2165 Uppsatser om Organization - Sida 3 av 145
Ditt Nya Hageby - en etnografisk undersökning av en social verksamhet
The study explores different aspects of how a social Organization is created and maintained in the space between the institution and the individual. Based on fieldwork, participant observation and individual interviews in the housing estate of Hageby, Norrköping, this ethnographic study examines how and why the Organization ?Ditt Nya Hageby? was created, as well as the unanimity between the purpose of the Organization and the engagement of the members. Two projects within the Organization are especially examined, along with the roles of the two members behind them. The study presents three perspectives from which ?Ditt Nya Hageby? can be viewed.
Implementering av balanserad styrning i Arvika kommun : Faktorer som underlättar eller försvårar implementeringen
In conjunction with an overview of the Organizational structure of the municipality of Arvika the Balanced Scorecard was introduced as a management model. After the Balanced Scorecard has been in use over a period of years the conception of it varies throughout the Organization.The purpose of this study is identifying which factors are facilitating and which factors are obstructing when implementing the Balanced Scorecard in the municipality of Arvika. This is a case study of the staff Organization of the municipality of Arvika. The study is explanatory as our objective is to describe why the current situation appears as it does today. A qualitative method has been applied during this study.
Dödshjälp i dagspressen : En analys av dagspressens rapportering om Kims öde
A good flow of information in Organizations is one of the key aspects of how we define a well-functioning Organization. The information flow could be internal as well as external between actors within as well as outside of the Organization. In a logistics Organization this flow of information is equally important as in any other kind of Organization. In this paper we have explored information flows in logistics Organizations by applying, boundary spanning and the mobile-stationary divide perspective. In boundary spanning the main goal is to erase or relocate some of the boundaries within an Organization, in our case to make the flow of information internally as well as externally better.
Internationella biblioteket ? från lånecentral till publikt bibliotek
This master thesis is a study of the Swedish Lending Centre for immigrant literature (ILC), which opened in 1991. The purpose of the thesis is to examine problems and possibilities in the Organization of ILC, which has a number of powerful stakeholders. In this study focus has been on the development of the Organization, and especially on the planning of the conversion of the non-public Lending Centre to a library open to public (to be called the International Library in Stockholm) that will be inaugurated in May 2000. ILC is governmentally financed, but incorporated in the Organization of the public library in Stockholm. Other stakeholders, except the Swedish Government and Stockholm City, are the County of Stockholm, the staff of ILC, and the public libraries that use the Centre's long-distance-lending facilities.
Historieämnets vara eller icke vara : En kvalitativ studie av Historielärarnas förenings arbete för att stärka historieämnet i den svenska skolan.
Since 1820 there has been a continuous discussion about the contents of history courses and the current debate considering this school subject is no exception; it is as vital as ever. Both in educational policy and public debate the role of history as a school subject has been brought up for discussion.In this study the writer has chosen to study the politically independent interest Organization HLF. The Organization is a non profit association, which works for the consolidation of history in Swedish schools.The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Organization HLF has received and met the ongoing debate on this issue. The writer has chosen to examine the strategies the Organization has used in order to influence this school subject and if they have succeeded in doing this.To carry out this study the writer has made use of HLF´s annuals as well as Aktuellt om historia, which is a publication that the Organization issues three or four times a year. The conclusion of this study is that HLF has little influence when it comes to the formulation of the education of history.
Whispers in the forest : a field study about communication within Vi-agroforestry
The purpose of this study is to explore and understand the social and structural dynamics of an Organization working with questions regarding development. The Organization in question is Vi-agroforestry, a Swedish based NGO that works around the lake Victoria basin and the focus will be on their office in Rwanda. I have used a qualitative approach and conducted participatory observation as well as semi-structured interviews to gather data.
I have emanated from the individuals in the Organization by using a theory of microsociological organisationperspecive to understand how the employees create and is created by the existing social structures. (Blomberg, 2003)
Even though the office in Rwanda only is a relatively small part of Vi-agroforestry?s operations it is still highly individual and independent from the rest of the Organization.
Behov av flexibilitet i COTS-system : Hur COTS-system möter användarnas behov i olika organisationer
This thesis examines if commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS) systems meet the needs in different types of Organizations. This was investigated through a case study of a COTS system. The system is built for contact centers and used in different types of Organizations. Contextual inquiries with users from six different Organizations were held together with interviews with stakeholders of the system. This gave an understanding for how the system is used and the needs to be met in the different Organizations were recognized.
Val av outsourcing-leverantör. En fallbaserad studie av hur organisationer väljer outsourcing leverantör.
This report explores how Organizations act when they are choosing an Outsourcing supplier. The study was conducted through multiple interviews with managers of different Organizations. The data from those interviews was then analyzed through the use of two theoretical models. Our findings indicate that most Organizations share the same base factors (qualifiers) when selecting an Outsourcing supplier. What therefore become crucial are the key factors that the Organizations see as Order winning factors.
Att tala så det träffar : Om konsten att ge och ta feedback
To have a functioning Organization where there is a self-development for employees them selves, as well as between managers and employees, where employees are empowered and work for the Organization and its goals. Feedback seems to be the main instrument to solve problems and create that Organization. At the Military Academy Karlberg and the basic officers training there is a lot of discussions about feedback and how it is supposed to be carried out. This essay discusses the matter of how well we live up to the demands set by leadership classes at the Military Academy, what the platoon leaders do think about how feedback takes its expression. The questions about how feedback is used are to be answered by interviews with five platoon leaders and their thoughts about how feedback is communicated at the Academy.
Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att i palliativ vård arbeta enligt standardvårdplanen LCP
The purpose of this thesis is to identify power structures and instruments of power within the Jehovah?s witnesses and investigate how they affect the baptized youths baptized within the Organization. The material consists of qualitative in-depth interviews and is analyzed with Foucault's theories of power. The results show that the participants have a very strict relationship to the rules of the congregation and also that they take great care in observing these rules carefully. It becomes evident that young members are exposed to disciplinary measures from the Organization.
En förändringsprocess på VCBC
In the beginning of the 21st century, a number of scandals were pointed out in the US. Enterprises like WorldCom and Enron went into bankruptcy, and inaccuracies in their account were made public. This led to the fact that a new law, SOX 404, was established in the US. The law says in its whole that enterprises must have better control of their internal accounts.The aim with this paper is to examine how the surrounding world of an Organization with stakeholders as well as other surrounding elements, affect or force an Organization to change, and how a changing process is introduced and accomplished.We carried through a survey as well as interviews at the actual Organization. Furthermore, we investigated why the change has come into practice as well as attitudes and opinions towards the change, and lastly, how the changing process has been accomplished.
Religionsfrihet i Sverige : En studie om högstadielärare i religions tolkning av skolans icke-konfessionalitet
The purpose of this thesis is to identify power structures and instruments of power within the Jehovah?s witnesses and investigate how they affect the baptized youths baptized within the Organization. The material consists of qualitative in-depth interviews and is analyzed with Foucault's theories of power. The results show that the participants have a very strict relationship to the rules of the congregation and also that they take great care in observing these rules carefully. It becomes evident that young members are exposed to disciplinary measures from the Organization.
Ett anpassat ledningssystem för informationssäkerhet : - Hur gör en liten organisation med hög personalomsättning?
This paper aims to find out how to implement an information security management (ISMS) system that is based on ISO/IEC 27001-standard into a small Organization with high employee turnover. The standard employs the PDCA-method as a course of action for implementing the standard. The reason for implementing such a system is to introduce information security to the Organization and to maintain it despite the changes in management. The paper based it?s survey on a case study of a student nation in Uppsala, Sweden.
"Kunskap är inte tungt att bära" : Hur nedskärningar kan påverka en lärande organisation i ett industriföretag
This has been a practical innovation graduation project withthe focus of studying the impacts of downsizing on a learningOrganization. The study took place at Karlsson Spools in Sala.This has been a part of an ongoing EU project funded by theEuropean Social Fund, ESF. We have, with the help ofinterviews and surveys, gathered information on the presentsituation and with the help of theoretical studies built aframework on how a learning Organization is viewed intheory.During our study we found that there are many componentsto a learning Organization. The company in question hasdisplayed some qualities that characterize a learningOrganization such as a plan to train and further develop theiremployees. The problem we found was lack of communicationand how this has resulted in a less successful outcome of theongoing courses.
?men kan vi inte hjälpas åt då? : en intervju med fem socialsekreterare om samarbete inom socialtjänsten
The aim of this study is to illustrate, and analyze how social workers are able to more effectively pursue operative possibilities within their own particular Organizations. The main question concerning this issue is: How are social workers, working within the same district Organization able to realise any potential for co-operation with other social workers, in different locales and units, yet working within the same Organization? Following on from this question, further issues arise such as: 1. How do the varying demands of the clients affect the workload of the social worker? 2.