

8926 Uppsatser om Performance time - Sida 28 av 596

Distriktssköterskors och sjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetsmiljö i primärvård och en kartläggning av arbetstidens innehåll

Introduction:A good work environment and good resources among district nurses? and general nurses? are important in the provision of good nursing care. For patient security it is also very important that resources and time are used in an appropriate way. A lot of time is spent on non-core activity, for example administration takes more and more time, which can result in feelings of stress.Aim:The aim was to describe how district nurses? and nurses? in primary care perceived their work environment, how their worktime content was distributed and if there was some connection between perceived work environment and the distribution of work time.Methods:A mapping of the content of the work was made in two parts.

Rapport från insidan ett levande ting

Lera bär på någonting ursprungligt och universellt. Jag har velat arbeta idémässigt enkelt och direkt,för att möta leran på det plan jag upplever den som bäst ? med kroppen. Lerans förmåga att mötaden mänskliga kroppen, ta avtryck av den och bära med sig spår av aktivitet har hållits som viktigtsamtidigt som jag förhållit mig till den starkaste keramiska traditionen ? krukan.

I havet av siffror och bokstäver : En studie om matematik- och lässvårigheter hos barn i andra klass

It is not uncommon for math difficulties and reading difficulties to occur simultaneously. Despite this, math and reading difficulties are thought to have different cognitive profiles where math difficulties are linked to number sense; an innate ability to understand, approximate and manipulate both quantities and numerical information, whereas reading difficulties are linked to phonological ability; an innate ability to understand, create representations of and manipulate phonological information. A possible link between the difficulties is that phonological abilities also could affect mathematical ability. Support for this comes from studies where comorbid math and reading difficulties are associated with more severe difficulties in arithmetic ability compared to those with isolated math difficulties. The purpose of this study is to examine whether isolated math difficulties, isolated reading difficulties and comorbid math and reading difficulties can be linked to deficits in number sense, phonological ability or both of these, and whether comorbid math and reading difficulties differ in performance in mathematical tasks compared to isolated math difficulties for children in second grade.

SAS arbete för att bli Europas punktligaste flygbolag : -en fallstudie utifrån ett kvalitetsperspektiv

In 2010, SAS received the "On time performance service" award by Flightstats. This award was an affirmation of long-term work, both in projects and as an ongoing process, which the company sought to systematically improve punctuality on its flights. The extent to which SAS followed the values and the underlying theories of the cornerstone model for total quality management was the main issue in this essay. Whether there are conditions for the company to get even further by working in other ways was also investigated. In addition, the importance of punctuality in relation to customer satisfaction was discussed.

Konstruktion av patientsimulator för anestesimaskiner

A patient simulator for testing anaesthesia machines has been developed at Maquet Critical Care AB, to reduce costly and time-consuming experiments on animals. The device simulates human lungs regarding lung dynamics and volume, uptake of anaesthetic agents and the production of carbon dioxide, heat and moisture. Further demands on the simulator are durability and size; the device shall be compact enough to be moveable.The resulting simulator fulfils the requirements and enables better repeatability and ability to test extreme cases than experiments on animals do.Uptake of the anaesthetic agent is achieved in a active carbon filter and controlled by regulating the flow. The flow is created by a regenerative blower and controlled using a proportional valve. The uptake can be set by the user or by a simple uptake model modified to recursively handle changes in the concentration of anaesthetic agent.Carbon dioxide is fed into the system from a tank by a mass flow regulator.

Kraften i motivation! : Studiemotivation hos elever i åk 9

Following study is about motivation from a student perspective. Based on the prescribed literature and published research, the concept and field of motivation have been illuminated. The purpose of the study was to examine how students in ninth grade perceived their educational motivation and what kind importance they considered it had for their performance in school. The study is also supposed to base upon the result; clarify the differences if any between schools. In an attempt to get a clear image of this a quantitative method in the form of surveys was made on two schools in the Stockholm region. One of the schools had a really good merit value, and the other had a rather poor merit- value. By choosing a quantitative method a relatively large number of students where able to participate and equally large quantity of statistics have been presented. The result point at motivation in the participating students in both schools can increase and decrease through different factors.

Kommunikation och omsorgsrelation mellan omvårdnadspersonal och demenssjuka personer

I dagens arbetsliv används olika urvalsprocesser för att finna lämpliga kandidater till lediga tjänster. Inom en traditionell urvalsprocess selekteras kandidater utifrån en skriftlig ansökningshandling där kandidatens formella kompetens i form av tidigare meriter och erfarenheter lyfts fram. Den traditionella urvalsprocessen har nu utvecklats och delvis ersatts av nya metoder för att finna lämpliga kandidater. Utvecklingen mot nya urvalsmetoder ser vi som en trend i arbetslivet. Trenden har uppstått då en rad inriktningar har uppkommit som ett komplement till den skriftliga ansökningshandlingen.

Change in Working Time: The Effect on Human Resource Management

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Silva Quattro-S : Utveckling av träningsprodukt med multifunktion

In the spring of 2009 Silva Sweden AB was contacted for a collaboration within the scope of a MasterThesis project. The company had discussed the possibility to develop a device that monitors usermovement during different types of exercise. The objective of this Master Thesis has therefore been todevelop and design a multi training device that records the user?s physical performance during severalactivities. The purpose of the thesis project has been to use scientific methods for product development inorder to design a multi device that supplements Silva?s range of products.The project followed a product development process divided into four phases; Market Analysis, ConceptCreation, Concept Development and Construction.

GPU accelerated SPH simulation of fluids for VFX

Fluids are important to the Visual Effects Industry but extremely hard to control and simulate because of the complexity of the governing equations. Fluid solvers can be divided into two categories, those of the Eulerian point of reference and those of the Lagrangian. Both categories have different advantages and weaknesses and hybrid methods are popular. This thesis examines Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, a Lagrangian method for physically based uid simulations. To allow the artist the exibility given by shorter simulation times and increased number of iterations, the performance of the solver is key.

Utveckling av nyckeltal för logistiska tjänster : En studie vid logistikföretaget Foria

The purpose of this thesis is to identify and define Key Perfomance Indicators (KPIs) and value adding services which are used to describe the quality of Forias logistics services from different aspects. The KPIs should be attractive to both Foria and their customers, with the aim to strengthen the interaction between both parties.The basis for this work is a research in which a literature review and a survey of the market for Swedish logistic service providers were carried out. An analysis of the present situation of Foria was carried out, where a number of people in the company were interviewed. These elements were used together with definitions of KPIs to perform the analysis of the work.The result of the work is ten KPIs that have been created and developed for Foria and which are considered to be attractive to both Foria and the selected customers. The KPIs are: · ECO-driving (binary) ? the company has ECO-driving-educated drivers· ECO-driving (comparison figure) ? all drivers individual driving and its resulting exhaust emissions are compared· The environmental impact ? a total of exhaust emissions from all vehicles belonging to a single business, measured in tonne-kilometres· Complete order ? portion of fields with accurate information (in an order), with the possibility of error categorization· Delivery reliability ? time difference between expected and actual delivery, average for all orders· On-time ? the number of days and hours of difference between the expected and the actual time, for all activities of the order· On-time (activity) ? the number of hours and minutes of difference between the expected and the actual time, for each individual activity of the order· Divergence ? a categorization of all causes of divergence and its responsible department· Level of integration ? the level of cooperation between the logistic service provider and the customer· Customer satisfaction ? how well an order will meet the expectations of the customer The KPIs are described in detail with definitions, how they can be used and what is required to implement them in the service process of Foria.

Betydelsen av verbal uppmuntran vid utförande av handstyrketest

The purpose of this study was to evaluate if verbal encouragement had any influence on handstrength measurements. Twenty subjects participated in the study, all women between the age of 20 and 62 years. A standardisation of testing conditions and verbal encouragement were designed. Three measurements were conducted during two days using T.K.K 5401 Grip D. First there was a trial set, and then Test 1 (without verbal encouragement) and Test 2 (with verbal encouragement) were conducted.

WCeco2008 : Extremt snålspolande toalett

This thesis is performed in cooperation with Prodelox AB and JTI (Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering). The purpose of the project is to generate and develop a WC-technique with a closet sewer that keeps a higher TS-substance than 1.5 %. The WC-technique is mainly directed towards permanent households in sparsely-populated areas and cabins. The goal is to generate concepts of toilets with an extremely low use of water in terms of flushing. The design should be appealing and touch more senses than only the visual.

Students balancing human capital through scorecard - a study of non-profit organizations

PURPOSE: By analysing collected data using theory, we aim to interpret the design, implementation and the usage of BSC in NPO?s to be able to contribute to the research. METHODOLOGY: A case study design has been made through semi-structured interviews and backed up by a quantitative survey and internal documents. THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES: Based on the sources given from the creators of the scorecard together with some sceptics and some followers, we have outlined the bases of balanced scorecard. To map out the non-profit sector and its strategic needs, the theories have tried to settle the specific need for the strategic tool given.

Testikelstörningar hos hingstar i Sverige

This project was initiated by a veterinarian, that at stallion performance tests for breeding during a number of years, noted breed differences in various types of testicular disorders. Therefore it was of interests to examine the proportion of testicular disorders within certain breeds. The aim with the project was in a first part to study cryptorchidism in common horse breeds in Sweden. Information about castrations of stallions performed during a 10 year period (2000-2009) was collected from computerized case records at five animal hospitals. The case records showed the numbers of castrations, normal cases and cases preformed on stallions with cryptorchidism, abdominal respectively inguinal.

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