8430 Uppsatser om Management strategies. - Sida 13 av 562
?Hemtjänst är inte bara att vara ute och städa, tvätta och diska? : En kvalitativ studie om hemtjänstpersonalens upplevelser av otillräcklighet samt strategier de använder sig av för att hantera dessa upplevelser
The purpose of this study is to, based on qualitative interviews, understand the home care staff's experiences of insufficiency and also which strategies they are using to deal with these experiences.The questions of this study are:In which situations are home care staff experiencing insufficiency?What copingstrategies do home care staff set out to deal with these experiences? Method: Interviews has been used as a method to gather empirical data.Theory: Theories of coping-strategies has been used as theory in the analyses of the empirical material.Results: The result of this study concludes that experiences of insufficiency mainly promotes in situations of lack of time for various reasons. The main strategies home care staff is using are planning, adapting, accepting, compensation, get themselves together, control and manage their emotions and understanding. Other situations that promote feelings of insufficiency are lack of competence and when the eldery person doesn't want to receive a planned effort. Other strategies they use are social support and changing the circumstances..
IKT-satsningar i skolan En jämförande studie av nationella IKT-satsningar mot grundskolan och gymnasiet i Japan och Sverige
Technological advancements in information and communication technologies (ICT) have resulted ina need to use ICT in schools. Sweden has actively promoted ICT in schools since the early 1980's.In Japan, 1994 saw the government's first step towards active promotion of ICT in education. In thisstudy, we have compared the strategies used to promote the use of ICT in elementary and secondaryschools in Sweden and Japan. Our findings suggest that a similar 3-step approach was used in bothcountries: 1, infrastructure; 2, effective use of ICT; 3, implementation of ICT. A significantdifference was found in the way the two countries planned their strategies.
Upplevelser och hanteringsstrategier hos ungdomar med IBD. : en litteraturstudie
The purpose of this study was to describe how adolescents aged 12-18 years with inflammatory bowel disease experience their illness and what coping strategies they use to manage their illness and improve their wellbeing. The method used was a descriptive literature study, and the result of the study included 15 scientific articles. Our results showed that IBD affected the adolescent?s everyday life and social life with friends, family and activities. The adolescents also reported that they experienced a feeling of vulnerability, altered body image and that they saw themselves as different from healthy subjects.
Läkemedelsbolagens strategier för att begränsa nedgång i marknadsandelar vid patentutgång
The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding on how market leading pharmaceutical companies in Sweden limit the market share decrease when these companies patent expires. In order to respond to the purpose, two research questions have been asked: how do pharmaceutical companies deal with market strategies prior to the expiration of a patent: and how the market strategies is used when a patent has expired and as a consequence, generics entered the market. A case study was implemented based on two interviews with a brand manager and a therapy area manager within the company Pfizer AB in Sweden. The results suggest that pharmaceutical companies implement strategies in numerous ways which differs substantially from the theories, this having to do with Swedish legislation. The main aim with the execution of the strategy, before and after patent expiration is not to limit a decrease in market share hence, rather to retain the pharmaceutical companies strong brand image.
Outsourcingrelationen med fokus på management control och de faktorer som påverkar beslutet att insourca
There is limited research done in the area of management control in the relationship between companies. This study investigates management control in outsourcing relationships and the decision to change sourcing strategy and to insource functions. The empirical research was conducted at an international company, which in this study has been anonymized. The research is mainly based on interviews. To extend and verify the conclusions drawn, another company, AB Ph.
Change in Working Time: The Effect on Human Resource Management
En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..
Sjuksköterskans möte med Anorexia Nervosapatienter : vägen till en relation. En litteraturstudie
Anorexia nervosa is a severe and multifaceted eating disorder generally found in the female population. Throughout anorectic starvation relationship related conflicts revolving round power and autonomy are bound to happen. For that reason the most crucial part of treatment should be to build a trusting relationship.The aim of this study was to describe relationship promoting strategies a nurse can use during care of anorexia nervosa patients. This literature study derives from a qualitative analysis of scientific articles. The findings indicate on five different strategies a nurse can use during care of anorexia nervosa patients.
Attitudes towards hedging by diversified and non-diversified farmers : a comparative qualitative study
Deregulation on the market for agricultural products leads to a more globalised market with increasing price fluctuations. This, in turn, places the farmer in positions influenced by new risks but also improved opportunities. The farmers are faced by uncertainty in terms of financial outcome. To be able to utilise these new market conditions it becomes increasingly important for farmers to continuously follow the price trend, and to develop strategies how to manage the risks exposed by a volatile market.
Farmers with different conditions perceive risk in different ways. Hence, their risk management behaviour will vary.
Svenska hedgefonders investeringsstrategier och deras riskexponering
In this paper Swedish hedge funds and strategies are discussed and analysed. These new financial forms seem to draw recently a huge attention both in media, press and the academic world. The fact is that hedge funds have existed already for a long time but it is still known too little about them. After the introduction of hedge funds, different asset pricing models are discussed including the most basic of all ? CAPM and further Fama and French three factor model as well as the expanding model with conditioning approach.
Hur förankras en policy? : En studie av Stockholms stads informationssäkerhet
Culture Management Cultural management administration producent KKE management.
Några elevers tankar kring ett klassiskt matematiskt problem. : Om problemlösningsförmåga och argumentationsförmåga ? två matematiska kompetenser.
In this thesis we study four groups of students in grade 8, 9 and 10 when they try to solve a classical mathematical problem: Which rectangle with given circumference has the largest area? The aim of the study was too see how the students did to solve a mathematichal problem?The survey shows that students have rather poor strategies to solve mathematical problems. The most common mistake is that students don?t put much energy to understand the problem before trying to solve it. They have no strategies.
Förändringsstrategier vid övergången till ett kontantlöst banksystem
Title:Change strategies in the transition towards a cashless banking systemLevel:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Elin Lånström och Vildana SmailagicSupervisor:Stig SörlingDate:August 2013Aim:In our study, we compare what it is that drives a bank to implement changes in their business, what problems these changes may bring, and how organizations deal with these. We do this by studying how different banks choose to relate to the handling of cash.The questions we ask ourselves are:? What lies behind the decision to make changes in cash management?? How is the change implemented in practice?? What do banks think this change will mean for the future?Method:The study was conducted with the help of a qualitative scientific method. We conducted interviews with representatives of four banks, and made use of secondary data in the form of scientific literature and scientific articles.Result & Conclusions:Organizations implement changes in order to adapt and achieve balance with their environment but also within the organization itself. Our study shows that the decision to introduce cashless branches is mainly a result of banks' efforts to become more cost efficient.
Blodtryck hos förskolebarn korrelerar med BMI redan från 12 månaders ålder
The purpose of this study was to describe how adolescents aged 12-18 years with inflammatory bowel disease experience their illness and what coping strategies they use to manage their illness and improve their wellbeing. The method used was a descriptive literature study, and the result of the study included 15 scientific articles. Our results showed that IBD affected the adolescent?s everyday life and social life with friends, family and activities. The adolescents also reported that they experienced a feeling of vulnerability, altered body image and that they saw themselves as different from healthy subjects.
Traditionell ekonomistyrning vs modern verksamhetsstyrning - en fallstudie av ett växande företagsstyrfilosofi
The purpose with this paper is that trough a description of the management
control at Jitech AB find out if traditional management control have been
abandoned for benefit for modern management control and in which extent the
transition have happened. Further is the second purpose with this paper to find
out which decisions that lies behind the design of the management control and
how these are in opposition to with the theory..
Customer Relationship Management : Vad är de bakomliggande faktorerna till att olika företag misslyckas med CRM-implementering?
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka och analysera hur företag implementerar CRM i avsikt att identifiera de bakomliggande faktorerna till att företag misslyckas med en CRM implementering.Teorier: CRM som process, Implementeringsstrategier, ImplementeringsmodellMetod: Kvalitativ studie som består av fyra semi-strukturerade intervjuer med olika företag.Empiri: Består av fyra intervjuer med CRM-ansvariga från respektive företagSlutsats: Om företaget förstår och tar hänsyn till alla faser i CRM implementering, och generellt anser att alla faser är lika viktiga då alla delar går ihop, leder detta till en lyckad CRM implementering. De bakomliggande faktorerna till ett misslyckat CRM-implementering är i stort sett att företagen anser att en fas är viktigare än en annan fas, vilket leder till att företaget ned prioriterar andra faser som är väsentliga vid en implementering av CRM. .