
?En slags kompis som verkar bry sig och lyssnar och så?

Klienters beskrivning av case managern i relation till arbetsbeskrivningen

The main purpose of this qualitative study was to describe clients? descriptions of the professional role case manager and how it relates to the job description provided from a project in which both case managers and clients were participating. Both what case managers do and are expected to do were explored. The project involved case management in the purpose to strengthen and enhance the care and quality of life for clients who are dually diagnosed. Interviews were conducted with five clients and the result was analyzed with theoretical concepts from role theory. The clients? descriptions of the case manager corresponded fairly well to the job description and former studies that have captured client descriptions. The role of the case manager was described as being available, flexible, outreach oriented, motivating, supportive, committed, giving immediate assistance and doing a lot of tasks. Furthermore as someone who activates the clients, goes by car, represents, clarifies, co-ordinates and should work professionally and individual-based.


Liselott Claesson Lisa Karlsson

Lärosäte och institution

Stockholms universitet/Institutionen för socialt arbete - Socialhögskolan


"Kandidatuppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla kandidatexamen.

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