

8926 Uppsatser om Performance time - Sida 27 av 596

MAGISKA RUM : om scenografins roll i scenkonstverk för barn och unga

This thesis investigates the communicative role of scenography in the performing arts for children, with an aim to make the readers understand the ways in which a set design can be optimized so that a young audience can be able to interpret the play and its message.The art of scenography is complex and includes many elements. The research questions can therefore be grouped into three clusters: one artistic oriented (How does the scenographic process work and what is its relation to the scenic piece at large? In which ways may scenography be used to support the desiderate interpretation?), one audience oriented (Which work processes enhances the chances of creating dramatic art that is perceived as meaningful to the audience? On what premises can the semiotics of theatre be used in the performing arts for a young audience?) and last a cluster that focuses on Den magiska cirkeln (The Magic Circle) by ung scen/öst (What is told in the show and how is this portrayed in the scenography? Who is in the target group, and does the audience get the feeling of the performance as intended?).Den magiska cirkeln is used as a case study in the thesis in order to reflect the theoretical material. Methods in the case study includes performance analysis, a survey completed by 178 people in the audience and an interview with scenographer Anna Dolata. 14 performing analyzes of Swedish children?s theatre shows have been made in addition to the case study.The thesis analyses and compares two work logics; the internal logic and the external logic, and it is shown that meaningful interpretations are likelier to happen with an external logical point of view.

Bioactive peptides in long-time ripened open texture semi-hard cheese

Bovine milk is an excellent source of bioactive peptides. The bioactive peptides are in an inactive state in the protein and are released during enzymatic activity, e.g. during cheese ripening. Specific properties of bioactive peptides from ripened cheese has been reported, e.g. antihypertensive, antioxidative, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory and mineral binding.

Finns det ett samband mellan börsnoterade företags resultat och dess värdering?

Background: What is a share and what determines the value of a company? This is a constant issue that many in the financial world are facing. Many argue that there has been some decoupling between stock valuation and how the company in question is developing operationally after the financial crisis that the world faced during 2008-2009.Problem: It is important to distinguish between the company and the share. A company that is good and well maintained may not be worth buying only because of it. The share is judged by other elements also.

Adaptiv temperaturreglering av bostadshus

The control of indoor temperature must be able to handle large time constants and both measureable disturbances like outdoor temperature, and non-measurable disturbances, like waste heat from appliances. Due to cheaper microcontrollers (small computers with designated tasks) with better performance, more advanced and computation-demanding methods for control can be used.In this thesis, Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) has been implemented and tested on a theoretically derived model of a house. GPC states that a model of the system is estimated in every sample, and the control is carried out simultaneously, based on predictions of the model. Disturbances like solar radiation can be estimated and used in the control as well. The control signals are determined by quadratic programming, which makes it possible to consider conditions, for example limitations on the control signals.GPC requires a number of parameters to be defined, like model order and control signal penalty, but is relatively robust for variations in them.

Cykeltidsoptimering av sjuaxligt robotsystem

This master thesis studies how much the cycle time, i.e. the time it takes for an industrial robot to perform a given task, can be reduced if an extra degree of freedom (DOF) is added to the robot system. The extra DOF consists of a linear track, which is supposed to be used in an optimal way. The problem has been studied using simulations in the robot simulation tool RobotStudio. To be able to run an optimization in Matlab, with the RobotStudio simulation cycle time as the object function, communication between Matlab and RobotStudio has been set up with an interface written in Visual Basic.

Konstruktion av mutterdragare för stora moment

This degree project was conducted in collaboration with Gremo AB located in Ätran.The aim of the project was to develop a solution to secure quality and to help assemblingthe locknut holding the vertical hinge on the harvesters and foresters from Gremo.At this time the nut is assembled manually by the aid of an overhead crane. The nut istightened differently from time to time, and there was no specified torque to which it istightened. Another present problem was the locking washer which sometimes getsdamaged during assembly, when this happens the procedure has to be started over fromthe beginning. The current assembly procedure is very time consuming and lengthy forthe employees.Our task was to design a machine that could tighten the nut to a specified torque with amargin of error of ± 3%. The assembly procedure will be held simple and the timerequired at a minimum.The project started by developing several principle solutions, the one solution that bestmatched our specifications were developed to a primary solution.Today we have started manufacturing and assembling our prototype.

Fritidspedagogens möte med ett museum : Fritidspedagogens uppdrag och det pedagogiska arbetet under ett studiebesök

Essay means attempt, and is a paper written based on self-experienced dilemmas, which the writer then returns to, reflect upon and discusses on the basis of literature and accepted theories. In this essay, I reflect upon my own professional role as a leisure-time pedagogue. The leisure-time pedagogue must provide activities that in different ways relate to the curriculum 2011. I have therefore a responsibility to influence the students' desire for knowledge. Focus of learning is different from the one in school, with an emphasis on informal learning.The dilemma is that I am unable to do any pedagogical work at the museum because of many conflicts.

Ena dagen student nästa dag nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska

Background: Every year about 4600 nurses are examined in Sweden. The work as a nurse is responsible and she is often working under time pressure. Aim: To describe nurse?s understandings about her professional role during her first year after the examination. Method: Systematic literature review, where 10 scientific articles were examined.

Frilekens betydelse för barn i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie av några pedagogers syn på den fria lekens betydelse för barns lärande

The aim of this study is to increase knowledge and understanding of free play or free fun time importance for children of age around five years in preschool, in order to promote children?s development and learning. The focus was on exploring and better understanding of teacher?s and educators? approach to the free fun play time as a tool in their educational work, and also about their own role in this context as well as analyzing of forms, rules and structures spontaneously created by groups of children having free play fun time. Another important moment of this study was to give more light on approaches to this issue in education theories by Piaget, Vygotsky and Freud among others.As to the practical experimental part of the study it has been performed at a preschool and kindergarten in a suburb at the outskirts of Stockholm, with four employed educators there and with groups of children of age around five.

Muntlig framställning: övningar och arbetsmetoder som en
amerikansk skola använder för att förbättra elevers muntliga

Syftet med vårt arbete var att studera vilka övningar och arbetsmetoder en amerikansk skola använder för att förbättra elevers muntliga framställning. Den empiriska delen av vår undersökning genomfördes i en amerikansk skola med 20 elever i åldrarna 12-13. Observationerna genomfördes i ämnena performance, council samt speech. Studien var av kvalitativ karaktär och genomfördes med ostrukturerade observationer. Vi kände snabbt stor skillnad mellan de svenska skolor vi besökt tidigare under vår utbildning och den amerikanska skolan beträffande elevernas vilja att tala.

Progesteronrelaterad diabetes mellitus hos älghund :

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a relatively common endocrine disease in dogs and is more common in certain breeds than others, e.g. Nordic spitz breeds. Within the Swedish and Norwegian Elkhound population, female dogs are almost exclusively affected. The hypothesis in this study is that Swedish- and Norwegian Elkhounds develop DM during the progesterone phase of estrous (diestrous or pregnancy). Medical records from 51 female dogs of the breeds Swedish and Norwegian Elkhound were studied.

Talresultat hos 16-åringar födda med unilateral läpp-, käk- och gomspalt samt jämförelse mellan erfarna och otränade lyssnares bedömningar

In this study the speech of adolescents with unilateral cleft lip andpalate (UCLP) and delayed closure of the hard palate was evaluated.Evaluations were made with experienced speech-language pathologists(SLP:s) and lay listeners. The SLP evaluation consisted of typical cleft palatespeech variables and some of them were adapted for lay listeners. Attitudestowards the speech of the adolescents were investigated by asking laylisteners if the speech constituted any hindrance to vocational performance.The SLP:s mainly found nasal escape and velopharyngeal impairment (VPI),although to a small degree and extent. The lay listeners mainly foundresonance deviations and indistinct speech. The latter was associated withhindrance to vocational performance.

Musikens betydelse för individens identitetsskapande och sociala liv : - en kvalitativ studie av sex musikstudenter

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study is to analyze the aspects which have formed music-students? interest to perform music in various ways. Two of these aspects are family and school. Furthermore, -the study analyzes what music itself, and its performance mean in these students? social and personal lives.

Resultatstyrning på Sida: Ett Sisyfosarbete

This study aims to examine how performance management is compatible with the operations at Sida, Sweden?s International Development Cooperation Agency, by performing interviews with representatives from Sida. The public sector is facing increased demands on accounting, which has emerged as an institutionalized social norm in society. The nature of Sida?s operations, however, proves to be highly complex, rendering results based management difficult to implement.

Klädda pedagoger : Om bruket av nytillverkade historiska dräkter

This thesis aims to explore the use of costumed interpreters at museums. Firstly the thesis examines how extensivethe use of historical costumes is in Sweden, along with some international comparisons. Later on the differentways that the clothes are used is examined, and the costume as a resource for learning is discussed. In the lastpart of the thesis the ?function? of the costume is examined.

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