

16365 Uppsatser om Mathematical problem-solving skills - Sida 24 av 1091

Speaking English: dess bidrag till kunskap i engelska för
elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter

The aim of this study was to describe and analyze if and in that case how project Speaking English contributes to improved skills in English to pupils in reading and writing difficulties. The project started out in order to give pupils in reading and writing difficulties an alternative to the regular English teaching. The study was carried out in two nine-year compulsory schools. We have conducted interviews with both teachers and pupils to see what they think about the project. According to the teachers we interviewed Speaking English contribute to improved skills for the pupils and they also believe that their chances to pass the 9th grade will increase.

Språkstimulerande pedagogisk verksamhet : En empirisk fallstudie utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande

It is important that children develop their communicating skills to be able to interact withother persons in different social contexts. Without the necessary skills, the child will struggleto understand others, as well as to be understood. My qualitative research takes place in a preschoolclass at a primary school in Stockholm, where I from a sociocultural perspective onteaching and learning aim to clarify how the students? ability to develop their linguisticperformance and their communicative competence is stimulated within this primary preschool?seducational framework. Empirical data was collected both through observations ofthe daily activities in the pre-school class as well as through interviews of three employedteachers.My research indicates that the educational framework in this pre-school class is structured tocomply with the official Swedish Curriculum, Lpo.

Säkerhetsbrytare för Gräsklippare

This thesis describes teh solution of two problems regarding safety on powered lawnmowers; protectning the users from injury when using the lawnmower in slopes, and when cleaning the cutting blade.The task was carried out through initial studies on a representative lawnmower. A generation of ideas followed with an evaluation to select the best solution. The winning concept was further developed to reach acceptable performance. The word resulted in a functioning prototype utilising an original way of detecting inclinations without incorrect signals. It c an serve as a platform for further development into a product.The work gives insightful experience of solving real-world problems, and especially to deal with situations where several variables and their effects are unknownPlease note that several parts of the work are confidential, and have therefore been removed from the thesis..

Sjuksköterskans roll i omvårdnaden av patienter med suicidala tankar

Nurses have an important role caring with the suicidal patient as they often are the first to encounter these individuals. In order to develop their skills, nurses need to understand the complexity of the problem around the thoughts of wanting to die. The purpose of the study was to compile and elucidate research that describes how nurses can provide care to suicidal patients. The method used was a literature review. The results were divided into seven themes that can guide the nurse in the work: to be there, give time and listen, to recognize and assess risk factors, working in a team, to be attentive to own attitudes, to give hope, to be able to process their feelings, increased knowledge of the causes of suicide.

Kroppens harmoni : om relationalitet i G.W Leibnizs monadologi

The purpose of this essay is to discuss relationality in G.W Leibnizs Monadologie (1714). In general terms this essay analyzes the notion of individuation in relation to the concept of monads. The analysis proposes a question regarding the body in this individuation, and what consequences follows for the understanding of the relation between the single individual and other individuals. It will be shown that the irreducibility of having a body transcendens something like ownness, subjectivity, personality and individuation, and this is explained through the pre-established harmony between the monads ? where the plurality of monads is detected before the monads singularity. To widen this investigation of relationality between the monads, I will turn to Edmund Husserls phenomenological operation for solving the egological problem of solipsism in Cartesian Meditations (1929). In his meditations, Husserl uses the monad as a self-conscious ego with peculiar ownness.

Arbetsstugan och Barnkrubban : om etablerandet och drivandet av två barnavårdande verksamheter i Karlskrona 1899 - 1943

During the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century Sweden experienced social changes. The proceeding industrialization led to a process of urbanization where people were forced, more or less, in to the cities to find work. The traditional agricultural self-sufficiency society was successively replaced by salaried employment. This meant that family and home was no longer the major centre of production, nurturance and care. In order to support themselves and their families, even women applied for industrial work.

Varför är det ont om specialisternär det är gott om läkare? : - en studie om policyprocesser i svenska landsting

This essay examines the policy process of specialist medical training in three Swedish counties. The essay will first describe the policy process. Secondly the politicians parti-cipating in the process is examined. Thirdly, it is tested whether it is possible to analyze the policy process based on Ostrom's theories of cooperation around a common pool resource. In this case, the common pool resource is specialized medical practitioners skills that the Swedish county councils must collaborate on to competence should be sufficient for the county council needs, something that is not the case today.One conclusion of the study is that the health care law is not clear enough when it comes to who is responsible for providing a sufficient number of specialists.

Evenemang : Great event of Karlstad & Mariebergsskogen

In my study I have chosen to examine the mathematics in children's free play and everyday situations, with focus on sorting and classification. The purpose of the study was to see how children express their mathematical knowledge. I have chosen to use a qualitative method in my examination, here I did observations in a children's group where the children were between three and six years old. I also did interviews with the teacher's on the department to see how they relate to the mathematics and how they formulate the department to achieve as good a learning environment as possible.The result shows that the teacher's approach is incredible important to the children's learning ability and that they are always present to challenge and discuss together with the children. The observation indicates that children use mathematics all the time in their everyday situations and that it is the interaction between individuals and environment that affects children's development. .

"Herregud, det är ju en revolution". En undersökning av flerspråkigheten på Europaparlamentets intranät och de positiva och negativa effekter som uppstår i samband med dess flerspråkighet

This is a thesis on the Intranet use in the European Parliament. We investigated the use from a multilingual point of view, but also from a communication perspective. What we wanted to know was how a multilingual group, with presumably different computer skills, in the organisation handle the Intranet information. What are the positive and negative effects of a multilingual information exchange over an Intranet? To find out, we sent a questionnaire as an e-mail attachment to all members of a chosen committee and their assistants.

Ordningsbetyget : för och nackdelar

The main aim of this essay was to find out what kind of advantages and/or disadvantages giving marks in pupils order and behaviour can cause for their development of knowledge and emotional and social skills. We let teachers answer a questionnaire about giving marks in pupils order and behaviour. We have also interviewed one person that was involved to prepare the latest curriculum in 1994, Lpo 94, and they decided that Swedish teachers do not have the right competence to judge ones order or behaviour. We have also looked at different theories about: mark as motivation, mark as information, mark as control, self-fulfilling prophecy, emotional disorders and gender, with whom we analyse the fact to give marks in order and behaviour.What we can establish is that giving marks in pupils order and behaviour seems to bring more disadvantages than advantages. Boys mature later than girls and have there for, in general, not as good behaviour as the girls have in the classroom.

Hur hanterar sjuksköterskor stress i arbetet? : En litteraturöversikt

Background: The nursing profession involves meetings and situations which can be stressful. The work environment can cause additional stress in the form of time pressure, lack of support from colleagues, management or disgruntled family members and patients. This places the nurse in a position that requires a sharpened ability to handle stress. It can become overwhelming and unmanageable and cause a serious threat to the nurse's health and wellbeing. To handle stress the nurses uses different coping strategies.Aim: The aim of the review was to gain a better understanding of how nurses deal with occupational stress.Method: A systematic literature overview study based on eleven articles, including both qualitative and quantitative studies.Results: Nurses deal with stress in different ways based on their own resources.

Anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelse av barnanestesi

AbstractThe aim of this study was to describe the anesthesia nurses experiences of pediatric anesthesia in two surgical wards, a general surgery department and a day surgery surgical department at two hospitals in central Sweden. The study had a descriptive design with a qualitative approach, in which ten anesthetic nurses with more or less experience in children's anesthesia participated. Data were collected using semi-structured interview questions and were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The results were reported based on a theme, three sub themes and nine categories. The theme When skills, tactfulness and interpersonal skills come to a head, with three sub themes Being prepared and ready, Interacts and open for participation   and Emotional tension.

Ritualer bland arkeologer - Vad är en ritual?

The goals of this essay are to identify rituals and ritual behavior at the department of archaeology and ancient history at Lund University. To do this a series of empirical examinations was conducted. Observations, interviews and polls revealed that some ritual behavior is in fact present. Two types of rituals were identified; the interaction ritual, as presented by Erving Goffman in the book Interaction Ritual, Essays on Face-to-Face Behavior, in 1967. The second type of ritual is a ?problem solving? ritual, such as meetings.

En utvärdering av Audiolet för portandet avett röst-drivet program till webben

We where asked to write a webapplication, with similar functionalityas an existing desktop application. The application can todayrecord sounds from a person, mix it together at the optimal place withanother, similar sound and play back the result.The application used mathematical calculation that the developerswhere not familiar with, therefore it was decided to focus on the partsthat involved recording and playing sound, to pave the way for anyfuture implementation.The follwing prototypes where implemneted:1. Read a sound clip from a file.2. Splicing of two sound clips at different points in the clips.3. Generate the sound of a guitar.The result of this evaluation is that web browsers today are notready for this type of application, but that there is potetial as soonas W3C have standardised the use of a microphone as a source to theexisting DSP functions..

I demokratins vagga : en essä om demokratins väg på förskolan

This essay is about how basic democratic values are formed in preschool. I have focused on children´s abilities to take on responsibility and also, on the importance of relationships in the development of democratic values in preschool.This essay starts in self-perceived dilemmas, based on my own feeling that the children should have more rights and that the preschool often has too many unreflected rules and routines. The dilemma has been reflected on and has been discussed in relation to other theories. I have also reflected on my own behavior as a teacher and to what extent this behavior has influence on the outcome.The relationship between the governing documents and the work in preschool has been reviewed with the conclusion that they are not synchronized with each other.The investigation shows several examples of the meaning of a good working relationship between teacher and child and that children´s own sense of responsibility should be taken seriously and be recognized as a resource.In the discussion with the theories a connection between democracy, relationships and children´s responsibility was detected. The meaning of a good working communication and the teacher?s significance for the development is central and is made visible and problematized.The concluding words show how the approach to democratic and fundamental values must come to a change in preschools, a change that the teacher partly is responsible for.

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