

5370 Uppsatser om Political and administrative sciences - Sida 35 av 358

En neopatriarkal ordning? Om genderidentiteter och modernisering i Vietnam

This study attempts a literature based reconstruction of the impact of globalisation and modernisation on the gender identities in Vietnam. Recognising the explanatory albeit normative capacity of critical theory ? specifically the feminist and globalisation critical approach ? this thesis argues that in spite of the economic benefits of modernisation, it enhances existing unequal structures. By focusing on women in the labour sector, simultaneously Vietnam's comparative advantage and one of its economically marginalised groups, a contradictory movement can be discovered. Notwithstanding the economic development, a regression in terms of women's possibilities to self-empowerment seems to cancel the benefits for the individual.

Muslimsk Kultur och Demokrati- Från Samband till Förklaring

Denna uppsats behandlar ämnesområdet islam och demokrati. Studien är kvantitativ och innehåller 154 länder. För att närmare analysera dessa har vi använt oss av en multipel regressionsanalys .Resultatet av denna analys är att vi inte med säkerhet kan bevisa att muslimsk kultur förklarar de muslimska ländernas demokratiska tillkortakommanden. Däremot har variablerna arabisk kultur, råvaruberoende, militärutgifter samt ekonomisk utveckling visat sig vara statistiskt signifikanta för demokrati.Utifrån detta har vi velat spåra de kausala mekanismerna i förhållandet mellan demokrati och arabisk kultur ytterligare, och funnit att framförallt militärutgifter och det civila samhället är tänkbara mellanliggande variabler. Dessa är specifikt arabiska kausala mekanismer som inte gör sig gällande för den muslimska kulturen.

Från passiv till aktiv strategi - Näringspolitisk förändring och handlingskapacitet i industrikommunerna Bromölla och Östra Göinge

Since the 1980's economic policies has become an important issue in municipalities and more resources are put into projects that are intended to have a positive influence on the local economic growth. From a theoretical perspective of regime theory and a model of local political economy, concerning the strategies chosen by the actors involved designed by Jon Pierre, the discussion points to the fact that it is possible to affect the local development. The municipalities discussed and compared in this thesis, Bromölla and Östra Göinge, have similar prerequisite for growth mainly due to their dependence to large industrial companies.In order to fulfill the aim of the thesis and examine the change in economic policies over time and between the two municipalities a comparative method is used. The creation of local governing coalitions is emphasized which makes efforts and intentions of individual actors crucial for the success of the local economic policies. Bromölla started their more active efforts in the area of economic policies earlier than Östra Göinge and has also come a bit further in the process.

"Men Du är ju svensk!" - en kvalitativ studie av adopterades möte med det svenska samhället ur ett identitetsperspektiv

AbstractThe aim of this essay is to bring understanding to one of the problems theinternationally adopted in Sweden might face, the identity dilemma. In order to do so, a theory of identity construction, Constructionism, is used. This theory says that the construction of identities is a constantly continuing process, influenced, not only by our own perception of ourselves, but also by how we are viewed and treated by otherpeople.Given this theoretic starting point, an examination of the adoptees? everydayencounters in the Swedish society is made, using an autobiography, a biography, a collection of interviews, and newspaper articles. The result shows that the internationally adopted, although they are Swedish both by mind and by law, experience that they have been, and sometimes still are, confronted with strong attitudes such as racism, prejudice and stereotypes.Furthermore, those who experience the identity dilemma often refer to how they are perceived by ?the others?, or to what the encounters with ? the real? Swedes have been like.

Implementeringen av jämställdhetsintegrering i EU - En studie om problem i implementeringen av strategin och förutsättningar för ett effektivt genomförande med fokus på perspektiven top-down, bottom-up och genus

This essay focuses on the implementation of the strategy gender mainstreaming in the European Union and the member states. It starts to identify problems connected to the implementation process and recognizes significant prerequisites for an efficient implementation of the strategy. The main problems and prerequisites are: political will, governance and structure and knowledge about gender equality. The empirical material consists of reports from the EU that touches upon gender mainstreaming and gender equality. The problems and prerequisites will be analysed in relation to the governance perspectives top-down and bottom-up and expert bureaucratic and participative democratic and gender and feminism.

Likvärdighet kontra självstyrelse? Styrning av kommunal skolverksamhet- diskursiv analys

This essay has an aim to map out the discourses in the debate around local self government and national equivalence, which are both essential democratic values. The essay is delimited to the area of the comprehensive school. Interviews have been made with key persons in different positions in a selected municipality. I also use material that has been written in the context of Ansvarskommittén. The material is analysed using an integrated discourse analysis.

OLJEKRISEN 1973 - En studie i politisk ekonomi kring förlopp och effekter i Sverige och Danmark

ABSTRACTThis thesis focuses on the OPEC oil crisis of 1973 and its impact on the Scandinavian countries of Sweden and Denmark. Starting from Walter Carlsnaes theory of energy vulnerability, the concepts of vulnerability and national security are tested on the selected cases and an array of policy alternatives are assessed. Posited available options like oil stockpiling, conservation, renewable energy and international coordination are evaluated as means for ameliorating the vulnerability of the nations. The theory chosen is further expounded with a consensus element to reinforce its explanatory power. The thesis utilizes a wide range of material from parliamentary records to daily newspapers in an attempt to shed some light on the interplay between economics and politics.Sweden and Denmark evince diverging developments despite their common starting point with exceptionally high oil dependencies and can be located on different ends of the energy policy gamut.

Ur pressens synvinkel En deskriptiv innehållsanalys av två valrörelser - med en jämförande ansats

Capella and Jamiesons research of how the media describes politics has shown that it is very often case of one of two scenarios: game frames; or issue frames. The central idea of this framing theory is that when politicians are described within game frames the disdain towards politicians is believed to increase. Capella and Jamieson have shown that, at least in the US, the use of game framing has increased. The Swedish Scholar Jesper Strömbäck has however, with his research, shown that, despite the earlier theory of Capella and Jamieson, in Sweden the tendency is not so clearly demarcated. In fact he says that if anything, the tendency looks to be the antithesis.

Domäner i dialog - En studie av det balanserade styrkortets kommunikativa potential i en sjukvårdsorganisation

Denna studie undersöker vilken potential det Balanserade Styrkortet har att förbättra kommunikationen mellan olika domäner inom sjukvården. Vår utgångspunkt är Kouzes & Micos teori som beskriver sjukvårdsorganisationen som svårstyrd och uppsplittrad i tre domäner: en professionell, en administrativ och en politisk. Det huvudsakliga materialet består av sex kvalitativa samtalsintervjuer. Fyra vid Paramedicinska avdelningen på Ljungby Lasarett och två i ledningen för Landstinget Kronoberg.Vårt resultat pekar på att det Balanserade Styrkortet har en potential att öka informations- och kunskapsspridningen mellan olika nivåer i sjukhusorganisationen, förbättra helhetssynen samt förbättra dialogen kring vision, strategi och mål. För att potentialen ska kunna realiseras krävs emellertid ett ihållande engagemang och kunskap om det Balanserade Styrkortet.

Herr Talman, det luktar politisering? En argumentationsanalys av riksdagsdebatten rörande utnämningsmakten

Hur regeringen hanterar tillsättningen av högre chefer har debatterats under lång tid i Sveriges riksdag. Att förvaltningen politiseras, och skiljelinjen mellan politik och förvaltning är hotad, påpekas och förnekas. Vår undersökning studerar denna debatt genom en argumentationsanalys av konfrontationsmodell. En litteraturstudie har gjorts kring skicklighets- och förtjänstbegreppet, utnämningar i praktiken och tänkbara förändringar av utnämningsprocessen. Syftet med analysen är att försöka konkretisera debatten och få fram sakargument samt att undersöka hur debatten kring utnämningsmakten tett sig.

En knuten näve i silkeshandske - Kan statliga informationskampanjer stärka samhället och medborgaren?

Public opinion can be shaped as well as transformed in a number of ways. Government authorities occasionally make use of public information campaigns to educate and steer the public. In this thesis the balance between public and private, the individual and the society is analysed in terms of dimensions of individualism and communitarianism. These dissimilar theories on how the society ought to be constructed can be used when analysing many different policy areas, however, they also pinpoint the controversies seen in the public debate regarding Swedish information policy. Based on this analysis an empirical study identifies what kind of knowledge the state wants the citizens to possess and public information campaigns can be problematic.

Ett aktivt Sverige inom ESFP - En inblick kring argumenten för ett utbrett engagemang och hög aktivitet

The ambition of this study is to examine the discussion surrounding the Swedish participation in the European security- and defence policy. By forming feasible areas of arguments the goal is to gain further comprehension in the case of Sweden. These arguments are formed in close relation to the empirical sources; With less public funding there are economic aspects of cooperation, this could also be related to Swedish the industry of defence systems; A high level of participation in the UN is a tradition in Swedish foreign policy, the European battle groups are the perfect tool to further strengthen the UN ability in conflict management and peace keeping missions; Outside the EMU Sweden could face the political margin, to retain influence a high level of activity ought to occur in the integration process; Finally, the future position of United States and NATO is not clear, Europe needs an capacity apart the US to contribute to lasting peace and stability. The arguments are close related to each other, but the main argument is to through ESDP create a tool that will strengthen UN, there is also a wide range of economic arguments related to the industry..

Inuit Circumpolar Conference, en till synes avvikande NGO - En fallstudie av en ursprungsbefolknings organisering kring miljöfrågor och deras sociala och kulturella rättigheter

With ever-increasing environmental problems in the world, I have with this thesis aimed at studying how the Inuit people of the Arctic organize themselves around the issue of environmental degradation. In focus for this thesis is the organization Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC), an NGO that focuses on saving and protecting the social and cultural rights of the Inuit people, along with the environment in the four arctic regions. This aboriginal population has a strong connection to the environment they dwell in, as the area serves as a source of income and nutrition as well as an historically important place for their culture.I will in this thesis primarily investigate the methods of operation amongst NGOs, as well as their ability to influence and interact with the UN. These are three concepts that I, as a hypothesis, considered to distinguish ICC from other NGOs. With help from three theories about NGOs, I conclude that certain central elements of ICC differ from the average NGO, making ICC a new kind of actor in global politics..

Varför blev det fred i Indonesien? ? Kan rational choice förklara fredsuppgörelsen??

The conflict in Aceh had been going on for 30 years time, but ended after a tsunami hit the area in 2004. The impact the natural catastrophe had on the conflict was that both GAM and the Indonesian government was brought together with the intent of reaching a peace agreement. The authors to this thesis paper ask the question of why it became peace after such long time of war, but also if rational choice theory can explain this event. The answer to the first question is that the tsunami was the main reason to why it became peace. As to the second question, the conclusion would be that, depending on which view of human nature one has, rational choice theory can only answer the question if cultural, religious and emotional factors are disregarded.

Alliansen som koncept i svensk kommunpolitik. En undersökning av samarbetet mellan olika partier i Sveriges kommuner efter valen 2002 respektive 2006.

In Political Science a main theory is that a minimal winning coalition (MWC) will participate in the government. The parties included have to share the power of government. Therefore the winning coalition to be expected is the one including the fewest parties possible.My paper will atempt to examine if this is the main pattern in Swedish municipalities. My experience indicates that the ?Alliance for Sweden? including the four right-wing parties, that for the first time were connected through formal agreements in the elections 2006, formed a partly new and more obvious coalition pattern.

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