1841 Uppsatser om Peace building - Sida 61 av 123
Utfackningsvägg av lättbetongblock i passivhus
AbstractThis report intends through a case study to investigate if lightweight concrete isappropriate as main material in the outer wall of a seven storey residential building.A technical design is carried out in accordance with the definitions and requirementsfor passive houses, given by FEBY?s1 ?Demand specification for passive houses?.A literature review is also carried out for a comparison between regular bolt wall andlight weight concrete wall, with a focus on the safety of moisture.The lightweight concrete block used in the report is as a celblock produced by thecompany H+H Sweden AB.The methods used have resulted in compliance with requirements andrecommendations from authorities. Calculations of energy, noise and moisture riskassessment has been carried out.The work has resulted in the conclusion that the lightweight concrete itself is notable to isolate in the extent necessary to obtain chosen U-value of 0,1 W/m2 ° C,without getting to thick. Therefore additional insulation is needed. There are fewrelevant reference objects built with only light weight concrete.
Strategier för framtida utveckling av fastigheter. Ombyggnation Masthugget 11:13
HSB Göteborg owns and manages the property Masthugget 11:13 also called the Corvette in Gothenburg. The Corvette contains mostly office space but also shops, homes and garages. HSB Göteborg utilizes approximately 5000 square meters to its headquarters but in December 2014 they will move operations to Johanneberg Science Park. The risk of an increased proportion of vacancies in combination with relatively low rents and other tenant terminations allows HSB to ask for a future plan for how the real estate should be developed in order to remain profitable.Through studies of the area, urban office prospects, property current status and legal and economic conditions have different potential types of businesses been evaluated. City Planning Office program proposal forms the basis for the analysis of future plans for the area.
Europeiska Unionens makt att förändra världen : - En kvalitativ studie ur ett normativt perspektiv
The purpose with this essay was to examine how the European Union is working totransfer norms to states they signed an agreement with and provide support for inframe of the Barcelona process and the Tacis programme. The theory which weused was Ian Manners (PhD in Political Science) theory of "the EU as a uniquenormative power". The aim was to examine whether the EU - which Manners mean- has had a normative power to influence states to change. We used a qualitativeapproach through the use of a multiple case study and qualitative text and contentanalysis. The States which formed the basis of our study were within the BarcelonaProcess; Morocco and Tunisia as well as Azerbaijan and Armenia funded by theTacis programme.
Särskilt stöd eller individanpassad undervisning : en intervjustudie om lärares syn på barn i behov av särskilt stöd
This study is a qualitative study of two primary schoolteachers and two special teachers approach to children with special needs, and which procedures according to these teachers can be applied to support these children in their progress at school. Building on key concepts such as segregated integration, including integration, diagnostic and children with special needs. This was then analyzed with information collected from the four formal interviews.The study also sheds light on key concepts such as special support, diagnosis, segregated integration and including integration. The conclusion explains the concept of including integration as an approach that works well for both students with special needs in a short period of time yet also students with diagnoses. This is presented in the end of this study with different suggestions for a continued research on children with special needs..
Energideklaration och energiförbrukning för småhus och flerbostadshus
Energy is today a very common topic, not only in Sweden but in the whole Europe. In EU they have given out a directive 2002/91/EG about buildings energy use and throw this they have forced their members to show how much energy their buildings use. In Sweden has the gouvernment established a law (SFS 2006:985) about energy declaration for buildings which demands that the building owner needs to show how much their buildings energy consumption are. Important to know is that this law doesn´t applies for industrial buildings.The report will show what the new law about energy declaration for buildings and appurtenant directions will mean for Riksbyggen. Also energy calculations will be done to be able to compare Riksbyggen buildings with the new law and directions.
Grön marknadsföring : En guide till grön framgång
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze green marketing and green brand building from a managerial perspective, with the intention to create an implementation guide for companies in the Swedish consumer market. The essay is based on a qualitative approach with a mixture of inductive and deductive elements. We have interviewed five people with close links to green marketing. We have during the study identified a number of touch points to be particularly important in the process of incorporating green marketing. These findings are presented in full in chapter five. We have found that the framework of green marketing is established during the company?s choice of green strategy.
Ägarlägenheter : - framtidens investering?
AbstractBachelors thesis, Bygg och fastighetsekonomprogrammet vid Högskolan i Halmstad Vårterminen 2009Authors: Emma Stenberg och Emma SvenssonTutor: Sven-Ola CarlssonTitle: Ägarlägenheter - en framtida investering Background and problemThe concept of owner?s apartment has been discussed in Sweden since the 19th century. It was not until the first of may 2009 that it got legislated to be allowed in Sweden. The concept that people should be allowed to own their apartments instead of owning a part of the tenant-owner?s association is a new phenomenon in Sweden.
Upplevd trafiksäkerhet med mittbarriär
AbstractThis report intends through a case study to investigate if lightweight concrete isappropriate as main material in the outer wall of a seven storey residential building.A technical design is carried out in accordance with the definitions and requirementsfor passive houses, given by FEBY?s1 ?Demand specification for passive houses?.A literature review is also carried out for a comparison between regular bolt wall andlight weight concrete wall, with a focus on the safety of moisture.The lightweight concrete block used in the report is as a celblock produced by thecompany H+H Sweden AB.The methods used have resulted in compliance with requirements andrecommendations from authorities. Calculations of energy, noise and moisture riskassessment has been carried out.The work has resulted in the conclusion that the lightweight concrete itself is notable to isolate in the extent necessary to obtain chosen U-value of 0,1 W/m2 ° C,without getting to thick. Therefore additional insulation is needed. There are fewrelevant reference objects built with only light weight concrete.
Ombyggnad av takkonstruktionen på Östermalms Saluhall : Utformning av tilläggsisolering med hänsyn till byggnadens kulturhistoriska värden
Vid ombyggnad av Östermalms Saluhall är ett förslag att tilläggsisolera taket, då ställs det kulturhistoriska värdet av byggnaden mot ombyggnadskraven i BBR. Idag gäller samma krav vid nybyggnad som vid ombyggnad av en byggnad. Det kan därför uppstå tvister vid ombyggnaden av saluhallen, då det är svårt att samtidigt uppfylla nybyggnads- och ombyggnadskrav på de delar som ska ändras.De delar på saluhallen som studerats är två takdetaljer och de projekteras och analyseras byggtekniskt, kulturvärdesmässigt och lagmässigt. Det kulturhistoriska värdet hotas vid ombyggnation, men samtidigt vill Stockholms stad energieffektivisera byggnaden så gott det går. Studien handlar därför om hur man på bästa sätt ska kunna energieffektivisera byggnaden och följa de ombyggnationskrav som finns utan att förvanska byggnaden..
Lokalisering av landsbygdsutvecklingsområden i strandnära läge
In the constitution of Sweden everyone has the right of common access in the nature. Toprotect these rights, as well as the nature, in areas close to shores the environmental law ofSweden (miljöbalken) protects areas within 100 meters from the waterline. Due to amendmentin this law, Swedish municipalities have to present countryside development areas close toshores. Within these areas, which are to be displayed in the municipality?s comprehensiveplan, it will be possible to get exemptions from the protection if the planned measure willbenefit the development of the region.
Strategisk/taktisk vägplan :
The purpose of this thesis was to create a strategic/tactical road access plan. This was done by designing an analytical method which gives the road manager a template to create long-term road access plans. The analytical method will help to identify and appraise roads to be upgraded and give information when it is time for building new roads.
The study method involved developing an analytical method. The method was comprised of five main parts: the harvest plan, analysis of the road network, transport costs, quality and storage costs and finally, identification of investment alternatives.
Visualisering och informationshantering i Google SketchUp
Det har alltid varit ett mål att uppnå god kommunikation mellan olika parter i ett byggprojekt. Ett sätt att underlätta detta kan vara att använda byggnadsinformationsmodeller (BIM). Syftet med vårt examensarbete är att ta reda på frontlinjen gällande BIM i ritprogram i allmänhet och i programmet SketchUp i synnerhet. Vi ska också undersöka IFC, ett öppet filformat som används för att visa byggnadsinformationsmodeller.Vad är då BIM, SketchUp och IFC?Kort beskrivet är BIM, Building Information Model, en modell som kan innehålla och hantera all information i ett byggprojekt.
Österns Assyriska Kyrka : Historia och teologi, med inriktning på teologiska konflikter med den Syrisk Ortodoxa kyrkan, samt den Koptiska kyrkan (i dagens Sverige).
The Purpose of this essay is to seek an answer to whether or not a conflict exists between priests of the Assyrian Church, the Syrian Orthodox Church and the Coptic Church in contemporary Swedish society, as well as to examine the environment between the three. The theological dissimilarities will be studied (from a historical standpoint), along with the interviewed participants views on the division in Christianity which will be presented also. I choose to interview six priests/chorbishops who live and work in Sweden, and the result was analyzed according to the senior professor of peace- and conflict, Peter Wallensteen?s theories on conflict and conflict resolution, where important issues are laid out to identify the core problem, and theological differences are discussed and compared from a union perspective.The result of the interviews illustrate a clear response that the participants experience a lack of functioning collaborations (from the Assyrians Church view, a collaboration is absent from the Syrian Orthodox Church and the Coptic Church, and vice versa) and most of the participants experience negative consequences from the divide in churches, as they strive for unity in Christianity as a whole. The theological differences between the churches proves not to be as significant as expected, the actual predicament lies partly in language-and phrase division along with a general rejection of each other?s interpretations.
Svenska militära interventioner : En analys av hur den svenska riksdagens två största partier har argumenterat för svenskt militärt deltagande i insatserna i Afghanistan och Libyen
Många av dagens fredsfrämjande insatser genomförs i insatsområden som åtminstone vid en första anblick tycks vara av litet geopolitiskt eller ekonomiskt intresse för de intervenerande staterna. För svenskt vidkommande motiveras ibland Sveriges engagemang i exempelvis Afghanistan med att den terrorism och drogproduktion som härrör därifrån hotar och påverkar även människor i Sverige. Ytterligare en möjlig motivering har att göra med spridningsrisken; för att minska risken för spridning av en konflikt utanför det ursprungliga konfliktområdet intervenerar utomstående stater. Men vilken bild av den svenska statens motiv för att engagera Försvarsmakten i fredsfrämjande internationella insatser målas upp i riksdagsdebatten? Är argumenteringen rationell och visar de motiv som förs fram att Sverige faktiskt gynnas av att delta, eller grundar sig viljan att hjälpa till i att den svenska staten anser sig vara moraliskt förpliktigad att ingripa, om förmågan finns, då mänskliga rättigheter kränks? Föreliggande uppsats syftar till att klarlägga hur de två största, blockpolitiskt åtskilda riksdagspartierna motiverade besluten att deltaga i de internationella insatserna i Afghanistan och Libyen.
Pneumatiska artificiella muskler : med hjälp av en robotarm
According to the study [1] several firefighters are killed in action each year. This happens naturally in various ways. One of the major factors is that firefighters often do not know how the environment looks like, for example that a building in an industrial area contains hazardous gas cylinders. Without a solution, fire-fighters will continue to die in duty. It is therefore important to solve this problem so that we can minimize the risks and save lives.The goal of this project was a control system for pneumatic artificial muscles.