8519 Uppsatser om Rehabilitation process - Sida 11 av 568
En mix av krav: En studie av finansieringsmodeller i ideell sektor
In this thesis a study about funding in civil-society organizations is carried out. The aim is to understand how an organization in civil-society is affected by different forms of financing models. The empirical material in the thesis consists of a case study of three Swedish civil-society organizations (CSO) producing social services in the field of rehabilitation of people with a drug addiction. The case study consists of mainly interviews with people holding a leading position in the three organizations together with a study of for the research question relevant documents. From the empirical material, including an extensive analysis of these organizations different income sources, a partial model of how to categorize and analyze different forms of funding in CSOs is developed.
Förändringen som kom av sig: En fallstudie av kommunikationens roll i en förändringsprocess
This study takes place within a publicly owned art producing organization and dwells on the problems of a change process that the organization was involved in. Both leaders and staff were disappointed by the way the change process had developed. The management team explained the outcome by referring to the uniqueness of working with artists who constantly put their own personal objectives before the benefit of the whole. The aim of this study is to find a complementary explanation to the one the management team provided us with; an explanation that can help in the understanding of the dynamics of a change process. Can perhaps theories on information, communication and change processes give an alternative explanation to why the change process faltered? To investigate this, we have used a qualitative single case study.
The aim of this thesis is to examine whether law reforms in the detailed planning process can be an aspect that gets in conflict with the citizens rights to participate in the Swedish planning through dialogue, and how five chosen municipalities are working with citizen participation. To be able to answer the aim of the thesis a literature study and five semi-structured interviews was performed in purpose to get wide-ranging information from municipal officials working with detailed planning handling. Law changes that aims to make the detailed planning process more efficient has been implemented partly to satisfy the needs of dwellings since the detailed planning process among master builders seems to be slow and inefficient, which to the them means higher costs. The requirement on having a detailed planning program was taken away when the new planning law was adopted year 2011. The planning program was including a moment of citizen dialogue. The case studied municipalities have not been affected in this law change arguing that it?s still possible to bring a program if needed.
Konstnärlig process och måluppfyllelse i Lunds Vokalensemble - "...en lite sån magisk upplevelse"
The aim of this study is to investigate how Lunds Vokalensemble achieves its goals and in which way the goals influence the choir's work. The study also explores the choir's artistic process. Qualitative interviews and observations were used as a method. Four singers and the director participated to the interviews. The results show that the choir's artistic goals have quite an influence on many aspects of the choir's work, both in a musical and a social way.
Mandatfördelning i Sverige
This essay will cover the Swedish electoral system with a focus on the proportional representation andthe process involved from the conversion of votes to seats in the parliament. This process consists ofseveral methods which are created by political decisions as well as mathematical formulas and is notalways perfect in terms of equalization. An increment of six adjustment seats would have made thegeneral election of 2010 more proportioned. Despite this, the Swedish electoral system is wellconstructed and the essay will highlight areas which could be subject for improvement as well asexplaining fundamental concepts of the process..
En gång kriminell, alltid kriminell? : En kvalitativ studie om några som lyckades förändra sina liv
AbstractThe purpose of this study is to examine the process of resocialization for individuals who previously lived as criminals from an individual perspective. The research questions for the essay are: How do individuals in the study describe their process of resocialization? In which way does a support organization affect the process of resocialization for the individual? In which ways do the reactions from society affect the process of resocialization for the individual?To answer these research questions a qualitative method was chosen where six narrative interviews was conducted with men who previously lived as criminals but have been resocialized into society. These men are roughly between the ages of 30-60 years and are all members of a support organization for ex criminals.The results show that the process is divided in four stages and that the support organization has facilitated the process of resocialization of the respondents. Reactions from society both facilitates change using the help of different agencies can contribute, while negative reactions from other individuals makes change difficult.
Arbetsterapeuters arbete med körkorts- och bilanpassningsfrågor för unga funktionshindrade. En pilotstudie om dagsläge och framtid
Att ta körkort och skaffa bil är en självklarhet för många människor. För funktionshindrade kan körkort och bil bidra till ökad mobilitet och självständighet i vardagen. Arbetsterapeuten kan då hjälpa till med körkorts- och bilanpassningsfrågor då detta kan vara en besvärlig process för funktionshindrade. Syftet med studien var att, med stöd av den arbetsterapeutiska arbetsprocessen, undersöka hur arbetsterapeuter arbetar med unga funktionshindrade som vill ta körkort och skaffa bil. I studien deltog två arbetsterapeuter som fortlöpande arbetade med körkort- och bilanpassningsfrågor i en verksamhet som enbart sysslar med den typen av frågor.
Patienters skattning av hindrande smärta och self-efficacy före och efter diskbråcksoperation
Objectives: The purpose of the study was to examine if a pre- and post-operative difference could be seen in self-reported pain disability and self-efficacy among patients undergoing surgery as treatment for spinal disc herniation in order to improve process of rehabilitation.Method: A quantitative and descriptive design was used. 10 patients awaiting surgical treatment for spinal disc herniation were included at Akademiska sjukhuset (The Academic Hospital) in Uppsala. Participation was voluntary and the selection was made by convenience. Data was collected using The Pain Disability Index and Self-Efficacy Scale by which the patient would estimate how hindered they felt because of their pain in everyday activities and their self-efficacy to perform everyday activities. This was done the day before surgery and two weeks after surgery.
Istället för träd : om den kreativa processen
The title of this project: "Istället för träd" translates as "Instead of trees" or "Replacing trees". By looking at different ways of replacing trees in the urban environment through functionality analysis, I study the creative process. To achieve this, I present eleven different ideas, and follow and analyse the process of sketching.
One conclusion about the creative process is that it is a non-linear chain of events influenced by factors like method, external impressions and chance.
A complete design, "Trasmattan" ("The rag") is presented. It consists of a colourful striped carpet made from rubber surfacing covering part of the sidewalks of the central street "Dragarbrunnsgatan" in Uppsala, Sweden.
Det pedagogiska arbetet inom MSI : Utifrån Bolognaprocessen och UPC
The Pedagogical progression within MSI ? Based upon The Bologna Process and UPC.In a near future several of the European countries will begin working after new guidelines concerning a declaration called the Bologna process. Everything will be done one step at a time and the declaration will change the way the students are being graded, all this for the sake of making the European labour-market moreopened for all of its millions of students.In Växjö this process is in the making, but to adapt to the future demands the school must also change its ways of teaching.To increase its quality the University has put together a procedure of actions to improve the pedagogical working method in all its institutions. In this essay we would like to elucidate how the work with the Bologna process is proceeding within the institution of Mathematics and System Engineering and whatthey do improve their pedagogical teaching. By doing a qualitative case study on the student at the Computer Science Program we wish to find the answers to our questions..
"Det är bara för oss att gilla läget" : livsmedelskagstiftning och livsmedelskontroll ur verksamhetsutövarens perspektiv : en kvalitativ studie genomförd i kommunala skolkök
This BSc thesis is a part of an initial step of a collaboration between Skansen and Kenyan Wildlife Service (KWS) and constitutes of an inventory of the Nairobi Animal Orphanage run by KWS. Animal Orphanage takes care of orphaned and injured animals arriving from throughout Kenya. The project started out as a refuge and as a temporary place for animals in need of care and help. With time it has evolved to an establishment that resembles and functions more like an animal zoo. The aim of this inventory is to focus on how the biological needs of Congo grey parrots ( Psittacus erithacus erithacus) and cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) are met, in terms of management and housing.
Sveriges hantering i praktik av EU:s regelverk om samordningen av medlemsländernas sociala trygghetssystem : En fallstudie av svenska offentliga instansers implementering och uppföljning
This essay analyses how Swedish authorities implement the EU regulations on the application of social security schemes and, more specifically, when it comes to health care and sickness benefits. The research is based on a survey and several interviews and aims to answer how the lower echelons of the hierarchy work towards the implementation, what are their working conditions and how the authorities evaluate and optimize the implementation process.The general conclusion of the study is that there are several flaws in the implementation process. The results have shown that there is a lack of resources as well as of tutoring and education amongst the actors. The complexity of the regulations does also seem to have influenced the process. Finally the results have shown that the public instances do not proceed to a systematic evaluation of the implementation process which has led to a bad communication between the different actors as well as to difficulties in improving the flaws in the implementation process..
Omsorgspersonals kunskaper och inställning till de boendes munvård
Physiotherapists treat people with different views of the world and medical beliefs, which require a good understanding of cultural differences. One way to achieve cultural understanding is through self-reflection in a new context. During five weeks the authors, two physiotherapy students, completed a clinical practice at the rehabilitation center Pina Palmera, Zipolite, Oaxaca, Mexico. At the beginning of the period a critical incident was chosen, when the head physiotherapist for the ward Cuidados Especiales intended to sell jewellery to the authors during a treatment of a patient. The authors have by using the reflection framework "Framework to guide reflective process", and Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) for analysis, discussed different ways of communication, adherence, education, and self-reflection and critical thinking.
Irlands ekonomiska uppgång och fall.
Titel: Human being and Christian ? creationtheology of Gustaf Wingren.Analysis of an accentshift from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor.Author: Tove Pilroth.The purpose of the essay is to analyse the meaning and the consequences, in a critical and constructive way, of an accentshift of interpretation and understanding of the gospel, from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor. The purpose is presented in the frame of the creationtheology of Wingren. To be able to make the research and to answer the purpose of the essay, the following questions are essential:The human being is captive and redemption is liberation. If we are serious about that the gospel gives the human being rehabilitation, satisfaction, liberation and a life and a future with God, the essential question is which metaphor, a juridical or a biological, that speaks to the human being in the best way? What is the meaning of an accentshift from a juridical to a biological metaphor? How does the creationtheologhy of Wingren, from a biological metaphor, meets the situation of the existence for the human being, her longing for life, health and meaning? What kind of theological resources are present in the creationtheology of Wingren, in the confrontation with future theological challenges?The essay is stressing the need of pluralism in the interpretation of the gospel.
Elproduktion med ORC-teknik ombord på fartygsserien MK II.
Given that the oil prices have risen and the environmental regulations has become more stringent, the interest in operating efficiency has increased. The project has investigated the possibility of producing electricity from waste heat generated in the diesel process. One technique to utilize and convert energy into electricity is the ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle). This process is based on the Rankine process (the steam process), the difference from the traditional Rankine process is that instead of water as a working medium, an organic substance is used. The main component used in the process is a evaporator, a turbine, a condenser and a pump.