

1891 Uppsatser om Mental föreställning (imagery) - Sida 44 av 127

OmvÄrdnad Àr inte ett kvinnoarbete: det Àr ett arbete för sjuksköterskor : ? Manliga sjuksköterskors upplevelser av sin yrkesroll

Sjuksko?terskeyrket har historiskt setts som ett typiskt kvinnligt yrke och a?n idag finns det kvar en fo?resta?llning om att ma?n inte la?mpar sig fo?r yrket. Manliga sjuksko?terskor utmanar da?rfo?r samha?llets normer om vad en man ska arbeta med. Syftet med studien var att belysa hur manliga sjuksko?terskor upplever sin yrkesroll ur ett genusperspektiv.

VarumÀrken - Ur barns perspektiv

Dagens teknologiska utveckling har bidragit till vÄrt mediaintensiva samhÀlle som iallt större utstrÀckning har övergÄtt till ett konsumtionssamhÀlle. Trots Sverigesrestriktioner gÀllande marknadsföring riktat till barn, stÄr barn för stora delar avlandets konsumtion, vilket inte minst förstÀrkts genom internets utveckling. Dagensbarn Àr rikare Àn nÄgon annan generation genom tiderna, vilket Àr nÄgot företag i daguppmÀrksammat vid utformandet av marknadsföring och produkter. VarumÀrken harfÄtt en större betydelse pÄ den konkurrenssatta marknaden, inte minst bland barn.Uppsatsens syfte Àr att identifiera och fördjupa diskussionen kring barnskonsumtionsmönster i yngre Äldrar. Uppsatsen belyser den varumÀrkesmedvetenhetsom rÄder i Äldrarna 6-10, samt identifierar likheter respektive skillnader gÀllandebarns relation till klÀdmÀrken.Studiens huvudsakliga teorier Àr varumÀrkesvÀrde, visual literacy och grupptryck,vilka sammankopplas med den insamlade empirin för att svara pÄ hur barns relationtill klÀdmÀrken ser ut.

Att leva med en ovanlig sjukdom: Cervikal dystoni ur ett personperspektiv.

Nyckelord: DBS, cervikal dystoni, personperspektiv, livssituation, kvalitativ och Roys Adaptionsmodell. Bakgrund: Dystoni ?r en sjukdom som drabbar r?relseorganen. Sjukdomen medf?r ih?llande muskelkontraktioner som leder till f?rvriden kroppsh?llning. Incidensen ?r 1,18/100.000/ ?r, vilket inneb?r att det ?r en relativt ovanlig sjukdom.

Nyhetsmedias framst?llning av brott: effekter p? attribuering av ansvar och straff till f?r?vare

Syftet med f?religgande studie var att unders?ka huruvida nyhetsrapportering p?verkar attribuering av ansvar till f?r?vare samt om detta har ett samband med hur l?ngt straff personer anser vara rimligt f?r ett brott. Detta testades genom en experimentell enk?t, med priming och framing av nyhetsartiklar p? 266 deltagare. Deltagarna var mellan 18-82 ?r gamla varav 228 kvinnor, 34 m?n, 2 icke-bin?ra och 2 annat.

BÄde chef och bibliotekarie: om chefsrollen pÄ folkbibliotek

The majority of managers of public libraries in Sweden also work as librarians on an operative level within the organisation. This thesis discusses how the manager role is affected by his/her specific assignments and multiple tasks. Seven public library managers, who work in districts with around 10 000 25 000 inhabitants, have been interviewed. They reflect upon their experience of leadership and different assignments. The main focus lies on: - leadership - communication - decision making - organisational development The interviews show some positive effects, the manager is present most of the time, has a great knowledge about everyday work and daily routines, and is also able to represent the library successfully in the local community.

Sverigedemokraterna i Ronneby : Teorikonsumerande studie med fallet i centrum

With varied electoral success for anti-immigration parties across Western Europe, Sweden is often held as an example where anti-immigration parties have been less successful. This have caught the interest of many scientists around the world and have recently developed theories on a subnational level when testing Sweden?s municipalities, on why they have failed here but not in other countries. But in the election to 2010, Sweden now joins the rest of the Western-European countries in having an anti-immigrations party in the parliament.This paper has tested three theories on a Municipality that has shown evident support for the Sweden democrats, both in the local and the national election. This is done with a qualitative approach, made up from interviews with the local established parties.

I Norrland kan ingen höra dig skrika : En postkolonial lÀsning av Stefan Spjuts Stallo

The northern province of Sweden has in both literature and film been depictured as something foreign and mythical, unlike the rest of the country. It has been my purpose to show in this essay that the systematic categorization of Norrland and its literature reveals multiple criteria known to define the colonial era. By reading the novel Stallo by author Stefan Spjut with postcolonial structures in mind I aim to show how the author uses Swedish mythology and through the presence of The Other criticizes colonial structures in place to this day. By examining the gothic atmosphere I intend to indicate how the trolls in the novel figures as both a horror element as well as a representation of nature itself. It is my belief that the author by further reinforcing the mythological in relation to Norrland addresses the problem at hand.

Perfektonism och Psykologiska FÀrdigheter : En Kvantitativ Studie pÄ Svenska Fotbollspelare

Syftet med studien var att undersöka sambandet mellan perfektionism och psykologiska fÀrdigheter hos fotbollspelare. Studien utfördes pÄ 207 fotbollsspelande gymnasieelever som alla gick nÄgon form av fotbollslinje pÄ respektive skola. Informanterna fick fylla i tvÄ stycken frÄgeformulÀr, Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale som mÀter perfektionism och Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool-3 som mÀter idrottspsykologiska fÀrdigheter. Resultatet analyserades med hjÀlp av statistikprogrammet PASW dÀr korrelationer (Pearson) mellan sex dimensioner av perfektionism och tolv psykologiska fÀrdigheter genomfördes. Resultatet visade att det fanns flera signifikanta samband mellan de sex dimensionerna inom perfektionism och de tolv psykologiska fÀrdigheterna. .

Ådalen 1931 - Göteborg 2001: en jĂ€mförelse av tvĂ„ hĂ€ndelser som skakade Sverige

Ådalen 1931 - Göteborg 2001, A comparison of two incidetns that upsett Sweden. An essay about how the press in Norrbotten wrote about the incidents in Ådalen 1931 and Göteborg 2001. The main questions are: Is there any parrallells in how the swedish state acted? Is there any parrallells in how the press acted? In what way have the state and the press acted different 2001 compared to 1931? What does eventual differences in their actions depend on? The so called bitrĂ€desteorin is used to answer theese questions. The essay includes three big newspapers in Norrbotten: Norrbottens Kuriren, NorrlĂ€ndska socialdemokraten and Norrskensflamman.

LÄt mig leva sÄ lÀnge jag lever! : En observationsstudie om hur samvaron fungerar pÄ Àldreboenden i Sverige

The aim of this observational study was to see how social interaction works in nursing homesdayroom. The focus was to study the staff and the residents during lunch, afternoon coffee,and during the eventual common activity. The observation persons were passive and they didnot communicate with either staff nor with the residents. The theoretical framework usedwas Georetrendens theory, KASAM and Communication theory. The results showedthat social interaction in the dayroom of the nursing home is rarely spontaneous, but mustinstead be planned by the staff.

Det Relationella Perspektivet : En induktiv fallstudie om relationen mellan ledare och följare

This thesis investigates the dynamics of the relationship between a leader and the followers within a chosen organization. The research on leadership has generally been focused on the leader, and consequently treating the followers like passive subordinates. We pursue a more multidimensional view of the subject, meaning that leadership descends from an interaction between leaders and followers, which makes it relevant to study the dynamics of the relationship from both perspectives. We chose to do a qualitative case study on a middle- and preschool which has won a price for being an ideal place to work at. This price peaked our interest to investigate why the relationships are highly functional in this particular organization.

"Barn lÀsupplevelser: 10-Äringars berÀttelser om valet av lÀsning lÀsmiljö, lÀsrespons och bokprat?

The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to examine how children describe their experiences of their own reading, with focus on different aspects of reading: Choice of reading, reading environment, response to reading and book talk. Our aim is also to examine which approaches to reading their stories illustrate. The research is founded on semi-structured interviews with six children aged 10, in connection with book talks. For analysis we used Åse Hedemark?s study Barn berĂ€ttar : En studie av 10-Ă„rningars syn pĂ„ lĂ€sning och bibliotek as well as Aidan Chambers? theories concerning reading and reading environment.

AffÀrsmodeller och Strategier i Apples Appstore

Apple has since their launch of the Iphone series created a billion dollar business with the market place Appstore. Third-party apps have disrupted the mobile industry, attracted a high number of developers and set the standard for the industry. Despite success, this market has yet not been the topic of any academic study, a fact that makes this thesis important. Under the assumption that apps can be regarded as a service, traditional service marketing theories have been applied with the research goal to map existing business models, evaluate revenue potential and understand best practices of marketing techniques. A series of qualitative interviews with representatives from the difference business models, backed by secondary data describing the domain shows how the Appstore has evolved over time and which marketing practices that appear successful.

Att trÀna sig i att vara mÀnniska : En kvalitativ studie om personalens upplevelse av dialektisk beteendeterapi och den terapeutiska alliansen

BackgroundPeople with psychiatric problems, despite efforts in recent decades still experience vulnerability. Patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD), where self-harm is common, often live in difficult and complex social relationships because of their illness. Additional knowledge and studies about mental illness, self-harm, dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and the therapeutic alliance are needed.Purpose and MethodThis study aims to examine how staff perceive and describe: DBT as a treatment method; the therapeutic alliance and the importance it has for treatment. The study utilises a qualitative approach with a qualitative content analysis method and presents earlier research on DBT and the therapeutic alliance. The empirical material consists of focus group interviews comprising three DBT - teams.

Mutor och bestickning - vad sÀger lagen, vad sÀger moralen?

What is a bribe? Sweden has a strict legal provision in how to handle crimes of corruption in comparison to the rest of the world. In spite of the strict law companies seem to have problems understanding the differences between what is legal and what is illegal. Bribery and corruption are not only counter-acted within the law but are also a frowned upon socially and morally. The common thought is that to accept a bribe is more corrupt than to offer one.

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