
OTEC-Ett energialternativ för enhållbar ö

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is a technology that utilizes the temperaturedifference in oceans between the warm surface water and the cold water at 1000 m depthto produce electricity. The purpose of this report is to investigate if OTEC with its synergiescould become a commercially feasible energy solution for a small island. A literature reviewis conducted to explore the different OTEC technologies and to what extent the threesynergies; fresh water, air conditioning and aquaculture, could be used. In order to calculatethe profitability of these synergies there is also a study conducted on the conventionalmethods and cost of fresh water production, aquaculture and air conditioning. A model is setup using a scenario of a small tropical Island with population of 100 000 people. The islandselectricity, freshwater and cooling demand is investigated.The profitability for four different OTEC plants is calculated and it is found that all the plantsare profitable if all the synergies are utilized and the oil price is above 120 $/fat. Therevenues from freshwater production and cooling greatly contribute to the profitability.


Ida Karkiainen Mika Reichel

Lärosäte och institution



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