655 Uppsatser om Mobile Phone - Sida 38 av 44
Impact of veterinary assistance on the health of working horses in Nicaragua
Working horses in developing countries are mostly used for transportation. They are often owned by people with limited economical resources and lack of knowledge about how to take care of the horses and due to this the horses often suffer from problems such as dehydration, poor body condition, lesions and parasitic infections. The aim of this master thesis was to investigate if free veterinary care improved the health and hydration status of working horses in Nicaragua and it was performed as a part of a project called ?Free veterinary assistance for working horses and training of their owners as veterinary promoters in the Pacific coast of Nicaragua?. Five parameters were used to investigate whether free care improved the health of working horses in six towns along the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua.
Mobiltelefoni - en djungel för konsumenterna : Vilka faktorer påverkar valet av mobiloperatör?
SammanfattningÄmnesfördjupande arbete inom marknadsföring, Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet Civilekonomprogrammet, 4FE03E, VT 2011.Författare:David BrooHandledare:Sarah PhilipsonTitel:Mobiltelefoni ? en djungel för konsumenterna. Vilka faktorer påverkar deras val av mobiloperatör?Syfte:Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar de svenska konsumenternas val av mobiloperatör. Ett delsyfte är att undersöka vad som påverkar deras lojalitet till sin operatör.Frågeställning:Vilka faktorer påverkar de svenska konsumenternas val av mobiloperatör?Metod:Det teoretiska materialet består av litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar.
Socialt arbete i skolan : En kvalitativ enkätstudie utifrån ungdomars upplevelser och behov
ÖREBRO UNIVERSITYDepartment of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences Programme in social care oriented towards social pedagogy C-essay, Social Work, 41-60 pAutumn term 2005 Social Work in School A qualitative study influenced by youths experiences and needs.Authors: Pernilla Abrahamsson & Sandra LiljemarkTutor: Marianne Freyne-LindhagenAbstractThe aim with this study is to investigate young adult´s experiences and need of social work in school, and a qualitative method was used to take part of their experiences. Groupquestionnaires with open questions was formed and three year one classes in uppersecondary school participated. In the process of making the questions a testquestionnaire was tested with one of the three classes as particpants. Information has also been collected throug an interview over the phone with the school´s welfare officer, and the school´s policy dokuments have been read. Social work in schools is mentioned in the study as preventive measures with youths when it comes to bullying, alcohol, drugs, sex and coexistance and tobacco.
Personlighet och preferens för mobiltelefon respektive portabelt ljud
Tidigare studier har indikerat att extroverta personer använder mobiltelefoni mer än vad introverta personer gör (Inyang et al. 2010). En enkätstudie genomfördes för att testa sambandet mellan personlighetstyp och huruvida en frekvenspreferens gällande brukandet av mobiltelefoni eller portabelt ljud förelåg. Hundra stycken deltagare svarade på enkäten som bestod av tre delar. Fyra hypoteser var formulerade; extroverta förutspåddes vara flitigare brukare av mobiltelefon än introverta, medan introverta förutspåddes vara flitigare i brukandet av portabelt ljud.
Effektiv fastighetsförvaltning : En beskrivande jämförelse av goda exempel i praktiken och tillämpliga teorier
Bachelor thesis within Business AdministrationTitle: Effective estate managementAuthor: Joacim StåhlPatrik StyrbjörnTutor: Gunnar WramsbyDate: 2008-06-05Subject terms: Estate management, efficiency, key figure, good examples, manager, real estate Abstract:Background: Concerning the global economy and the picture given in real estate business that efficiency and profitability are needed to survive is it intresting to study and search for good example to reach an effective and profitable estate management.Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to describe the work of real estate concern to reach efficiency and profitability from the owner/manager perspective.Method: Through qualitative interviews with eight respondents in four different real estate concerns describe good examples on effective estate management and with this fulfil the purpose of this essay. Two interviews per company were made, one at the company and one over phone to reach better security concerning the answers.Theory: The theory is divided in to four mainparts were the first two explains estate management and financial control. Thereafter comes an impression concerning efficiency and how efficiency is secured in estate mangement from a theoratical perspective.Empiri: This part of the essay is about the interviews made and through them show how real estate concern works with efficiency by focusing on good examples in which the companys find themself efficient.Analysis: Comparing the theories and the empirical research to analys and try to describe efficient estate management.Conclusions: Efficient estate management is about controlling the costs and especially about the opreating costs. Important to reach operative efficiency is therefore to continuosly follow up the costs and to do readings every month. To compose and continuosly work with budget and action plans for each estate is important in order to reach efficiency in the management of estates.
Efficient Frequency Grouping Algorithms for iDEN
This Master?s Thesis deals with a special problem that may be of importance when planning a frequency hopping mobile communication network. In normal cases the Frequency Assignment Problem is solved, in order to plan the use of frequencies in a network. The special case discussed in this thesis occurs when the network operator requires that the frequencies must be arranged into groups. In this case the Frequency Assignment Problem must be solved with respect to the groups, i.e.
Libros para todos Folkbibliotek och demokrati i Nicaragua
Libraries all over the world struggle against the threat of decreased funding and a lack of governmental interest. In countries with an under-developed library sector the interest from the government is often minimal or non-existent. Since the 80´s Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency has contributed to the library development in Central America through the Royal Library of Sweden. Nicaragua was the first country to be counterpart in the project. For a period of eight weeks I have completed a field study in Nicaragua and visited the National Library Rubén Darío and public libraries in the country.
Kommunala webbplatser för alla eller några? : Kvalitativa intervjuer med webbansvariga i tio sydsvenska kommuner
There is a need for examining the accessibility of public web sites and for several reasons. First, public organizations possess considerable amounts information of interest to its citizens and which ought to be easily accessible. Secondly, international and national guidelines for web publishing support the different types of requirements experienced by web users and, in particular, with regard to accessibility for people with disabilities. The thesis examines the design of public web sites from two different aspects. Web sites can be built up and structured from the management view of the public organization, or, they can be constructed with a view to user needs and requirements.
Sociala Medier som kommunikationskanal för B2B-företag
The purpose of this thesis is to show what advantages and opportunities social media offer for B2B-companies (business-to-business), and how they can be used for marketing communications.We have studied how companies can use social media, for example evolving the organization, developing products/services, staying up-to-date, building relations, creating customer loyalty and engagement, building the company?s identity and image, and affecting the buying decisions. We have also studied how B2B-companies can choose media channels, set goals, and measure the results.We have carried out interviews, through phone and visits, with four chosen companies that fit our criterias: Swedish B2B-company that is successful in social media.The result of the interviews show that B2B-companies use social media for various purposes, for example networking (to create and build long term relations with other companies) and to improve the company?s image among the end customers. Most of our interviewees reach their end customers (consumers) in first place and customers (companies) in second place, since many B2B-companies do not yet use social media.Half of our respondents mention that social media should not be used for advertising and campaigns (one way communication).
Är frågan färdigformulerad? : En referenskritisk undersökning av 118100 Svar På Allt och Fråga Bibliotekets e-posttjänst
This two years master?s thesis in Library and Information Sciences aims to investigate and put the services of 118100 Svar På Allt (SPA, an SMS mobile question and answer service) and Fråga biblioteket (FB, a library operated e-mail reference service) into the context of the reference encounter. Questions sent to SPA and their subsequent answers are analysed, and part of these questions are forwarded to FB for comparative studies. Both of the formats are compared to the reference encounter as a whole. The framing of the question originates in the assumption that there may be a need for further negotiation of the questions submitted to the aforementioned formats.
Streamad Tv ? komplement eller konkurrent för linjär Tv? : En studie om preferenser bland män och kvinnor i olika åldrar
Few would disagree that the media landscape has undergone significant changes the last decade. From bulky computers and plain Mobile Phones to portable High-Definition computers and multi-functional smartphones. Other media, such as newspapers and music, have evolved and prospered in a digitalized environment. The constant urge to digitalize aspects and functions of our daily lives seems almost instinctive. Television has taken further steps into this environment as it is now accepted and featured via the Internet.
Mobila Applikationer : En utvärderande studie om hur mobila applikationer påverkar webbtjänster
De teknologiska framstegen inom mobiltelefoni de senaste åren, har bidragit till att människor kan utföra sysslor oberoende av plats. För företag som tillhandahåller webbtjänster är mobila applikationer någonting som kan utnyttjas för att öka användning av deras tjänst. I uppsatsen undersöks om detta stämmer eller ej.För företag blir det viktigt hur en mobil applikation integreras mot den befintliga webbtjänsten. Det är dessutom relevant för företag att veta hur applikationen påverkar användningen av den initiala webbtjänsten.I studien utvecklas en mobil applikation från grunden för att se vilka potentiella problem företag kan stöta på vid utveckling av en mobil applikation. Intervjuer görs med företag som utvecklat mobila applikationer till befintliga webbtjänster, för att undersöka hur de upplevt effekterna av applikationen efter lansering.Resultaten visar att lansering av en mobil applikation ofta görs till mer än en typ av mobiltelefon.
"Vi är inte byggda för att ta in video" Utmaningar med video i räddningsarbete
THE CONSTANT IMPROVAL AND REFINEMENT OF THE MOBILE TECHNOLOGY HAVE MADE IT POSSIBLEto use video in settings where such use couldn't be motivated before, due to economicaland practical reasons. The purpose of the study was to identify and explore possiblechallenges in interorganizational use of video during emergency response work. Thiswas done by a case study of a system designed for the use of video in such situations.The study focused on operational challenges for the fire and rescue services and thehealthcare organisations, where the main challenges identified were intended to beanalysed and discussed in terms of design. The empirical results were gathered throughqualitative interviews with representatives from the fire and rescue services and thehealthcare organisations in Göteborg. This material made it clear that contextual aspectsof emergency response work lead to a couple of challenges connected to the use of videoin such situations.
Framtida möjligheter för mobil styrning av hemmet :
Målen med denna undersökning har varit att studera vilka tekniker som idag finns för att möjliggöra mobil styrning av hemmet och därigenom underlätta elanvändarens roll i en uppgradering av det befintliga elnätet, vilken/vilka tekniker som bör få störst betydelse för framtidens smarta hem, samt hur en implementering av en mobil applikation för fjärrstyrning av hemmet skulle kunna tas fram. Undersökningen har i första hand genomförts genom en omfattande förstudie och informationsinhämtning, genom jämförelser av för- och nackdelar mellan olika nätverkstekniker, samt genom utredande av lämplig utvecklingsmiljö baserat på tillgång till öppet utvecklar API, produkttillgänglighet och support, samt initialkostnad för utvecklingsverktyg och system för testning. Undersökningen har visat att det idag inte finns någon klar vinnare bland nätverksteknikerna på området, även om Zigbee, Z-Wave och Wi-Fi är de starkaste kandidaterna till att vinna stora marknadsandelar. Det är således inte uppenbart att någon teknik kommer att få mycket större utbredning än de övriga då teknikerna istället kan komma att komplettera varandra då de är starka på olika områden. Undersökningen har också visat att som utvecklingsmiljö är det svenska företaget Telldus produktlösning (Tellstick) en relativt billig och enkel produkt att använda för att komma igång med styrning av hemmet, samt att de tillhandahåller två öppna APIer och uppmuntrar tredjepartsutveckling av applikationer för deras system..
Potentiell fosforfrigörelse från sedimentet i Bornsjön, sydvästra Stockholm : The potential leakage of phosphorus from sediment in Lake Bornsjön, south western Stockholm
Lake Bornsjön is situated 30 km southwest of Stockholm in a rift valley lake and consist three basins outstretched in northwest-southeast direction. The surface area is 6,7 km2 with a maximum depth of 18,3 meters, a mean depth of 9,8 meters and a retention time of the water of 6,5 years. The drainage area is 42 km2 and consists mainly of arable land (ca 1000 ha) and productive forestry land (2500 ha), but in the drainage area there are also restored and fairly newly constructed wetlands.Today the Stockholm area receives its drinking water from Lake Mälaren, but if there would be any pollution of this source, Lake Bornsjön would act as the water source. The area surrounding the lake was bought already in 1899 by Stockholm Stad for protection of the lake and was taken over 1993 by Stockholm Vatten AB. It has been a water protection area from 1988 and it was also accepted as a nature reserve in 1995.