

1891 Uppsatser om Mental föreställning (imagery) - Sida 43 av 127

Jag vill bli som.. : En netnografisk studie om ungdomars anvÀndning av sociala medier

Alexandra ?Kissie? Nilsson driver en av Sveriges fra?msta mode/livsstils blogg. Hon a?r omtalad runt om i landet fo?r sina extrema bantningsmetoder och fo?r sina sko?nhetsingrepp. Syftet med va?r uppsats a?r att fo?rklara hur betydande sociala medier a?r fo?r ungdomars identitetsskapande och hur en frontfigur influerar dem.

Naturvetenskapsundervisningens pÄverkan pÄ elevernas intresse.

Forskning visar att elever upplever naturvetenskapsundervisningen som sva?r och otillga?nglig samt att allt fa?rre elever va?ljer att studera a?mnena vidare eller satsa pa? en karria?r inom naturvetenskap. Det a?r viktigt att besitta kunskap inom naturvetenskap fo?r att kunna leva och verka i dagens samha?lle. Undervisningen bo?r anpassas utefter elevernas intresse och ge eleverna en positiv upplevelse tidigt i livet.

?Matematik finns överallt och ingenstans? : Med fokus pÄ pedagogernas arbete

The aim is to find out how teachers apply the knowledge they get from mathematics pilots in preschool and from mathematics developer in the municipality, as well as how they work further towards the children with mathematics.The study is based on qualitative interviews with two teachers, one mathematic pilot and one mathematic developer. I used the semi-structured interview questions.The results show that teachers believe that mathematics pilots will inspire the teachers in their work with mathematics in preschool. One of the teachers who were interviewed said:?Mathematics pilots should be those that have the strongest glasses and coming up with new ideas and they push the rest of the teachers in their work with mathematics in relation to children in preschool?.The teachers use the correct terms for mathematical concepts with the children. They also stressed how important it is to point out to the kids that it is mathematics that they are doing.The conclusion of the study is that the teachers agree that it is their approach towards the children that is important and how they can lead the children?s interest of mathematics forward.

Den nya branschstandarden ByggaF : Hur fungerar den i produktionen?

Examensarbetet har utfo?rts av Ida Montan, maskiningenjo?rsprogrammet pa? Karlstad Universitet. Arbetet har skett i samarbete med Swenox AB. Ett fo?retag vars produktion a?r bela?gen i Nyko?ping.

En oanstÀndig frÀlsare : Marcella Althaus-Reids kristologi och Elisabeth Ohlson Wallins Ecce Homo

Denna uppsats underso?ker hur den kristologi som kommer till uttryck i Elisabeth Ohlson Wallins fotoutsta?llning Ecce Homo kan fo?rsta?s i relation till det kristologiska projekt som artikulerats av Marcella Althaus-Reid. Underso?kningen sker i tva? steg da?r Althaus-Reids kristologi fo?rst rekonstrueras utifra?n de texter i hennes fo?rfattarskap som tydligt behandlar a?mnet, varefter en serie bildanalyser go?rs av fem fotografier ur Ecce Homo. Studien visar att ba?de Althaus-Reids texter och Ecce Homo inneha?ller inte en utan flera olika kristologier.

Mindfulnessbaserad RökavvÀnjning i Grupp: en explorativ studie

The aim of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate a mindfulness- and acceptance-based smoking cessation program in group (MRG). MRG was developed into an intervention consisting of 6 group sessions during 35 days including individual homework assignments. 8 of 10 participants completed the program. In order to evaluate the effect of MRG a quasi-experimental design with pretest and double posttest (second posttest at 1 month) was chosen. At second posttest, 50 percent (of 8 completers) were non-smokers, and the rest showed a decrease in smoking at a rate between 45 and 75 percent.

Sjuksköterskors hantering av stressfyllda situationer i arbetet/ Nurses dealing with work related stress

Background: The majority of nurses experience work relatedstress, which can lead to a negative impact on patient care. Thestress can be handled by coping strategies. Aim: To illuminatecoping strategies among nurses experiencing work relatedstress. Method: The study has been accomplished as aliterature study, with a systematic review of scientific articles.Findings: Following coping strategies appeared: problemsolving, long-term strategies, passive strategies, leisurestrategies, social support and mental strategies. Conclusion:Awareness of coping strategies for dealing with work relatedstress, can lead to improvement in patient care..

Blyga pojkar och starka flickor : En studie om genus och jÀmstÀlldhet i den kenyanska skolan

The aim of this study is to examine how two Kenyan school's approaches gender roles, by what the curriculum says and by how the teachers way of teaching are effecting the creation of gender roles. The aim is further to find out what the Kenyan school settings are, according to gender and equality, and how these are implemented in practice. This was examined through interviews at two local schools in Kenya, with five practicing teachers from grade one through grade six. This work compares the respondents' answers to the research that is related to the topic. Because of lack in the research about Kenya, the research has been based on mostly Swedish investigations.

Uttryck och intryck : En studie om skillnaderna mellan avsikt och uppfattning pÄ Windows Live Messenger

Face-to-face communication is always complemented with non-verbal signals that give us clues as to how a message shall be interpreted, but as communication is moved online the possibilities to express oneself becomes more limited.This paper focuses on the instant messaging client Windows Live Messenger and three of the non-verbal functions that it provides (nudges, winks and emotes). The purpose of the paper and its underlying study is to compare the senders' intentions with the receivers' conceptions when it comes to these functions.The study was done as a questionnaire with two different versions of the questions, one looking at the senders' intentions and the other at the receivers' conceptions.The results were then compared in order to look for tendencies. The results showed that the most common intention among the senders was also the most common conception among the receivers, but that the rest of the attitudes didn't match at all. The functions that are supposed to help the conversation flow often create ambiguity instead and lead to vagueness, misconceptions and annoyance..

OmvÄrdnadsÄtgÀrder vid postoperativt illamÄende

20-30 % av alla som opereras drabbas av PONV (post operative nausea and vomiting). Behandlingen av PONV Àr idag fokuserad pÄ lÀkemedelsbehandling som t ex antiemetika. De omvÄrdnadsÄtgÀrder som utförs Àr inte evidensbaserade i samma utstrÀckning som den medicinska behandlingen. Det som Àr ?naturligt? för en sjuksköterska att utföra som omvÄrdnadsÄtgÀrd, Àr inte alltid naturligt för en annan. Syfte Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa de omvÄrdnadsÄtgÀrder som vidtas för att förebygga eller behandla postoperativt illamÄende och krÀkningar, samt vilken effekt dessa ÄtgÀrder har ur ett omvÄrdnadsperspektiv.

Ett sprÄk för sprÄket - en kunskapsöversikt över genrepedagogik

Forskning visar att elever upplever naturvetenskapsundervisningen som sva?r och otillga?nglig samt att allt fa?rre elever va?ljer att studera a?mnena vidare eller satsa pa? en karria?r inom naturvetenskap. Det a?r viktigt att besitta kunskap inom naturvetenskap fo?r att kunna leva och verka i dagens samha?lle. Undervisningen bo?r anpassas utefter elevernas intresse och ge eleverna en positiv upplevelse tidigt i livet.

Identitet och svenskhet : En diskursiv granskning av svenska lÀroböcker i historia

This thesis is concerned with how identity is connected to historical writings and what normsshapes the perspectives of history. The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibilitiesfor identification offered in history books used for history teaching. This study is concernedwith what role the nation plays and how it shapes the conception of history, with the hope ofcounteracting negative attitudes towards those not being identified as ?Swedish? in the historytelling.The study was conducted through discourse analysis. The material for this analysis consistedof three history books directed towards 4-6th graders.The study shows how identity is created through putting ?us? against ?them?.

Integrering av estetiska uttrycksformer i kÀrnÀmnen matematik och modersmÄl : En jÀmförande studie av en svensk och en rysk lÀrare

The aim of my examination work was to compare and research how russian respective swedish teachers make use of educational aesthetic methods such as drawing, drama, music and dance in the teaching of core school subjects ? mathematics and swedish respective russian languages. The aim of this work was to find out which of these methods are used by pedagogues in the process of education and on what level are they integrated into the theoretical pedagogic work. The point was to also analyse the regulation documents used as pedagogical base in schools i've been doing my survey in. This was done to partly find out what arts perspective is given in the curriculum and partly to see what pieces of it are reflected in the process of education.

?And so they lived happily ever after?? : en diskursanalytisk och queerteoretisk bild- och textanalys av lÀroböcker i engelska för gymnasiet

This thesis consists of a discourse and queer theoretical text and image analysis of school books in English used in the Swedish upper secondary school.  The whole content of two school books have been analysed from a norm critical perspective but one chapter in each of them has been analysed more thoroughly than the rest. These two chapters form the major part of the analysis.The thesis? problem formulation and objective derive from a personal experience of being a teacher student and part time teacher in Swedish schools. This experience shows the prevalence of a strong heteronormativity both in the schools? every day life and in the used school books.

Inkludering av elever i behov av sÀrskilt stöd : Ett par lÀrares syn pÄ och erfarenheter av inkluderingsarbete

This report is going to discuss the relatively new and in schools, frequently debated concept of inclusion. The concept inclusion, easily explained means that all children, regardless of special needs or other conditions should be involved in the schools ordinary environment.In the democratic school of today, the education is supposed to be adapted to every individual and its special needs. The dilemma of the special need education is described as giving all children the same, but at the same time adapt to each and everyone?s differences.This study describes the teachers approach to the concept of inclusion and especially the inclusion of children in need of special support. And the teachers experience of possible advantages and disadvantages in their work to include all children.The method?s that were used to collect the empirical information to this report were qualitative interviews.The questions at issue were:How do the teachers include children in need of special support in the education?The teachers experiences of advantages and disadvantages in the way they work whit inclusionPartly for the children in need of special supportPartly for the teachersPartly for the rest of the class.

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