

2456 Uppsatser om Position - Sida 8 av 164

Utbildningssituationen i Norrland år 1813. : En undersökning av genus och etnicitet

Abortion remains a contentious issue, which greatly raises ethical problems. This thesis examines the leading arguments in the Swedish abortion debate around the ? in terms of legislation ? critical years of 1938 and 1974. With Foucault's genealogical method, Butler's theories of gender as a social construction in relation to power and doxa, the study examines what the development of the argumentation says about the views on morality, the woman's body, life, individual and state? How has the arguments pro and against abortion changed over time and what does this say about the norms that guide and orientate the arguments? The most obvious change in argumentation is seen in the shift from an absolute moral and conservative Position into an increasingly relativistic and liberal Position, and this study will argue that this shift has its prerequisites in the changing status of the citizen and state.

Geografisk visualisering av positionsdata

På FOI i Linköping bedriver man bland annat forskning inom radarteknik. Som en del i denna forskning ingår mätning av radarsignaturer samt skydd mot signalsökande robotar. Vid mätning av radarsignatur används det egenframtagna radarsystemet Arken. Arken används bland annat för att mäta signaturen på fartyg. Ett problem är att vid ett givet mättillfälle så är inte fartygets Position eller attityd känd.

Identitet, profil och image i modets ständigt föränderliga värld.

Problembakgrund: I modets föränderliga värld, med nya trender varje säsong, kan det vara svårtför svenska modeföretag att skapa sig en långsiktig stark Position på den svenskamodemarknaden. Tre företag aktiva på den svenska modemarknaden har valts ut för attundersöka hur de arbetar med identitet, profil och image för att behålla sin Position påmarknaden.Problemformulering: Hur arbetar de utvalda svenska modeföretagen med identitet, profil ochimage?Syfte: Att bidra till förståelse om hur svenska modeföretag kan arbeta med sin identitet, profiloch image för att hålla sig kvar på marknaden.Metod: En kvalitativ studie har genomförts genom djupintervjuer med de tre svenskamodeföretagen Rodebjer, Brixtol och Uniforms for the dedicated. Parallellt har sekundärdataanalyserats för att bidra till en djupare förståelse och en objektivare syn på företagen.Resultat/Slutsats: Det är ett ständigt samspel mellan identitet, profil och image. Där identitet ärvem du är, profil vem du vill vara och image hur du uppfattas.

Behövs det kommunala uppföljningsansvaret?: Tjänstemäns syn på uppföljningsansvaret och avhopp från gymnasieskolan i Helsingborgs kommun

The number of young people that graduate from upper secondary education has decreased while a growing number of young people are in an outside Position in the sense that they neither work or study or have any other known occupation. In addition to this the labour market has gone trough changes, which has brought difficulties for some groups to establish themselves on to the labour market. One of the groups that have been affected by this is the young people. As an answer to the increasing number of young people in an outside Position, a new law was introduced on the 1st of July 2005. The law is called (kommunala uppföljningsansvaret) and it stands for the municipality's responsibility to follow up on young people between the age of 16-19 years that is not enrolled in any upper secondary school and that does not have any other known occupation.The purpose of this essay has been to examine how the responsible administrations in Helsingborgs municipality view their responsibility to follow up young people between the ages of 16-19 years and the practical application of the law, and also if they can see any risks with not following up on young people in that age span.

Kirunafestivalen: En omvärldsanalys- och upplevelseproduktionsbaserad konceptutveckling

Festivalnäringen är en stor turismverksamhet i Sverige, som lockar tusentals besökare till städer runt om i Sverige varje år. Men för att kunna sticka ut i den ständigt växande branschen, krävs det en image och något unikt som lockar besökare. Kirunafestivalen ville ha hjälp att stärka sin Position för att kunna sticka ut på Sveriges festivalmarknad. Därför har vi genom teorier från upplevelseproduktion samt en omvärldsanalys tagit fram ett koncept för att stärka Kirunafestivalens Position och image. Till uppsatsen valde vi att arbeta positivistiskt med en deduktiv ansats.

Foderhäckar till hästar i lösdrift :

Knowledge about feed racks for feeding forages to horses is lacking. Racks for sheep and cows are sometimes used for horses. Feeding roughage on the ground, or feeding silage bales with the plastic and net still on, can bring on a lot of different problems. The opportunity to control the hygienic quality is small and feed losses can be high. The purpose of this experiment was to investigate how the eating behaviour and consumption of horses were influenced by feeding racks of different constructions. Feed losses and changes in chemical comPosition of the forage were also studied.

Klockaren. En studie av klockareyrket från medeltid till 1700- tal

My aim was to get a deeper insight about the parish clerk and how this profession has changed over time in Sweden from the Middle Ages up to the eighteenth century. Who was the parish clerk? Is it possible to find out in what way his duties changed over time? The information mainly derives from written historical sources, such aslaws. It seems like the parish clerk in the countryside often was a layman whom had to be approved by the parish, the parish priest or the bishop. His Position in the early Middle Ages seems to have taken the form of assistant to the priest, participating in the liturgy.

Är traditionellt förvaltade fonder ett bättre investeringsalternativ än hedgefonder?

Empirierna visar att hedgeportföljen under den avgränsade undersökningsperioden har genererat endast marginellt mindre igenomsnittlig avkastning än aktieportföljen, som den bästavkastningspresterande traditionella portföljen. Riskmässigt var det dockuppenbart att hedgeportföljen var överlägsen gentemot båda de traditionellaportföljerna, som lyckades skydda sig bättre mot kursfallen, under båda denfinansiella krisen 2007 och den europeiska skuldkrisen 2011. Hedgeportföljenföljde inte heller med de kraftiga uppgångarna som förkom på marknaden i sammautsträckning som de traditionella portföljerna gjorde. Friareplaceringsregleringar anses vara den viktigaste skillnaden mellan hedge ochtraditionella fonder, som t.ex. tillåter hedgefonderna att vara högre belånade,och kan därför finansiera en större kombination av skildainvesteringsstrategier och åstadkommer därmed bredare kapitalplaceringar somresulterar i större riskspridningar..

Studentinflytandets roll på Kau : En diskursanalytisk studie kring studentens roll i universitetets organisation och verksamhet

The importance of student influence at the universities is something that is described in Swedish regulations as well as in local policies and documents for Karlstad University. At the same time there is no description for the interpretation of what student influence actually means. It is up to the university to decide what student influence should be at the university and how it should be represented in the organization and processes.The purpose with this essay is with a discursive perspective of analysis define how representatives of Karlstad University reflects how the student influence should be represented in the organization and if it is possible to connect it to the Position as an actor of co-decision or of influenceThe analysis show that different levels of the university will describe the Position of student influence differently, and that it plays different roles to keep up the quality of education at the university. It shows that it will be of more importance that student influence takes the role to influence the organization more than co-decide the nearer the student the process will come..

Konstruktionen av Sverige och en svensk identitet : Diskursanalys av två läromedel i svenska som andraspråk

This essay is written in order to expose the construction of collective identity in textbooks for Swedish as a second language. To help visualize the process that shapes and categorize sub-jects based on a relational identity formation I assume mostly from Ernesto Laclau and Chan-tal Mouffe's discourse analysis theory frame. The paper called it as discourse theory. There are two textbooks in Swedish as a second language to be studied. Based on the textual materi-al found in the textbooks I perform a discourse analysis involving mainly focus on relational identity construction.

Kvinnans plats på fabriken ? underordnad mannen? : En studie av arbetsdelningen på Gotthards AB i Älmhult mellan åren 1917-1959

Abortion remains a contentious issue, which greatly raises ethical problems. This thesis examines the leading arguments in the Swedish abortion debate around the ? in terms of legislation ? critical years of 1938 and 1974. With Foucault's genealogical method, Butler's theories of gender as a social construction in relation to power and doxa, the study examines what the development of the argumentation says about the views on morality, the woman's body, life, individual and state? How has the arguments pro and against abortion changed over time and what does this say about the norms that guide and orientate the arguments? The most obvious change in argumentation is seen in the shift from an absolute moral and conservative Position into an increasingly relativistic and liberal Position, and this study will argue that this shift has its prerequisites in the changing status of the citizen and state.

Varumärkeskommunikation och positionering med en begränsad marknadsföringsbudget : Marknadsföring med små medel i ett bilpoolsföretag

This Thesis deals with the two concepts branding and Position, more precisely how companies with a small marketing budget needs to work with these two concepts. The purpose of this thesis is to understand how these companies are able to assert a Position  on their specific market. The thesis treats theories and empirical data to be  able to answer the purposes of the thesis and for the authors to be able to give recommendations of how companies in this situation can improve their marketing strategies. To be able to give these recommendations a more in depth study had been made of a carsharing company, Sunfleet. This to be able to se how a specific company works with branding and Positioning as well as what can be improved.

Förekomsten av trycksår hos patienter som genomgår brachybehandling vid prostatacancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. One type of treatment is internal radiation therapy, brachytherapy. This treatment requires the patient to lie completely motionless and in lithotomy Position. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of pressure ulcers associated with brachytherapy in prostate cancer at the UniversityHospitalin Uppsala. Furthermore, the purpose was to identify the most common location of pressure ulcer and to examine whether there were any connection between risk factors and possible pressure ulcers.

Vägen till en framgångsrik utlandsetablering : en studie av Akzo Nobel Nippon Paint AB:s etableringsstrategier

Establishment can be described in many terms. This term is about a company that is establishing on the European market. For many companies, this can appear as a difficult, time- and resource taking process but to advance and develop it is not enough to have a good Position on the Swedish market. The company Akzo Nobel Nippon Paint AB, which this comPosition is about, has taken the risk to leave the home country and explore the unknown. The process was careful and long-termed but also profitable.

Launch of new products : market research for new product development for diabetics

Foods that stimulate health and satisfy consumer expectations are needed. In a consumer´s perspective, products that provide several kinds of health benefits, without any call for major changes in their behaviour are needed on the market. With this increasing interest in health promoting food product, one of the biggest challenges for the food industry is to find the conditions and right Position on the market and find the opportunities to enter the market successfully. New products with added health values can be developed to cure and counter welfare diseases as in this case for diabetics type 2. Swedish food companies have a desire to respond to welfare diseases and one welfare disease is diabetes type 2. Many of them have an ambition to develop new products to respond to the growing population and find a supply that could suit their customers.

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