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?Men de används ju inte.? - en undersökning om distributionsstödda böcker från bibliotekariers synpunkt.

The purpose of this study is to investigate librarian?s opinions concerning literature with state supported distribution and how to mediate and market these in the library. The types of mediation and marketing that have been studied are positioning, labeling and oral mediation.The study is qualitative with interviews at seven main public libraries in central Sweden. The respondents of the study were responsible for the literature with state supported distribution within the library.The study is based on a theoretical frame of reference containing theories from Jofrid Karner Smidt, regarding librarian?s mediation in libraries, and François Colbert?s theory on marketing planning for arts and culture.The results of our study showed that librarians have both positive and negative opinions when it comes to the literature with state supported distribution.

Konvertering från UDK till SAB

The main purpose of this thesis is to examine what problems may arise when converting class symbols from one classification scheme to another. In order to fulfill this purpose, a conversion table between parts of the Swedish online-version of the UDC and the Swedish classification system SAB was constructed. For main classes 0 and 3 every class number from this abridged version of the UDC was converted, whereas for the rest of the main classes only class numbers with fewer than four figures were converted. The conversion table was constructed using the alphabetical index of SAB and different UDC-indexed library catalogues. Various aspects of the conversion table were then analysed using methods mainly devised by the authors themselves, but inspired by lexicography and multilingual thesaurus construction.

Våld eller sex? - En litteraturstudie om den akademiska kontroversen kring våldtäkt

Partly due to its consequences on the physical and mental health but also because of women?s constant fear of being violated, rape is considered to be a public health issue. The theoretical aspects of rape were first discussed in the 1970?s mainly from the viewpoints of Susan Brownmiller and Michel Foucault. The aim of this literature study is to investigate the different perspectives on whether rape should be viewed as sex or violence, how the controversy has developed and what the authors claim that the different perspectives result in.

Odlingens och lagringens inverkan på utsädes grobarhet :

At seed-growing the aim is to produce a commodity with high germination capacity, good soundness and purity, and also slight admixture of seeds from other species. The capacity of germination and the vigour of the seeds may become impaired in consequence of mechanical damage, infection of diseases, growth of mould, attacks of vermin, high drying temperature, secret germination, sprouting in the ears etc. The germ belongs to the outer and most unprotected parts of the seed, and consequently this is much exposed. Even quite sound seeds can instantaneously have low capability of germination. It can be due to the fact that the seeds are in rest of germination, i.e.

Med ramar och kramar : En studie om hur skolpersonal upplever arbetet mot mobbning inom skolan

Idag ses skolan som en ho?griskmiljo? na?r man talar om mobbning. Trots att stora satsningar genomfo?rs ba?de kring det fo?rebyggande och a?tga?rdande arbetet visar inte statisktiken pa? na?gon ma?rkbar skillnad vad ga?ller mobbningsfrekvensen. Brottsfo?rebyggarna i Ga?vle (BIG) arbetar aktivt fo?r att hja?lpa kommunens skolor med att minska mobbningsfrekvensen.

Uppkomst av materialspill vid nyproduktion av flerbostadshus

Construction waste from the housing industry includes all unnecessary consumption of building materials. The definition of construction waste is construction materials that has not been built in and becomes waste. Constructions waste can be divided into two types of contributions: operational and work site contribution. Some of the common construction materials in housing industry have such low usage level as 75 % and the rest becomes construction waste. Low usage of construction materials creates unnecessary costs and has a major environmental impact.

Läsa skönlitteratur i skolan : Hur pedagoger motiverar och stimulerar alla elever

AbstractThe purpose with this study is to find out how pedagogues, who teach in the early years of primary school, motivate and stimulate all pupils so they want to read a lot of fiction. The research also includes finding out more about why the pedagogues work as they do. The research starts with a study of current literature which deals with how teachers should work with motivation and stimulation in school. To find out how the pedagogues work in school I have made qualitative interviews with four pedagogues who work in the early years of primary school. The result shows that all of the pedagogues motivate and stimulate pupils in similar ways.

Olof Palme och Vietnamkriget : En ros bland hökar som söker en duva

AbstractThis is a story about the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme and his struggle against USA´s war in Vietnam in the late 60´s and the early 70´s. We follow the young Palme from his childhood to his travels to America and Asia, there he learns what true poverty means. Further we see Palme change side from his conservative background to a new social idealist. In Prag he learns to truly mistrust communism, an ideology he later in life paradoxical will be accused to stand for. Palme´s politic interests seems to take a great step forward when he starts to write articles in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, there he?s writings take more and more colour from Palme´s own politic stands.

Föräldrar med förståndshandikapp - faktorer som påverkar insatsers effektivitet

Denna litteraturöversikt visar att det finns en hel del litteratur och forskning inom området föräldrar med förståndshandikapp. Den forskning som gjorts är till största delen internationell, men de resultat denna studie kommit fram till bör kunna vara användbara under svenska förhållanden. Syftet var att belysa ett antal bestämda faktorer som kan påverka insatsers effektivitet, bland annat attityder, sociala nätverk och handikappmedvetandet. Resultatet visar att förmågan hos många av föräldrarna kan förbättras med hjälp av träning och utbildning. Studien har sin utgångspunkt i systemteori och visar att insatsers effektivitet påverkas av olika system runt den förståndshandikappade föräldern, där även föräldern själv ingår som ett system..

handel med utsläppsrätter : en del av lösningen på koldioxidproblematiken?

In Rio De Janeiro, 1992, was the first document signed that meant a responsibility for industrial countries to decrease their emissions, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Thirteen years later was the first legal binding document signed, the Kyoto protocol, and for the first time industrial countries all over the world was bound to decrease their emissions on greenhouse gases. Within the framework of this commitment, three flexible mechanisms (Clean Development mechanism, Joint Implementation and Emission trading) were introduced with the function to reduce the economical costs of the commitment. The flexible mechanisms Emission Trading (ET) is what this report is about.The report starts with a description of carbon dioxide and it?s effect on the environment, thereafter comes a background review of the national agreements who lies as a ground to the implementation of emission trading as a management control measure in Sweden and the rest of the world.Keywords: United Framework Convention on Climate Change, Kyoto protocol, Flexible mechanisms, Emission trading, carbon dioxide .

Barnboksskrivande : - En kvalitativ studie om framställande ochpublicering av barnböcker

The purpose of this study is to investigate how a children's book is suggested to be prepared in order to be accepted for publication by a publishing house in Sweden today.My questions was first to clarify the concept of a "children's book". Secondly, to understand if there are any guidelines to follow regarding the design and illustration of a children´s book, and how to proceed with the best chances of getting a mauscript published.To answer the question, I have chosen to use a qualitative method containing questionnaire items involving eleven Swedish publishers of children's literature.My results show that children's books includes all literature that has an target audience of people between 0-18 years of age. The most important thing is that the book's material is appropriate to the target group's level of mental perceptions and emotional competence. The material which then is submitted to the publisher will need to be of the highest quality and the author must investigate a consistent niche in order to submit the material to a publisher..

Arbetsmiljöfaktorernas påverkan på sjuksköterskors arbetstillfredsställelse.

Vård- och omsorgssektorn i Sverige kännetecknas av snabb teknisk utveckling, organisatoriska och demografiska förändringar. Antalet människor med omfattande komplexa vård- och omsorgsbehov ökar samtidigt som allt tyder på att resurserna inte kommer att öka i samma omfattning. Det ökade antal äldre människor med omfattande komplexa vård- och omsorgsbehov har orsakat att människor i allt större utsträckning bor kvar hemma och behöver därmed mer hemtjänst och hemsjukvård. Antal sjukfrånvaro bland vårdpersonal har på grund av fysisk och mental arbetsbelastning ökat och stressrelaterade besvär fördubblats sedan 1997. Sjuksköterskornas arbetsförhållanden gör dem kritiska mot förändringar, de ökade kraven och nya mål.

Lokalhistoria : Intervjuundersökning med lärare i Kalmar och Vetlanda

This essay is about local history in history teaching in two cities; Kalmar and Vetlanda. The purpose was to see how teachers in Kalmar and Vetlanda define local history and what kind of local history they teach their students. I have also examined what benefits of didactics the teachers see in teaching local history. In order to find out I interviewed four history teachers at three schools in Kalmar and two history teachers at one school in Vetlanda. Some of the interviews were carried out over the telephone and the rest at the teachers´s schools.

Koncentration : Nyckeln till framgång

Jag skulle åt Team Tejbrant ta fram ett mellanting mellan cykelställ och cykelgarage. Team Tejbrant har en rad olika cykelställ och garage och det är meningen att det cykelställ jag ska göra ska komplettera deras sortiment. Jag började med att göra en research om cykelställets historia samt undersöka dagens utbud. Efter det skrev jag en enkät som distribuerades till så många som möjligt, för att få information och inspiration till projektet. När det var klart och jag sammanställt enkäten gjorde jag en enkel intervju med företagets konstruktör om vad han tror är genomförbart.

"Det var synd att Süleyman Efendi måste dö" : En introduktion till den turkiska litteraturhistorien och presentation av Orhan Veli Kanik

The paper directs to introduce the turkish literary tradition to an fairly unknown european audience, as well as to present a turkish poet called Orhan Veli. Since there is hardly any literature written within this subject in either swedish or english I have come to the conclusion that the europeans have not yet been subjected to a discussion of this nature. For this reason my main task has been to gather and compose all that has already been written within this matter. I have chosen not to dig deep into such an unexploared subject, but rather offer different types of entries with which further research can be pursued and built upon.The early literature in Turkey consisted mostly of imitations of the well established arabic- and persian traditions. Because of that the turkisk modernism came, in comparison to the rest of Europe, relatively late.

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