

258 Uppsatser om Recruitment - Sida 4 av 18

Magkänsla mot matematik : Kan mekanisk rekrytering förhindra diskriminering?

The aim of this study was to investigate if a mechanical Recruitment process could be a useful tool for employers to avoid discrimination. National and international law protect jobseekers from discrimination during the recruiting process. Despite this individuals frequently report that they are treated unfairly when they apply for a job. In line with this research shows that some individuals do not have the same opportunities in the labour market as the rest of the population. This study focus on discrimination based on ethnicity, age, gender or disability.Today most of the hiring decisions are based on employers professional judgement.

På jobbfronten mycket nytt. Hur skuld och gemenskap påverkar utfallet för Försvarsmaktens rekryteringskampanjer.

Since the first of July 2010, military training in Sweden is no longer mandatory. Ever since then the Swedish Armed Forces have needed to attract people interested in serving as soldiers, in new ways. The campaigns for doing so have been much debated and discussed in Swedish media. This thesis tests how an increased presence of guilt and belongingness in the Swedish Armed Forces Recruitment campaigns affects young people - how their attitude toward the Swedish Armed Forces possibly changes as well as their intention of applying to military training. Guilt and belongingness were chosen for several reasons.

Skilda världar ? Herrklubben kontra föredömet : En studie om rekryteringsprocessen till bolagsstyrelser i börsbolag och statligt helägda bolag

Background: Female representation on boards is an ongoing debate. The European Parliament voted in November 2013 in favour of a proposal that it should be at least 40 percent women on company boards by 2020. Jens Spendrup, president of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, was interviewed on Swedish Radio in February 2014 and stated that there are not enough qualified women to recruit to the company boards. The listed companies in Sweden only have 22 percent of women in their company boards and given Jens Spendrup?s statement should they have difficulty reaching up to 40 percent by 2020.

En arbetsmarknad för äldre arbetstagare? : -Om åldersdiskriminering riktad mot äldre i arbetslivet

The purpose of this essay is to examine for the age discrimination towards older people in the working life. The essay practice EU-law and national law to examine the age discrimination. It also looks for the limits towards age discrimination. A presentation of the rules will make it easier to see how employers are possible to get around the ban against age discrimination. This essay also illustrates how age discrimination emerges in Recruitment processes and then how to discourage age discrimination.

Finns det ett samband mellan rekryteringskvalite? och soldatkvalite?

The Swedish Armed Forces have undergone a significant change where we have gone from Recruitment through duty and replaced it with a voluntary based defence. Across Europe, countries that have undergone the same type of change demonstrate change in the quality of those recruited. The focus in this paper is how Recruitment quality looks in Sweden after three years of volunteer based defence and if officers at P7 can see a change in quality on those recruited. This work aims to investigate whether soldier quality has changed from conscription recruited to voluntary recruited soldiers. The question that the work tries to answer is whether one can see a change in quality in soldiers and in that case how.The result can be summarized as one begins to see a change in recruiting quality but it is not something that is visible at the regiments.

Rätt chef på rätt plats : Hur går rekryteringsprocessen till, vilka riktlinjer följs och vad krävs av en chef?

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur rekryteringsprocessen vid anställning av chef går till samt vikten av organisatorisk och personlig matchning av chef och företag. Författarna är även intresserade av betydelsen av psykologiska kontrakt i rekryteringssammanhang. Studien är inriktad mot rekryteringsföretag specialiserade på chefsrekrytering som organisationsmässigt skiljer sig så mycket som möjligt från varandra för att få en bredare syn. Undersökningen har delats in i olika områden som består av rekryteringsprocessen, meriter och personlighet samt organisatorisk passform. Studien är utförd genom intervjuer på sju deltagande rekryteringsföretag belägna i Mälardalen.


The value of a company's employees is considered to be higher and more important for a business success than ever. Losing employees is not only a loss of valuable knowledge, it also implies a significant cost related to the Recruitment of new employees. To attract potential personnel, it is important for the companies to understand how to communicate with talents. Choosing a communication medium for a job advertisement is not easy when new options constantly arise. Despite the development of new communication mediums and channels, such as social mediums, the traditional communication medias still remain available.

Konsumentreklam som skapar framtidsutsikter - En kvantitativ studie om hur ökad annonsansträngning i konsumentreklam skapar bättre framtidsutsikter för annonsörens anställda

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how consumer advertising has an effect on other groups than the intended, the so-called extended audience of advertising. Previous research shows that consumer advertising can influence investors and employees of a company as well as affect the attractiveness of a company as a potential employer. In addition, research shows that more perceived cognitive effort in advertising results in positive signaling effects for consumers. This study aims to further build on these concepts in order to gain additional understanding of how consumer advertising can influence extended audiences. More specifically, it examines if more (versus less) effort in advertising can improve the future prospects on the labor market for an employee of the advertising company, by looking at Recruitment consultants as an extended audience.

Anställningsintervjun och dess personbedömningsmetoder en jämförelse mellan internrekryterare och rekryteringskonsulter

The employment interview is an important part of the Recruitment process because the recruiter then has a chance to form an opinion about the applicant as a person. The purpose with this study has been to examine if there are any differences between inhouse-recruiters and recruiting consultants concerning the employment interview and its assessment methods. Five inhouse-recruiters and five recruiting consultants have been interviewed on the basis of a manual. There are differences between the groups in 6 of the 17 themes that have been examined: purpose with the employment interview, private-, double- or panelinterview, length of the interview, personal chemistry, appearance and objectivity in the assessment. Many of the differences are caused by the fact that inhouse-recruiters recruit for their own organisation and recruiting consultants recruit for a client.


Because of the currently large Recruitment needs within the Swedish nuclear powerindustry, it is necessary to recruit trainers from other Recruitment groups than that ofexperienced operators at nuclear power plants. The foundation for a trainingprogram regarding these Recruitment groups, here called ?aspirants?, has in this thesisbeen prepared. It contains a suggestion for main topics in the program. It also includesdiscussion on the balance between forms of education and a concrete example ofhow a lesson could be performed.These suggestions has been developed through analysis of interviews and surveyresponses from student groups most suited for the propositioned trainee program,and individuals with service as a trainer or closely linked to training activities withinthe industry.The analysis suggests that the candidates gets, besides the opportunity to practice asoperating staff before the theoretical training begins, a training program, tightly boundto the power plant with multiple instances of practice and the chance of going intothe power plant and see how things that are being raised in theory, look in real life.The practice, in addition to helping to create an understanding of the plant, it will facilitate networking with the operations staff to build a relationship and trust.Candidates should have plenty of opportunity to educate and see both other aspirantsand experienced trainers train.

Effekten av neutrala påståenden på social önskvärdhet i självskattningsformulär

This study investigated the effect different contexts have on personality items when they are framed more neutrally. The study was based on a five-factor personality inventory originating from International Personality Item Pool. The inventory consisted of 50 original and 50 neutral personality items and in addition 28 items measuring social desirability. The sample consisted of 150 students from the Department of Psychology, Lund. The students were divided into three instruction groups differing in context.

Social kompetens och arbetsliv i förändring- en studie om rekryteringsprocessen i offentlig sektor

Social kompetens är ett relativt modernt uttryck som allt oftare förekommer i olika sammanhang i arbetslivet. Den offentliga sektorn har genomgått stora förändringar de senaste 20- 30 åren, och detta har bidragit till att arbetssökande nu bedöms på ett annat sätt av arbetsgivare. Numera är det mycket vanligare att en arbetssökande värderas mer efter sina personliga egenskaper än sina formella kvalifikationer. Studiens syfte är att undersöka samt ge exempel på hur förändringen inom den offentliga sektorn under de senaste decennierna har påverkat rekryteringsprocessen samt vilken roll social kompetens spelar i dagens rekryteringsförfarande inom statliga myndigheter. Undersökningens ambition är att till viss del öka förståelsen för ett av samhällsforskare redan identifierat problem, och kanske även synliggöra några av de möjliga ?dolda? funktioner som begreppet i praktiken skulle kunna fylla.

Social kompetens och arbetsliv i förändring- en studie om rekryteringsprocessen i offentlig sektor

Social kompetens är ett relativt modernt uttryck som allt oftare förekommer i olika sammanhang i arbetslivet. Den offentliga sektorn har genomgått stora förändringar de senaste 20- 30 åren, och detta har bidragit till att arbetssökande nu bedöms på ett annat sätt av arbetsgivare. Numera är det mycket vanligare att en arbetssökande värderas mer efter sina personliga egenskaper än sina formella kvalifikationer. Studiens syfte är att undersöka samt ge exempel på hur förändringen inom den offentliga sektorn under de senaste decennierna har påverkat rekryteringsprocessen samt vilken roll social kompetens spelar i dagens rekryteringsförfarande inom statliga myndigheter. Undersökningens ambition är att till viss del öka förståelsen för ett av samhällsforskare redan identifierat problem, och kanske även synliggöra några av de möjliga ?dolda? funktioner som begreppet i praktiken skulle kunna fylla.

Ridskolehästens hållbarhet : hur länge stannar hästarna i verksamheten?

SUMMARYThe riding school horse is the base for the riding school. Riding schools are looking for a suitable horse that meets their demands for exterior, age, education, temperament, price and sustainability. Many different aspects may define the sustainability of the riding school horse; of them is how long life the riding school horse has in riding school activity. Previous studies have shown that the riding schools requirements are 8-12 years life span in the riding school.The purpose of this study was to describe the Swedish riding school horse life span in riding schools and at what age the riding school horses were recruited, disposed and the reasons for disposal. Information about the riding school horse life span in riding schools and reasons for disposal can provide important understanding regarding the importance of health for the riding school horse, riding school economy and profitability in the riding school.

Kompetensbaserad rekrytering : En kvalitativ studie om chefers upplevelse av kompetensbaserad rekrytering i Region Jönköpings län

Syftet med studien är att undersöka rekryterande chefers uppfattning om verktyget kompetensbaserad rekrytering (KBR) samt utfallet av implementeringen av verktyget i Region Jönköpings län. Studien har även ett övergripande syfte att undersöka om chefers attityder påverkar användningen av verktyget. Datainsamlingen är av kvalitativt slag och samlats in via semistrukturerade intervjuer som tolkats med en hermeneutistisk ansats.Studiens resultat visar att större delen av cheferna generellt har en positiv inställning till KBR. Majoriteten upplever att verktyget har hjälp dem att få en tydlig struktur vid rekrytering vilket bidrar till att cheferna ser till kompetensen och vågar frångå sin magkänsla. Enligt cheferna bidrar verktyget till att rekryteringsprocessen blir kvalitetssäkrad och motverkar felrekryteringar.

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