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En komparativ studie av svensk och lettisk arbetslagstiftning i skuggan av Laval-målet
After the last European Union expansion the east European countries became members of the European Union. This meant that they would become apart of the Schengen agreement and that they would be able to travel, live and work anywhere in Europe. This came as a shock tothe Scandinavian trade unions that were worried that work migration would escalate, and that it would lead to social dumping, which would make the working conditions worse for the native workers. .The Swedish labour market is build up by the principal of negotiations. The evolution of the labour laws comes from the rules and regulations of collective agreements.The Lex Britannia principal was made to regulate the working conditions for guest workers in Sweden, by making it possible for trade unions to take industrial action against foreign companies to make them sign a Swedish collective agreement.Even though Swedish labour law includes an obligation to maintain industrial peace it is not valid for foreign companies.
Bravidadomen : om en byggherres möjlighet att hoppa i kontraktskedjan
Uppsatsen skall utreda och analysera en byggherres rätt till ersättning från en vårdslös underentreprenör när det föreligger samordnad generalentreprenad med AB 92 som avtalsvillkor mellan byggherren och generalentreprenören. Uppsatsens utgångspunkt är Bravidadomen, där en byggherre inte gavs rätt att utfå ersättning från en vårdslös underentreprenör. Flera frågor blir aktuella, t ex om det föreligger något avtalsförhållande mellan en byggherre och en underentreprenör och vilka avtalsvillkor som i så fall skulle vara tillämpliga dem emellan. Vidare undersöks om en underentreprenör kan hållas ansvarig gentemot en byggherre på utomobligatorisk grund, samt huruvida en skadelidande kan välja att utfå ersättning från skadevållaren på kontraktsrättslig eller på utomobligatorisk grund..
Varumärkesbyggande genom marknadskommunikation : En fallstudie av varumärket Hollister
This study aims to describe how a company behind a well-established brand in the fashion industry has strategically chosen to communicate with their target market. Interviews with four individuals in different positions within the company have generated qualitative data, which is presented and analyzed in relation to the theoretical frame of reference in this study. The results show that the company does not use conventional marketing, but relies rather on marketing based word-of-mouth generated by its customer base due to its unique store concepts. Previous research has shown that this type of marketing strategy is effective and beneficial to the brand equity, a conclusion that is demonstrated to also apply to the survey object of this study. Furthermore, it is also shown that this is largely due to the distinct and coordinated image that the company maintains through strict standardization..
BIM förändrar produktionen
Because society?s demand for quality, efficiency at low cost is constantly increasing, companies are increasingly choosing to invest new methods to achieve these points. Those who manage to find ways to improve their processes are often the companies that have the greatest chance of becoming a winning player in the market. BIM is a new method that can reduce the internal costs while increasing communications between different parties. However there is disagreement about what BIM is and its purpose.
Uterum som klassrum : En studie av gymnasieungdomars upplevelser och tankar om att lära ute
Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur gymnasieungdomar upplever utomhuspedagogiska moment i undervisningen. Det är en kvalitativ undersökning gjord vid Bernadottegymnasiet i Stockholm. Studien baseras på deltagande observationer under drygt två fältdygn och på semi-strukturerade intervjufrågor med tolv elever, i tre fokusgrupper. Resultatet visar att elever upplever utomhuspedagogiska undervisningsmoment positivt.
Kundorienterad produktutveckling i industriell verksamhet - en fallstudie inom Trelleborg Building Systems
Sammanfattning Titel: Kundorienterad produktutveckling i industriell verksamhet ? En fallstudie inom Trelleborg Building Systems Seminariedatum: 2004-06-04 Ämne/kurs: Magisteruppsats i Strategic Management, FEK523,10 poäng Författare: Martin Borgström, Henrik Hallerby & Niklas Winnert Handledare: Lars Bengtsson Nyckelord: Strategisk planering, produktutveckling, kundbehovsanalys, industriell marknad, organisk tillväxt, total kravbild Syfte: Vårt syfte är att studera vilka förutsättningar som fallföretaget Industrial Profiles Nordic har för att kunna organisera och utveckla sin produktutvecklingsprocess mot den totala kravbild som har inverkan på denna process. Utifrån dessa analysresultat avser vi delge ett antal åtgärdsförslag till ledningen för hur detta utvecklingsarbete kan genomföras och organiseras. Metod: En kvalitativ metod med en abduktiv ansats har använts, där vi jämfört olika avdelningar inom divisionen Industrial Profiles Nordic med avseende på kundbehovsanalys, produktutveckling samt strategisk planering. Intervjuer har genomförts inom ledningen för affärsområdet Trelleborg Buildings Systems samt divisionen Industrial Profiles Nordic.
Kärlek ? hetare än någonsin : En studie av förändringen i Fridas sex- och kärleksrapportering mellan år 1991 och 2012
In Swedish shops today there are a lot of magazines aimed at teenagers, which fight for young girls? attention. These teenage-magazines are one of the most important sources for young girls to get information about sex and love-relationships; therefor it?s important how these magazines portray it. We have examined how the magazine Frida has portrayed sex and love-relationships from 1991 until today. The way sex and love-relationships are portrayed in Frida?s articles affect the young readers in their process of building an identity. Using a combined rhetoric- and discourse analysis we found that the main focus in Frida is for the reader to have a love-relationship with a guy, instead of a physical sex-relationship.
Beslag eller buckla? : En studie av platta järnfragment från hallhuset i Birkas Garnison
This paper deals with flat iron fragments from the Viking Age hall situated in Birkas Garrison, Adelsö parish in Uppland. The aim of the study was to identify which objects these flat fragments were originally derived from. The aim was also to discuss the function of these objects and their presence in the hall. This would hopefully increase the knowledge about the hall and the warriors who lived and worked there. In some cases the fragments form and placement in the hall has not provided enough information to classify the object from which they derived.
Eskilstunakistornas bruk och återbruk : Tidigkristna gravmonument i Östergötland under medeltiden
This paper studies the fragmentation and reuse of early christian monuments ("eskilstunakistor") in churches in Östergötland during the medieval period. This is found to have been done in two stages. The first stage shows a collectivization of society. Within religion the change from ancestoral cult towards the saints' cult is important as the fragments are reused like relics. During the second stage the collectivization has been fulfilled, and the reuse is instead part of the christian churches' strategy for incorporating old powerful symbols from the landscape into their own church building..
Drumtest : Ett verktyg för testkörning av cykelfälgar
In this thesis you will be able tofollow the design work of a drumtest. A tool that by having a rotatingdrum with equally positioned obstacleswill simulate the conditions a mountainbike rim will pass through.Initially there is a specification ofsome parameters and requirements thatthe design had to fulfill. There is alsosome brief background information aboutwhy a drum test is required for abicycle rim manufacturers and about thecompany Innolite Design AB that thisthesis is done for. After that itfollows an extract from conceptgeneration with the chosen concepts andsolutions but also some of the conceptsthat were not chosen.The thesis also contain a part where thereader cangain a deeper understanding of how thedesign works as well as some moredetailed facts about how the choice ofmaterials, their thicknesses, etc. havebeen made.
Europeiska Unionens makt att förändra världen : En kvalitativ studie ur ett normativt perspektiv
The purpose with this essay was to examine how the European Union is working totransfer norms to states they signed an agreement with and provide support for inframe of the Barcelona process and the Tacis programme. The theory which weused was Ian Manners (PhD in Political Science) theory of "the EU as a uniquenormative power". The aim was to examine whether the EU - which Manners mean- has had a normative power to influence states to change. We used a qualitativeapproach through the use of a multiple case study and qualitative text and contentanalysis. The States which formed the basis of our study were within the BarcelonaProcess; Morocco and Tunisia as well as Azerbaijan and Armenia funded by theTacis programme.
Varaktig fred- En jämställdhetsfråga! En kvalitativ studie av säkerhetsrådsresolution 1325s effekter, säkerhetsrådets genusblindhet, samt betydelsen av legalstrategi ur ett feministiskt perspektiv
I oktober år 2000 antog FNs säkerhetsråd den första resolutionen där kvinnor ses som aktörer för fred och inte bara som offer för konflikt. Eftersom 1325 är en resolution antagen i säkerhetsrådet, är den juridiskt bindande för alla FNs medlemsstater.
Mitt övergripande syfte med denna uppsats är att belysa vikten av att samhällets olika nivåer, från absoluta toppnivå till gräsrotsnivå, samarbetar för att resolutioner från FNs säkerhetsråd, framförallt när det gäller så kallade mjuka frågor, skall uppmärksammas och bli framgångsrika.
Mer specifikt är mitt syfte att studera effekterna av resolution 1325. För att göra detta har jag intervjuat åtta representanter för olika kvinnoorganisationer, som representerar gräsrotsnivån, sex i Stockholm och två i New York. Dessutom har jag hämtat information från dokument från FNs generalsekreterare, säkerhetsrådet och Sveriges regering, som representerar toppnivåer i samhället. För att belysa att avsaknaden av en ny resolution om kvinnor, fred och säkerhet beror på säkerhetsrådets genusblindhet, använder jag mig av ett feministiskt teoretiskt perspektiv.
Gotlands solelpotential
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the electric solar potential on the Swedish island Gotland. The Gotlandic habitations have been divided into four house categories. For each category energy demand, roof area, geographic orientation androof tilt have been decided. Solar radiation data have been collected from the Swedish solar radiation model STRÅNG (STRÅNG, 2012).The buildings characteristics and the solar radiation have been used as input values in common solar formulas, the solar potential for each building category have been summed up to a total electric solar potential for the region.The electric solar potential on Gotland was calculated to 242 GWh/year with solar data from 2010. Gotlands largest city, Visby, is marked as cultural heritage by UNESCO (UNESCO, 2012).
Allergifritt hus
This report consists of two parts, out of which the first deals with the planning and designing ofa small house in the Swedish city of Huddinge, using the weather conditions of the Swedish cityof Malmö. The house has to be in accordance with the Swedish building- and constructionregulations, as well as with the limitations in energy consumption given.The house itself has to consist of at least two bedrooms, and blueprints of the house, variousconstructional elements, ventilation, sanitation and electricity have to be drawn. Calculations ofthese aspects also have to be made, to ascertain that the different parts function as they should,and that the dimensions are sufficient.The second part is called ?Allergy free home?, and investigates how indoor climate affects us,and whether it has changed during the last few decades. It also makes an effort to see whetherthe increase of allergies and asthma is correlated with possible changes in indoor climate, andwhether technical solutions might help to handle or even decrease the issues arisen.
Vätskekopplade värme- och kylåtervinningssystem Utveckling av ett verktyg för energiberäkningar
According to a decision of the European Commission, measures are to be taken to reduce the use of energy in the EU. The goal is to reduce it by 20 % compared to the current use. This shall be done to the year 2020 (European Commission, 2011). One industry that use large amounts of energy is the construction of buildings which account for almost a third of the energy use (Brogren, 2012). The major part of the energy that is used in the construction industry is not used when the buildings are built, but rather during the rest of their subsequent lifetime.