

7974 Uppsatser om Media and political agenda setting - Sida 24 av 532

En studie om sociala medier och perception

Earlier studies and research on the subject of perception and social media during the working process resulted in a change of the problem. At first the focus of the study was to examine how social media affects the perception of a brand although later on the problem had to be developed to instead examine if social media reflects the perception of a brand. The purpose of this study is to figure out if social media reflects consumer?s perception of a brand. This will contribute to company?s knowledge on how important social media is in their branding and will give pointers on how many resources that is necessary to spend on branding in social media.

A?r det egentligen inte bara ett slo?seri med tid och pengar? : En kvalitativ studie i anva?ndandet av sociala medier som kommunikationsverktyg 

Social media has become an important marketing and communication tool worldwide, mostly through the largest social platforms Facebook and Twitter. With two-way communication via Internet companies has gotten the opportunity to interact and communicate directly with their customers. Facebook has been the focus point through the study because it has shown to be the most efficient and frequently used platform for communication. Our study aimed to confirm how communication via social media actually looks like. To be able to reach the best results, we have conducted the study from a phenomenological approach, which means; usage of qualitative semi-structured interviews to reflect the respondents experience on the phenomenon social media as a communication tool. Social media has shown to be a great way of communicating externally for companies who are willing to spend time engaging in the platform.

Rekrytering 2.0 : - En fara för arbetssökandes personliga integritet?

This paper examines how recruiters use social media during their recruitment process. The paper focuses on the staffing industry and will further examine how recruiters are handling jobseekers personal privacy when they are using social media in a recruitment process. The paper are trying to understand the meaning of what personal integrity means and how or if recruiters show consideration to this in a recruitment process when they are using social media as a recruitment tool. Our result demonstrates that, today recruiters use social media daily to conduct background checks on job applicants. There are no clear instructions and rules on how recruiters should handle background checks through social media. Recruiters believe that job seekers are responsible for the information contained on the their social media.

En beslöjad debatt : En jämförande diskursanalys mellan den mediala och den politiska diskursen av burka i Sverige utifrån Köpenhamnsskolan

The debate concerning face veiling has been brought in to view by several governments in Europe. Luca Mavelli studies the debate regarding the burqa using the concept of securitization and from that the objective of this study is to analyze the medial- and the political discourse in Sweden regarding the burqa. The formulated questions drawn from this is; who are the securitizing actors? According to the securitization actors, who can de defined as a referent object? Wherein is the threat according to the securitizing actors? Is it possible to recognize a difference between the medial and the political discourse?Furthermore the paper adopts the theoretical framework that is the concept of securitization, formulated by the Copenhagen School of security. The methodological foundation is based on a social constructivist approach and consequently uses Norman Faircloughs critical discourse analyzes as an analytical tool.

"Go vote for this man and go home" : En studie av tre NGO:s arbete med kvinnor inom Egyptens familjelag

This bachelor thesis is based on interviews with staff from three Egyptian NGOs in Cairo during the spring of 2013. The study examines how three Egyptian NGOs discuss the woman?s situation within the Islamic legal discourse in the contemporary Egypt. The empiric material was analysed through a theoretical framework of gender in Islam, and a discussion of the concept of human rights laws in a local context.The respondents emphasize the societies gender stereotypes as obstacles in the discussion regarding women?s rights.

Word-of-Mouse-Effektens Mörka Sida : - En experimentell studie om hur negativ information i dagens sociala medier påverkar konsumentuppfattningar

The Dark Side of the Word-of-Mouse Effect- An experimental study of how negative information in today?s social media can influence consumer perception As a result of the electronic revolution of information dissemination, social media as a phenomenon has come to play an important part, both in society at large but also when it comes to business and marketing. Nowadays, knowledge and opinions about brands and products are spread by reputation through a wide range of social media platforms, a phenomenon which in the literature is referred to as word-of-mouse or electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM).The purpose of this paper is to investigate how people?s opinions towards a company and its product are affected by negative information in terms of eWOM. Or more precisely, whether or not there is a difference in this effect depending on information content, concerning company values on the one hand and product attributes on the other.This was done in an experimental setting where two groups of respondents were subjected to fictitious information of different types using established social media platforms.

Gestaltningen av en massmördare : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om gestaltningen av Anders Behring Breivik i nordisk media.

The purpose of this study is to overlook Nordic medias news coverage and framing of Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik. The study is based on printed editions of Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten, Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter and the Finnish newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet set on nine selected dates related to the issue between July 23th 2011 to August 25th 2012.   The study will display how Breivik was framed by each of the Nordic newspapers and even the total amount of news coverage the issue has been given. The media framing part of the study will mainly focus on the media framing of Breiviks personality and political ideology. The study will also investigate each newspapers handling of Breiviks manifesto, which he published only hours before killing 77 people on July 22th 2011. The study is a quantitative content analysis, containing a total number of 245 articles.

SJ-syndromet - en fallstudie om en intensiv medierapporterings inverkan på en organisations anställda

Media and social media have been proved to occupy an increased amount of time in people's everyday lives and affect how individuals interpret reality. This phenomenon is referred to as the medialization and its implications on organizations and their members become important to understand. The purpose of this study was therefore to examine how members of an organization under intense scrutiny from the media are affected by this exposure in their everyday work. To gain knowledge about the area a qualitative case study was performed on the Swedish train operator SJ AB - one of the most media exposed organizations in the country. A theoretical framework is developed for the study and discusses organizational identity, stigmatization and motivation.

"Malmös nya miljardkomplex" : Om strategisk kommunikation och förankringsmetodik i ett mångkulturellt samhälle

In May 2010 the plans for Malmö?s new Concert Hall, Conference Centre and Hotel were announced publically. The purpose of this thesis was to present strategy for communication in order to gain approval for the new concert and conference center from the inhabitants inMalmö and to incorporate the use of it in their everyday life.Material from the receiver?s as well as the sender?s perspective has been collected from qualitative interviews. Through group interviews we have investigated the general consensus of the inhabitants of Malmö regarding the investment, placing, offered events, expectations as well as how they collected information.

Vem i hela världen kan man lita på? : En kvantitativ studie i hur gymnasieelever upplever att de arbetar med medie- och informationskunnighet i skolan

Our society has become increasingly digitized, and all around us information flows constantly. Knowledge about valuing different sources of information, and not least the information itself, are becoming increasingly important. Media and information have come to play a big role in our society, and knowledge of media and information literacy becomes important to learn in school. High school students are at the beginning of their adult lives as educated citizens.In this study, we measured high school students experience of media and information literacy, during their three years in high school. Students answered a questionnaire, with questions based upon theoretical concepts in media and information literacy.

Hur och varför media konstruerar ledarskap - Ett kliv in på redaktionen för att utvärdera tänkbara förklaringsmekanismer

In modern leadership research, leadership is often viewed as a social construction, and under this paradigm various researchers let the media play a central role in constructing leadership. Meanwhile, the question of how the media actors do this is left unanswered. We explore the question of how and why the media construct leadership, from the vantage point of the media actors themselves, and the conditions they work under. Different mechanisms for media construction of leadership are identified in previous research. Through interviews with business journalists at Veckans Affärer, we find recognition for some of the explanatory mechanisms: namely that personification of a CEO facilitates the work of journalists (and sells papers), that personal drama captures reader demand, and that the CEO of a listed company consciously cultivates his or her personal parallel self.

Är enfrågepartier politiskt relevanta? : En studie av enfrågepartier i svenska kommunfullmäktige mandatperioden 2007-2010

The main purpose of this essay was to study whether niche parties that were represented in municipal councils in Sweden during the 2007-2010 term of office were politically relevant. Furthermore, factors that might facilitate political relevance for niche parties were studied. Political relevance was studied using two theoretical perspectives. The objective model of political relevance presents four categories of relevance based on the relations between political parties in a political assembly; governing parties, coalition parties, blackmail parties and isolated parties. The subjective model of political relevance relies on the party representatives? own judgments of the relevance of their parties.

Den uteblivna kommunikationen : - Som knäcker dig

Our study illustrates health communication in order to find out how widespread the knowledge is about osteoporosis and how to reach out with health information to the public. Our essay was conducted through quantitative surveys, which included 402 respondents. This in order to highlight the prevailing uncertainty about the public disorder osteoporosis, which is common in Sweden. We wish to examine trough which channels our respondents choose to collect their health information. The thesis framework includes theories such as McGuire?s ProcessingTheory, Agenda setting, Two-step hypothesis and Diffusion of innovation. Through these theories, we analyzed our empirical data that emerged. The results showed that our respondents had very low knowledge of osteoporosis, although theyshowed interest for health information. The results also showed that respondents were consistent intheir actions regarding which channels they came to turn to. They prefered their health informationfrom news papers and family, friends and work colleagues. When asked where they got their information from, the respondents answered mostly from family, friends and work colleagues, followed closely by newspapers. This shows that respondents are more receptive to informationfrom the channels of their own choice. The results also showed that the propensity to change behavior increases with the age of the respondents..

En våt filt på demokratin? - Hur enpartistyre påverkar det politiska samtalet

Långvarigt styre av ett och samma parti är skadligt för det politiska samtalet, även på en mycket lokal nivå. Den slutsatsen kan dras efter en jämförelse av den politiska diskussionen i tre skånska kommuner, Vellinge, Lomma och Osby. I såväl en kvantitativ textanalys av lokaltidningarna, tidsmätningar av kommunfullmäktige¬mötena och intervjuer med fritidspolitiker framträder samma mönster, där Osby kommun (med skiftande majoritet i de senaste fem valen) har ett mer livaktigt politiskt samtal, medan det moderatdominerade Vellinge haft betydligt mindre diskussion.Slutsatsen stärks ytterligare av att resultaten inte upprepas när samma mätningar görs 1985, då de tre kommunerna haft likartade majoritetsställningar i föregående val..

Föreställningar om etnicitet som orsak till politiskt våld - ett antropologiskt perspektiv. En diskursanalys av artiklar i svensk dagspress om kriget i forna Jugoslavien 1991-1995

The aim of the thesis is to examine discourses about political violence categorised as ?ethnic? in academic literature and the media. Employing the method of discourse analysis, the study analyses news coverage of the wars in former Yugoslavia 1991-1995. The theory applied is based on Michel Foucault?s theory of the relationship between power and discourse in the constitution of knowledge, and the main arguments are supported by the work of the political scientist V.

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