655 Uppsatser om Mobile Phone - Sida 37 av 44
Partnerval i joint ventures på den svenska 3G-marknaden En studie av de svenska nätoperatörerna
Background: Traditionally defined boundaries and borders between organizations are at present being re-evaluated because of new and tougher demands. Today we can see a trend where these boundaries are being lowered or even eliminated when organizations choose to co-operate instead of compete. Purpose: In order to create an understanding for the partner selection process in the newly founded joint ventures between the companies which are building the Swedish 3G Network, the determining factors are being studied. Delimitation: The studies companies are co-operating as network operators but are at the same time competing as mobile operators. This relationship is in the literature described as co-opetition, which will not be investigated in this paper.
Språklig handledning i skolan : En kvalitativ studie i hur lärare i ett teoretiskt och ett praktiskt ämne använder språket för att handleda eleverna
This two years master?s thesis in Library and Information Sciences aims to investigate and put the services of 118100 Svar På Allt (SPA, an SMS mobile question and answer service) and Fråga biblioteket (FB, a library operated e-mail reference service) into the context of the reference encounter. Questions sent to SPA and their subsequent answers are analysed, and part of these questions are forwarded to FB for comparative studies. Both of the formats are compared to the reference encounter as a whole. The framing of the question originates in the assumption that there may be a need for further negotiation of the questions submitted to the aforementioned formats.
Dövas och sjuksköterskors erfarenhet och upplevelse av sjukvårdsrådgivning via telefon : Intervjustudie med kvalitativ analys
Sjukvårdsrådgivning via telefon har blivit allt vanligare i västvärlden. Tekniska lösningar har utarbetas som underlättar för de döva att själva kontakta sjukvården via telefon. Sjuksköterskor inom primärvården kommunicerar då med de döva via text- eller bildtelefoni. Studiens syfte var att beskriva döva och sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och upplevelser av sjukvårdsrådgivning via telefon. Sex sjuksköterskor och fem döva intervjuades med öppna frågor.
Att bara vara: en studie av ett folkbiblioteks besökare
Varför ökar antalet besök på folkbiblioteken medan antalet lån minskar? Syftet med den här undersökningen är att studera vad besökarna gör på Luleå folkbiblioteks huvudbibliotek och hur de betraktar sitt bibliotek. Frågeställningarna är: ? Vad gör besökarna på biblioteket förutom att låna böcker, tidningar och AV-medier? ? Hur betraktar besökarna på Luleå folkbibliotek sitt bibliotek? ? Vilka är det som besöker biblioteket? ? Hur är miljön på biblioteket och vilken inverkan har den på biblioteksbesökarna? ? Är biblioteket också en plats som lockar till sig andra besökare än de som söker det som förknippas med biblioteksverksamhet? För att kunna besvara frågeställningarna har en observationsundersökning och en enkätundersökning gjorts. I analysen har några begrepp från Bourdieu använts.
Mittuniversitetets Android-app : Studentportalen som mobilapplikation
Detta projekt går ut på att skapa en stabil och användbar mobilapplikation utvecklad i programspråket Java. Syftet är att underlätta åtkomsten och kommunikationen mellan Studentportalen och studenterna. Slutprodukten är Mittuniversitetets inofficiella applikation, kallad Mittuniversitetets Android-app. som begränsas i första hand till enheter med operativsystemet Android. Genom undersökningar, gjorda via både Mittuniversitetets studentportal i form av en enkät och fysiskt på Mittuniversitetet campus Sundsvall i form av muntliga intervjuer, utreds vilka områden studenterna helst vill ha i applikationen och det är utefter dessa som applikationen utformas.
Förskolans balansgång mellan fri- och styrd rörelseträning : en kvalitativ studie om förskolors arbete med rörelseträning
AimThe aim with this essay has been to investigate how preschools profiling in motor activity training, work to stimulate motor development of children. In order to study this, the main focus for the research has been on the following queries:What characterize motor activity training at the preschools studied?What is the purpose with the motor activity training of preschools which were studied?How do the preschools describe the affect that motor activity training has on children?How do the preschools look at the need for motor activity training?MethodFour in-depth interviews were conducted with representatives of the chosen preschools profiling in motor activity. My selection was based on a strategic sample and this was made by an internet mapping of preschool activities in the districts of Stockholm, and information from the service guide of the town of Stockholm. Then e-mail was sent to ten contact persons at preschool units, and ten preschools were contacted directly by phone.
Kundlojalitet på den elektroniska marknaden : strategier för att skapa lojala e-handelskunder
In recent years e-commerce has experienced a big increase in usage. Internet however, cannot offer the same level of personal contact as traditional shops can.E-commerce is characterized by impersonal and standardized web shops that do not stimulate any emotional connection between the customer and the company. Without this personal contact with the customer the possibilities for the company to stimulate loyalty decreases. Loyalty however, is as important in e-commerce as it is in traditional commerce. The authors of this paper chose the following problem for the study:What marketing strategies are fortunate for e-commerce companies to use to create loyal customers?To research this subject the authors saw it fit to combine qualitative and quantitative research methods.
Fermented sausage : product development at Lindell's Gårdsslakteri
Product development is a risky business; many products never yield profit, but it is also ne-cessary for a company?s survival in a competitive business where the costumers change their requests constantly. Consumer-led product development is developed from the wish to fill the consumer?s needs and expectations and thereby be more likely to succeed. Lindell?s Gårdsslakteri AB is a local slaughter and meat processor in Västergötland.
Ledarskap & management i storskalig smågrisproduktion
This study has been done in order to map the supply of vegetarian and vegan food products in Sweden for business clients and consumers. A total of 665 food stuffs were found and classified into six categories. The biggest category was meat substitutes with 302 products and the second largest category was sandwich spreads with 150 different products. Within the remaining categories a varied number of products were found; 86 beverages, 64 cooking accessories, 34 milk free ice creams and 29 plant based yogurts. Of the meat substitutes were 28 only available for business clients.
En undersökning av Elektromagnetiska störningar på hörselmätningsutrustning
Cnior Mobile AB i Lindesberg utvecklar en mobil trygghetstelefon för äldre. Detta examensarbete går ut på att utforma en handsfree-enhet för denna. Handsfree-enheten ska integreras i larmknappen, som bärs av användaren runt handleden, och har kontakt med telefonen via blåtandsradio. I examensarbetet ingår att välja ut lämplig högtalare och mikrofon, hitta lösningar för smuts- och vattentålighet samt att lösa problem med ekon och bakgrundsstörningar.En högtalare hittades som uppfyllde kraven för smuts- och vattentålighet samtidigt som den hade utmärkt frekvensgång för återgivning av tydligt tal. Vattenavrinning från högtalaren löstes genom att ett sinussvep sänds ut från högtalaren varje gång ett samtal ska kopplas upp.
Utveckling av Innovativa Småskaliga Elförsörjningskoncept : - Minor Field Study i Namibia
A large part of the Namibian low income population lack access to grid distributed electricity. This mean they are effectively shut out from basic functions such as lighting, information technologies and hygienic food handling. Hence, finding ways of providing affordable off-grid electricity is an important, not to say critical, task.This master thesis is an innovation and concept development project that has been carried out in cooperation with organisations in Sweden and Namibia. The purpose of the project has been to (1) develop a concept for off-grid electricity supply in Namibia and (2) to gain a deeper knowledge within the area of innovation and product development for the Base of the Pyramid population, i.e. the poorest, but largest, socio-economic part of the global population.Essential in this project has been to acquire user understanding and to identify user needs to create a foundation for developing the concept.
IT som marknadsstrategiskt hjälpmedel - en studie om långsiktiga relationer
The most dominating channel for communication, connecting companies and customers, during the 1900 century was those who included either physical contact or phone contact. However, when Internet started to make its way as a channel for communication, a whole new opportunity opened up for the companies. Since then Internet has grown to be an important part for any company that wants to gain market shares. One of those markets is the market of travelling.This paper discusses the Swedish industry of travelling, and different travel organizers use of Internet as a mediate for long-term relationships. The paper is built on a comparison between three companies that all distributes journeys, this is to examine the Internet communications effect on the electronic relationship (e-relation) with customers.Three travel organizers with similar visions and objectives are compared in this paper, these are Apollo, Fritidsresor and Ving.
MPA (Medical Phone Application)
SAMMANFATTNINGDetta examensarbete är baserat på en uppgift från Small Domestic Appliances (småhushållsprodukter) på Electrolux. Arbetet har handlat om att få in mer naturliga materialmed ?premium? känsla i deras produkter, annat än plast och rostfritt stål.Materialundersökningen har inkluderat: glas, trä, keramik och dekorativa tillämpningarför metall och plast. Hur en användare upplever ett material har också undersökts.Information har samlats in i två undersökningar; en om trender, marknad ochkonkurrenter samt en om material, leverantörer, tillverknings- och ytbehandlingsmetoder.Tre subjektiva test har gjorts på taktilitet för att få reda på hur vissa material upplevs avanvändare. Testerna utfördes med hjälp av materialprover, frågeformulär ochtestpersoner.Ett objektivt test på friktion utfördes också där friktionskoefficienten mellan ett materialsyta och fingertopparna räknades ut.
Utveckling av skjutdörrskoncept för hemmiljö
This report was written as a result of a Bachelor Degree Project at the School of Technology and Society at University of Skövde, first semester 2007. The assigner was Tibrokök in Tibro, Sweden. The commission was originally to design a sliding door concept for kitchen. Later it was expanded to also include bathrooms.During the feasibility study of the project Internet was used as an information source. Kitchen brochures and magazines were ordered from different companies to give inspiration and ideas.
Barkar det åt skogen för svenskt tidningspapper? : empirisk analys av efterfrågan och företagsstrategier på den svenska marknaden
According to Food and Agriculture Organization newsprint is defined as: Uncoated paper, unsized (or only slightly sized), containing at least 60 percent of mechanical wood pulp. The consumption of newsprint in Sweden was just over 798 000 tonnes in 2009, which represents approximately 90 kg per person. Although there are studies that predict a drastic reduction in newsprint consumption in the Western world, there seems to be a clear difference between forecasts for the future given by statistical analysis of newsprint consumption and forecasts given by experts in the industry. The former predict a continuing increase while the experts see a coming decrease in consumption.In this report, both demand and business strategies of newsprint in Sweden are studied. The study also presents a forecast of the future which is based on historical data and qualitative interviews.