

1162 Uppsatser om Region Skćne. - Sida 19 av 78

Landsbygdens Äterkomst - mÄngsysslare i ny produktion : Löderup och Valleberga socknar om 10 till 15 Är

The essay on ?The revival of the countryside ? a multitalent in landproduction.? focuses on local and regional development within agriculture, foodprocessing and tourism.Due to great changes in society, the inhabitants in rural areas are forced to find alternative occupations. Using history as a tool to build up the future is a main factor in rural development. Apart from this it involves cooperation, resources, cultural heritage and values, entrepreneurship and innovation, economic vitality, and an understanding of markets and marketing. They all contribute to a region`s ability to benefit from rural development..

A survey of cassava plants in the coastal region of Tanzania showing severe symptoms of cassava mosaic disease

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a root crop that plays an important role in many households in Africa. It is sometimes called ?AfricaÂŽs food insurance?. The advantages with the crop are that cassava is drought-resistant and it can grow in a semi-dry land. It is a perennial crop and does not require much labor.

Faktorer som pÄverkar skogsfastigheters pris

Under de senaste 20 Ären har priset pÄ skogsfastigheter ökat dramatiskt. Historiskt sett har priset pÄ skogsfastigheter haft en tydlig koppling till skogens avkastning, men detta samband tycks inte lÀngre gÀlla. Utöver vÀrdet av skogens ekonomiska avkastning, tillkommer idag vÀrdet av ickemonetÀra resurser som tidigare hade en begrÀnsad betydelse för fastigheternas pris. Faktorer som bonitet och Äldersfördelning pÄverkar en skogsfastighets avkastning. Men Àr det sjÀlvklart att dessa faktorer Àven pÄverkar skogsfastigheters pris? Om utvecklingen av fastighetspriset medfört en försvagad koppling mellan avkastning och pris, kan detta dÄ förklaras av att tidigare prispÄverkande faktorer inte lÀngre beaktas i fastighetsvÀrderingarna? Syftet med studien var med bakgrund av detta att undersöka hur ett antal faktorer pÄverkar fastigheters pris; dÀribland Äldersfördelningen och boniteten.

Ingenting Àr sÄ lÀtt att det inte kan bli svÄrt om det görs motvilligt : Organisationers hantering av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön i samband med omorganisering

Precis som mÀnniskor pÄverkas av sin omgivning, pÄverkas Àven organisationer av sin omvÀrld. VÄr tids globalisering och den hÄrda konkurrens som den tillför stÀller allt högre krav pÄ organisationerna att förÀndras i takt med sin omvÀrld för att överhuvudtaget kunna överleva. Men de krav som kan leda till bÄde organisationsstrukturella och ekonomiska problem behöver inte enbart komma genom press utifrÄn, utan kan Àven uppkomma inifrÄn organisationen.Uppsatsen har som syfte att försöka ta reda pÄ hur en organisation hanterar den psykosociala arbetsmiljön som uppstÄr i samband med en omorganisation. Författarna har velat se om det gÄr att urskilja tendenser till hur man bÀst hanterar alla de kÀnslor som uppkommer hos de drabbade medarbetarna i samband med en förÀndringsprocess. Uppsatsen Àmnar Àven att söka svar pÄ hur ledningen uppfattar det kÀnslospektra som utspelar sig hos de medarbetare som utsÀtts för en organisationsförÀndring.Undersökningen som genomförts har haft en abduktiv ansats dÀr datainsamlingen varit kvalitativ i form av en fallstudie.

Upphandling av vintervÀghÄllning

AbstractThis report was undertaken at the request of the Management and maintenancedepartment of Swedish National Road Authority (VÀgverket Region Sydöst) inJönköping.In 1992, the management and maintenance of Swedish roads were laid out onexternal contractors. When putting out a tender for the work, the foundation isfrom a national set of rules which are in constant change. This report is limited towinter road upkeep.The trend in the invitation for tenders is that it is moving from the moreconventional executional demands towards the less controlling demands. Thedownside of functional, less controlling demands is that it is difficult to articulatehow to measure them. The order authority therefore has to find ways to makesure to get what has been paid for.In connection to the invitation for tender of winter road upkeep for 2005, the newset of rules, ATB Vinter 2003 was deployed.The main purpose of this thesis is to see which the big changes in the set of rulesare and how these changes affect the organisation and activities of the contractor.It is also studied how the changes in execution is perceived by road users and howit affects the possibilities of the contractor to come as a newcomer to a new areaof administration.Interviews and examination of sets of rules has led to a list of a number ofchanges that the contractors feel affect their work in any sense.Views from road users that have come in to the order authority have beenscrutinized to see how they have experienced the change.

Analys samt förslag till effektivsering av patientflödet vid en vÄrdcentral

In the year of 2009 the conditions for managing primary healthcare in the region of VÀstra Götalandchanged. The decision was taken by the regional assembly and resulted in that the citizens since thenhave had the opportunity to choose which health care provider they preferto stay with. Along with thisdecision a new market for private health careproviders was established, which resulted inincreasedcompetition between the providers.In order to manage the competition, the health care providers arenow forced to be more efficient in their operations andalso to beeven more focused on their patients.Backa LÀkarhusgruppen is an example of a private healthcare provider in the region of VÀstra Götaland.In the same way it is also an example of anorganizationin need of analysing their operations to seehowit can be further optimized to meet patient needs and expectations.The aim of this study is to analyse Backa LÀkarhusgruppen?s organization and its operationsin the hopeoffinding suggestions whichwill improve the patient flow.To allocate and solve the problems thatBacka LÀkarhus suffer from,an approach inspired by Lean Healthcare is used throughout the report.Some of themost significant problems that were identified within the organization are:?The synchronization of demand and capacity is inadequate.?Absence of standardized routines.?Absence of present leadership.To be able to improve the patient flow Backa LÀkarhus needs to handle these identified problem areas.By synchronizing the staffing level in relation to the trends in demand a reduction in the patient?swaiting times and throughput time will be possible. Creating clear responsibilities and routines for thestaff will contribute to a higher degree of patient focus and thus lead to a more efficient patient flow.

Produktionskalkylen som managementverktyg och

I dagens samhÀlle spelar ekonomi en viktig roll oavsett om det handlar om företagsekonomi, samhÀllsekonomi eller den egna privata ekonomin. Inom olika företag strÀvar ledare hela tiden efter att fÄ företagen mer lönsamma genom att försöka utveckla och effektivisera verksamheten. Inom byggbranschen kan den ekonomiska utvecklingen av ett projekt övervakas med hjÀlp av olika styrverktyg. Ett av de viktigaste styrverktygen Àr projektets budget. En regelbunden avstÀmning av de verkliga kostnaderna mot budgeten ger kontroll över projektets ekonomi och visar vilken slutkostnad projektet vÀntas fÄ.

Teknikimplementering vid muddringsprojekt : Viktiga faktorer vid teknikval samt olika aktörers betydelse i processen

There are today large amounts of contaminated sediments in the Baltic Sea. These contaminants are the result of many years industrial activity where the contaminants have not been taken care of and just released out in the water. When ports want to dredge in their fairways and harbor areas the contaminated sediments need to be considered since they are a environmental risk. The development in this area has been slow and new techniques have just recently made its way into dredging operations in the Baltic Sea region. As a result of this there are no clear methods for implementing new techniques today.

Marknadsföring av lokal mat : en fallstudie av tre livsmedelsproducenter

The process of food production has changed dramatically over the past one hundred years. Industrialization has led to large units of production, manufacturing, distribution, marketing and retail business. The final food product, in this system, is quite often fairly anonymous and the consumer will most likely know very little concerning the origin of the product. In recent years, the market for locally produced food has grown. There is an increasing interest in and demand for locally produced food items.

HĂ„llbar destinationsutveckling : En fallstudie av ÜrgĂŒp, Turkiet

This bachelor thesis concerns a region in central Turkey ? Cappadocia - and its need of a sustainable tourism development. A town called ÜrgĂŒp is located in the centre of this region, which mainly consist of a rich geographic, cultural and historic access.Our focus in this essay will be concerning ÜrgĂŒp and the importance of a sustainable tourism development. Our intensions are to examine what ÜrgĂŒp has to offer as a tourist locality and how ÜrgĂŒp can maximise its visitors through a sustainable development. We also examine how the locality can be developed in a tourist perspective.

RESURSERS BETYDELSE FÖR ETT FÖRBÄTTRINGSARBETE- förutsĂ€ttningar för skapandet av en lĂ€rande organisation

I den hÀr utvÀrderingen har vi undersökt hur de medverkande i ett förbÀttringsarbete har upplevt specificerade resursers inverkan pÄ arbetsprocessen i förbÀttringsprojektet. Vi har ocksÄ undersökt hur vÀl de resurserna överensstÀmmer med teorier om vilka förutsÀttningar som Àr viktiga för att skapa en lÀrande organisation enligt vÄr teoretiska ram. UtifrÄn vÄra resultat har vi ocksÄ valt att komma med nÄgra förslag pÄ förbÀttringar för framtida projekt. UtvÀrderingen har genomförts i en verksamhet som har implementerat Genombrottsmetoden i samarbete med Region SkÄne Utvecklingscentrum. Respondenterna utgjordes av sammanlagt 21 personer fördelat pÄ teamdeltagare, deras respektive enhetschefer och handledare.

VÀrdeskapande organisk tillvÀxt

Denna uppsats kartlÀgger de centrala faktorerna som pÄverkar styrelsens storlek i noterade större bolag.Ett flertal variabler har identifierats som centrala för styrelsestorleken. De frÀmsta faktorerna Àr ökat intresse för styrelsens funktion bland allmÀnheten, ökad opinion kring mÄngfald i styrelsen samt förÀndring av styrelsens funktion.

Prestation i traktplanering

This study was an assignment for the company Holmen which is located in the region of Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. The study was focusing on the responsibilities of a forestry planner during the planning season. The study was investigating about how much time the planner spent in the office, in the car and out in the forest. Any other issues that would cause delays were also identified. To be more effective and to increase the number of objects to a district bank, a better preparation in the planning stage (for thinning?s or clear cuts) is needed as well as faster transition on to the next area.

Flen : Om stagnation i skuggan av Stockholm

This thesis aims at analyzing why the municipality of Flen, in the eastern part of Sweden, has experienced strong depopulation for the last forty years in spite of its relative vicinity to Stockholm. The study uses current theories on regional developement, population theory and theories on regional enlargment to help explain and to evaluate the different regional factors that affect the developement of Flen on the local level. The thesis is primarily focused on the subject of regional policy and strategies to meet regional depopulation. The study also gives a presentation of the strategies of major regional institutions as well as analyzing what impact regional policy have on local policy in the municipality of Flen.Interviews with local officials, politicians and other people representing the population of Flen were carried out to achieve a better understanding of the specific challenges that the municipality faces and of the measures that are taken to meet them. Regional policy in Sweden prioritises measures that promote regional enlargment to link the housing and labour markets together with the regional infrastructure.

Framtidens stadstrÀd för en fungerande grönstruktur

The effect of climate change places demands on how we build cities. Cities have to be built denser to meet the objectives of sustainability but as a result of this densification city green areas are at risk of exploitationand disappearing. The question this raises is whether there has to be an opposition between a dense and a green city?Urban trees are playing a very important role in cities. They stand as the major part of the vegetation in citieswhich are otherwise dominated with concrete and stone.

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