

3117 Uppsatser om Mobile Art Production - Sida 44 av 208

Fo?rstudie fo?r automatisering av skateboardtillverkning

This report is based on a thesis that was carried out during spring 2012. The report covers the development of a preliminary study to Performance Sk8. The purpose of the study is to facilitate and contribute inspiration to Performance Sk8 to run an automation project to bring home their production to Sweden from China. The reason is to gain a greater ability to control quality, produce smaller batches and reduce the cycle time to reduce costs.The goal is that the preliminary study shall meet the requirements and wishes Performance Sk8 and other partners defined. The pre study will contain different cost proposals for the automation of selected process and serve as a basis for procurement of the equipment.The pre study has resulted in some proposed solutions to the various steps required to automate Performance Sk8 ?s production.

Fördröjning och bortfall av nätverkskorrektioner : osäkerhetskällor för nätverks-RTK

Network RTK is a real-time technique for accurate positioning with Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The technology means the use of correction data from a network of GNSS receivers with known positions (reference stations) to reduce the uncertainty in position for the user´s GNSS receiver (rover). However, this requires that the correction data can be transferred seamlessly to the user in real time. Commonly the corrections are transferred via mobile phones. The Swedish National Land Survey operates a nationwide Network RTK service, where users can receive correction data via GSM or mobile Internet (GPRS).

Rörelseanalys med tillämpning av inversdynamik : en pilotstudie på frisk labrador retriever

Sheep breeding contributes not only with wool, hides, meat and milk but also with openlandscapes. The sheep?s wool is a good raw material thanks to a lot of different qualities as itis water rejecting and easy to form. The wool production today is concentrated to specificplaces in the world which leads to environmental problems and a distorted market. InJämtland, a province in Sweden, there is right now a staking going on for local production andrefining of wool in a project called Ullforum.

Övergripande kvalitets och kapabilitets granskning av produktionsprocessen ? en implementering av SPS. : Overall Quality and Capability Study of the Production Process ? an Implement of SPC.

Quality was earlier only an issue for the company?s quality departments but today is the entire organization involved in quality- and improvements work. With the customers in focus, both external and internal, quality and improvement work should be integrated in the daily activities. The management shall state goals and visions together with a policy. Through participation the correct requirements for a successful work are created.With SPC, statistics process control, there is an opportunity to perceive variations in the process and with the correct tools make it stable.

Utredning av energieffektiviseringspotential i ett flerbostadshus : Avseende på injustering av värmedistributionssystemet och installation av värmepump

The different aspects of each individual construction project such as the general conditions, design and economic restrictions as well as many more factors mean it is difficult to standardize building processes or plan in detail based on past experiences. As a result operational efficiency is often reduced, and unnecessary waste is generated. To make an organization more efficient and therefore reduce waste production everybody involved needs to appreciate and understand the improvements that can increase the organization?s efficiency. To investigate these improvements a time study was performed on two different construction sites, both of which involved buildings being constructed of prefabricated steel and concrete elements.

Förbättrad lönsamhet i växtodlingsföretag! : en ekonomisk analys av ett samarbete i form av ett driftsbolag mellan två lantbruksföretag

The agriculture is today in a development that leads to bigger and bigger units in the primary production. To be able to follow this development many companies chooses to cooperate in different ways. The most radical change is when farmers fuses with other farmers and merge into to a big collectively owned operation firm. The reason behind this idea is that the firms achieve the big companies advantages by being complement to each other. The purpose of this essay is to make an economic analysis of two crop production companies who works together in an operation firm.

OTEC-Ett energialternativ för enhållbar ö

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is a technology that utilizes the temperaturedifference in oceans between the warm surface water and the cold water at 1000 m depthto produce electricity. The purpose of this report is to investigate if OTEC with its synergiescould become a commercially feasible energy solution for a small island. A literature reviewis conducted to explore the different OTEC technologies and to what extent the threesynergies; fresh water, air conditioning and aquaculture, could be used. In order to calculatethe profitability of these synergies there is also a study conducted on the conventionalmethods and cost of fresh water production, aquaculture and air conditioning. A model is setup using a scenario of a small tropical Island with population of 100 000 people.

Teknisk och ekonomisk analys av en bränslekonvertering vid SIA TallOils pelletsfabrik :

At SIA TallOil's pellets factory in Latvia wood shavings and saw dust are dried with flue gases from a gas burner. TallOil wants to replace the gas with a biofuel that is available at the pellet plant. The reason for this is the unstable gas market in Europe in combination with the fact that TallOil wants to improve its profile as supplier of renewable bio fuels. In this project the technical and economical possibilities for a fuel conversion to ether bark powder, wood shavings or wood powder have been investigated. These fuels should be burned in one of the following applications: TPS BioSwirl, VTS Multifuel burner or Saxlunds bio fuel combustion plant Due to the fact that the fuel alternatives available are relatively common except for bark powder, the work has mainly been focused on bark powder.

Utveckling av arbete med ständiga förbättringar: en fallstudie vid Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry, Production Surfactants i Stenungsund

Den ökade förändringstakten i samhället på grund av ny teknik, internationalisering och att samhället blivit alltmer mångkulturellt bidrar till att större krav ställs på företag att hela tiden förbättra sin verksamhet. Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry, Production Surfactants i Stenungsund, har huvudsakligen sina kunder och konkurrenter runt om i Europa. Då Sverige ligger i utkanten av detta område tar det omkring en leveransdag längre tid för Production Surfactants att leverera sina produkter i jämförelse med företagets konkurrenter. Detta medför att Production Surfactants behöver kompensera denna längre leveranstid genom exempelvis högre produktkvalitet, större flexibilitet eller lägre priser för att ha möjlighet att tävla på marknaden. För att uppnå detta behöver Production Surfactants utveckla och systematisera sitt förbättringsarbete.

Slimmade möten, en undersökning av Leans påverkan på mötesprocesser

Lean has been studied intensely since the 1980s and it has been tested and successfully implemented in a wide variety of businesses. This thesis aims to examine the potential effects of a Lean implementation on meeting efficiency, a topic that has gotten little attention in the research community. First, a number of meeting problems are introduced, as they are perceived from the company that is the subject of the study. Second, the potential of introducing Lean in a meeting process is evaluated using the Lean Thinking principles. Third, the wastes that are generated from the meeting problems are identified.

Psykosocial arbetsmiljö : kommunikation och trivsel i industriella arbetslag

Relationships and trust between humans create the psychosocial working environment. This is a basic human activity and is communicated in a continually ongoing process. Conciseness about the value of trust and social capital motivates the need for work, with threats to communication, being conflicts and noise. This can create greater trust in the workplace as a whole, as well in the working team. Scientists are increasingly interested in these social relations in the working environment; there are profits, both for production and in terms of individuals2019 well being, in shifting the focus away from a purely production-oriented, economic perspective.

Ständiga förbättringar hos Drive Sol Worldwide AB

The purpose with this report is to give structure to the storage area betweenproduction and packaging at Spaljisten AB in Åseda. The purpose is also to givesuggestions for improvements of work tasks and thereby simplify and improve thematerial handling at the packing process.The background of the task is that Spaljisten AB is going to increase theirproduction and thereby they also need to increase the packing rate of theirproducts. They will manage this by installing a new automated packing line andincrease the efficiency of the old manual one. The theoretical background ismostly obtained from literature which contains relevant facts for our report.The storage area has been studied visually in order to search for improvements oftoday?s layout.

Denim is not dead

För att ett företag ska kunna hålla sig flytande på marknaden idag krävs de att de har hundra procent koll på vad som sker i deras fabriker och att de strävar efter en mer hållbar tillverkningsprocess. Att försäkra konsumenterna om att fabrikerna inte använder sig av barnarbete eller dåliga arbetsförhållanden räcker inte längre utan det krävs en bredare kunskap inom miljö och hållbar utveckling för att den trogna kunden ska stanna. Syftet med denna rapport är att kontrollera det nyuppstartade företaget DENIM IS DEAD?s produktion och utvärdera om hur man kan förädla de olika processtegen samt skapa transparens gentemot kund.Metoden som arbetet utformades efter var genom en fallstudie som är baserad på en mestadels deduktiv metod men med inslag av induktiv metod. Där grunden lades genom en utförlig faktainsamling för att i rapportens senare del kunna analysera de hypoteser och problemformuleringar som ställts.Målet med rapporten var att ta fram en metod eller produkt som ska underlätta kommunikationen med DENIM IS DEAD?s kund.

Utveckling av programvara för inrapportering av vägstatus och utrustning längs med vägar

Detta arbetes uppgift är att konstruera ett redskapsfäste för en lastmaskin av modellVolvo BM 840. Lastmaskinen är idag försett med ett gammalt mindre bra fäste, denbehöver därför ett bättre, modernare och mer användbart redskapsfäste med hydrauliskredskapslåsning. Den typen av redskapsfäste som ger detta är ett Stora BM-fäste. Föratt få rätt mått har måttuppgifter tagits på andra maskiner och redskap. Resultatet blevkompletta ritningar för att kunna tillverka delarna till fästet på en verkstad.Hållfasthetsberäkningar har gjorts på de viktigaste ställena..

Ärtrev som substrat för biogasproduktion : En litteraturstudie och rötning i labbskala

Until 2020, 49% of Sweden's use of energy must derive from renewable sources. Greenhouse gases must as well decline with 40% compared to 1990 as a part of Sweden's 16 environmental objectives. Biogas is part of the effort to achieve these objectives, but as the demand for biogas increases, more substrates are needed to meet the demand. The purpose is to investigate the conditions for pea residue as substrate by performing lab-scale mesophilic digestion with different fractions and notch lengths and then to summarize pea residue as a substrate for biogas production. During anaerobic digestion, 1000 ml bottles were used as reactors for digestion.

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