
"Men Du är ju svensk!" - en kvalitativ studie av adopterades möte med det svenska samhället ur ett identitetsperspektiv

AbstractThe aim of this essay is to bring understanding to one of the problems theinternationally adopted in Sweden might face, the identity dilemma. In order to do so, a theory of identity construction, Constructionism, is used. This theory says that the construction of identities is a constantly continuing process, influenced, not only by our own perception of ourselves, but also by how we are viewed and treated by otherpeople.Given this theoretic starting point, an examination of the adoptees? everydayencounters in the Swedish society is made, using an autobiography, a biography, a collection of interviews, and newspaper articles. The result shows that the internationally adopted, although they are Swedish both by mind and by law, experience that they have been, and sometimes still are, confronted with strong attitudes such as racism, prejudice and stereotypes.Furthermore, those who experience the identity dilemma often refer to how they are perceived by ?the others?, or to what the encounters with ? the real? Swedes have been like. This confirms the theory of Constructionism and also gives one possible explanation to why some internationally adopted are not content with being adopted.Keywords: International Adoption, identity, ethnicity, racism, stereotypesCharacters: 61 648


Maria Wessman Bissacco

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionen


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