

170 Uppsatser om Push and pull - Sida 8 av 12

Möjligheter och besvikelser : Språklärares diskurser om IKT och skärmtexter i arbetet

We have chosen to focus on the meaning of long-term income support dependency regarding health, goal setting and motivation for the recipient of economical aid. We have chosen to use semi structurized interviews to achieve our goal of reaching the clients experience of long-term income support dependency. The study consists of interviews of six clients whose answers have been analyzed through appliance of Kielhofner´s Model of human occupation, Scheff´s Shame in self and society.   Our results show regarding, 1) the factor health that long-term income support dependency may elevate the risk of illness and less experienced options of possibilities to act. 2) regarding the factor goal setting, that goals may be inefficiently used during social work with long-term income support dependent clients and may result in a disorganized relationship between client and social worker in the sense of making the parties pull in opposite direction. 3) regarding the factor motivation, that long-term income support dependency and the living with the emotion of shame elevates the risk of maintaining a negative image of oneself that limits the willpower to assimilate new knowledge and/or skills.

Projektledning inom mjukvaruutveckling : En studie om betydelsen av teknisk kompetens utifrån projektmedarbetares perspektiv

More than half of the implemented IT-projects go over budget, deadline or simply fail. The processes in an IT-project requires technical competence to be present among the project participants to ensure the achievement of business goals and to make organisations competitive. The success of an IT-project largely depends on the project manager which makes it interesting to further investigate what impact the project manager?s technical competence has on the project. Previous research shows differing opinions whether technical competence is considered important for the project manager to be successful or not.

Matarverk för Camcoil

By our employer Camatec Industriteknik AB have we been given the assignment to continue with the previous work ?Design of strip feeder?. Our goal with this work is to come up with a design basis for a strip feeder.Functionally a strip feeder consists of two rollers which with the aid of the friction between the strip and the coating on the roller create a strip force that pulls the strip through the working progress.Demands on this project:? 10 ? 600 mm in strip width and 0,1-1 mm in strip thickness.? Minimum 30m/min in production speed.? A maximum strip force on 30-40 kN.? The cost of the strip feeder?s components is to be considered of economy and quality.The need of a strip feeder occurs when the coil doesn?t manage to feed or pull the strip before or after a working process. The strip can otherwise be exposed by a permanent yield deformation or a change in the strip material if it?s pulled trough the working process only by the on ? and of-coils.

Accelerometertillbehör till mobiltelefon : - Utveckling av Blåtands ansluten accelerometermodul till smartphone

This master thesis has been carried out as a prototype development project. The project hasbeen performed in cooperation with ÅF Combra AB. The purpose with the master thesis is toconstruct a Bluetooth interface between an accelerometer and a smartphone and constructinga physical prototype containing an accelerometer. This is done to test a new user interface tomobile phones. The master thesis has also included a research about the possibility toimplement distance measuring with Bluetooth.

En ständig balansgång : En komparativ studie kring jämställdhetsarbete på en manligt dominerad respektive en kvinnligt dominerad arbetsplats

This study, entitled A constant balance ? Gender equality work in an organisation dominated by women and an organisation dominated by men focuses on attitudes towards gender equality issues in two organisations ? one that is dominated by women and one that is dominated by men. The study is based on the Doing gender theory, which primarily means that gender is something people do, it is constantly changing and it depends on the surrounding context.The organisations in the study are both working with gender equality issues, but the attitudes towards gender equality work are ambiguous. The primary gender equality issue in both organisations is to increase the number of employees of the non-dominant gender. The gender equality work in both organisations is formally supported but it is also being met with informal resistance.

Utveckling av mothållssystem till valsar

This Master Thesis is a product development project that has been carried out incooperation with Metso Paper Sundsvall AB. The task has been to develop a holdingsolution that generates force between two rolls and to evaluate the new solution withrespect to functionality, manufacturing, structural stability, costs, assembly etc. Theroll holding solution is a system that is part of a rollpress. The rollpress is used towash and dewater pulp. The existing solution creates forces that have to be absorbedby the gable of the press.

Ekolådan : En fallstudie av ett ekologiskt livmedelsföretag, som finns på nätet

AbstractFor several years, the organic food sales have increased, and more are choosing to buyorganic food of more diverse causes. Unfortunately the sales have slowed down the past year,a lot depends on the Swedish economy has been in decline and it has led to more will checkone more time on the price. But even if the sale value has decreased, the amount of organicfood has increased, it is because many stores have their own organic brands and they can pushprices down.The internet has become a great help in our daily lives, we do most our business via theInternet. But now we are not just paying our bills through the Internet anymore, we shopclothes, movies, music and books too. E-commerce was become more serious last decade andhas grown every year that has passed.

Smarta elnät i Sverige : Energibranschens förutsättningar och förväntningar

The need for a more efficient electrical grid has made the smart grid concept popular in recent years. The aims of this study are to identify the conditions in Sweden for implementing a smart grid and to analyse the opinions of stakeholders. One finding is that the large capacity of Sweden?s existing electrical grid decreases the immediate need for smart grid solutions. However, the rapid increase in wind power might push the development of a smart grid in the coming years.

Mångfald och interkulturell utveckling : En studie av två kulturverksamheter i Värmland

AbstractFor several years, the organic food sales have increased, and more are choosing to buyorganic food of more diverse causes. Unfortunately the sales have slowed down the past year,a lot depends on the Swedish economy has been in decline and it has led to more will checkone more time on the price. But even if the sale value has decreased, the amount of organicfood has increased, it is because many stores have their own organic brands and they can pushprices down.The internet has become a great help in our daily lives, we do most our business via theInternet. But now we are not just paying our bills through the Internet anymore, we shopclothes, movies, music and books too. E-commerce was become more serious last decade andhas grown every year that has passed.

Från idé till verklighet - En klubblokal

Enköping?s Rugby Club has long lacked a bigger hall to gather their members in, where they can meet and socializes outside trainings and games. Thanks to Enköping?s municipality, The Swedish Inheritance Fund, Swedish Sports Confederation, sponsors and club members the clubhouse will be built out with additional 100 square meters.The project is planned in two phases of which phase one is the buildup of the new clubhouse and phase two is the renovation of the existing part. Phase one started with the first groundbreaking in December 2006 and was finished for the season 2007.

Stämmer Hofstetters formler för ackommodations-amplituden hos unga vuxna?

Syfte: Att jämföra ackommodations-amplituden med Hofstetters formler genom att upprepa Sterners et al. mätningar.Metod: Mätningarna skedde på 35 personer. Krav för att kunna vara med i studien var att inte ha tropi, amblyopi eller anisometropi. Det var två personer som uteslöts, den ena klarade inte stereotestet och den andra på grund av amblyopi. Först gjordes en variant av modifierad Humphriss och cyclodami, det öga som inte undersöktes dimmades med 1,5 dioptri (D).

Ett mobilt övervakningssystem

Examensarbetet är utfört hos Aaro Systems AB, som säljer ett datasystem som hanterar bokslut, redovisning och konsolidering av ekonomisk data för koncerner. En del av detta system är ett web-gränssnitt där man kan generera och manipulera ekonomiska rapporter. Min uppgift var till en början att undersöka hur detta gränssnitt kunde anpassas för att visas på mobila enheter. Det visade sig dock fungera bättre än väntat utan några störremodifikationer så efter en vecka omdefinierade vi min uppgift till att utveckla ett övervakningssystem för kundernas applikationsservrar. Varje kund hos Aaro kör sin egen applikationsserver på plats.

Nu är det dags för fotboll 2.0 : En studie om hur fotbollsklubbar i Allsvenskan arbetar med relationsmarknadsföring med hjälp av sociala medier.

Title: Nu är det dags för fotboll 2.0 I En studie om hur fotbollsklubbar i allsvenskanarbetar med relationsmarknadsföring med hjälp av sociala medier.Short explanation of the titleWe chose the title ?Nu är det dags for fotboll2.0?because it relates to the socialhabits that occurs between individuals within society today. People are moreinteractive online than before due to the development of Web 2,0 and social medias.Main purposeThe main purpose of this thesis is to describe how professional football clubs usesocial media tools to establish, maintain and develop relationships with costumerswithin the field of sports.MethodologyThe thesis is based on a qualitative research with an inductive approach to make itpossible to create a depth within the research. In addition, we have a hermeneuticperspective to build an understanding for the hard labour that is put in action byworkers in the football clubs only for the reasons of making relationships possibleand strengthening bonds by using social media tools. We have gathered theempirical information trough interviews with main leaders within chosenorganizations that use social media tools on an every day basis.

Att fastna i socialrullen : En kvalitativ studie om långvarigt försörjningsstödsberoende

We have chosen to focus on the meaning of long-term income support dependency regarding health, goal setting and motivation for the recipient of economical aid. We have chosen to use semi structurized interviews to achieve our goal of reaching the clients experience of long-term income support dependency. The study consists of interviews of six clients whose answers have been analyzed through appliance of Kielhofner´s Model of human occupation, Scheff´s Shame in self and society.   Our results show regarding, 1) the factor health that long-term income support dependency may elevate the risk of illness and less experienced options of possibilities to act. 2) regarding the factor goal setting, that goals may be inefficiently used during social work with long-term income support dependent clients and may result in a disorganized relationship between client and social worker in the sense of making the parties pull in opposite direction. 3) regarding the factor motivation, that long-term income support dependency and the living with the emotion of shame elevates the risk of maintaining a negative image of oneself that limits the willpower to assimilate new knowledge and/or skills.

Hur skiljer sig ackommodationsamplituden mellan Nicaragua och Sverige?

Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning var att mäta ackommodationsamplitud i Nicaragua och Sverige för att se om det är någon signifikant skillnad mellan länderna i åldersgrupperna mellan 8 år och 40 år. Värdena som togs fram jämfördes sedan med publicerad litteratur för att undersöka hur denna studies värde skiljer sig från dessa, samt vilken av de tidigare studierna som var mest lik denna studies framtagna värde på ackommodationsamplitud i förhållande till åldern.Metod: Mätningarna skedde på 113 personer i Nicaragua och 113 personer i Sverige. För att vara med i denna studie krävdes det att försökspersonerna översteg 8 år och understeg 40 år. Mätningarna genomfördes med push-up metoden med hjälp av en mätsticka med figuroptotyp i form av en fågel.Resultat: Av de mätningar som genomfördes blev genomsnittet av ackommodationsamplitud 10,3 D (strandard avvikelse ±9,7 D) i Nicaragua och 11,5 D (standard avvikelse ±6,5 D) i Sverige. Ingen signifikant skillnad finns mellan länderna, det vill säga land (Nicaragua eller Sverige) har ingen påverkan på ackommodations amplitud enligt denna studie.

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