

260 Uppsatser om Recruitment - Sida 10 av 18

Social rekrytering ur arbetssökandes perspektiv ? en känslomässig upplevelse.

Ur ett arbetsgivarperspektiv visar tidigare forskning en alltigenom positiv bild av rekrytering via sociala medier, vilket kan förklara dess ökade popularitet. För en arbetssökande däremot kan social rekrytering upplevas som ett hot mot integriteten, eftersom personlig information exponeras för arbetsgivaren. Syftet med denna enkätstudie var därför att öka kunskapen om arbetssökandes inställning till och emotionella upplevelse av social rekrytering utifrån demografiska aspekter. Resultatet från de icke-parametriska testerna visade på en något ambivalent inställning, men med positiva förtecken. Ett samband framkom mellan upplevd nytta och den generella inställningen, men även ålder hade en inverkan på attityden.

Career Event - jobb i sikte?

Syftet med detta arbete var att ta reda på hur många studenter i avgångsklasserna vid Sjöfartshögskolan som fick en anställning via Career Event 2012 och studenternas uppfattningar om mässans funktion som en plattform för yrkesmässiga kontakter med företagen inför framtiden. I sökandet efter tidigare arbeten hittades ingen liknande undersökning. Däremot hittades ett arbete som under rekryteringsmässorna Career Event och Sjölog 2011, undersökte rederiernas framtida behov av arbetskraft. Arbetet Career Event ? Jobb i sikte försöker komplettera den bilden genom att här presentera hur det faktiska utfallet blev året 2012.

Förskollärar(ens) identitet : En studie kring hur förskollärar(ens) roll formuleras och definieras i en förskoleverksamhet i förändring

In this thesis recruiter?s attitudes and usage of social media within the media business has been examined. The purpose was to find out whether a certain type of behavior in social media could or could not lead to a future employment. How much weight is put on the virtual identity and what does recruiters look for when the look someone up on the internet. Personal interviews with recruiters were done in six different media companies in Stockholm to find out how they used social media when searching and employing new employers.

En studie om hur några musikpedagoger utformar sin musikundervisning för att tillgodose och möta elevers och barns kulturella bakgrunder.

In this thesis recruiter?s attitudes and usage of social media within the media business has been examined. The purpose was to find out whether a certain type of behavior in social media could or could not lead to a future employment. How much weight is put on the virtual identity and what does recruiters look for when the look someone up on the internet. Personal interviews with recruiters were done in six different media companies in Stockholm to find out how they used social media when searching and employing new employers.

Lika barn leka bäst, men olika barn uppfinner de roligaste lekarna : En studie om hur företag kan rekrytera medarbetare med samma värderingar som företaget

ABSTRACTThis thesis aims to explain how companies and organizations can form their recruitingprocess to successfully recruit people with the same values as the company ororganisation. We have conducted this thesis because we consider it to be of relevancedue to limited research on the subject. To fulfill the purpose of this thesis we havefocused on one main issue. That is how companies can shape their recruiting process torecruit people with the same values as the company. Our ambition is to describe thissubject from a recruiting perspective with the values in focus.

"Man måste brinna för det man gör": en studie av arbetsledarnas arbetssituation inom handikapp- och äldreomsorgen i Halmstad kommun.

The focus in this paper was on managers in the middle position in the care of the elderly and people with disabilities. The aim was to develop knowledge about the conditions of work among managers in the middle position and what they characterized as good leadership and which strategies they used in their work. The empirical data consisted of nine qualitative interviews with managers in the middle position in the municipality of Halmstad.The frameworks that mainly limited the middle managers' discretion were laws, political regulations and most of all it was the allocated budget. Their discretion was found closer to the operation such as working methods, Recruitment and changes in job schedules. The middle managers spent the majority of their working hours with personnel administrative work and that they often had to prioritise among their tasks.

Individ i rotation - Om motiveringar för valet att söka utlandstjänst inom Sveriges försvarsmakt

The Swedish military is trough the rescindment of military conscription on the 1 July 2010 taking a defining step towards a professional army. They stand before big Recruitment challenges, not least to its foreign missions. This thesis aims to examine the motivations of individuals for going on missions abroad with the military. The thesis is built on seven qualitative interviews with individuals who have done foreign missions and is planning further rotations. The theory used is Fabrizio Battistellis motivation theory and a form of discourse analysis.

Personlighetens inverkan på aktivt och passivt jobbsökande, karriärambition och arbetstillfredställelse

Previous research has focused limited attention on how personality affects job search for university educated people in work and no studies have focused on the difference between active and passive job seekers. This survey-based study that examined university educated economists and engineers with 5-25 years of experience, showed that career ambition mediated active job search for the personality dimensions of openness, agreeableness and extraversion and also gave clear evidence that active job seekers have lower levels of job satisfaction, and higher levels of career ambition, agreeableness and extraversion, compared with passive job seekers. These findings provide a more nuanced picture of the impact of different Recruitment strategies and provide a starting point for in-depth studies on passive job seekers.

Könsmärkning och statusrelevans i folkbiblioteksvärlden

The main purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine gender division in public libraries by reviewing literature and interviewing eight public librarians and two chief librarians. The reason why we decided to investigate this topic is the lack of research concerning sex-segregation in library and information science. By choosing this subject we intend to deepen the understanding of the significance of gender both within the public library and of the occupation in general. Some researchers claim that the low status of librarianship is a result of the large proportion of women in the profession. We want to find out how our informants view the relation between professional status and female domination.

Saklighet, öppenhet och profilering : arbete med information och marknadsföring på Linköpings universitet

With this essay we have had the intention of observing Linköping University as an example of a public authority undergoing change. In the information society of today, the increasing competition and internationalization affects, not only companies and organizations, but also the public sector. After having been concerned with neutral information spread only, according to"the third mandate", employees at the Department of Information at Linköping University has also started dealing with marketing, so as to increase the Recruitment of students. As a result of this, the work team has been divided into an editorial staff and a department with emphasis on market issues. To strengthen the trademark of Linköping University one has chosen to mediate certain values representative for the university - an interdisciplinary and innovative approach and an entrepreneurial spirit.

Ompositionering av varumärken : en strategisk fråga

Background: Brand strategy tends to become an important management issue. It is therefore interesting to reach a greater understanding about how companies work to make their existing brands stronger. The purpose of a brand is to influence the customers? view of the brand image. The literature is insufficient concerning how leaders handle the process of repositioning a brand, in order to change the brand image.

Rekryteringsprocessen- ett hinder för jämställdhet? : En fallstudie av ett företag där kvinnor är underrepresenterade

Ur ett internationellt perspektiv anses Sverige vara ett jämställt land. Trots detta finnsen utpräglad könssegregering på arbetsmarknaden som ett resultat av traditionellaföreställningar om vad som är kvinnliga och manliga yrken. Träindustrin harhistoriskt sett varit en mansdominerad bransch och det är fortfarande svårt för kvinnoratt få anställning inom den branschen. Vid rekrytering av personal finns möjligheterför företag att förändra den demografiska strukturen hos arbetsstyrkan.Med denna bakgrund ämnade denna studie att undersöka rekryteringsprocessen ur ettjämställdhetsperspektiv på ett utvalt företag inom träindustrin. Företaget har delat insina anställda under två yrkeskategorier, tjänstemän och kollektivpersonal.Underrepresentationen av kvinnor är mest märkbar bland kollektivpersonal och därförstuderades skillnader i hur rekryteringsprocessen ser ut mellan yrkeskategorierna.Studiens resultat visade att jämställdhetsperspektivet inte beaktas i samtliga momentav rekryteringsprocessen.

Personlighet + Utseende = Instrumentval? : Finns det en föreställning om hur en person som spelar ett visst instrument ser ut och vilken personlighet denna person har?

I mitt examensarbete har jag valt att undersöka de tankar som finns kring vem som spelar vilket instrument. Vilka ord, som har med utseende respektive personlighet att göra, förknippar studerande vid en svensk musikhögskola samt en svensk folkhögskola med de utvalda instrumentalisterna; -klassisk tubaist, fiolspelande folkmusiker, klassisk tvärflöjtist, afrosångaren, afrotrummisen, klassisk pianist? Vilket kön, vilket utseende och vilken personlighet tänker de sig att respektive instrumentalist har? Genom en enkätundersökning har jag försökt ta reda på detta. Jag delade ut enkäter till studerande vid en svensk musikhögskola samt till musikstuderande vid en svensk folkhögskola. Av 201 utdelade enkäter fick jag in 49 svar.

Starkare i samhället - Om invandrarföreningar som en social resurs för politisk integration

This paper examines the consequences of membership and participation in immigrant associations on individual immigrants? political integration and indirect political participation with reference to Swedish society. The theoretical underpinnings consist of a social structural outlook on social capital, combined with the Civic Voluntarism Model, both of which focus on the potential role of social networks for moving people into political action. After a presentation of parallel qualitative data over the experiences of individual members in a Finnish and Bosnian-Hercegovinian organisation, it is suggested that immigrant associations support the political integration of their members into the host society. Firstly, the case studies indicate that members of immigrant associations gain the opportunity to augment their civic skills, which is a significant prerequisite for political participation.

Lönsam mjölkproduktion : en fallstudie

Ravelsmarks gård have now reached the stage when there are few options for the future. The options are either a construction of completely new farm buildings or a winding up of the milk production. Present on the farm today there is 65 dairy cows plus Recruitment. 44 cows stand in long-stalls and 20 cows stand in short-stalls. The objective of this study was to examine the profitability of a completely new cowshed. In order to get costs for investments different milking systems and equipment for feedstuff have been compared. The systems in the investment budget have been chosen on recommendations from advisers, salesmen and on the basis on what is suitable for the farm. One system where a so-called mix feeder wagon is used for the roughage seemed to be best suited for Ravelsmark. The different prices obtained for the manure well show that there are possibilities to decrease the investment costs.

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