

3117 Uppsatser om Mobile Art Production - Sida 43 av 208

Produktionsstyrning av cylinderbricka : För Atlas Copco, Tierp.

The component workshop at Atlas Copco inTierp intends to reduce the costs inorder to increase their competitiveness.This thesis examines how the productionmanagement around cylinder washersshould be managed in a way that meetsthe customer needs. The customer to thecylinder washer is Atlas Copcos assemblydepartment in Tierp.The purpose of this thesis is to providean alternative way of managing theproduction. A chapter of theory is addedto give the reader an insight ofdifferent types of production managementsystems as well as the underlyingknowledge needed to get a better readingexperience. An introduction of kanbancan in theory help Atlas Copco in thedirection they strive. It should beclear how the purpose of this thesisaffects the cost for the componentworkshop and also how it relates to thecurrent production.

Inverkan av SPC på induktion av protein AF och produktionsresultat hos slaktkyckling

This study was a degree in Master of Science in agriculture with specialization in animal science for the Department of animal nutrition and management at SLU. The subject was created by AS-Faktor, a small company for science and development within the company Lantmännen AB. It was a test of the effect of SPC (Special Processed Cereals) on induction of the endogenous protein AF (an antisecretory factor) in plasma and intestinal lumen in broilers. Previous results have shown positive effects on different intestinal diseases in pigs, horses, dogs as well as in humans. Beside the induction we also studied the effects on results in a conventional slaughter chicken production, including the ability of SPC to compete with or be affected by the coccidiostat, Salinomax.When diarrhoea occurs, it's because there is an imbalance between the secretion and the absorption and it can be caused by for example toxins.

En montörs vardag : Bravida ventilation Uppsala

Bravida is one of Scandinavia's leading suppliers of technical installations and services. According to Bravida an installer loses around 35 per cent of their daily work. It?s the time aspect that?s going to be examined in this thesis. The purpose of this thesis is that the student in question is to investigate the activities of the installers that works with this project, identifying where and how time losses occur and come up with suggestions for improvement.Methods used in this work is literature studies, observational studies and interviews.

Investigation of yeast Grown in SSF Dring Biothanol Production from Lignocellusosic Material

Ethanol produced from lignocellulosic biomass has the potential to become a promisingalternative to gasoline. In this work the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF)technology was applied for ethanol production from hardwood with focus on cell growth,ethanol production and contamination.The SSF was performed at PH 5.5 and 35°C for different suspended solid concentrations(8%, 10% and 12%) of pretreated birch slurry which contained 16 % total suspended solids.Two different hexose fermenting yeast strain (Ethanol Red) and pentose fermenting yeaststrain were used.Quantifying the concentration of chemical components and metabolites in the fermentationmedium demonstrated that glucose and xylose are the major fermentable sugars in the slurry.The higher load of slurry (12%) represents a higher content of carbohydrates and potentiallyhigher end concentration of ethanol. Moreover, more lactic acid is produced with the lowerload of slurry (8 % or 10 %), presumably due to a result of a less inhibitory environment forbacterial growth. In this context, acetic acid sticks out as the most important inhibitor withconcentrations of 15.2 and 12.5 and 9.7 g/l respectively in the 12 %, 10 % and 8 % (ofsuspended solids) trials. Using pentose fermenting yeast may lead to higher ethanolproduction, lower xylose uptake and lower lactic acid formation.

Ledarskap, kommunikation och målsättning som motivationsfaktorer : en fallstudie på Fresenius Kabi i Uppsala

It's not a secret that most companies strive to get such a high economic return as possible. To successfully engage in a profitable enterprise, there are many elements that come into play. An important element is the motivation of the employees and their work performance. Work motivation is a key factor for the employees to improve their performance and therefore determinant for the successes of the company.This work is a case study in the production at Fresenius Kabi, Uppsala. The work is based on an employee survey that they fill out once a year and the aim is to develop a deeper understanding for these questions and how the employees see on leadership, communication and goal-setting as motivators and how these factors works in the company today.To get this deeper understanding I have used a qualitative approach.

Ett ärendehanteringssystem för mobila enheter

The purpose of this project was to create a system which can handle issues, with other words an issue tracking system. The system must create issues, assign issues to a specific user and list all issues for each user. On top of that, each issue should have a log where users can log whatever they want.My part of this project was to implement a client which can fulfill this basic criteria (and a bit more if possible), and communicate with the server which has procedures to be executed by the client.This system is based on Android and has it purpose to be used by mobile devices which support Android. ?Ichnaea? as the system is called, is meant to be used by companies to have human interaction through the network..

Spädningsvätskans påverkan på vaginas mikrobiologiska normalflora hos sto i samband med insemination

Sheep breeding contributes not only with wool, hides, meat and milk but also with openlandscapes. The sheep?s wool is a good raw material thanks to a lot of different qualities as itis water rejecting and easy to form. The wool production today is concentrated to specificplaces in the world which leads to environmental problems and a distorted market. InJämtland, a province in Sweden, there is right now a staking going on for local production andrefining of wool in a project called Ullforum.

Litteratur och intervjustudie inom Green Production : Vad skiljer Lean Production från Green Production, hur uppfattas arbete med miljöförbättrande åtgärder och vilka problem kan uppstå vid implementering av ett grönt produktionssätt?

Följande rapport är resultatet av det examensarbete som utförts våren 2011 inom innovativ produktion/logistik vid Mälardalens Högskola. Examensarbete behandlar ämnet Green Production med fokus på skillnader mellan ett produktionssystem som bygger på Lean Production och ett som bygger på Green Production. Områden som berörs i rapporten är de verktyg som används i de olika produktionssystemen, hur arbetet med miljöförbättrande åtgärder kan se ut i praktiken samt vilka svårigheter som finns vid arbete med miljöförbättrande åtgärder i ett företag. Examensarbetet består av en litteraturstudie där aktuell litteratur studerats inom området samt en intervjustudie som genomförts med insatta inom miljöfrågor kopplat till produktion samt operatörer.Bakgrunden till examensarbetet grundar sig i att världen står inför en framtid där många utav de råmaterial som används idag vid produktion inte kommer att kunna nyttjas i framtiden. Detta i kombination med de miljöproblem som människan åsamkat, har bidragit till att många företag insett att miljöaspekter måste vara i åtanke genom hela produktionsprocessen.Den uppfattning som erhållits genom intervjustudierna är att det är viktigt för ett företag att visa att de arbetar med miljöförbättrande åtgärder.

Bränsleceller i personbilar : En teknoekonomisk well-to-wheel analys av vätgas som fordonsbränsle

Several technical solutions are ready to step forward as the new generation of propellant, and this report aims to explore the possibility of commercializing fuel cell cars. The report is based on current research and data from today's technology and engineering solutions that are estimated to be commercially realized before 2020.A mapping of today?s different fuel cell options has shown that the most suitable fuel cell option is the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, which uses hydrogen as fuel. The report is focusing on a techno-economic well-to-wheel analysis of hydrogen and the energy balance and costs in a system perspective. The basis for this analysis consists of two centralized methods of production, steam methane reforming (SMR), and alkaline water electrolysis.

Blodomloppet. Ett förslag på hållbar stadsutveckling. Förändringsprocesser och bevarandets samhällsbildande funktion

This thesis on the sustainable urban development has the intent to discuss the conservator?s position in alteration of the built environment. An essential component of the thesis consists of a case study in the form of an entry in an open architectural competition for the development of Furuset, an urban residential area in Norway. The thesis? discussion is based on two approaches to change and socio-economic transformations, considered being dominant within the heritage theory and practice: the production of ideas and great narratives and conservation as an instrumental tool.

Slöserijakt i betongdjungeln : En tidseffektivisering av monteringsprocessen inom stål- och betongprefab

The different aspects of each individual construction project such as the general conditions, design and economic restrictions as well as many more factors mean it is difficult to standardize building processes or plan in detail based on past experiences. As a result operational efficiency is often reduced, and unnecessary waste is generated. To make an organization more efficient and therefore reduce waste production everybody involved needs to appreciate and understand the improvements that can increase the organization?s efficiency. To investigate these improvements a time study was performed on two different construction sites, both of which involved buildings being constructed of prefabricated steel and concrete elements.

Övergång till helkrossballast : En studie för Strängbetongfabrikerna i Veddige och Herrljunga

This exam report has been developed in association with Strangbetong AB, Sweden.The natural gravel that is being used as fine aggregate for concrete production today is an ending natural recourse and the Swedish government has decided to strongly reduce the extraction from the year of 2020. The only reasonable replacement is aggregates from crushed rocks but this material has other properties than natural aggregates. The concrete manufacturers now have to learn how to use these new fine aggregates in a cost effective way in order to ensure the quality of their concrete production.In this project, crushed aggregates and combination of crushed and natural aggregates have been tested with existing formulas for fresh concrete. The two parameters yield stress and plastic viscosity have been measured which gives a good description of the workability of the fresh concrete. Different methods to make measurements on the dry fine aggregates, has also been tested, to find out if there is any correlations between these parameters and the parameters from the measurement on the fresh concrete..

Kvighotell : samarbete mellan mjölkproducent och rekryteringsuppfödare

This master thesis is about the collaboration between the custom dairy heifer grower and thedairy producer.The custom dairy heifer grower is a rather unusual strategy of reproductive management inSweden compared to other countries like U.S. and Denmark where the specialization withindairy production gone much further. In these countries the research also has reached muchfurther within this type of industry. However in Sweden there has been research made in thearea of collaboration, but then only within collaborations in the industries of crop production,dairy production and pork meat.The down going trend of profitability within dairy production together with poor profitabilityin the beef industry could partly remedy if more collaborations around heifer contractingwould arise. But since the industry still is of a rare kind in Sweden the knowledge about howthese types of collaborative arrangements works and their contracts are put together is poor.By that the aim of this master thesis is formulated as follows: "how is usually thecollaborative arrangement between the dairy producer and custom dairy heifer growerdesigned".

Produktionsutveckling av bastuaggregatsavdelning

To invent an optimized product is a complicated process. This process is only half of the work. It is equally important to develop a production system that can produce the product in an  efficient and ergonomic way.After several evaluations of conceptual and detailed drawings a final idea has come to light.The idea intends, to the maximum extent, utilize the facility in a more efficient way through moving assembly lines and stations closer to the flock section and the stock for complete products. To make the production better, stations are placed in more logical places given the assignment they are supposed to accomplish. This improves the material flow radically.

Staying Astonishing

This thesis is a case study with a qualitative approach. The company examined is The Astonishing Tribe (TAT) making user interfaces for mobile phones. The company has had a growth of 1453% from 2002 until 2006. We have examined what are the key factors for keeping innovation while growing. The most significant factor not supporting innovation within the case company is the will to take calculated risks.

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