

2998 Uppsatser om Physical awareness - Sida 55 av 200

Objektivitet i socialt arbete

Swedish law is very keen on the fact that every person should be treated equal when facing the legal system. When it comes to cases concerning children, social workers and judges are expected to strictly obey the rules of the law but at the same time make individual judgements based on the best interest of the child, something that requires a great deal of empathy and knowledge. Is it possible to live up to the maxim about equality and to simultaneously see the individual needs? With so many different parties and angles in the case, how does one manage to make a solid appraisal of the situation that truly serves the best interest of the child?The purpose of this study was to examine the capability within the social services with focus on objectivity. More specifically it's aim was to find out how the social workers and judges see their capability of being objective in the investigations concerning children.

Marknadsföring av läkemedel-Skulle internetmarknadsföring av receptbelagt läkemedel direkt till konsument understödja bättre hälsa?

This thesis aims to show the positive effects of marketing by studying whether the regulation on direct marketing to consumers of prescription drugs today prevents to consumers accurate information and better health, and how consumers relate to the possible legalization of increased marketing through controlled and information audited webpages. Methods used in this research are qualitative method, quantitative method, documents and websites studies. The thesis fulfills the purpose as it shows the potential positive effects of an expanded marketing through pre-approved websites. It also shows a demand from the consumers' side and a need for increased awareness for more empowerment over their own health.

Det vetbara finns i hjärtat av det fördolda : En narratologisk udersökning av Ingeborg Bachmanns roman Malina

In this paper I study the Austrian author Ingeborg Bachmann?s novel Malina (1971) from the perspective of Gérard Genette?s narrative theory and his notions of tense, mood and voice. In dialogue with earlier research on Malina I reflect over the last scene in the novel, what really happens there and how it matters for the rest of the novel. I give an account of feminist theories with focus on the annihilation of the female voice, the memory as theatre and the folklore tale as flight. The result is a more distinct perception of Bachmann?s skill, closeness and awareness as a writer and her use of Malina as contribution to the feminist debate and as a tool to find a place in the patriarchal world of intellectual, postwar Vienna. .

Att utvecklas inom sitt yrke : Om den högre utbildningens inverkan på den erfarna pedagogen

This work is based on qualitative interviews with four educationists who before their university studies lack education in their own field of work. The study aims to explore how higher learning influenced and affected these people. As a theoretical point of view the concept of implicit learning and Aristotle?s epistemological approach was used. The study gives an idea that the concept of knowledge is advanced and can go from practical experience to more theoretical understandings.

FaR för en heterogen målgrupp med komplexa behov : Förskrivares upplevelse av fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR) och samverkan med aktivitetsmottagare

  Aim. The aim of the study was to describe how nurses in home care experience to pursue palliative care in ordinary housing. Methods. The study had a descriptive design with qualitative approach and was carried out through semi-structured interviews with 14 nurses in home health care from two medium-sized Swedish municipalities. The material was analyzed with manifest and latent content analysis. Findings. The underlying theme that emerged in the study was: Working with palliative care in the patient´s own homes is positive but challenging. Informants describe among other things that they perceived palliative home care as meaningful and that relatives have a central role in the palliative home care since they are close to the patient around the clock. The stress that emerges from the heavy work load and the long geographic distances are described as strenuous and to affect the care in a negative way. Informants describe the home environment as challenging as it is often not adapted for care and the collaboration with the palliative team is described to be experienced as both positive and negative.

Marknadsföring av läkemedel-Skulle internetmarknadsföring av receptbelagt läkemedel direkt till konsument understödja bättre hälsa?

This thesis aims to show the positive effects of marketing by studying whether the regulation on direct marketing to consumers of prescription drugs today prevents to consumers accurate information and better health, and how consumers relate to the possible legalization of increased marketing through controlled and information audited webpages. Methods used in this research are qualitative method, quantitative method, documents and websites studies. The thesis fulfills the purpose as it shows the potential positive effects of an expanded marketing through pre-approved websites. It also shows a demand from the consumers' side and a need for increased awareness for more empowerment over their own health.

Distansledarskapets spelregler - en fallstudie av utlokaliserade journalisters upplevelser av distansledarskap och arbetsmotivation

What is e-leadership and how can it be framed in a distance context? How can work motivation be understood as a correlated theme? In prior leadership research and theory it has been taken for granted that leadership occurs in a face-to-face environment, so how to study leadership in a remote context? According to recent research, e-leadership defines this leader-member relation in this new arena, and a central focus of this research has been on communication. Communication is a central theme in the remote setting because it is the only interaction arena which allows leadership to be seen and understood. By conducting a case study in a multi media organization with distance working journalists as focus group this essay aims to bring a deeper understanding of how e-leadership works and how it effects work motivation. The field of media organizations is interesting to study as distance work is not an unusual working environment for journalists, and research has indicated that work motivation needs for these highly specified creative workers are somewhat differentiated from other, for example industrial workers, which implies that motivation theories urges an update.

Fysisk aktivitet på recept : vad påverkar förskrivningen?

SammanfattningSyfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka samband mellan några utvalda faktorer av betydelse vid förskrivning av fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR) på hälso- och vårdcentraler i Sverige.Metod: En enkätundersökning genomfördes på 37 icke-privata hälso- och vårdcentraler i Malmö, Stockholm och Umeå. Totalt 241 enkäter besvarades av legitimerad personal med förskrivningsrätt av FaR. Studerade faktorer, uttryckta som enkätfrågor, var: förskrivarens kön, ålder, befattning, landstingstillhörighet, användning av FaR/FYSS, egen motion, FaR-utbildning, tidsbrist, riktlinjer, uppföljning, samarbete med friskvårdsaktör, FaR-ansvarig, hänvisning av FaR-patienter, kunskap i att motivera till fysisk aktivitet samt kunskap om vilka sjukdomstillstånd som kan behandlas med fysisk aktivitet. En webb-baserad enkät distri-buerades och samlades in via e-post och en pappersenkät användes på ett par hälso- och vårdcentraler. Resultatet från enkätundersökningen analyserades med chitvåtest och binär logistisk regression. Resultat: Sannolikheten att förskriva FaR var signifikant sju gånger högre hos personal som visste vart de kunde hänvisa patienter med FaR-ordination i jämförelse med dem som inte visste vart hänvisning kunde ske.

Grov vårdslöshet : om friskrivningens yttersta gräns på det materiella tjänsteområdet

Our purpose with this research is to highlight that there is a scope for increased value creation in the experience room during concerts, and how value-enhancing strategies can be a competitive advantage for different venues. In our investigation of this we have worded the following research question: How is the perceived customer value affected during a concert in the experience room and its physical environment? With the background in this question we have identified three key concepts that we believe are the influence of the total concert experience which are; sensory experiences, interaction and identity. From these concepts we have drafted a number of propositions to test the reality by our empirical data collection. .

Gapet mellan en ledares självuppfattning och medarbetarnas uppfattningar

Leadership is about synchronizing people into doing actions together to reach a common goal. To be able to do such thing you have to be a good leader. A mutual feature between good leaders is a good self awareness in order to be able to lead others. By letting others evaluate the features of a leader it can give a good self image of the leaders? leadership.

Impulsköp och självscanning - ett omaka par

This study aims to explore how self scanning affects consumers impulse buying. Up til this day researchers are not aware how technologies like self scanning affects consumers behavior in-store. Consumers with self scanners are able to keep track of the rising sum, which could affect their buying behavior, especially when it comes to impulse purchase. Furthermore customers have to commit to scanning products which keep them from browsing the store for offers, which could limit the impulse buying. This study undertake a descriptive methodology with Beatty and Ferrells impuls model from 1998 as a theoretical platform where we examine disparities between self scanners and non self scanners.

Lägesuppfattning vid en svensk stridsvagnspluton

Abstract: After their introduction, technical systems designed for Situational Awareness have changed the possibilities on the battlefield. Today, Swedish tanks use a system known as the TCCS. This system offers many advantages to a tank platoon, but does it also bring disadvantages? This essay examines pros and cons with the TCCS. To find these the author uses a Swedish Armed Forces analyze model in a comparative study.

Har kombinerad konditions- och styrketräning en hämmande effekt på utvecklingen av muskelstyrka jämfört med enbart styrketräning?: En systematisk litteraturstudie

Introduktion: Under de senaste tre decennierna har forskare försökt nå konsensus kring frågan om den möjliga hämmande effekten av kombinerad konditions- och styrketräning avseende utveckling av muskelstyrka jämfört med enbart styrketräning. Senaste meta-analysen inom området fastställdes 2012 och har kartlagt forskningsresultat fram till 2008, där konklusionen påvisar att forskningsresultaten är tvetydiga. Syfte: Att genomföra en systematisk litteraturstudie i form av en aktuell kunskapssammanställning över den forskning som bedrivits inom området för kombinerad konditions- och styrketräning för att undersöka om kombinerad träning har en hämmande effekt på utvecklingen av muskelstyrkan. Metod: Studien är en litteraturgenomgång där data samlats in via de medicinska databaserna; PubMed, Web of science, CINAHL, Scopus, AMED, Cochrane library och Physical education index. De sökord och sökordskombinationer som användes var; Concurrent training AND Endurance training AND Combined, Concurrent training AND Physical fitness AND Resistance training och Concurrent training AND endurance training AND Resistance training.

Fysisk aktivitet på Recept i primärvården i landstinget Uppsala län 2009

Syfte: Studiens syfte var att deskriptivt beskriva förskrivningar av Fysisk aktivitet på Recept (FaR®) i Primärvården i Landstinget Uppsala Län (LUL) 2009.Metod: Insamlad data från förskrivare, på 26 vårdcentraler i LUL, erhölls i form av utdrag ur journalsystemet Cosmic. Data bestod av avidentifierade recept vilka sammanställdes med hjälp av variabler i Excel. I Cosmic registreras data från receptet om patienterna (kön, ålder), ordinationen (förskrivningsorsak, träningsform, typ av aktivitet, intensitet, duration), förskrivarens profession, vårdcentral samt förekomst av ordination med hänvisning till stöd av friskvårdslots.Resultat: Under 2009 förskrevs 883 FaR ut i primärvården i LUL. Detta motsvarar totalt 0,55 % av alla de som besökt vårdcentral i primärvården med en spridning på vårdcentralnivå mellan 0,04 % till 2,45 %. Medelåldern för hela populationen är 49 år (åldersspann 18-86 år).

Shareadox : -The paradox of service quality assurance in Sharing Economy businesses

The purpose of the Sharing Economy is to exploit unused resources between people, as an alternative to buying new and owning themselves (Gansky, 2010). Gansky (2010) argues that a major reason why the Sharing Economy has grown in recent times is, besides from the recession and people?s increased environmental awareness, the urbanization which has made people move closer to each other and in to the big cities. This in addition to an increased use of GPS technology in smartphones enables people to be constantly connected to an ever-changing network. People now share and exchange services and products from each other.

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