

1177 Uppsatser om Mutant Prevention Concentration - Sida 8 av 79

Som små astronauter : -En idrottslärares berättelse om specialgymnastik i skolan

The aim of this work is to examine methodologies at remedial lessons for children with weak mobility, in a common Swedish municipal school in an attempt to determine if a connection to theoretical learning exists.Kadesjö describes how difficulties in concentration can arise as a result of problems with mobility and perception, and according to Piaget very young children develop cogitation through physical movements. These connections are not news but always current.At the meeting with Lasse the question was born whether learning problems in school that are a result of concentration difficulties, could be countered with mobility training.By the selection of Life history as method, it?s possible to follow a physical educator's experiences through his 30 years of work, and to some extent even his private life. Experiences and results are notified from a historical perspective from 1976 until 2006.He is bringing us on a journey that shows the changes in methodology and results after his contact with Sensomotoriskt Centrum..

Mixture and single-compound toxicity using Daphnia magna : comparisons with estimates of concentration addition and independent action

Aquatic organisms are usually not exposed to single substances but rather to mixtures of toxicants in streams located in agricultural areas. The transport of pesticides used in the agricultural area in Sweden is monitored with continuous environmental supervision every year. During 2002-2008 an average of 10 pesticides were found in each sample and 40% of the samples contained substances with concentrations higher than the Water Quality Standards. Chemical risk management is normally based on single-test evaluations. A problem when assessing mixture toxicities is that the constituents and concentrations of pollutants in the environment vary greatly.

Hedersrelaterad problematik : - En kvalitativ studie om skolans möjlighet till förebyggande arbete

The issue of honour related problems in schools are important social problems in Sweden. It?s not unusual that honour related problem has had serious consequences before any action has been inserted by society. Sometimes the efforts made by society have had no impact whatsoever due to them being inserted too late. We can conclude based on our literature and our interviews, the importance of prevention.

Preventiva trycksårsåtgärder. En litteraturstudie

Trycksår kan förekomma på alla typer av vårdavdelningar och tar lång tid att läka samt är en stor kostnad för samhället. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka åtgärder för trycksårsprevention. Metoden är baserad på en modifierad version av Forsberg & Wengströms modell för en systematisk litteraturstudie. Sökning i databaser PubMed och CINAHL utfördes och resultatet i litteraturstudien grundades på nio kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Författarna kunde identifiera olika preventionsåtgärder där framför allt evidensbaserade bedömningsinstrument som Modifierad Nortonskala och MNA-SF är viktiga att använda i trycksårsprevention, men även temperaturmätning, ?Continental anal plug? (CAP), god nutrition, aktivitet samt tryckreducerande underlag som fårskinn..

Nätverkssäkerhet med IPS : Förbättrad nätverkssäkerhet med Intrusion Prevention Systems

Att skydda sin IT-miljö mot olika typer av intrång och attacker som till exempel trojaner,skadliga Java applets eller DoS attacker med hjälp av brandväggar och antivirusprogramär två viktiga lager i skalskyddet.I den här uppsatsen undersöks hur väl ett Intrusion Prevention System skulle kunna fungera som ett ytterligare lager i skalskyddet. Fokus ligger på hur väl IPS-systemet klarar av att avvärja attacker, hur mycket tid som går åt till konfigurering och drift för att få ett fungerande IPS samt hur prestandan i nätverket påverkas av implementationen. För att mäta hur väl IPS systemet klarar av att upptäcka och blockera attacker utförs två experiment där ett mindre nätverk attackeras på olika sätt. I det första experimentet skyddas infrastrukturen av en brandvägg och klienterna är utrustade med antivirusprogram. I det andra experimentet genomförs samma attacker igen fast med ett Snort IPS implementerat i nätverket.Resultatet av de genomförda experimenten visar att en IPS klarar att blockera ca 87% av attackerna, men nätverksprestandan påverkas negativt.

Glycerol till mjölkkor : effekter på våmmetabolismen

Glycerol is essential for the lipid metabolism of both plants and animals. Glycerol is formed in the rumen by hydrolysis of lipids from the feed. Glycerol is also a by-product from the production of biodiesel from rapeseed oil and other fat sources. Glycerol might be used as a dietary glucose precursor for dairy cows in similar ways as propylene glycol. Due to increased production of biodiesel more glycerol has been available to a lower price.

Phycoremediation of pesticides using microalgae

Every year, pesticides are found in surface and ground waters in Sweden. Fungicides are in common usage and applied in high amounts against potato late blight. The present thesis examined the possible removal of four fungicides (metalaxyl, cyprodinil, propamocarb and mandipropamid) from water using the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris. Microorganisms are capable of decomposing a range of organic pollutants and the main focus in previously published studies has been on bacteria and fungi. Microalgae are mostly studied due to their high capacity in biosorbing heavy metals.

?Förebyggande socialt arbete" ? behövs en vidare definition?

The aim of this study is to better understand the Swedish concept of ?förebyggande socialt arbete?, preventive social work. I have conducted eleven qualitative interviews with different key persons and skaters, together with participant observation. During the process of analyzing the material I have used Randall Collins´ concepts of interaction ritual chains together with Jean Laves and Etienne Wengers concept of situated learning. The answers could be split up in three areas, first those who regard prevention work as building good things for the future.

Genus och etnicitet bland ungdomar och personal på boenden för ensamkommande asylsökande ungdomar : En kvalitativ studie om riktlinjer kontra praktik

Studies show that 10-15 percent of Sweden's population, 65 years or older are estimated to have depression or depression symptoms. The symptoms of depression among elderly people are less than symptoms of young people. This could cause that elderly people with depression are not always discovered. Studies show that elderly people who live in residential homes show more signs of depression than elderly people living at home. If elderly people live in a supporting environment, can it prevent that a depression developed.The prevention of depression among elderly people is a topic that is not discussed among previously research.

Att få rätt stöd vid rätt tidpunkt : En observationsstudie av två barn med AD/HD-diagnos

The purpose of the study is to examine different situations and behaviors for students diagnosed with AD / HD and see if there are times where their diagnosis will be extra visible. This will ultimately see how and where these children may need support in their daily lives, and about the support they receive is relevant to their needs. Questions I intend to examine: Are there situations for students throughout the school day in which ADHD diagnosis becomes extra visible? If so, what situations? How is the diagnosis in these situations?It is estimated that about 3-6 percent of school children have AD/HD. It causes difficulties with concentration as well as impulse and activity control.

Varför blir inte någon förbannad på kepsar nu för tiden? : En kvalitativ studie av gymnasielärares uppfattningar av konflikter och konflikthantering.

The purpose of this study is to examine secondary teachers' perceptions of conflict, conflict management, conflict prevention and conflict communication. In addition to theory, I conducted individual interviews and focus group discussions. Most teachers have a common view and argues that a conflict occurs when two or more individuals do not agree on something. Typical conflicts are about grades, teachers' changing professional roles and cellphones in the classroom. In my view, it seems as if the mobile phone has taken over the core conflict that caps created for some 10 years ago, functioning now as the dominant symbol in an ongoing development process providing space for meeting and dealing with conflicts in a constructive way..

Skademönster på Gotland : Kontaktorsak, skadeplats och skadeorsak med fokus på ålders ? och könsskillnader

Injuries are considered to be a major public health issue. More than 4600 people die each year and 10 % of all hospitalization in Sweden is related to injuries. The cost in a societal perspective is estimated to 59 billion a year. Injuries are possible to prevent. However it needs knowledge that the injury has occurred and the surrounding circumstances.

Inokulmmängdens betydelse för utveckling av vetets stråbasröta orsakad Fusarium graminearum : utvärdering av ett biotest

Fusarium graminearum is one of the most important pathogens on cereals and causes major crop losses around the world. The most cultivated cereal in Sweden is winter wheat. F. graminearum produces both sexual and asexual spores for dispersal. Multiple factors affect the production of these spores.

Förebyggande åtgärder vid ventilatorassocierad pneumoni : En systematisk litteraturstudie

Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva förebyggande omvårdnadsåtgärder vid ventilatorassocierad pneumoni (VAP), vilket är en form av pneumoni som är sjukhusförärvad och relaterad till att patienten är intuberad, så kallad nosokomial infektion. Längre vårdtid, ökad kostnad samt mortalitet ses vid VAP. Resultatet som framkom var att personal ska ha god handhygien vilket var en av viktigaste åtgärden för att förebygga VAP. Andra förebyggande omvårdnadsåtgärder är att vårdpersonal ska hjälpa patienten som vårdas i respirator med munvården och använda hjälpmedel för detta. Personal ska även hjälpa patienten med lämplig höjning på huvudgärden då detta också minskar riken för VAP, även sugning och befuktning av luftvägar är en åtgärd som patienten behöver hjälp med..

Soil carbon in small-holder plantain farms, Uganda : a comparison between agroforestry and non-agroforestry

Smallholder farmers in Uganda suffer from declining productivity. With a rapidly increasing population, marginal land is taken into production and the current land management leads to loss in soil fertility and escalation in soil erosion. There are studies indicating that the use of agroforestry increases soil organic carbon (SOC) compared to systems without trees. Soils which are high in carbon have many advantages, for example better water holding capacity, which can reduce stress on crops during drought. The aim of this study was to determine the effect agroforestry has on SOC concentration in small-holder farming systems in Uganda. The intended system to study was farms practicing agroforestry methods or not in intercropped plantain (cooking banana) fields.

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