

7974 Uppsatser om Media and political agenda setting - Sida 25 av 532

Entreprenörskap ? Vår tids skolpolitiska filosofi? En ideologikritisk analys av Lpf 94 och Skola 2011

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the ideological currents that have influenced the swedish school system since the 1990's. The background of my interest is the lively debate in schools and media about the new School reform 2011. My hypothesis is that education in 2011 largely will be influenced by neoliberal and neoconservative values. The method I`ve used is discourse and ideology critique, which examines the relationship between rhetoric and power. These concepts are useful to explain the ideological change in different policy documents and in curricula, for example Lpf 94 and School 2001. The theoretical framework is based primarily on the neoliberal and the neoconservative agenda, which are two distinct political rationalities in the contemporary postmodern world.

Företags användning av tävlingar på sociala medier : Hur har sociala medier förändrat livsmedelsföretags tävlingar?

This study has examined how social media has changed food companies way of holding contests. The study examines how food companies use contests with the help of social media and how they used to do the contests before the use of social media. We have also researched the users behaviours and opinions of companies contests on and outside of social media.In this study we have interviewed four people responsible for contests on the social media department on their respective food company. We also performed a survey that was published on Facebook and followed it up with interviews from two of the participants.This study has showed that contests on social media, as a technical aspect, have given new possibilities for the design of the contests. But there are still some unexplored areas around contests on Facebook and the companies do not know exactly what the users are demanding.

Revolutionen i Egypten : En fallstudie om sociala mediers roll utifrån nyinstitutionalismen

This study examines whether social media had an influence on the revolution in Egypt. Social media was an important tool for the revolution since the president Hosni Mubarak and the Egyptian regime strictly controls the media. However social media was not the determining factor for the revolution, the revolt evolved due to many underlying factors. Social media facilitated communication, made the mobilization effective and, spread information to the inhabitants and to the rest of the world. The authors are discussing this theme from the new institutionalism perspective, democracy- and revolutionary theories and based on six selected interview persons; activists, researchers and journalists..

Om marknadsandelar, filmutbud, och det lokala biografbeståndet : en analys av fem debatterande artiklar under biografaffären 2004

Vi vill undersöka den debatt som har förts i några av Sveriges största dagstidningar gällande Bonnierägda biografföretaget Svensk Filmindustris (SF) potentiella uppköp av Schibstedägda SandrewMetronomes biografer.Som studenter i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskaps finner vi inte bara ett stort intresse i själva debatten kring SF Bios eventuella köp av SandrewMetronome utan också i vilka retoriska tekniker som journalisterna och debattörerna använts sig av. Vi kommer att svara på frågor som: Vad betonades under debatten och vilket verklighetsuppfattning syntes hos skribenterna?Vi har valt att begränsa oss till dagstidningar och debatterande artiklar, det vill säga krönikor, kåserier och kommentarer. Fokus har lagts på Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet och Sydsvenskan, där vi valt ut fem artiklar som vi sedan har analyserat kvalitativt. Till grund för analysen har vi använt oss av teorier kring mediekoncentration och agenda-setting.Inledningsvis har vi gjort en tematisk analys, där bland annat genre, resonemang och sakförhållanden är i fokus.

Mångspråk på bibliotek : En studie av fem folkbibliotek i Norrbotten

The purpose of this study is to investigate how public libraries in Norrbotten provide multilingual media and how the commitment is legitimized. In January 2014 there was a change to the guidelines for the International Library?s service for providing multilingual media. The responsibility for the provision of this service was also changed. The result shows there has been different ways of implementing the guidelines in practice; this has led to inequalities in the local library service.We have assembled data through qualitative interviews with five different public libraries in the north of Sweden.

Internet som politiskt medel : Hur Web 2.0 kan användas för att bryta trenden av politisk desillusion

Political disenchantment and detachment is proven to be growing in well established democracies. This development brings along concerning behavior regarding general political participation. Fewer citizens participate in elections, parties are losing members, and the trust in politicians is steadily decreasing. IDEA (Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance) has been registering voter turnout worldwide for the last 60 years and their publications show a decline in voter participation since the 1980s.During the same period of time another development has caught attention, namely the fast progress of the medium Internet. The new generation of Internet functions is called Web 2.0 and allows users not only to create content, but also to interact with each other.This dissertation aims to explore the possibilities emerging when integrating Web 2.0 in political processes.

Tala eller tiga - En kvalitativ studie om självupplevelser av medierapportering

The primary purpose of this essay is to study and describe what student?s self experiences of the media coverage of social work. The theoretical perspectives applied to analyse the empirical data are social constructionism, roles, and construction. The method of this study is qualitative and based on ten personal interviews. The material has been analysed by condensed meaning units and three themes have been used, the media coverage of social work, the relationship between social workers and media and the influence media coverage has on the students.The results given from these interviews show that the majority of the interviewed group considers the media coverage of social work as negative.

Taktikröstning i svenska val : - existerar det och påverkades det svenska valet 2010 av det?

The number of parties in the Swedish parliament has increased from five to eight during the last twenty years. The political agenda is still based on a two-block system with the consequences that the number of parties in each block has increased. To be represented in the parliament, a party needs at least four per cent of the total votes in the election. If only one party fails to achieve that, the whole block will lose the election to the other block. This could encourage voters to vote tactically for the small parties in the block to ensure that the block wins the election.

Dold mångfald i den öppna demokratin? Om diskriminering på grund av sexuell läggning bland förtroendevalda kommun- och landstingspolitiker

Groups that are often referred to as being dismissed in society in general is by some aspects also considered being so in political arenas. A recent compilation of existing research over structurally based objections of gaining power and positions within Swedish parliamentary politics highlight a lack of research considering whether sexual orientation could be such a discriminatory basis. Using a queer theoretical approach, and drawing on concepts such as heteronormativity and homophobia, the principal aim of this essay is to illuminate aspects of local parliamentary political areas where discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation become relevant. In order to do so six in-depth interviews with homosexual politicians have been conducted. Finding a queer potential in certain ideological parliamentary political environments that enable homosexual politicians to be open about their sexual orientation, it still relies upon the individual to be confident enough not to interpret the political context as homophobic and heteronormative..

Gravar i Alsike hage : Analys av fyndkontexter och gravkonstruktioner tillhörande gravfältet RAÄ 26 i Alsike socken, Uppland

This essay deals with the results and observations made during excavations in an iron age cemetery in Alsike hage, located in Alsike parish. The excavations took place in 2005 and 2006 and the investigated area comprised two adjacent, but secluded burial-constructions; a square stone setting with a secondary grave, and a stone-built terrace with at least one secondary grave. The artifacts suggests that the TPQ of the stone setting, and the construction date of the rest of the graves, is 900-950 A.D. The aim of this study was to comprehend the course of events in the investigated area, and toanalyse the archaeological finds - in comparison to the well documented an discussed material burial culture in the lake Mälar area ? in order to discuss indicators of gender and social status.Metal artefacts has been preserved as a part of the analysis..

Varför partipolitik? - en intervjuundersökning om partipolitiskt engagemang bland unga

Why participate? Many studies focus on explaning non-participation in politics. The political parties are loosing members and the particiaption of young people are given extra attention. This thesis is about young people who do participate in party politics. The question is how they experience their participation and how they feel that they can have a politcal influence by being a member of the youth section of a political party.

Mediakonstruktionen av den brottsliga invandrarkillen

This qualitative research is about how Swedish media constructs immigrants in articles. The focus of the study will lie on ten Swedish articles and how they stereotype immigrants, but the demarcation will be for young immigrant boys related to crimes. The purpose of this paper is to highlight how media achieves its goal to construct a group as inferior. This will be implemented with the help of articles from different newspapers that reported on immigrants who have committed crimes. We have chosen to look at different newspapers to see if there is a curtain pattern in the construction of immigrant boy.

Den politiska debatten om yttrandefriheten : -

Abstract: The purpose with this study is to analyse the political debate about freedom of speech in Sweden and Denmark, after the caricatures of the Islamic Prophet Mohammed that the Danish newspaper Jyllandsposten published in September 2005. For this debate four political parties have been chosen. These are: Socialdemokratiska Partiet and Moderata Samlingspartiet in Sweden and Socialdemokraterne and Venstre in Denmark.An idea analysis has been chosen as method, and dimensions as an analysing tool. The overall result of the analysis is that right- and left political parties in Sweden and Denmark are more alike, than different in their political debate about free speech. They all wish for total freedom of speech, and see that as the foundation of the democratic society.

Det perfekta eventet? : En analys av New Media Meeting utifrån ett samproduktionsteoretiskt perspektiv

Med hjälp av fyra kvalitativa intervjuer baserade på modellerna SWOT-analys och Perfect Event tar vi reda på hur arrangörerna bakom New Media Meeting jobbat fram ett hållbart event..

Hur motiveras kvarvarande anställda efter en tid präglad av nedskärningar och varsel?

Layoffs may have severe consequences for organizations, and not least on the motivation of the remaining staff in the company when trying to keep on performing the given tasks. How can one with the use of rewards and goal setting affect the motivation on the remainder of the staff? This thesis is dealing with the question of how the management of Bilbolaget Nord AB, who were stricken by layoffs, are working to enhance motivation of the remaining staff with the use of rewards and goal setting. This is a qualitative case study where we have focused our attention to the workshop department at Bilbolaget Nord AB and empirics have been collected by conducting interviews with middle management executives and a questionnaire study with the remaining employees. An in-depth study of theories regarding motivation, goal setting and rewards was made in order to be able to compare and analyze the theories with the case.

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