

260 Uppsatser om Recruitment - Sida 5 av 18

Snedrekrytering och mansdominans som organisationskulturellt fenomen

The purpose of this paper is to present a possible understanding of why the company Tekola is segregated according to sex. In accordance to this purpose, an understanding of how the segregation affects the employees in relation to power, values and possibilities is discussed. The theoretical understanding is that the organization of men and women within Tekola is done in close connection to creation of the meaning of gender in Tekola. This, in turn, affects and is affected by the Recruitment to and within the company. Through the study of statistics from a survey, five interviews with employees and former employees and Tekolas? equality plan, we are able to see the possible existence of a glass ceiling, and a culture of homosociality, which affects the possibilities of women to enter the company and also to gain full entrance to power-positions in a negative way.

Rekryteringsstrategier för företag inom skogssektorn : en undersökning om hur skogsbrukande och träförädlande företag bygger sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke

The forest industry is anonymous among the young people of today. Many youngsters do not know what the forest industry has to offer. As a result of this, many schools and forest have a weak Recruitment. This is not a problem for Sweden and the forest industry only, many other businesses companies suffer from in Sweden and other countries in Europe share the same image problem. The interest and values of young people drives them to look for opportunities in other betterknown sectors with better image and reputation. Many companies report having problems with recruiting the best and right employees and fear that the recruiting-problems will increase when the older generation born in the 1940?s will retire.

personalomsättning inom snabbmatsrestauranger

AbstractBackgroundEvery company has some kind of employee turnover and we can tell that som business has higher employee turnover than other business. Employee turnover is individual for all companies but in companies that is in the same business simularities can be seen. The employee turnover in the line of business hotel, merchandise trade and restaurants was according to Confederation of Swedish Enterprise closer to 40 % during the period of 2006-2007 and close to the business with highest turnover, the service sector. This is comparable to the buildning activity that with it?s 22 % is one of the business with lowest turnover.

Akademikers "moment 22" : - En studie som underso?ker rekryterares insta?llning till ho?gskole-­ och universitetsutbildade kandidater utan arbetslivserfarenhet.

The main purpose of recruiting is to find a job candidate who meets the demands of formal and informal competence at the same time as the candidate should be seen as the right person to the right place. Several job advertisements in the areas of finance and administration has at least two years of work experience as a demand before individuals can be seen as an appropriate job-candidate, hence it becomes a sort of ?catch-22? for graduates with no prior work experience. The purpose of this study is to create a better understanding for recruiters? approach and attitude to hiring individuals who only have a university degree.

Scenarier för rekrytering av ridskolehästar år 2020

It is important to ensure and develop the Swedish model for riding schools, since the pupils at a Swedish riding school learn both to ride and to handle horses. There is a pronounced problem of stagnation and in some cases a reduced demand in several of the equine industry sectors including breeding with decreased coverings. The aim of this study was to cast light on how representatives from the horse industry looks at riding schools and their Recruitment of horses in the next five years. The research issue was ?Will there be difficulties regarding horse Recruitment in 2020 and in that case, what are the consequences?? The results of this work consist mostly of material from a workshop on how the riding school will be affected by reduced breeding in the future.

En analys av hur subjektspositioneringar kan påverka rekryteringsprocessen via internet

The purpose of this thesis was to study descriptions of companies on their webpages on the Internet. This was performed from a socialconstructionist point of view with focus being on subject positionings and gender. A critical discourse analysis was carried out on two texts from the webpages of two organizations on the Internet. Using the three dimensional model for critical discourse analysis by Fairclough, the discourses and subject positionings that the texts included could be revealed. The purpose of this thesis was also to point out the importance of the use of language in recruiting personnel and to hopefully encourage organizations to put effort into text production to avoid discrimination.

Analys av NFL drafting och faktorers inverkan

American football is a well-known sport in America. In addition to the design and rules of the game and the surface it is played on, there are also other differences that are not directly visible. One difference noted in this study is how the teams in the game provide players. Each team has a board of directors together with the team's leadership and they will determine which players are most suitable for the team. These players are recruited to the team after graduating from a U.S.

Ett kognitivt branschperspektiv : Bemanningsbranschen

Background: The way in which corporate managers interpret, reason and evaluate uncertainties and constant changes, and how they take advantage of their experiences and wisdom can make a big difference for the long term survival of their companies. The requirements for efficiency and flexibility have increased in many ways, especially concerning the workforce needed and its degree of competency. In Sweden, employee recruiting industry has grown concurrently with the changes in the Swedish economy. Purpose: The purpose is to better understand the recruiting industry by performing a theoretical evaluation from a cognitive perspective. Delimitation: We intended to study the cognitive characteristics of the Swedish Recruitment industry.

Rätt person på rätt plats

Title: The perfect candidate ? the selection process in a global organization.Authors: Kariin Adolfsson and Simon LeetsaarIn today's society, it becomes increasingly current with correct person on correct place in theworking life. What requires knowledge about how to recruit in a professional manner andreliable ways. In many bigger organizations, there is today a human resources department thatonly works with Recruitment of new employees. The purpose with our research is to describepersonnel selection process in a big swedish organization, how they work throughout theentire process.

Maybe it would be better if I was Swedish: En studie av internationella mastersstudenter i Sverige och deras utmaningar och m?jligheter p? arbetsmarknaden

Recent changes in Swedish law suggest new groups of ?desired? labor migrants, which international students is an example of. Despite this, international students in Sweden have received little previous attention in the literature. The current study focused on international master students? experiences of job searching in Sweden and challenges they face in job searching, Recruitment, and workplaces.

Skapa ditt digitala skyltfönster : En studie om skapandet och betydelsen av dendigitala identiteten i mediebranschen

Googling their employees and job seekers are becoming more common andin that we live our lives more and more on the internet it becomes moreimportant how we act and to think about what you publish on the internet.Each time you press a key, will leave a digital footprint behind and thereforeit?s important to know how to deal with this. The purpose was to describehow a person strategically can proceed to build an identity on the internet toget benefits in the job seeking process in the media industry and to describethe importance of the digital identity in the Recruitment process in a smallertown. We?ve used a qualitative approach and made eight interviews withrecruiters from the media and also people who have built a digital identity.We?ve used Bauman?s theory about consumer society, Montoya?s eight lawsof personal branding and also theories about profiling, and communicationsplanning to analyze the material.

Att välja rekryteringsmetod. Varför välja den ena framför den andra?

Det är idag vanligt förekommande att studera på högskola och en akademisk utbildning är ofta ett krav i en platsannons. Vi har valt att studera hur mycket vikt som läggs vid utbildning, kunskaper och egenskaper vid en rekrytering inom bankbranschen och även se till hur en rekryteringsprocess genomförs. Studiens fokus ligger således på hur rekryteringsarbetet sker. Rapporten utgår ifrån frågeställningen: Hur sker rekrytering i bankbranschen? Vilka kunskaper och erfarenheter värderas och varför är det så?För att undersöka huruvida den teoretiska referensramen inom ämnet stämmer överens med verkligheten har undersökningen genomförts med hjälp av en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod.

Avel för hållbarhet och livslängd hos köttdjur

The purpose of this literature study was to investigate the possibilities to improve longevity and stayability of beef cattle with breeding. The breeding goal for beef breeds is to produce animals with high capacity for growth and good feed efficiency. Longevity and sustainability are two important features to include in the breeding goal. If longevity is increased each cow can produce more calves and the number of female calves used for Recruitment can be reduced and only the best heifers need to be selected for breeding. The benefits of longer life is that it lowers the costs of Recruitment animals, it increases the number of young animals that become available for slaughter, and it increases the proportion of high producing animals in the herds.

Vem får jobbet? : En studie om de kompetenser som efterfrågas för yrket inköpsassistent

I den här uppsatsen undersökts det hur rekryteringsprocessen av inköpsassistenter ser ut i teori och praktik och vilka kompetenser yrket efterfrågar. Ämnet är aktuellt då yrkesrollen som inköpsassistent är svår att definiera och teori har påvisat att rekrytering försvåras av det faktum. Det kan i sin tur leda till felrekryteringar som kan ge stora konsekvenser i ett företag. Ämnet är också relevant då förändringar inom modebranschen har påverkat yrkesrollerna inom branschen i hög takt vilket resulterat i att samma yrkesroll har olika innebörd på olika företag. Förändringar ställer högre och delvis helt nya krav på rekryterare inom branschen.

Lika lön, oavsett kön? : En studie av kommunanställdas lönegap 2001-2013

Culture is seen as an abstract phenomenon, not easily defined. It is cathegorized as something that affects every person, though it is seldom described how. This study adress how culture, in the form of basic assumptions and accepted behaviors and ways to think affected how young coaches formed their leadership under the influence of their organization. The possible implications for the importance of knowing about ones culture in an organization affect both the Recruitment process in organizations and what the organization stands for and what is conveyed through values and ways to act in the organization. The purpose of this study was, through the use of semi-structured interviews with young coaches and organizational leaders and a review of policys, to get the perspective and experiences of young coaches regarding cultural influence on their leadership.

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