nationalencyklopedin 2010).In many cities around the world, disinvested neighbourhoods become the place to be, where everything happens. This usually occurs when different social groups, such as bohemians, homosexuals and artists, move into a declined and disinvested neighbourhood. After a while, people from the middleclass move in to the area due to its increased attractiveness, and start to renovate their properties. This usually leads to higher rents, which force some of the original inhabitants to leave the neighbourhood.
Egenvård och behandling vid recidiverande aftös stomatit
Physiotherapists treat people with different views of the world and medical beliefs, which require a good understanding of cultural differences. One way to achieve cultural understanding is through self-reflection in a new context. During five weeks the authors, two physiotherapy students, completed a clinical practice at the rehabilitation center Pina Palmera, Zipolite, Oaxaca, Mexico. At the beginning of the period a critical incident was chosen, when the head physiotherapist for the ward Cuidados Especiales intended to sell jewellery to the authors during a treatment of a patient. The authors have by using the reflection framework "Framework to guide reflective process", and Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) for analysis, discussed different ways of communication, adherence, education, and self-reflection and critical thinking.