

8926 Uppsatser om Performance time - Sida 29 av 596

Motivation for eating roughage in sows : as an indiction of hunger

Today?s feeding methods can determine the domestic pig?s abilities to fulfill basic behavioral needs, such as foraging, and the way in which pigs are feed is an important aspect. Feed does not only provide the energy and nutrients critical for survival, but feeding is also associated with a number of other factors contributing to well-being and reproduction. Today the feed for gestated sows is often composed by high energy and low dietary fiber grain products such as wheat. Three kg of this kind of feed can often be consumed by the sow within 20 minutes.

Tidsstudie - grovfoderhantering :

Since feeding fodder crops to dairy cows is a heavy and time-consuming but often disregarded line of work, this study wishes to view the different possibilities that are currently available to decrease the time to feed and apply this knowledge on an existing farm. For this purpose, four farms have been studied due to what feeding systems that are currently used and how long time the feeding required. The occurring systems are either mobile, i.e. a feed mixer operated by a tractor witch feeds the cattle via a drivable fodder table, or a stationery mixer, i.e. an electrically powered mixer which fills an automatic feeder.

Solvärme på Utö

The guest harbor on Utö, Utö Gästhamn, is currently using electricity for heating all of the water used in the showers and taps. Because of the large amount of visitors, especially during the summer months, the hot water usage gets very high and that is also the case for the electrical bills. During the year of 2011 the cost of electricity for Utö Gästhamn reached a total of 257 500 kr. Out of these 257 500 kr approximately 142 000 kr, 55 % of the total cost, were because of the water heating.The report is the result of a cooperation with Skärgårdsstiftelsen, the Green Islands-project and Utö Gästhamn where the mutual goal is to dimension a solar energy system, to promote the sustainable development.Initially the different techniques for the solar energy system are researched. The techniques are plane solar collectors, evacuated tube collectors, pool collectors and photovoltaic cells.

Nationella prov- som stöd eller som tidstjuv? : En kvantitativ studie om lärares uppfattning av nationella prov

In recent years, more of high stakes (National exam- NP) have been introduced in Sweden and now (2015) the government has decided that the NP in social sciences- and natural science in 6th grade is optional in order to reduce teachers' administrative burden. Based on these reforms, to have more tests in more grades and also on the decision to remove the test, the purpose of this study is to examine how teachers perceive the work of the (NP).A quantitative research was done in the form of questionnaires. The study was based on questionnaires regarding the time for working with the NP and of the intention that the NP should be a support for teachers.The result of the study is linked to school development and the constructivist theory of learning. The results show that teachers perceive work with NP takes a lot of time, where as the time for administration seems to take slightly lesser time than the time for assessing the exams. The results also indicate that teachers perceive NP as supportive, mainly in relation to the curriculum.

Leka och lära på lika vilkor? : En studie kring fritishemmets arbete om barn med koncentrationssvårigheter

The purpose has been to investigate leisure-time centers actual work on children with attention deficit disorder. In addition, the study strives to make leisure-time centers way of working, in relation to their assignments, visible. The study has also compared how the leisure-time centers work and what the research says. The survey was conducted with the help of three exploratory interviews with pedagogues and three-piece observations at the leisure-time centers. It was carried out at three different schools in two counties in Sweden.The results of the survey show that the schools are trying to create clear procedures, though the centers succeed with this in varied degrees.

Minnesväskor och Per-Albintorp : En jämförande studie över Norrbottens museums och Jamtlis sätt att samarbeta med äldrevården

Denna uppsats handlar om hur två länsmuseer samarbetar med äldrevården. Anledningen till att jag valde detta ämne var att jag upplever att äldre personer och äldreboenden sällan diskuteras i litteraturen och undervisningen. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur samarbetet mellan äldrevården och respektive museum ser ut samt att på ett mer teoretiskt plan undersöka vilka minnen som stimuleras och hur man kan koppla teman och föremål till Performance theory. Mina frågeställningar överensstämmer med syftet, de handlar alltså om hur samarbetet ser ut, vilka minnen museerna vill stimulera och hur man kan koppla teman och föremål till performance theory. Mina teoretiska utgångspunkter har således varit performance theory, teorier om personligt och kollektivt minne samt reminiscensmetoden.

Referensintervjuer på folkbibliotek: En intervju- och litteraturstudie

This thesis examines the subject of reference interviews and the ways librarians form an opinion of users information needs. Using literature and interviews with three librarians I look at the questions below: - Why and when are reference interviews needed? - What significance do they have? - What ideas exist about the performance of reference interviews? - Are there any differences in librarians views of the questions above compared to views in the literature? Results from literature studies and interviews show that reference interviews can be important when librarians try to find out more about users information needs. However its neither necessary nor possible to analyse all reference questions. Librarians therefore need to determine if a reference interview is needed or not.

Tempus Custode : En GPS-tidrapporteringsapplikation

This paper describes Tempus Custode, a smartphone application with which the user may register working hours and travel time during the work day. The application communicates with a database via a server. The data stored in the database may be manipulated using an administrator tool, mainly for the composition of time reports. In this way, the user?s task of time reporting his day is greatly simplified.The application is able to automatically discriminate between work time and travel time, as it continuously fetches positioning data from the smartphone GPS receiver.

Hedge Fund Style Analysis, Is an Index-Based Approach Viable?

This thesis aims to open the Pandora?s Box of hedge fund styles through an index-based style analysis. This information asymmetry is due to both less strict disclosure requirements and inherent nature of hedge funds. We employ a multiple unconditional linear regression model wherein 23 Swedish hedge funds are regressed on 10 style indices. In addition to the increased interest in hedge funds and their performance drivers, our unique approach with regressing return on return motivates this study.

Den sköna nya tiden 2013

2013. The brave new time.We constantly look forward in time. There is a need today to constantly renew, replace and update almost everything in our lives. Although often stressful, these continual changes and upgrades can open up new possibilities and even be seen as enjoyable and stimulating.Values, opinions, and everything we create, is based on an experience of the past and predictions of what the future might be. I want to take advantage of these thoughts and find out how they relate to our exchangeable culture.

Produktivitet vid stubbskörd :

Stump harvest could be found in the late 1970?s and the early 1980?s. And now when the prices on energy are high it has become an interesting topic again. This work has been conducted within Holmen Skog?s stump harvest testing in Norrköping.

Totalresultatet ur ett annat perspektiv -En studie om Latour

Purpose Based on the new comprehensive income due to changes in IAS 1, the authors aim to describe how a listed corporate accounting is affected by IAS 1 and the new income statement.Methodology This study uses an inductive approach with a combination of qualitative and quantitative data, using financial rapports from the investment company Latour. This case study is based on Latour?s all published financial statements under the period 2008 to 2012.Result The study resulted in different observations of Latour's operational and financial performance, share price trends as well as ratios. The study's authors can see that Latour's net income and comprehensive income differ due to changes in IAS 1. They can also observe the effect of clean surplus in Latour?s income statement.

En studie av två fotorealistiska målningar ? en semiotisk reflektion

The main purpose of this essay is to examine, in what way the paintings by Karin Broosand Markus Åkesson are images of autentic situations and furthermore in what way themediespecific essence is performed photografically. Questions occuring: 1) How are thecreations of reality shaped in the two chosen photorealistical paintings? 2) In what waycan you distinguish the iconicity and indexicality in the paintings Den vita klänningenand The Passage? 3) How does the photografic presence occur in the paintings andfuthermore how can you distinguish the mentioned parts above according to thepaintings? The theoretical standpoint is based upon Charles Sanders Peirces ideasconcerning iconicity and indexicality. The methods used are based on thoughtspresented by Andrew Benjamin and Mieke Bal. The signs of iconicity and indexicalitycan be studied in various ways in the two paintings, depending on how abstract andobvious different parts occur in the paintings.

?Relationer över tid och rum? : ett skolutvecklingsprojekt som syftar till att utforska hur man som pedagog kan arbeta tematiskt med begreppet ?historiemedvetande? genom att använda sig av det lokala kulturarvet i historieundervisningen på gymnasiet

The thesis handles the principal-agency problem between shareholders and the Chief Executive Officer. The purpose of the thesis was to examine the link between CEO compensation and corporate performance measured as a change in Market to Book ratio. Data was collected from corporate annual reports between the years 2000 ? 2008 and the study covers 39 Swedish companies from the Stockholm Stock Exchange Large Cap list. To examine whether there is a link between the CEO´s compensation and firm performance, we performed a regression analysis, and no significant relation is found.

Uterummet i undervisningen : en läromedelsanalys inom biologi

This paper describes Tempus Custode, a smartphone application with which the user may register working hours and travel time during the work day. The application communicates with a database via a server. The data stored in the database may be manipulated using an administrator tool, mainly for the composition of time reports. In this way, the user?s task of time reporting his day is greatly simplified.The application is able to automatically discriminate between work time and travel time, as it continuously fetches positioning data from the smartphone GPS receiver.

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