Smarta elnät i Sverige
Energibranschens förutsättningar och förväntningar
Smart gridElectricity marketRegulationDiscourse analysisCase studyMarket entrySmarta elnätElmarknadRegleringDiskursanalysFallstudieInträde på marknaden
The need for a more efficient electrical grid has made the smart grid concept popular in recent years. The aims of this study are to identify the conditions in Sweden for implementing a smart grid and to analyse the opinions of stakeholders. One finding is that the large capacity of Sweden?s existing electrical grid decreases the immediate need for smart grid solutions. However, the rapid increase in wind power might push the development of a smart grid in the coming years. By employing case study methodology, five different smart grid projects in Sweden are discussed, using different theoretical frameworks, including actor network theory, discourse analysis, technological trajectories, diffusion of innovation and timing of entry. Norra Djurgardsstaden, a large construction project in Stockholm in which smart grid technology is used, is then analysed. The differing views of the parties involved in the project raise the question of whether more coordination is needed. Another project at Falbygdens Energi focuses on energy storage in batteries. This project poses the question of whether the regulation of the Swedish power market needs to be reformed to support the smart grid and to encourage new ways of collaborating and doing business. The final discussion concludes by suggesting new research questions.