

3809 Uppsatser om Production start - Sida 21 av 254

Miljö- och samhällsekonomisk analys av behandling av biologiskt avfall

Biogas is a renewable fuel that can be extracted from anaerobic digestion of many differentsubstrates, for example biological household waste. An alternative handling of the waste is tomix it with other wastes and incinerate it in a combined heat and power (CHP) plant. Thisstudy uses life cycle assessment to investigate which type of waste handling that is betterfrom an environmental point of view, anaerobic digestion with biogas production orincineration. The results are based on a case study of a biogas production plant owned by thecompany Ragn-Sells in Vänersborg. The alternative is incineration at a CHP plant inGothenburg.

Fodder to ruminants within agroforestry systems in Rwanda - species and management

Rwanda is one of the poorest countries in the world and about 70-80 % of the population lives in rural areas. The land is strongly affected by land erosion which makes it difficult for the agriculture and food production. Agroforestry is a system where tree plantation is combined with livestock- and crop production. The system provides soil fertilization and binds the soil together. Some of the trees used in agroforestry systems are also used as fodder.

Vilka redovisningsproblem kan komma att uppstå för svenska småföretag i samband med införandet av euron?

Den ekonomiska och monetära unionen är tänkt att öppna den sista dörren, de olika valutorn, för en ännu smidigare handel inom EU. Sverige kommer att stå utanför unionen från start den 1 januari 1999, men de svenska företagen kommer ändå att påverkas av införandet av den gemensamma valutan euron. Syftet med vår uppsats är att se vilka redovisningsproblem som de svenska småföretagen kan koma att stöta på när euron införs i EU-länderna som går med i EMU från start. För att kunna besvara vårt syfte har vi gjort intervjuer med personer insatta i vårt problemområde. Utifrån svaren tillsammans med övrigt material så kom vi fram till att småföretagens redovisning kommer att påverkas i olika omfattning och på olika sätt beroende på typ av företag.

Journalistik 2.0 : Om journalistens upplevelse av medborgarnas inverkan på tidningarnas innehåll

Title: Journalism 2.0: About the journalist's perspective on citizen participation and its influenceon the news content.Purpose: The aim with this study was to examine whether, and if so how, professional journalists experience that the production of news has changed as the media development has progressed and the citizens opportunities for active participation in this process has potentially expanded.Research questions:Does professional journalists experience that the opportunities for citizen participation in the news making-process has changed with the spread and accessibility of new media- if so, in what ways?Wheatear professional journalists experience that the relationship between themselves and their news sources has changes with the spread and accessibility of new media?What consequences can an empowerment from citizens have on the production of news and on the professional role of the journalist?Theory: This essay is based on theories about convergence, gatekeeping, agenda building, participatory journalism, news sources and the journalistic profession.Method: The survey is based on ten qualitative interviews with ten professional journalists, eight reporters and two web editors from the newspapers NWT and VF.Results: The results of this survey shows that the citizens? opportunities in influencing the production of news has partly changed. The journalists do not experience that citizen participation affects their professional role. Citizens have always had an impact on the production of news but new technology offers citizens and journalists new channels that facilitate the communication and interaction. The gatekeeping process is protecting the decision-making role of the journalist, which restrains citizen participation.

Sammanställning och produktion av ritningsunderlag till båt

Hanterbara båtar is a new company who builds alumina boats customized for people in wheelchairs. Due to the fact that the company only built two boats yet, the production documentation is not complete. The drawing that does exist is not in an exact standard which makes production planning harder.The purpose of this work has been to make the production of the boat easier and simplify further development and modification. Product development in the form of optimizing details is also one of the main purpose of this work.This is all done by making a 3D-assembly of all the existing drawings. After this is done new drawings will be made and added to the main assembly.

?Daddy?, from Vision to Video

?A designer rarely works alone?. The first sentence of Jonas Löwgren and Erik Stolterman's chapter on design as a social process made me curious. What if a designer worked alone? What are the actual differences between working on a project alone and as part of a group? How would it influence the creative process? What would be different when coming up with ideas, meeting with clients and setting deadlines? Does the influence of another designer stifle the individual creativity or does it actually nurish it? This paper is written to answer these and other questions as well as take you through the creative process of the production of ?Daddy? - the music video..

Bärbar - ett hållbart tygkassekoncept

Portable is a project with its starting point in plastic bags, how they negatively affect our planet and how people´s patterns of behavior and qualities of life are affected when people try to live more envi¬ronmentally friendly. Now we have reached the point when peoples way of living and consuming in the western world has to change. This is nothing new and we can now see that sustainability is start¬ing to get attention in every area.Today plastic bags are used on average for 12 minutes. Only one out of 200 is reused, and then only once . This is not sustainable at all.

Hur lärare får elever att tänka utanför "boxen" vid skapandet av nya affärsidéer : En intervjustudie av lärare om undervisning och elevers kreativitet vid generering av affärsidéer inom konceptet Ung Företagsamhet

The aim of this study has been to understand how teachers make pupils come up with new business ideas. This is relevant as the schools in Sweden has to have entrepreneurial teaching in their education. To get an understanding of how teachers teach the pupils how to think differently so that new business ideas can evolve the study is based on interviews with five successful teachers. The teachers have all had pupils that during one year have had their own almost real companies that they have to manage. They start with inventing a new business idea and then they produce the product or service they decided to sell.

Leanorienterad flödesutveckling : av kärntillverkningen på Affärsenhet Cylinder ASSA AB

Business unit Cylinder at ASSA AB in Eskilstuna are having problem with frictions in their production process. Changes are occurring and older products along with machineries are phased out and transferred to low-cost countries. This opens up possibilities to at a larger extend customize physical flows after production flows. The authors where given the task to analyze the production and find problem areas to improve and to give suggestion on how Business unit Cylinder can work to optimize their production flow.The aim of the thesis work is to come up with suggestions on how to reduce the lead time in production and how the tied up capital can be reduced. In more detail the task included to find problem areas that are counteracting an effective flow, give solutions on new flows for the production of the cylinder core, give suggestions for new stock points for the production and how the production shall be managed and controlled.During the last twelve months ASSA AB has sold over 700 different types of cylinder cores, and the product range is very wide.

Förändringar i serumglukos och plasmainsulin vid experimentell endotoxinemi hos häst

Hästar riskerar att drabbas av endotoxinemi framförallt vid olika typer av kolik men även vid andra sjukdomstillstånd. Stressen och inflammationen som uppstår vid endotoxinemi, liksom vid vissa andra typer av akuta skador eller allvarliga sjukdomstillstånd, kan leda till utvecklandet av insulinresistens, glukosintolerans och hyperglykemi. Dessa metaboliska rubbningar är i sig skadliga och inom humanvården behandlas intensivvårdspatienter vid behov med insulin för att förbättra tillfrisknande och överlevnad.För att inhämta mer kunskap om de metaboliska rubbningarna, som sker hos hästar med endotoxinemi gjorde vi en prospektiv experimentell försöksstudie av hästar som infunderades med endotoxin och provtogs för analys av serumglukos och plasmainsulin. De 8 hästarna som användes i försöket infunderades med Escherichia coli endotoxin (SigmaAlderich L5418, O55:B5) i en total dos på 500 ng/kg kroppsvikt under 6 timmar. Provtagning och analys av glukos och insulin skedde från och med ett dygn innan endotoxininfusionen och upp till 36 timmar efter dess start.

Central and Eastern Europe

An increasing number of automotive supplier companies are investing in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in order to gain cost advantages. This has happened in a rapid pace since many of these countries did not have any foreign direct investments (FDI) at the turn of the century. The problem now is for how long these countries will be able to maintain the low costs. One purpose was to create a model of country advantages for automotive supplier companies when relocating further production to CEE. This dissertation was written in cooperation with the Trelleborg Group.

The Machine That Changed The Ward - införandet av Lean Healthcare på Universitetssjukhuset i Lund

Den övergripande avsikten med denna uppsats är att försöka ge en nyanserad bild av organisationsreceptet Lean Production. Vidare försöker jag utröna vilka potentiella vinster och risker som kan tänkas uppträda i samband med implementeringen av Lean Healthcare på Universitetssjukhuset i Lund. Utgångspunkten för denna analys är Region Skånes verksamhetsmål gällande personal, patienter och ekonomi. Analysen visar att det inte är helt okontroversiellt eller oproblematiskt att anpassa och införa produktionssystemet. Allvarligast verkar konsekvenserna kunna bli för tillgodoseendet av personalmålen, medan det ser mindre problematiskt ut gällande de ekonomiska målen och patientmålen.

Introduktion till Certifierad Grafisk Produktion på Jernström Offset

The aim for this thesis was to develop a proposal of documentation, containing rules and procedures, which JernströmOffset needs to acquire the Certified Graphic Production certification. A fundamental part was to study the materialissued by Sveriges Grafiska Mediaförening, to clarify the requirements that must be met to obtain the certification. Therecommendations found in the CGP material must also be considered.Based on the requirements and recommendations of Certified Graphic Production, a mapping of the workflows atJernström Offset was performed. It was done by interviewing employees from different departments at the company,this to get a clear understanding of the operations carried out throughout the production flow and the final qualityfollow-up.During our reviewing process we found that a number of changes, in terms of working environment and practices,must be made at the company. As a result of this we propose some appropriate actions to be implemented.The documentation was finally written, through the requirements and recommendations of Certified GraphicProduction and then applied to Jernström Offset?s work procedures..

Lean Production : - Press & Plåtindustri AB

Examensarbete C-nivå, Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet, Ekonomistyrning, Kurskod 2FE90E, VT 2012Författare:Mats Avalvi, Åsa Lind & Rasmus OlhedenHandledare:Elisabeth KjellströmTitel:Lean Production ? Press & Plåtindustri ABBakgrund:Processtyrning handlar om att se och styra en verksamhet utifrån en horisontell värdekedja. Lean production strävar efter att resurseffektivisera flödet och därmed skapa ett mervärde för kunderna och stärka konkurrenskraften. Detta görs genom att minimera allt slöseri med hjälp av Kaizen som innebär att små ständiga förbättringar eftersträvas. För att detta ska kunna lyckas spelar individen en central roll.

Vindkraftsetablering i skog

This thesis assignment at C-level is focused on calculation models and prediction methodswhish can be used in the stage we call ?prospecting? of possible windmill locations. Thelocation is southeast of Halmstad at the Farm ?Stjernarpsgods?. The rapport has two mainareas directed towards this task.

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