

1891 Uppsatser om Mental föreställning (imagery) - Sida 46 av 127

Varmhållen och kyld skolmat : En jämförelse med fokus på energianvändning mot bakgrund av livsmedelssäkerhet och näringsretention

The aim of this report has been to investigate the use of electricity energy before and after a conversion of foodservice. The ambition was also to highlight the food safety and the retention of nutrients in relation to the conversion. The methods being used were qualitative interviews, case studies, study visits and literature. The equipment and the use of energy was the same in 2008 as in 2011 for hot-holding of the tested component, sauce with ham. The chilled system used more than three times the energy and cost for one portion than one portion in the hot-hold system.

Hörapparatnyttan hos dem som ordinerats hörapparat med öppen anpassning ? En utvärdering

An open fitting is suitable for persons with sloping hearing loss and relatively good low fre-quency hearing. Sensory neural hearing losses often have this type of configuration. A large ventilation canal gives a greater feeling of comfort and less occlusion. The purpose of this study was to look at the hearing aid benefit of open fitted hearing aids. Self report question-naires were sent out to 102 patients who were given ReSound AIR during the year of 2006 in Uddevalla.

Hörselskadade barns psykosociala situation

Denna studie är en litteraturstudie med syftet att se hur kunskapen ser ut om hörselskadade barns psykosociala situation samt hur barnen identifierar sig i förhållande till den döva och den hörande världen. För att få mer helhet och djup i studien inkluderas även döva barn samt barn som fötts döva och fått cochleaimplantat inopererat. Frågeställningarna omfattar de hörselskadade barnens mentala hälsa/välbefinnande, identitetsutveckling, sociala relationer, samt CI-opererade barns situation. Som en särskild grupp när det gäller hälsa/välbefinnande redovisas även hörselskadade barn med tilläggsfunktionshinder.Studien är gjord som en systematisk kunskapsöversikt där sökningar gjorts i olika databaser för vetenskapliga artiklar och litteratur. När det gäller böcker så har databasen LIBRIS använts och vad gäller artiklar har ELIN, Pubmed, PsychINFO samt ERIC använts.

Palliative care for pancreatic cancer - patients´ experiences

To receive a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer can lead to a tremendous change in a person?s life. Thoughts regarding death may cause a personal crisis which can have negative influences on the patient?s social, mental and spiritual state. Most people with pancreatic cancer are diagnosed in a late stage of the disease.

Tränar du som jag? : en studie av orienteringslitteraturen samt en jämförelse av elitorienterares träning på 1980-talet och år 2010

Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet i studien var tvådelat, dels avsågs att analysera vad orienteringslitteraturen skriver om träning, dels att jämföra hur svenska elitorienterare tränade på 1980-talet och år 2010.Frågeställningar till källanalysen: Vad skriver orienteringslitteraturen om träningsupplägg, mental träning och mentala faktorer som påverkar prestationen samt tränarrollen?Frågeställningar kring hur elitorienterare tränade på 1980-talet jämfört med år 2010: Vilka skillnader och likheter i träningsupplägg bland kvinnor och män finns det mellan 1980-talet och år 2010? Har tränarrollen förändrats? Varifrån får elitorienterare sin kunskap om hur de ska lägga upp sin träning?MetodDe metoder som användes i studien var källanalys och enkätundersökning. De källor som analyserats är fem böcker som handlar om orienteringsträning. Respondenterna till enkäten var de som var landslagsaktiva under 1980-talet samt de som var det år 2010. Antalet respondenter var 13 från 1980-talet och 14 från år 2010.ResultatDe viktigaste resultaten i studien var att det finns både skillnader och likheter i vad som ingår i en elitorienterares träningsupplägg på 1980-talet jämfört med år 2010.

Att se sig själv som en del i ett större perspektiv : En analys av skolämnet historia i Lgr 69, Lgr 80 och Lpo 94.

In this essay, I intent to examine history as a school subject in Swedish compulsory school (for children aged 7-16), it contains mostly an analysis of the syllabus for history in the three latest curriculums Lgr 69, Lgr 80 and Lpo 94. The main purpose of the essay is to illuminate the development and the change history as a subject has gone through during this specific time, and my will is also to illustrate the view on knowledge and learning that is revealed in the syllabus for history in today?s curriculum (Lpo 94).The survey shows that in Swedish compulsory school, history as a subject has changed significantly. During the examined years, the contents have been exceptionally broadened and that has lead to increasing demands on the students as it has gone from being directed to the individual and its contiguous history with shorter outlooks on the rest of the world, to requiring the individual to be able to see and understand other parts of the world and different time, on the basis of it?s own history and culture.

Ska ekonomin få styra miljön? : En studie om public-private partnerships

This thesis aims at investigating the two municipality?s Gislaved and Ljungby. Where the aim is to see if there is any connections, between the type and the degree of public-private partnerships, and the municipalities obtained environment performance. In this essay the starting point is that the environmental performance in the chosen municipalities is good.Interviews among local politicians and representatives for the municipalities plastic industries, has functioned as a way to test the hypothesis. Gislaved and Ljungby have thereafter been compared, in order to see if there is any similarity in the sort and the degree of public-private partnerships, and how that will affect the environmental performance. The overall questions in this essay are:How can the cooperation among the chosen municipalities and the      local business life be described? What kind of Public-private partnership      exists in the selected municipalities?Is there any difference between the municipalities, referring to      the degree of cooperation between the municipalities and the local      business life? Does the degree of cooperation affect the progress on the environmental      performance? The end result shows that the local business life doesn?t have any impact on the environmental performance.

Tiotalsövergång: en metod i huvudräkning

Detta examensarbete grundar sig på en undersökning gjord med elever i en 4- 6:a med 18 elever i Luleå kommun under vårterminen 2003. Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka om eleverna efter min undervisning använde sig av huvudräkningsmetoden tiotalsövergång, då de löste de centrala uppgifterna i undersökningen. Under mina litteraturstudier har jag funnit att arbetet går att förankra till såväl styrdokument som tidigare forskning. Metoden jag har använt är ett inledande test följt av ett skriftligt intervjuunderlag och muntliga intervjuer med fyra elever, på liknande sätt avslutade jag undersökningen. Däremellan fick undersökningsgruppen kontinuerlig undervisning i tiotalsövergångsmetoden.

Samverkan, värk eller mästerverk? : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan vid ett Barnahus.

This is a qualitative study based on interviews with professionals who are cooperating at a children advocacy center, in swedish called ?Barnahus?. The center, Barnahus, pulls together law enforcement, criminal justice, child protective service, medical and mental health workers in to one coordinated team. Children suspected to be victims of any kind of violence or sexual abuse shall, at Barnahus, be offered coordinated efforts and support all the way from suspicion to possible intervention. The aim of the study is to examine how the participants involved relate to collaboration in Barnahus. The study will also present the success factors and barriers to collaboration that identifies by the participating actors, who are mentioned above.The study will provide insight and understanding of how collaboration can be represented in multiprofessional activities in practice..

Stadsodling : möjligheter och begränsningar

Urban farming can be viewed in several contexts. The first part of this work brings up the beneficial effects of farming on our physical and mental health, knowledge as well as on social life in cities. The introduction of gardening in schools can contribute to an increased awareness on both agricultural practices and importance as well as ecological processes. It can also be used in teaching of other subjects. Farming can also contribute to improving the household economy, and the economy on a municipal or national level.

Patogenes för prostatacarcinom hos hund : en jämförelse med människan

This thesis investigates the possibilities offered to a working landscape architect by anincreased and altered use of digital 3D environments. A basic assumption is that increased useof digital three-dimensional environments promotes the creative processes and presentationoptions of landscape architects.The thesis is based on literature studies and communication with working landscapearchitects, and includes an investigation of the visualization methods available in the Blender3D modelling software. The thesis provides a thorough survey of what it means to model inthree dimensions, as well as of what modelling methods are feasible for a landscape architectto use. As landscape architects, we work with human and unique processes, and thus it isdifficult to develop standardized and automatic software for our profession. One possiblesolution is to turn to open source development, where software and models are shared andanyone can contribute.

Torsk på Thailand. En granskning av hur de svenska resebyråerna Vings, Fritidsresors och Apollos samarbetshotell på Phuket ställer sig till prostitution.

Av Vings, Fritidsresors och Apollos hotell på svenskön Phuket tillåter nio av tio prostituerade på rummen. Och tjänar pengar på det. ? Ja sir! Vi tar bara betalt 1000 baht, varje natt! säger receptionisten på ett av dem.Phuket har länge varit en favoritdestination för svenska barnfamiljer och tillsammans har de tre resejättarna 90 samarbetshotell på ön. 81 av dem tillåter prostituerade på rummen.Under tre veckors tid har vi rest vi runt på Phuket, besökt svenskhotellen och utgett oss för att vara sexköpare.

Hur kan den interaktiva skrivtavlan fungera som ett stöd i matematiklärandet i F-3?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine which role public libraries play or could play within bibliotherapy. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five librarians who, in one way or another have experienced bibliotherapy activities. Further, we have interviewed two treatment assistants and one counsellor, who have cooperated with the librarians, to get their view. We have used the following research questions: Which bibliotherapeutic activities, if any, are pursued in public libraries in Sweden, and how do they look upon bibliotherapy? What role do public libraries play/could play within bibliotherapy? Ever since the term bibliotherapy was coined in the beginning of the twentieth century, the definition has been under debate. We have identified four main subjects of discussion.

St?ndsg?rdens ?vergivna tr?dg?rd: en studie av Kullen i Hova

The higher status homestead called Kullen is located on top of a small hill just outside of Hova in V?stra G?taland. The house stands on a plateau surrounded by a stonewall. Aerial photos from the 1960?s shows what looks like a big parklike garden behind the house, with a gravel walk cutting through on the length of the garden up to the house.

Hur påverkas VD : ns belöningssystem av ägandet? ? en studie av svenska noterade bolag

There is a strong debate in the media about the CEO compensation in the listed companies and whether they deserve their high rewards. Many previous studies have shown differences in the reward system depending on the ownership structure, mostly testing for only ownership concentration or ownership category. This study aims to investigate how the influence of the owners affects the CEO reward system, testing for both the level and the structure of the reward. The sample used in the investigation is Swedish listed corporations and consists of 251 observations. A survey was also conducted but due to low response rate and because the answers are not representative for the whole sample the survey will only be used as an illustration.

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