

1722 Uppsatser om Male leadership - Sida 29 av 115

Att lyckas som platschef i anläggningsbranschen

Att lyckas som platschef i anläggningsbranschenEva Karlsmyr Bygg- och anläggningsnäringen brottas med lägre produktivitets­utveckling än andra industribranscher och utveckling av ledarskapet ses ofta som en väg framåt. Kunskap saknas dock om vad effektivt ledarskap i denna specifika kontext är. Denna studie avser bidra med sådan kunskap genom att i en tematisk analys med kvalitativ ansats studera ledarskap ur effektiva platschefers perspektiv i ett svenskt rikstäckande anläggnings­företag. Utifrån menings­koncent­rering av sju intervjuade plats­chefers berättelser har gemensamma aspekter av ledarskapet identi­fierats som respondenterna upplever avgörande för att lyckas i rollen. Studien har även undersökt hur dessa platschefer behöver påverkas av andra för att kunna utöva ett effektivt ledarskap.

?Regissören ska behandlas med silkesvantar.?: En diskursanalys av filmregissören som ledare och en fallstudie av en kortfilmsproduktion

Title: ?The director should be treated with silk gloves.? A discourse analysis of the film director as a leader and a case study of a short film Seminar date: 19 February 2008 Course: Master thesis in organizational studies, 20 Swedish credits Author: Johanna Ranes Advisor: Ph.D. Nanna Gillberg Key words: Film, the film director, discourse analysis, social constructionism, gender studies, creative leadership. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to illustrate and problemize the consequences of the traditional male domination in film creation for a female director by critically examining the construction of the film director. Methodology: The study is based on a qualitative case study which was conducted as a participant observation.

Hinderbanan - en studie om jämställdhetsarbete och kvinnors förutsättningar inom professionella tjänsteföretag

Although women express a desire to be managers and although they constitute the majority of Sweden's newly graduated academics, they are still heavily underrepresented on senior management level in the Swedish private sector, where men hold as much as 95 % of the top positions. Considering the massive waste of resources that this implies, this thesis sets out to investigate the underlying reasons for the skewed gender distribution on senior management level in two Swedish professional services companies - an industry where the described problem has been palpable. Additionally, the thesis explores the effects of actively working for increased gender equality. With a basis in gender and organization theory, a broad theoretical framework has been compiled and applied to a qualitative case study design. The thesis reveals seven distinct impediments, which together create a parable of an obstacles course, that prevent women from advancing the corporate ladder in the same manner as their male colleagues.

Skriftspråksskillnader? : En jämförande studie av flickor och pojkars skriftspråk på gymnasienivå

Our society has faced monumental changes and therefore our working life has changed as well. We are now in the twentieth first century and still our labor market is gender-segregated. Today networking is an important part of working life and one cannot emphasize enough the importance of having good connections in your network. Networking is now seen as an important tool when it comes to your career. In the past networking has been the men?s arena and it has almost been seen as a male institution.

Traumatiska skador hos ishockeyspelare i Sverige : en registerstudie

AimThe aim of this study was to map the injury panorama of traumatic injuries related to ice hockey in Sweden 2006-2011. In addition to that the aim was to compare whether there were any gender differences regarding traumatic ice hockey injuries. MethodThe present study was based on data from the Folksam insurance company between 2006 and 2011. The population consisted of ice hockey players in a club affiliated to the Swedish Ice Hockey Federation and that had sustained a traumatic injury related to ice hockey that resulted in medical care and then was reported to Folksam. The results are presented with descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation, median range and frequencies. ResultsThe head was the most common injury localization followed by the upper extremity where the shoulder accounted for a high number of injuries. Fracture was the most common type of injury for both male and female players.

?Jag kan inte se att vi behandlar elever olika beroende på kön? : en kvalitativ studie om fem SO-lärares tankar om sitt uppdrag avseende jämställdhet, kön och genus i undervisningen och i sitt bemötande av elever

This paper attempts to display how five teachers of social studies use and relate to the policy documents and their instructions on gender. To penetrate the subject, five teachers were intreviewed. Each interview focused on how the curriculum attempts to guide teachers regarding gender, sex differences and equality of opportunity. The collected information was processed, analyzed and discussed using gender studies and discourse theory.The results show that the interpretation and usage of the curriculum is very subjective and varies greatly between all the interviewed teachers. Their personal interpretation proves to be crucial when it comes to making reality of the stated goals in the curriculum, concerning actively working towards equality of opportunity between sexes.

Mellanchefens kompetensförsörjning

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att öka kunskapen om och förståelsen för hur behovet av kompetensförsörjningen på mellanchefsnivå inom tjänsteföretag i Ljusdal ser ut..

Busig eller flamsig : En studie av genus i bilderböcker

The aim of this thesis is to analyze children?s picture books regarding whether and in what form gender stereotypes can be seen in these. The purpose is also to evaluate whether the findings correlate to the different regulatory documents libraries have to abide to.       The study comprises five books, who are part of a selection of books especially chosen by Uppsala City Library to be used by primary school children aged 6-9. The method used is the study of text as well as illustrations, as the theory of this thesis is that the two cannot be separated, but has to be seen a unit. Other theories used in the analysis include Nikolajeva?s schedule of male/female properties and theories on gender.      The result of the study shows that gender stereotypes are in majority regarding the characters in the books, but that the opposite also exists.

Ledande individers effekt på organisationen

This study is conducted with a focus on managers and its different forms as found in a nation wide Swedish bedroom specialist-organisation, Sängjätten. Leadership is perceived in many forms and depends on a large variety of factors within and outside the organisation. One of these factors is ownership and the characteristics these imply on the forms in which the manager works. Within the studied organisation there were two distinctive forms of ownership regarding to the stores we studied; such as franchising compared to the franchiser owned through a national headquarter, so-called ?self-proprietary stores?.

En man bland många kvinnor  : en studie om varför män väljer läraryrket i den tidiga grundskolan

 The english name of this essay is ?One man among many women?. This essay takes its starting point in the situation today with few male teachers in the earlier years of elementary school. I have decided to look at the small group of males that actually started the education to become teachers and why they did it when the profession as teacher today is low-paid, low status and is a profession with a large dominance of female teachers. I have chosen to write about this because of the importance for the children to meet both men and women as teachers in the early schoolyears.

Vad efterfrågas av den : En jämförande studie mellan Socialförvaltningen, Försäkringskassan och Arbetsförmedlingen

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this c-level essay shall try to illustrate how a good leader is formed. We have investigated what influences leadership style, personal characteristics or individual competence have when recruiting a new manager. This study has been carried out with comparative applications because we wanted to study the similarities and differences between the Unemployment Office, the Social Insurance Office and the Social Welfare Administration.We have used a qualitative method in interviews both with employers as well as the from the trade union representative?s perspective. Part of our results indicates that the trade union representatives and the employers are not always unanimous and do not request equivalent characteristics and knowledge at recruitment.

På vems villkor? : En fallstudie om barnarbete i Ghana

The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze two factors contributing to child labor in Ghana, one of the world's largest producers of cocoa. These two factors are: poor countries economic and political dependency on the rich countries, political leader?s ambitions and decisions. We will also describe and analyze the UN's efforts and measures to combat child labor. The method we used was a case study of child labor in Ghana?s cocoa industry together with interviews.

Fotbollsspelares uppfattningar om ledarskapsbeteende fo?r prestation & tillfredsta?llelse

Svenska Fotbollfo?rbundet vill att idrottsfo?reningarna i fotboll ska fungera va?l och fa? fler samt ra?tt utbildade ledare. Fo?r att idrottaren ska fortsa?tta tra?na och beha?lla motivationen a?r det viktigt att ledaren lyssnar till idrottarens behov, kunskap och fo?rva?ntningar. Det a?r ocksa? viktigt fo?r tra?naren att vara medveten om vad idrottaren o?nskar fo?r ledarskapsbeteende fo?r att skapa tillfredsta?llande upplevelser och optimera spelarnas prestationer.

Complexity Leadership: En analys av ledarskap och dynamiska nätverk

Undersökningens syfte är att förklara hur chefer agerar vid ledningsdrivna och vid spontant uppkomna förändringsinitiativ i en organisatorisk miljö där det finns informella nätverk av specialiserade kompetenser. Arbetet kombinerar en kvalitativ ansats för att utforska och beskriva chefers ledarskapsmetoder genom djupintervjuer med en kvantitativ undersökning i enkätform riktat mot chefer och även mot deras medarbetare med specialistkompetens. Studiens slutsats är att de undersökta cheferna har metod och förmåga att skapa goda förutsättningar för förändring samt att stötta samverkan och innovation i informella nätverk inom den lokala enhetens kontext. Cheferna saknar dock god förmåga och metodik för att kunna utöka detta till att omfatta och inverka på företagets nyttoskapande som helhet.

Mellan Bröst och Rumpor : En Kvalitativ Studie av The Playboy Interview

Playboy is a magazine that, for more than a half century, has been mostly known to the wider audience for its stylized pictures of naked women. What a lot of people do not know is that the magazine, with its editor in chief Hugh Hefner in the lead, has been frontrunners in human rights. Playboy has been fighting protecting the right of freedom of speech, fighting for equal rights for all people during the civil rights movement and supported the feminist movement by funding precedent cases on abortion rights. According to a series of text analyses by Beggan & Allison (2000, 2002b) Playboy?s editorial direction contradicted conventional definitions of masculinity. Also, the magazine portrayed its Playmates with complex identities that, in many cases, contained a number of traditionally masculine abilities.In this thesis we have done a critical discourse analysis of the Playboy interview and how the gender of its subject is portrayed by the magazine.

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