5370 Uppsatser om Political and administrative sciences - Sida 34 av 358
Medborgardeltagandets baksidor - En fallstudie i Lunds kommun
Medborgardeltagande brukar anses vila på en stark moralisk grundplatta och har med den senaste tidens decentraliseringspolitik krävts på större utrymme i den svenska lokala politiken. Men medborgardeltagandet är inte helt oproblematiskt och innehåller en del kända nackdelar. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att utifrån skrivna teorier kring medborgardeltagande illustrera hur en utdragen medborgarkonflikt i Lunds kommun i verkligheten kan plocka fram baksidor av medborgardeltagandet. Resultatet visar att en flera av teorierna är applicerbara på fallstudien, bland annat vad gäller klassiska negativa aspekter som helhets- och jämlikhetsproblematiken. Undersökningen visar också att både medborgarnas och det representativa kommunstyrets agerande gör sig skyldiga till att baksidor av medborgardeltagandet görs synliga.
Cultural Capital? - On the view of culture and cultural policy in Lund's application process to become Sweden's European Cultural Capital of 2014.
The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine the ways in which culture and cultural policy are being articulated in the process of Lund's application to become Sweden's European Cultural Capital of 2014.I have used Dorte Skot-Hansen's three cultural political rationalities: the humanistic-, the sociological- and the instrumental rationality, as well as and Jenny Johannisson's extension of those into three cultural-political discourses, as sensitizing concepts in my analysis. The questions raised are: How are the three rationalities/discourses articulated in the chosen central documents and in the process surrounding them? Which themes and arguments dominate the chosen documents?The main objects of my study have been four texts that have been produced in the applicationprocess: a Prestudy, a Plan of action, a Broschure and a Cultural policy. Along with them local political protocols, newspaper articles and other related material have been used. The research method applied was a qualitative eclectical textual analysis with emphasis on the content and on tracing the way the rationalities were expressed in the material.The rationalities were all found to be articulated in the four texts.
Skånes integration Orsaker till framgång
This essay is a case study that deals with the integration of Scania into Sweden,which started for over 300 years ago. The purpose is to capture why theintegration of Scania succeeded, what were the main reasons or factors and todiscuss the effects the scanian identity and culture had on the integration. This hasbeen done with the help of different theories that will help sort out main factors tothe successful integration. The result of the study revealed a number of factors, tobegin with the scanian identity appeared not to be such a great obstacle for theintegration that one could believe. The identity developed because of the?swedification?, which were the measures the Swedish government took tointegrate the new territory.
Att bita den hand som föder en? EU-kritiska parlamentarikers arbete i Europaparlamentet
The study seeks knowledge about the Swedish euro-scepticism and about the work of the Swedish euro-sceptical Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). How do they work in an environment where the norm is to have a positive attitude towards a future federal state of Europe? How do they regard their own situation and possibilities to make a change?The study includes a debate on today's Swedish euro-scepticism as background. My finding about the MEPs? work is that their way of acting in the European Parliament does not distinguish from other MEPs? in large.
EU:s klimatpolitik - förhandlingsvägen till framgång
Eleven years after broking the Kyoto-protocol, the European Union still stands in the front line, combating climate change. How come the EU, with 27 diversified states, is able to integrate its members to what is widely considered the most progressive climate policy in the world? This thesis takes a closer look at the negotiations that have shaped EU climate policy. Using negotiation-models to categorize different aspects of EU climatenegotiations, several key-findings are presented. The thesis concludes that while EU entered the Kyoto-protocol with little to lose because of external factors like previous energy-reforms in key member countries, it had plenty to win in global influence and the satisfaction of an overwhelmingly Kyoto-positive public.
Världens sista hinduiska kungarike blir republik - Varför vann den maoistiska rörelsen folkets stöd?
När man hör Nepal dras tankar till Mount Everest, trekking och vackra vyer. Men politiskt är landet mycket instabilt, ett krig där över 12 000 människor förlorat sina liv har nyligen kommit till sitt slut. Det varade i tio år mellan åren 1996 och 2006. Dess mål var att förvandla världens sista hinduiska kungadöme till en republik, ett mål som nu blivit verklighet.Ansvarig för kriget är den nepalesiska maoistiska rörelsen och frågan som behandlas i denna uppsats är varför dessa maoister vann folkets stöd och inte den neoliberala staten.Detta sker i form av en fallstudie vars främsta uppgift är att syna rörelsens sociala framing samt landets politiska, sociala och ekonomiska situation..
Att mäta och undersöka demokrati - med Region Skåne som empiriskt fall
Region Skåne skapades för tio år sedan med ändamålet att förstärka den regionala demokratin. Den här uppsatsen syftar till att studera hur pass långt Region Skåne kommit i den demokratiska utvecklingen. Utifrån en normativ analys diskuteras de tre demokratiidealen, valdemokrati, deltagardemokrati och samtalsdemokrati, som alla bör ingå för att kunna göra en demokratisk bedömning. De tre demokratiidealen omsätts i mät- och undersökningsmetoder för att i uppsatsens empiriska del kunna studera Region Skånes demokrati. Utifrån de fastställda mät och undersökningsmetoderna dras slutsatsen att Region Skåne inte till fullo uppnår något av demokratiidealen, och att organisationen fortfarande innehar flera demokratiska brister som bör förbättras, detta trots att demokratin inom regionen utvecklas och att regionen sedan dess skapande fört med sig flera demokratiska fördelar..
Med- eller motborgare? En normativ studie om etisk asylpolitik
AbstractThis essay analyse, from a normative perspective, what can be exspected of an etical asylum policy. The theorical base is derived from Gerard Delanty´s notion of civil cosmopolitism.The ethical outlook is based on utilitarianism. The questions this essay answers are:1) Which are the basic premises for an ethical asylum policy?2) Does the Swedish asylum policy forfill these premises?The study analyses in general terms the Swedish asylum policy. It analyses both the asylum law and the work of the executive authority.The analyse also includes a brief look at two asylum cases.
Institutions Matters - En teoriprövande studie om institutionell struktur och ekonomiskt välstånd inom transitionsländerna
This thesis analyzes and discusses the role of institutions concerning countries' abilities to create economic wealth. The countries that we are analyzing are the former members of the Warsaw pact and former Yugoslavia. These countries are referred to as transition countries. In order to analyze the transition countries institutional structure we are using Douglass C. North's theory regarding institutions and institutional building.
Sanning med skiftande resultat. En jämförande studie om sanningskommissionernas följder i Argentina, Sydafrika och El Salvador.
Sanningskommissioner inrättas för att dokumentera brott mot mänskliga rättigheter. På senare år har dessa blivit allt mer förekommande. Därför har detta fenomen väckt vår nyfikenhet. Vårt syfte med studien har varit att undersöka hur sanningskommissioner kan vara ett medel för ett land att gå vidare efter en konflikt samt vad som påverkar deras följder. Vår undersökning har en teoriutvecklande ambition där vi har utfört jämförande fallstudier av sanningskommissionerna i Argentina, Sydafrika och El Salvador.
"Om motorn är trasig spelar det ingen roll hur mycket bensin man fyller på" En studie av biståndets effekter på det civila samhället i Tanzania
Tanzania is today one of the greatest aid recipients in the world, but still - after over 45 years of huge amounts of aid - one of the poorest and least developed countries. How can that be? Civil society is said to benefit the democratization process, but has not succeed in Tanzania. Has the extensive aid had any impact? Our purpose is to investigate this set of problems.We are using theories concerning civil society and aid in general, and the theoretical framework developed by Hadenius and Uggla ?Making Civil Society Work, Promoting Democratic Development: What Can States and Donors Do??, in particular.
Skaka om och blanda mer - Om invandraridentitet i vardagen
The Swedish integration policy acts upon that all citizen should have equal rights and possibilities no matter ethnic and cultural background. In today's Sweden it is more or less a self-evident that immigrants ought to prepare the possibility to preserve their original cultural distinctive character according to the Governments Proposition 1997/98:16. Simultaneously the term integration and its actual meaning and its political significance are not always clear.Immigrants as a categorization are often overloaded with negative overtone and risk to seem discriminated. The category reinforces also a ?we? and ?them? thinking.
Diplomati med klyvbar kärna - en kvalitativ studie av den ryska diplomatins grundval
AbstractThe purpose of this thesis is to analyse the basis of Russian diplomacy, and by doing that develop the analytical instruments available, in order to improve the comprehension between the parties in negotiations. Descriptions of the national characteristics of Soviet and Russian diplomacy are made by an analysis of memoairs and other examinations of their negotiating behaviour. To ensure the result of the characteristics two case studies of the non-nuclear proliferation negotiations are made, followed by a comparation between the Soviet and Russian diplomacy. From these results, I analyse the groundworks of russian diplomacy, using three theories about how ideology, national identity and prevailing self-image can affect the national negotiating behaviour. The results show that there have been changes in only some parts of the negotiating behaviour and that there is a need for all three theories to explain different parts of the complex system of Russian diplomacy which is based on the plurality of culture, ideology, language, ideology and history..
Medborgerligt deltagande, demokratisk kvalité? - En fallstudie av Lomma kommuns medborgarpanel
It seems like Swedish municipalities are dominated by beliefs that all citizen participation is good for the development of local democracy. A critic of this certainty is rising among Swedish scholars of political science. However, a critic with an ambition of such generalization is harsh. Different democratic projects contents different qualities and thereby diverse problems in the democratic process. If these democratic problems within the process can be recognized, a deeper understanding can be found and in the prolongation a strengthening of the democracy.This essay examines the democratic process of Lomma municipality's democratic project of citizen participation.
Goda grannar - mellankommunalt samarbete ur den lilla kommunens perspektiv
This thesis deals with co-operation between municipalities viewed from the perspectiveof the small municipality. It poses two questions: How and why doessmall municipalities co-operate? and Which is the place of the small municipalityin a larger organization?. To examine this three Scanian municipalities have beenstudied and one Norwegian municipality is used to provide a perspective on theSwedish discussion.Four theoretical topics guide the thesis. Firstly the core values of municipalities;democracy, autonomy and efficiency.