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Utvärdering av kirurgisk behandling vid organiska stämbandsförändringar hos barn
In Sweden surgical treatment of vocal fold lesions in children is fairly uncommon. At Falun hospital they have adapted a more generous attitude towards phonosurgery of children?s vocal folds. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate surgical treatment of organic vocal fold lesions in children and to assess the phonosurgical patient utility. The study was carried out at the Ear-, Nose- and Throat clinic, Falun hospital, Sweden.
Arbetsterapeuters användning av Basal Kroppskännedom TM för att stärka patienters aktivitetsutförande
Aktivitet som terapeutiskt medium har varit centralt för att utveckla arbetsterapiprofessionen genom att använda aktivitet som mål och medel. Arbetsterapi är grundat på att engagemang i aktivitet är nödvändigt för hälsa och välmående. Trots detta har mycket av professionsutvecklingen lett till interventioner som inte är aktivitetsbaserade. Basal Kroppskännedom? (BK) och arbetsterapi har flera gemensamma grundantaganden.
Kommunikation med musik och tecken : en experimentell studie med vuxna om inlärning av Tecken som AKK med stöd av musik
Denna studie underso?ker, via ett experiment, om musik sto?djer inla?rning av Teck- en som Alternativ och/eller Kompletterande Kommunikation. Ma?nniskor kom- municerar pa? olika sa?tt och musik kan vara motivation fo?r la?rande. I Fo?renta Nat- ionernas Konvention om ra?ttigheter fo?r ma?nniskor med funktionsnedsa?ttning sta?r det om ra?tten till kommunikation.
Stroke, bilkörning & arbetsterapi : En litteraturstudie över bedömningsinstrument för körförmåga
Mobilitet genom att köra egen bil ger en ökad livskvalitet. Förekomsten av stroke ökar och för att kunna tillfredställa individens behov av aktivitet och självständighet i transporter finns ett ökat behov av körkortsbedömningar. Restsymtomen efter en stroke kan variera. Därför krävs olika typer av bedömningar. Arbetsterapeuter som är vana att arbeta klientcentrerat och bedöma skilda färdigheter har mycket att tillföra i körkortsfrågor.
Djurens olika roller i behandlingsarbete med unga brukare vid HVB-hem : En kvalitativ studie
The aim of this study is to understand which roles institutional personnel in HVB-homes (homes for care or living), that include animals ascribe the animals for the young clients in treatment. Using the termsrole, role-taking, primary socialisation and secondary socialisation within the perspective of symbolic interactionism, we intend to analyse the expericences from the institutional personnel of what roles the animals are ascribed in treatment of young clients. We also wanted to find out if the institutional personnel have certain expectations on the animals as tools in the treatment and whether the institutional personnel believes that the animals have important roles in the treatment of the young clients.To find the answers of our aim and approach to our problems, we have used a qualitative study where we have interviewed six institutional personnel distributed in three different HVB-homes that uses animals in treatment of young clients. Our empirical material shows that the institutional personnel ascribe the animals a variety of roles, which among others are: friendly and familiar, meaningful, safe, comforting and soothing. Other roles that the institutional personnel ascribe the animals for the young clients are: teaching in order to develop empathy and responsibility; helping in therapy situation and having an activating role.
Styrningsmentalitet i socialt arbete En kritisk diskursanalys av KBT
This study is based on the will to understand the importance of a specific theory within social work. From the concept of neo-liberal governmentality, the aim is to critically examine and discuss how governance and self-governance is manifested in social work methods and interventions, exemplified by the theory cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). This will be accomplished through an analysis of:? How governance (and self-governance) is manifested in text through the advocacy of CBT and methods based on CBT.? How (governance and) self-governance is manifested in text through the contents of CBT and methods based on CBT. The study has a deductive approach including the hypothesis that the discourses inherent in social work methods and interventions, exemplified by the theory of CBT and methods based on CBT, may be related to the West?s development of a neo-liberal concept of governance.
Social delaktighet hos ungdomar och vuxna med cerebral pares
Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur ungdomar och vuxna med cerebral pares och en kommunikativ nedsättning upplever och resonerar kring vad som påverkar social delaktighet i vardagliga aktiviteter. För att besvara syftet valdes en kvalitativ ansats i form av innehållsanalys. Datainsamling genomfördes med skriftliga intervjuer via internet utifrån en intervjuguide samt genom tillgång till dagboksanteckningar. Analysen resulterade i ett tema "Samverkan av interna och externa faktorer påverkar upplevelsen av social delaktighet i vardagliga aktiviteter" samt två kategorier ?Personliga faktorer? och ?Omgivningsfaktorer?.
Buskröjning längs skogsbilvägar : en produktivitetsstudie av två kättingslagor
To regularly remove woody vegetation along the roadside of forest roads is an important part of the road maintenance, since the vegetation binds moisture in the road side and, thus, the removal makes the road drying faster with results in improved bearing capacity. Vegetation removal also makes it easier to upgrade the road by material recycling from the ditch and, moreover, the visibility along the road is maintained.The aim of the study was to evaluate what type of chain flail is the best and most cost-effective for removal of different kind of woody vegetation along forest roadsides.Time studies were made on two chain flails when removing woody vegetation in three different classes; easy-, middle- and heavy shrub removal. The studied flails were one light and rather simple flail named Optimal M160 and a heavier and more advanced flail named Slagkraft H210. The removal was made according to Holmen Skogs? specification and the quality of the cleaning was measured by objective belt inventory.The productivity was higher with the heavy flail within all cleaning classes.
En utvärdering av långtidssjukskrivna kvinnors livskvalitet ? Projektet Fyrklövern
Inledning: Psykisk ohälsa samt värk är de vanligaste orsakerna till att människor upplever sitt hälsotillstånd som nedsatt. Bland kvinnor utgör dessa tillstånd tre fjärdedelar av sjuk- och aktivitetsersättningar. Projektet Fyrklövern startades med syfte att utvärdera en kombinationsmetod av Grön rehabilitering och Supported Employment (SE). Projektledningen önskade även en utvärdering av deltagarnas livskvalitet vilket resulterade i att denna uppsats har genomförts. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka om kvinnors livskvalitet förbättrades efter intervention Grön rehabilitering och SE.
Miljöklassningssystem : Skillnader mellan Miljöklassad Byggnad och LEED samt dess påverkan på fastighetsvärdet
A uniform environmental rating system for green buildings is demanded in today's society, where the requirements of the energy consumption for real estate are increasing. There are several different systems around the world used to rate buildings, all with different assessment criteria and starting points, which make it difficult to compare environmental rated buildings with each other.The purpose of this paper is to acquire knowledge about the differences between the Swedish environmental rating system Miljöklassad Byggnad and the American LEED, to discover which system is most advantageous. We also examine whether environmental rating affect the value of a property.Miljöklassad Byggnad is relatively simple structured, which makes it possible for private individuals to rate their property. LEED is better structured on the other hand in the case of environmental classification of commercial properties, because there are manuals for among others hospitals, schools and retail. The rating system for Miljöklassad Byggnad is good since the system seeks to fix the number of errors and deficiencies as soon as possible.
Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av hur miljön påverkar aktivitet och delaktighet vid rehabiliteringen för personer med stroke
Syftet med studien var att beskriva arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av hur miljön påverkar aktivitet och delaktighet i rehabiliteringen för personer med stroke. Inklusionskriterierna för deltagarna var legitimerade arbetsterapeuter, med minst ett års erfarenhet av rehabilitering för personer med stroke. Verksamma i norra Sverige inom hemrehabilitering i primärvården eller slutenvård. Nio arbetsterapeuter i deltog i studien. Data samlades in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med stöd av en intervjuguide.
Ekonomisk värdering av användandet av underbett på timmerbilar
Holmen Skog has in some places in their operation area access to timber trucks with centre mounted scrapers. They make transportation more flexible and reduce reliance on contractors for road maintenance. The trucks with centre mounted scrapers have a higher tare weight, making them less productive and therefore they receive compensation with a 0.75 % increase on transportation price.
The purpose of this study was to investigate what actions a timber truck with centre mounted scraper can perform with acceptable quality in winter, and to examine if it is an economically profitable solution for the truck operator and charterer.
The study was done in three stages; interviews, performance analysis of the transportations carried out and an economic analysis with the help of Sven Erik Gilles spreadsheet tool. The study included the districts Delsbo and Hudiksvall.
Den digitala arbetsterapeuten En kvalitativ studie
Bakgrund: Sverige har som m?l att bli v?rldens b?sta land inom E-h?lsa 2025. Det finns
begr?nsad forskning kring arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter att arbeta med digitala patientm?ten.
Digitala patientm?ten kr?ver digital kompetens och att arbetsterapeuter kontinuerligt f?ljer
utvecklingen. ?r 2020 fick prim?rv?rden drastiskt g? fr?n en traditionell och fysisk v?rd till
en mer digital v?rd n?r pandemin br?t ut.
Biogas till kraftvärme på Wapnö : en projektanalys utifrån ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv
Biogas is a gaseous fuel, rich in methane, produced through a biological route in an anaerobic digester. A gas engine generates combined heat and power, which can be used at the farm to reduce energy cost. The process also generates a digestate, with better utilization of nutrient compared to cattle manure.
The aim of this study is to analyze the profitability of a farm-scale biogas plant for combined heat and power (CHP) at Wapnö. Wapnö is an agriculture company located in the southern part of Sweden.
Hållbar köttproduktion och köttkonsumtion i Dalarna
The release of green house gases and the environmental impacts humans have on the environment are huge and might cause irreversible changes to our earth. Meat is considered to have large impacts on the environment, especially beef meat and therefore there have lately been considerable discussions on the sustainable level of meat consumption and production. The main goal with this thesis is to study sustainable meat production and meat consumption in the county of Dalarna in Sweden. Indicators for sustainable meat production and meat consumption were developed and applied on three cases. Interviews were carried out with a municipality in the region that represents the consumer and three beef farmers that represents the producers.