

16365 Uppsatser om Mathematical problem-solving skills - Sida 23 av 1091

Miljöledning för underhållsteknik : Vilken miljökompetens behöver underhållspersonal?

The purpose with this article is to give examples how to remain and in a long run develop a higher interest in maintenance activities and knowledge. First reason is the changed age-distribution with more number of older employees among maintenance personnel staff and second reason is demand for education due the increasing demand in environmental responsibility.In spite of there is a lot of knowledge of maintenance in national organizations of interests it will not be used in a sufficient extent in many companies. This knowledge is an important base to use to re-built the missing or loosed skills in companies. The national organization UTEK is involved in European projects to validate knowledge of maintenance. Lost of or bad maintenance activities will always affect on the environment.Establish a network between companies is a good way to exchange information in their common business areas.

Grundskoleelevers samlärande och undervisningen i informationssökning

Education in information seeking is often traditional and focused on technology. When it comes to this sort of education, research proves it is unusual to pay attention to the interaction between students. My intention has been to examine if it is possible to pay attention to the interaction between students, in order to create more and better situations of learning. The issues in this work are about describing the students? interaction.

Förståelsen av interkulturell pedagogik : En studie om förståelsen före detta Södertörnstudenter har gällande den interkulturella pedagogiken och om de använder den i arbetslivet

The purpose of this study is through a teacher perspective gain insight to the knowledge former Sodertorn teacher students possess of intercultural pedagogy and if they use it at work. The studies main perspective is the intercultural perspective, which has been the study's lead perspective. This study also made use out of a sociocultural perspective as it fits with the intercultural perspective and puts its mark in the study.This study has used interviews for data collection. Five former Sodertorn teacher students were interviewed, the interview participants work as teachers. These five teachers? experiences and statements were the focus of this study, the teachers had to demonstrate their intercultural skills and how they use these skills in their classroom.

Om Ideellt engagemang och dess betydelse för yrkesrollen

The aim of this study was to reach a better understanding of voluntary work and its possible influence on the work role. Based on a phenomenological approach, five voluntary workers from the leisure field were interviewed. The interpretation of the empirical data was based on the Humanistic psychology and its theories about personality, self-realization, motivation and emotion. The results show that the motive behind the voluntary engagement varied amongst the participants and all of them stated more than one motive. However, social motives, wanting to learn more and develop their skills and also wanting to help others, were the most frequent motives among the participants. In the light of the theoretical background for this study, these motives can be understood as being due to the need of self-realization and appreciation from others, and also a wish to reach an ideal self.

Interaktionen mellan lärare och elever med smart-board som medierande artefakt : En kvalitativ studie om lärandet vid problemlösningssituationer i matematik.

Skolans styrdokument ställer krav på att lärare och elever ska använda digitala medier i undervisningen och digital kompetens ses som en nyckelkomponent för ett livslångt lärande. Syftet är att analysera interaktionen mellan lärare och elever under problemlösningssituationer i matematikundervisningen med smart-board som medierande artefakt. Studien har ett sociokulturellt perspektiv.Empirin är insamlad genom video-observationer och studien är öppen och kvalitativ. Empirin består av fyra filmade och transkriberade sekvenser som innefattar fyra olika elever och hur de arbetar med problemlösning med smart-boarden som medierande artefakt. Empirin är analyserad utifrån EMA-modellen, som bygger på idéer från John Deweys pragmatiska filosofi.Resultatet visar att interaktionen styrs av läraren eftersom att det är läraren som styr över talutrymmet, men även vilka elever som ska vara delaktiga i interaktionen.

Hur kan musicerande bedömas på högstadiet? : En studie om bedömningar inom musikämnet

I studien har undersökts vilka kunskaper och färdigheter som elever i årskurs 9 värdesätter och anser som mest väsentliga att bedöma inom sång och ensemblespel och relatera dessa bedömningar till de nationella mål och kriterier som har fastställts för ämnet musik. Jag har använt mig av kvalitativ samtalsintervju som undersökningsmetod och begränsat mig till att undersöka sexton elever, 8 pojkar och 8 flickor, som jag undervisar i musik på en högstadieskola i Mellansverige. Undersökningen utgår från ett fragmatiskt- och sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande. Resultatet belyses också utifrån formativ bedömning i undervisning och betydelsen av att använda bedömningsmatriser för att tydliggöra för eleverna vad som de förväntas lära sig. Resultatet visar att en gemensam syn på bedömning är viktig för att eleverna ska veta på vilken kunskapsnivå de befinner sig på men även för att de ska veta vad de behöver förbättra.

Det praktiska intellektet: timmerlagning med mallbr?da som exempel

This thesis presents a method of making repairs in log houses. The purpose of the thesis is to use this method to exemplify crafters practical intellect. The method is based on the use of a template board to transfer the measurements onto the new log. There is a dearth of literature dealing with timber repairs, and the literature regarding using a template board for this is non-existent. The description of this method has therefore been compiled from interviews with active timber crafters.

I havet av siffror och bokstäver : En studie om matematik- och lässvårigheter hos barn i andra klass

It is not uncommon for math difficulties and reading difficulties to occur simultaneously. Despite this, math and reading difficulties are thought to have different cognitive profiles where math difficulties are linked to number sense; an innate ability to understand, approximate and manipulate both quantities and numerical information, whereas reading difficulties are linked to phonological ability; an innate ability to understand, create representations of and manipulate phonological information. A possible link between the difficulties is that phonological abilities also could affect mathematical ability. Support for this comes from studies where comorbid math and reading difficulties are associated with more severe difficulties in arithmetic ability compared to those with isolated math difficulties. The purpose of this study is to examine whether isolated math difficulties, isolated reading difficulties and comorbid math and reading difficulties can be linked to deficits in number sense, phonological ability or both of these, and whether comorbid math and reading difficulties differ in performance in mathematical tasks compared to isolated math difficulties for children in second grade.

Effektiva lösningsmetoder för Schrödingerekvationen : En jämförelse

In this paper the rate of convergence, speed of execution and symplectic properties of the time-integrators Leap-Frog (LF2), fourth order Runge-Kutta(RK4) and Crank-Nicholson (CN2) have been studied. This was done by solving the one-dimensional model for a particle in a box (Dirichlet-conditions). The results show that RK4 is the fastest in achieving higher tolerances, while CN2 is the fastest in achieving lower tolerances. Fourth order corrections of LF (LF4)and CN (CN4) were also studied, though these showed no improvements overLF2 and CN2. All methods were shown to exhibit symplectic behavior..

Akademiker bland bokhyllorna biblioteks- och informationsvetares upplevelser av övergången från studier till yrkesliv

Library and information science students often ask themselves if their education will be sufficient and adapted to the work tasks they will meet with as future librarians. It is the aim of this Master thesis to investigate LIS-graduates' experiences of the transfer from academic studies into professional life. The thesis thus treats four questions: I: What problems, if any, does the LIS-graduate experience when first employed? 2: Does the recently employed librarian feel that the academically obtained knowledge is applicable in professional life? And, if so, how does it apply? 3: Does the new employee find that there are areas in which his/her academic education has been insufficient? 4: What is the general attitude towards LIS-graduates' education among colleagues and is the library staff prepared to provide the necessary instructions? The investigation is performed through interviews with eight LIS-graduates, all of whom have recently started working as public librarians. The analysis is based on the concepts of competence, qualifications, work skills, knowledge and in the processes of formal and practical learning.

Trådlös kamerastyrning

As an amateur it can be difficult filming from several angles at the same time as this requires several cameras. It´s also hard to film at occasions when it´s not appropriate to manoeuvre the camera manually. Systems for solving these problems already exist, but it´s either more expensive, professionalsystems or cheaper systems with limited functionality.The purpose of this project is to develop a cost efficient solution to the problem above that offers a better functionality then existing commercial systems. The biggest difference from existing products is the wireless video feedback from the camera to the remote unit.The result of the project is a system consisting of two units, a manoeuvre unit with a cradle for the video camera and a remote unit from which the operator can control pan and tilt of the video camera.Communication between the two units is wireless.On the remote unit there is a joystick and a display mounted. In addition to this, there is also an IR receiver that is capable of reading the signal from the cameras own remote and sending it to the manoeuvre unit.The manoeuvre unit is equipped with one motor to control the tilt function and one motor to control the pan.

Arbetsterapeutiska interventioner för personer med Schizofreni ur ett evidensperspektiv - Litteraturstudie

Schizophrenia can cause symptoms such as auditory hallucinations, delusions, emotional blunting, apathy and lack of motivation. These result in a diminished ability to participate in daily activities and bring the client group into the domain of occupational therapists. The purpose of this literature review is to compile the latest findings in occupational therapy interventions for individuals with schizophrenia. Furthermore guidance regarding the utility of the interventions will be given based on the author?s assessment of the evidence in the 22 articles included.

Skolan som värdegrundande institution : En jämförande studie mellan gymnasieelevers upplevelse och skolpersonalens intentioner att tolka, tillämpa och medvetandegöra eleverna om det demokratiska värdegrundsuppdraget

This essay is a comparative research between pupils' experience of how the headmaster, teachers and other school staff interpret and apply the democratic education. The results are based on a survey carried out in senior high school, as well as interviews with the school staff. The democratic education charge has a long history of Swedish school system and is the basis for the maintenance of a democratic society. Both policy paper of state investigations and researchers in the field, regard to school as the primary and unique instance in order to promote and develop democratic skills in children and young people. However, it is shown that those who come out from school lack of knowledge and awareness of democracy and the will to speak their mind.

Inkluderande undervisning

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka likheter och skillnader i undervisningen som finns mellan en grundsärskoleklass och en grundskoleklass. Undersökningens metod är strukturerade observationer genomförda av två observatörer i en grundskoleklass och i en särskoleklass på samma skola. Olika aspekter av undervisningen observerades, av vilka några kan anses utgöra förutsättningar för en inkluderande undervisning. Dessa är: samarbete mellan pedagoger i undervisningen, ledarskapsmodeller, cooperativt lärande (samarbetsinlärning), dynamisk pedagogik samt samarbete mellan pedagoger i problemlösande undervisning. Resultatet visar på likhet mellan de båda skolformerna beträffande användandet av en organismisk modell med ett demokratiskt ledarskap, där grundsärskolans pedagoger endast använder det aningen mer frekvent än grundskolans pedagoger.

IT-företag möter kund ? en pedagogisk betraktelse.

The aim of this thesis is to analyse and if possible improve the communication, mainly seen from a pedagogical perspective, between the IT company (Nostratic) and their clients in a first meeting. The analysis covers the preparation part, communication during the meetings, the technical terminology used during the meetings as well as the follow up of the meetings. Due to the lack of research within this area and the lack of personal experience on my part, the conducted study has been explorative with the use of qualitative methods. Although my first aim was to put emphisis on the pedagogical part of the communication, I found while conducting the study that there were other areas of higher importance to analyse in order to improve the customer meetings. Unfortunately the company went bankrupt in the middle of my study which resulted in me not beeing able to try out the potential improvements.

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