

1549 Uppsatser om Professional encounter - Sida 58 av 104

Etik för revisorer : Den etiska resonemangsförmågan hos studenter

In recent years the interest for ethics has increased exponentially. It has become more and more common with the ethic rules and guiding of principles within the business world, both in companies and in different professional groups. Auditors face difficulties and have to deal with different ethical problems where ethics and morality is taken up. It is important that accountants can react in a legal and correct manner. To become an accountant a person should have gone through college or university where the schools have some responsibility to provide the student with basic ethics course for a accounting education.The main aim with our paper is based on the theories of Lawrence Kohlberg about ethical development investigation potential differences in the ethical reasoning among student who are in first or last year of the studies with orientation in accounting.

Kärlek, misshandel och trauma. En fallstudie om kvinnomisshandel och dess konsekvenser.

Male violence against women in close relations has in recent years received increased attention, however, only identified as a problem in approximately 40 years. It is now a social problem that is constantly increasing, but the identification of the phenomenon has been possible thanks to the research on the subject. The purpose of this study is to, from a woman's own story, identify psychological processes in connection with the assault. The aim is also to confirm previous research on the phases of the abused go through until decampment and identify possible consequences of violence against women. I also aim to answer the question regarding the assistance of individuals in extreme situations while getting back to society.

Humor som hjälpmedel - Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av humor i hemsjukvården: en intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Humor är ett fenomen som genom historien haft varierande betydelse för människan. Inom omvårdnaden har kunskapen om humor ökat de senaste de-cennierna och lyfts fram som ett socialt redskap i kommunikation och relation mellan sjuksköterska och vårdtagare. Hemsjukvården är en vårdform där det upp-står en tät kontakt mellan sjuksköterska och vårdtagare och där humorn därför är viktig att uppmärksamma. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka sjukskö-terskans upplevelse av förutsättningar för humor och humorns betydelse i mötet med vårdtagare i hemsjukvården. Metod: Studien utfördes som en kvalitativ em-pirisk studie med datainsamling via semistrukturerade intervjuer.

Elitidrott+akademiska studier=En utmaning : En kvalitativ studie om möjligheterna och svårigheterna med kombinationen elitidrott och akademiska studier

Elite sport is becoming more professional, and elite athletes have to be more committed to spend several hours in training to achieve elite level and this means that the time to pursue a university academic career to the side of elite sport is minimized. Still only few elite athletes will be able to make a living of their sport. The objective of this study is to gain a better understanding of the opportunities and difficulties for a student who combines academic study with elite sport. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with eight students studying at the University of Umeå, combining elite sport with academic studies. Results show that there are high demands on elite students to structure and plan for the combination of studies and elite sport.

Retuschörens arbetsprocess : Djupintervjuer med professionella retuschörer

Föreliggande studie har syftat till att, genom semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med professionella retuschörer aktiva i branschen, undersöka om gemensamma steg kunde urskiljas genom respondenternas beskrivningar av arbetsprocessen.Genom studien framkom det att respondenterna beskrev likartade processer samt att samarbete med medarbetare var en viktig faktor för ett utvecklande arbete. Beskrivningarna av arbetsprocessen tydde på att samtliga respondenter hade ett personligt intresse för arbetet och branschen.Respondenterna ansåg även att retuschörens tidigare erfarenhet var betydande och till stor del påverkar tidsåtgången för arbeten. De menade också att tidsåtgången även påverkas av hur utförlig arbetsordern är vid uppstart av projektet. Det framkom även att respondenterna själva inte genomför någon utförlig uppföljning och granskning av hur det slutliga materialet används..

Lära matematiska begrepp på sitt andraspråk : Matematikspråket - vardagsspråket

The idea to create authentic learning situations where students are highly integrated made me want to try to develop a new method in the course Restaurant and Catering B MAKU 1208 (another field practicing cuisine). In my quest to do just the practical part as rewarding, stimulating and efficient as possible for the student, I planned for a training model with   focus on group interaction.The implementation of the model for learning was to strengthen students confidence both in themselves and in each other, stimulated to greater cooperation and it has also provided an incentive to the student's own development but not least, a growing self-confidence for many students. Several have also had an increased sense of knowing something, to have something to contribute and that their labour input actually was needed. While highlighting that further education to seek knowledge strengthens the individual's skills and consolidates and increases deeper knowledge in the professional field.In conclusion, training should be done in both individual and group basis for optimal learning process..

Kultur i fokus : En studie om kulturmöten utifrån ensamkommande flyktingbarns perspektiv i Sverige

The focus of this thesis is on social workers? knowledge in assessing and making decisions in child welfare cases. The primary aim is to identify what skills or knowledge social workers find most useful within child welfare agencies in Swedish municipalities. Six different types of knowledge, social policy and the approach of child welfare cases are perspectives considered in the analysis. The interviews with social workers were held in three agencies in southern Sweden, in 2014.

Jämförelse mellan två tandvårdskliniker avseende progression och behandling av approximala kariesskador ? en journalstudie

Preventive measurements as well as clinical caries diagnostics are vital to retain a good dental health in the population. In order for optimal caries diagnostics radiographs are used. There is a great intra- and intervariation regarding cariesprogression. A large number of tools for cariesprevention at home or in the clinic are today used. The aim of this journal study was to compare the progression of carieslesions in the approximal area, diagnosed on radiographs, and preventive measures used to reduce cariesprogression between two examine dates on two dental clinics.

Flyktingbarn med Posttraumatiskt stressyndrom : Hjälp de behöver och får

The aim of this research paper was to examine the help required by refugee children with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In addition to this, we also examined the help the refugee children are currently receiving. We have examined this from the perspective of the theory of the ecology of human development. The method we used was qualitative and we conducted eleven profound interviews with professionals working with the target group in question. The essential questions were; which needs, according to the professionals, do refugee children with PTSD have, what characterises the professional's work to help the children and what possibilities and obstacles there are in giving the children optimal help.The results strongly conclude that it is important for the children's development to have at least one supportive adult in their surrounding, a positive experience at school and during leisure activities.

Tre projektmodeller och två fallstudier : - ett steg mot fördjupad kunskap om landskapsarkitekters projekt och process

The formulation of visions into practical projects is an important part of the professional expertise of landscape architects. This expertise includes the gathering, structuring, improvement and utilization of knowledge. Project models have been developed to provide tools for the implementation and governance of projects, as well as means of learning, reflection and survey of individual projects. The aim of this thesis is to describe some general project models and their theory, and to describe practical, real-life examples of project models used within landscape architecture. Questions asked are: ? How do the processes of idea to construction in landscape architectural projects lool like? Do project models have a relevance for the mission of landscape architects? ? Is a common project model used within such projects, or is the project model varying depending on e.g.

Informationssökning och vidareutveckling ? Gymnasielärares informationsbeteende i yrkespraktiken

Resource-based learning or problem-oriented learning are teaching methods that are becoming more and more common in schools today. In order to make these teaching methods work there is a demand to make students information literate. The aim of this thesis is to find out how six teachers at six senior high schools apprehend their professional role of seeking, preparing and developing the course in history of literature. I have used phenomenography which is both a set of theoretical assumptions and a methodology. This means that by doing a limited number of qualitative interviews one is able to describe the variations of the conceptions that have emerged.

Läraren och tjänstemannauppdraget : En studie om lärarstudenters syn på sina framtida tjänstemannauppdrag

The aim of this essay is to examine how future upper secondary school teachers within social science comprehends their future proffessional role. The aim is also to see whether the education is of importance to their suspension for their future professional role. Focus will especially be on the teachers civil servant role, where the aim is to see how their identification suspends to the governmental expectations on their future civil servant misson. The essay is based on a qualitative method, which is focused conversational interviews.The result indicates that future upper secondary school teachers within social science, who are about to finish their education, have a somewhat deeper sense of identification with the teachers civil servant mission compared to those in the beginning of their education. The result also indicates that the future upper secondary school teachers identification are in line with the governmental expectations on their civil servant mission.

Skadeståndsrätt - kränkning : Om grundskolelärares möjlighet att erhålla kränkningsskadestånd

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if elementary school teachers are a vulnerable professional group and if elementary school teachers should be mentally prepared for abusive treatment. Thus determine whether the reduced possibility for certain professionals such as police officers and order guards to obtain compensation for abusive treatment also shall apply for elementary school teachers.To reach that purpose, first the concept of abusive treatment and how compensation for abusive behavior becomes topical have to be straighten out. Then follows an analysis of both the lower possibility to obtain compensation for abusive treatment, but also how elementary teachers can be mentally prepared abusive treatment.It turns out in the conclusion that elementary school teachers are considered vulnerable in relation to the specifications of their work environment and because of that elementary school teachers must be deemed to have knowledge of that they may be subject to abusive treatment. Therefore I believe that elementary school teachers as certain professionals like police officers and order guards may not be granted compensation for every situation of abusive treatment, a lower limit must apply..

Verkligheten ? Here we come! En beskrivning av socialisationsprocessen hos studenter vid Växjö polishögskola

This thesis investigates and emphasises on the way students at Växjö police academy describe their socialization into their profession as police officers and the creation of profession identity. The scientist?s main questions are: In what way do the students at Växjö police academy describe their socialization process into the police profession? What role does the organisation play in the socialization process of the police students? How do the students develop their police identity? Which qualities are encouraged? The study is based on qualitative interviews with nine police students, performed in groups of three. Group theory, role theory, and organization theory are applied to the material to provide an understanding through which it is possible to understand the process of socialization. The study shows that there seems to be patterns in the description of a professional identity.

"Det finns inget bättre än en lärare som verkligen bryr sig om dig" : En studie om vad som gör gymnasieelever studiemotiverade ur elevens perspektiv

My purpose for this essay is to examine what factors are considered to have high influence on motivation to study and what measures can be taken to enhance student?s motivation to study from a student perspective. The main source of theory for this study has been the classification of motivational factors that has been based on Herzberg?s twofactortheory with complementary theoretical sources. The study is based around two research methods, one survey together with complementary student interviews. The empirical material consists of 118 completed surveys together with nine student interviews. The study?s results have found that students find the main source of rising motivational level originates from the professional role of the teacher. Additionally the students find the main source of subsiding motivational level originate from rising level of stress and uninspiring teachers.

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