

1177 Uppsatser om Mutant Prevention Concentration - Sida 7 av 79

Prevention av djup ventrombos med graderade kompressionsstrumpor ? Effekt, riktlinjer och rekommendationer : En litteraturstudie

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a serious postoperative complication and nurses should therefore observe symptoms in an early stage and implement preventive provisions, for example use of graduated compression stockings (GCS). The nurse is also responsible for making sure that ordinate GCS tried and used correctly by the patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the latest research regarding the efficacy of GCS in prevention of postoperative DVT and if there are any incorrectness in usage. And assess guidelines and recommendations for the usage of GCS. Method: Literature review.

Hur gymnasieelever resonerar kring rökning och prevention av rökning : fokusgruppintervjuer med rökare och ickerökare

The aim of the present study was to investigate high school students? ways of discussing smoking and prevention of smoking. A total of eight high school students participated in the study. Two focus groups were used to collect data, one of smokers and one of nonsmokers. Data were analyzed with inductive content analysis.

Finns det ett samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och koncentrationsförmåga? : En kvantitativ studie om vad lärare i årskurs 1-5 har för uppfattningar om elevernas koncentrationsförmåga i relation till ämnet idrott och hälsa.

Den här studien gjordes för att undersöka om lärare uppfattar ett samband mellan elevers koncentrationsförmåga och fysisk aktivitet i skolan. Den baseras på en enkätundersökning som gjorts i årskurserna 1-5 på sju olika skolor i närområdet. Studien visar ett positivt samband mellan all fysisk aktivitet i skolan och lärarnas uppfattning av elevernas koncentrationsförmåga, vilket även kopplats samman med tidigare forskning inom närliggande områden. Nyckelord: physical education AND concentration, physcial activity AND concentration ability, physcial acitivty AND effect in school, excercise AND brain, physical education AND brain..

Hastighetskameror ? ett brottsförebyggande och normskapande styrmedel? : enkätundersökning kring hastighetskameror

Title:?Speed cameras - an prevention of crime and a standard forming instrument of control??Authors: Markus HanssonTutors: Bo Isenberg & Carl HultExaminator: Ulf DruggeThe School of Human SciencesUniversity of KalmarThe studys purpose is to get a absorbed understanding for peoples attitude, and effect of speed cameras. The disposition for the study is to integrate earlier studies in the matter, combined with elevating interesting sociological conceptions. As an attempt to understand speed cameras as an instrument of force on the individual have Michel Foucaults concept Panopticon been used to see its effect, and it?s look upon how crime prevention will be formulated, which can give an explanation of why speed cameras are being used as an instrument of control on the traffic area.

Tranbär ett alternativ till antibiotika? En litteraturstudie om tranbär som prevention mot urinvägsinfektion

Urinvägsinfektioner orsakar ett stort lidande då infektionen är smärtsam och ofta återkommande. Lågdosantibiotika som idag används i preventivt syfte vid återkommande urinvägsinfektion bidrar till resistensutveckling, förlängda vårdtider och ökade sjukvårdskostnader. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att undersöka tranbärets effekt som prevention vid urinvägsinfektion, för att eventuellt kunna rekommendera tranbär som alternativt profylax. Som metod valdes litteraturstudie. Resultaten visar att tranbär har en preventiv effekt, som verkar även på antibiotikaresistenta bakterier.

Evaluation of a standardized platelet concentration in samples from platelet concentrates measured over time with impedance aggregometry

Platelet transfusions can be necessary during treatment of patients with thrombocytopenia or impaired platelet function. Platelet function in platelet concentrates (PC) deteriorate with storage time. Studying swirling is often used to control the quality of PC?s before transfusion but the method has some disadvantages. Therefore other methods can be useful, for example impedance aggregometry (IA, Multiplate® Analyzer) to measure platelet function.     In this study the change in platelet function over time was examined in buffy coat and apheresis platelets with IA where aggregation had been induced with adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and collagen.

Djuren och den ädla människan : Aristokratins roll i den svenska djurskyddsrörelsens framväxt 1875-1905

The aim of this paper is to analyze the influence that aristocrats in Sweden had on the Swedish movement for the prevention of cruelty to animals, and why especially aristocrats started it. The sources I have been using are speeches and texts written by persons who were involved in the movement. I have also studied rapports from the three largest societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals. In the sources I looked for terms, expressions and opinions that can be paralleled whit the aristocratic ideal and opinion. Things that can relate to aristocratic urban people.

Simningsrelaterade smärtor och skador i axlarna hos tävlingssimmare : Riskfaktorer och prevention

De vanligaste besvären som en simmare upplever kommer från axeln, också känt som simmarskuldra. Syftet med den här studien var att kartlägga vilka riskfaktorer för simmarskuldra som har identifierats och vilka preventiva interventioner som har studerats samt har haft bevisad förebyggande effekt på simmarskuldra. En artikelsökning utfördes i AMED, CinAHL, Google Scholar, Medline, PRIMO, ProQuest, PubMed och Scopus. Preventionsstudierna värderades med PEDros graderingsskala. I det slutgiltiga urvalet inkluderades 28 studier om riskfaktorer och sex om prevention.

Höftskydd som prevention

Fallolyckor är ett stort patientsäkerhets- och samhällsekonomiskt problem. I Sverigedrabbas varje år cirka 18 000 personer av höftfraktur som leder till lidande för patientenoch stora kostnader för samhället. Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskrivautfallet av att använda höftskydd som prevention. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt där tolv vetenskapliga artiklar utgjorde underlaget för resultatet.Resultatet som redovisas i tre kategorier är: effekter av höftskydd, följsamhet till att bära höftskydd och upplevelser av höftskydd. Risken för höftfraktur minskas vid fall om höftskydd används.

Geografiska informationssystem för studier av polyaromatiska kolväten (PAH) : undersökning av djupvariation i BO01-området, Västra hamnen, Malmö, samt utveckling av en matematisk formel för beräkning av PAH-koncentrationer från ett kontinuerligt utsläpp

At the end of August 1999, the local government council of Malmö city decided thatthe area known as Kvarteret Bilen would be made available for the European HousingExhibition 2001 (Bo01-mässan). Kvarteret Bilen extends over approximately 80hectars and includes the western parts of the Western Harbour area (Västra hamnen)of Malmö.Kvarteret Bilen as a whole, but especially the western sections of this area, the socalledBo01 section, has been the subject of heated discussions. This is mainly due tothe fact that the ground in question has proven to be contaminated to a certain extentby different chemical compounds. Investigations undertaken during 1998 showed sporadically high concentrations forespecially one chemical group: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH).The first part of the paper describes the use of a mathematical equation (Fetter 1994)to calculate the concentration of PAH from a continuous discharge at a given time byemploying Geographical Information System (GIS). Even the constraints of theequation are discussed, as well as the consequences that follow as a result of usingGIS.The second part of the paper focuses on the connections between the content ofcarcinogenic PAH in Kvarteret Bilen and the ground water level and type of fillingmaterial.

Genetiska och epigenetiska samband mellan näringsförsörjning och fertilitet hos mjölkkor

The dairy cow?s ability to resume estrus after calving and to conceive is affected by their metabolic status after calving. For high yielding cows there is a high risk that the feed intake will not be sufficient to cope with the increased energy demands after calving, and the cow will end up in a state of negative energy balance. Energy balance can be measured in various ways, for example by body condition score or by plasma concentration of several metabolic hormones and metabolites. After calving, endocrine pathways stimulate tissue mobilization; insulin signaling is blocked, the concentration of insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF-1) and leptin decreases, and the concentration of growth hormone (GH) increases.

Comparison between anesthesia with sufentanil-midazolam and sevoflurane in medetomidine premedicated rabbits undergoing ovariohysterectomy

Rabbits carry a high risk of anesthesia related death. This study was part of a project to develop a form of total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) with minimal effects on cardiac, respiratory and metabolic parameters. In the study, TIVA with sufentanil and midazolam (group TIVA, n=9) was compared with inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane (group SEVO, n=9) in female rabbits undergoing surgery (ovariehysterectomi). All rabbits were pre-medicated with medetomidin and carprofen before anesthesia induction. Anesthesia was induced with TIVA (2.3 ?g/ ml sufentanil, 0.45 mg/ ml midazolam) at a rate of 4 ml/ kg/ h and the mean induction dose was 0.4 ?g/ kg of sufentanil and 0.1mg/ kg of midazolam.

Effekt av spädningsvätska på spermiemembranintegritet analyserad med NucleoCounter SP-100 :

This study is a part of a larger project where the aim has been to evaluate different methods to assure the quality in stallion semen, due to the fact that some stallions in horse breeding have poor semen quality. The increased use of transport semen requires new methods to ensure good semen quality. In this part of the project the viability and concentration in fresh and cooled semen was examined with NucleoCounter SP-100. A comparison between two different commercially available semen extenders, Kenney?s and INRA 96, was made.

Levnadsvanor för patienter efter stroke:risk-, friskfaktorer och sekundär prevention : En litteraturöversikt

Bakgrund: Stroke är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till olika funktionsnedsättningar/funktionshinder[1]. Efter genomgången stroke kan ett flertal riskfaktorer leda till återfall, mortalitet eller sjukdomsutveckling. Genom strukturerad prevention kan förändringar i levnadsvanor minska sådana risker. Sjuksköterskor på strokeenheter har i uppgift att informera strokepatienter om eventuella livsstilsrelaterade förändringar som bör genomföras. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten har varit att belysa forskning vad gäller livsstil och sekundär prevention för patienter efter stroke.

Inga hästar men gärna fred : Nationell norm och lokal kulturpolitik, exemplet Växjö 1975-1996

The aim of this paper is to analyze the influence that aristocrats in Sweden had on the Swedish movement for the prevention of cruelty to animals, and why especially aristocrats started it. The sources I have been using are speeches and texts written by persons who were involved in the movement. I have also studied rapports from the three largest societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals. In the sources I looked for terms, expressions and opinions that can be paralleled whit the aristocratic ideal and opinion. Things that can relate to aristocratic urban people.

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