

1722 Uppsatser om Male leadership - Sida 28 av 115

Hållning av kastrerade och icke kastrerade försöksmöss i par som en lösning på aggressivt beteende

Aggression between laboratory mice is a common problem and can result in welfare issues such as mice hurting or killing each other and also stress. Swedish laws and regulations clearly states that mice must be housed with a companion due to their natural social structure. Many studies have investigated the effect off enrichment, group size, cage size and other potential changes in in their environment on the occurrence of aggression. Even with these changes aggression can exist and therefore a new solution was tested in this paper. The proposed solution was to house an intact mouse with a castrated one and thus fulfill laws and regulations while still maintaining the physiology of one of the mice for the purpose of medical experiments.

Förnybar energi ur ett kvinnligt och manligt perspektiv : En attitydundersökning med avseende på att kartlägga hur synen på fönybar energi påverkas av om individen är kvinna eller man

Abstract The extraction and usage of energy give rise to immense environmental problems which helps to accelerate climate change. Energy is an important resource for the community and there are a variety of different types of energy sources available, that are either classified as renewable or non-renewable energy sources. The usage of renewable energy sources cause less environmental impact than the usage of non-renewable energy, which in turn means that the energy?s strain on the environment is strongly affected by the type of energy source used.The aim of the study is to describe to what extent attitudes towards renewable energy are affected by whether the individual is male or female, by examining the hypothesis regarding how women have a closer connection to nature and to a larger extent shows on an pro-environmentally friendly behavior than men, and if it also can be detected on issues related to renewable energy and thus imply that women have a friendlier approach towards renewable energy than men. A number of ecofeminist believe that women have a stronger bond with the nature through her embodiment as a woman and by her maternal role, which according to previous research also leads to the fact that women shows on a more extensive environmental behavior.Through a qualitative research method in the form of semi-structured interviews has three female and three male respondents been asked questions with regards to the environment, individual responsibility and energy.

Jens är het och Anja kämpar : En jämförelse av genusrepresentationen i SVT:s Sportspegeln och Lilla sportspegeln

This report is an analysis of the gender representation in Swedish sports media, a comparison between sport in public service television for adults and children. The study explores the differences between the number of male and female sports in the matter of air time and also the number of male and female appearances in the TV shows. The programs studied in this report are the Swedish SVT?s Sportspegeln and Lilla sportspegeln. When we began this analysis we were under the impression that men would be over-represented, but that representation in sports television for children would be more gender equal than the adult counterpart. The result of the analysis confirmed previous studies stating that men dominate the sports programs in Swedish public service television.

Kvinnor som ledare i ett kooperativt företag

Uppsatsen behandlar den finansiella redovisningen av avsättningar för avhjälpande av förorenings­skador. Syftet är att undersöka hur ägarkoncentrationen hänger samman med den grad av informationspublicering företag har valt kring dessa avsättningar. I studien undersöks 44 företag inom olika branscher och med olika ägandeformer. I jämförelsen mellan samtliga fallföretag konstaterar vi att det finns ett samband mellan låg ägar­­kon­centration och hög grad av informations­publicering. Vi diskuterar också hur graden av vinstsyfte kan påverka graden av informations­publicering.

Ledarskap på distans : Konsultchefers distansledarskap under påverkan av ett dubbelt ledarskap i bemanningsbranschen

Denna uppsats handlar om ledarskap och hur ledarskap bedrivs på distans.Studien fokuserar på det ledarskap som sker i bemanningsbranschen där konsultchefen leder bemanningskonsulter på distans. I det ledarskap som utövas finns även en påverkan utav en tredje part som går att finna i det kundföretag som hyr in konsulterna. Syftet med uppsatsen är att öka förståelsen för det ledarskap som uppkommer och utövas i bemanningsbranschen och att identifiera de problem som kan uppstå när ledarskapet sker på distans. Vi jämför också distansledarskapet med ett traditionellt ledarskap för att förstå på vilket sätt de skiljer sig i ledarskapets utövande. Slutligen är vårt syfte att få en inblick i hur ett distansledarskap i bemanningsbranschen påverkas när det även är en tredje part involverad..

Uppdraget möter verkligheten : En essä om korstrycket på pedagoger

This essay is about the meeting of the pedagogic mission and the reality of the conditions in preschools. It is about the frustrations that I, as a pedagogue, experience when I cannot fulfill this mission. An example of this is working when understaffed.My purpose is the acknowledgment of two main areas of the curriculum: caring and learning. This essay demonstrates the diversity of the occupation and it ?s constant need of positioning.

Personlig utveckling bland personliga tränare : En kvalitativ studie om yrkets betydelse för den personliga utvecklingen bland personliga tränare

Personal trainer is a profession that has grown strongly in recent decades, and has become increasingly common in the labor market within the health sector due to the widespread and growing interest in health and self- improvement. Further more, personal training is a great example of occupations with a close interaction between producer and consumer. The purpose of this study was to examine whether and if so how, personal trainers experience that the relationship with the clients affects their own personal development. This by finding out what impact the profession has had on the personality, what impact the relationship with the clients has affected the leadership, and last what impact the relationship with the clients have had on the personality based on social and mental aspects. Based on the purpose of the study qualitative method was chosen and data was collected with qualitative interviews.

Attraktiv arbetsgivare : En kvantitativ studie inom Luftfartsverket

This study was carried out at Luftfartsverket (LFV Group, Swedish Airports and Air Navigation Services). The aim was to study what characterizes an employer of choice and further to examine how well the employees at Luftfartsverket feel that their employer lives up to this image. A quantitative method was applied in the form of a selfdeveloped questionnaire. It was answered by a random sample of employees at Luftfartsverket.The results showed that salary, good leadership, good relations to colleagues and a sense of participation were important factors to be an employer of choice. In the organization at hand good colleagues were the most fulfilled factor whereas good leadership were the least fulfilled factor.

Beröring och dess betydelse för mötet mellan patient och vårdpersonal - En litteraturstudie

Background: Nursing staff use touch on a daily basis, often without reflecting over it. It is not only the touch itself that emerges, everyday nursing staff get involved in the meeting with patients. The use of touch can be divided in to different kinds of touch, due to its purpose these are instrumental- and expressive touch. Purpose: The purpose with the study was to illustrate what physical touch means for the meeting between patient and caregiver. Method: A literature review has been done, based on ten scientific articles and by these four domains emerged.

Kvinnlig representation och dess substantiella effekter En studie om svenska kommuners flyktingmottagande utifrån ett könsperspektiv

Municipalities with a higher amount of female representatives has been shown to be more gender equal. Earlier reasearch has also shown that female politicians are more likely than male politicans to represent immigrants and refugees interests. However, the effect of female representation has not been tested on other subordinated groups than women. Swedish municipalities have full autonomy regarding refugee reception and local politicians are responsible for the decision on the amount of refugees that the municipality accept. The variations of female and male politicians in the local assemblies are expected to have different outcomes on the refugee reception, according to females social backgrounds and experiences.

Genusperspektiv på bilderböcker ? en kvalitativ analys av Bokjuryns utvalda bilderböcker för år 2005

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine if there is any gender role stereotyping conveyed in recent children?s picture books. The picture books examined are the ten most popular which are selected by a combination of Bokjuryn in Sweden, 2005, and children voting. Furthermore there is a winner each year. The investigation concerns how protagonists, girls and boys, are portrayed and, moreover, if there are any breaches of traditional gender patterns.

Läraren som ledare och hennes roll i elevers kunskapsutveckling och socialt uppförande

 Over the past ten years, the pupils' performance and grades has fallen and the number of competent to high school has decreased gradually. The Swedish school has been criticized and the role of the teachers has been questioned, among other by the media. In autumn 2007 Johannesskolan, one of Sweden's tenth worst schools replaced the ordinary teachers of Class 9A against eight of the country's "main" educators with the goal of the class to become one of Sweden's third major. The teachers have the autumn term in which to achieve the goal and the outcome will be measured by national tests in core subjects Swedish, English and Mathematics. The aim of this paper is to examine the role of the teacher's leadership in relation to the pupils' social and intellectual development, and identify common leadership of these eight educators.

Student blir lärare : En kvalitativ undersökning om nyexaminerade lärarstudenters erfarenhet av att komma ut i arbetslivet

This paper aims to examine how the beginning of newly examined teacher?s professional life might look like and also highlight the obstacles that might occur during the induction, the time during which the student becomes the teacher. The paper also discusses what support that is available for newly examined teachers in schools concerning the possibility to have a mentor and a period of introduction.A qualitative method was used for this study and interviews were made with new teachers who shared their experiences from the beginning of their careers. The results from the interviews were also discussed from the points of view of the study?s theories concerning different leadership styles.Two handbooks for new teachers, aiming to support them in their new professional role were compared.

Ledare 'Lagom' i Konfucianismens Korea: En analys av svårigheter för svenska företag i Sydkorea

The purpose of this study is to analyze the handling of difficulties encountered by Swedish managers in Swedish subsidiaries in South Korea. By identifying the most common and possibly most manageable difficulties specific to the market we categorized them into three different groups; external difficulties, internal difficulties and difficulties related to the leadership. Depending on where in the environment and in relation to which stakeholder the difficulties originate the managing process comes to be supported through sometimes contradictory theories. Our study implies that the proper handling is crucial to satisfy local expectations which are critical for survival of Swedish companies. It also implies that the leadership skills acquired by the Swedish managers combined with the level of acceptance for foreign managers among the Korean coworkers affect how influential the manager?s ambitions are.

Sjuksköterskors attityder och förhållningssätt kring patienter med psykisk ohälsa - en litteraturöversikt.

AimThe aim of this study was to map the injury panorama of traumatic injuries related to ice hockey in Sweden 2006-2011. In addition to that the aim was to compare whether there were any gender differences regarding traumatic ice hockey injuries. MethodThe present study was based on data from the Folksam insurance company between 2006 and 2011. The population consisted of ice hockey players in a club affiliated to the Swedish Ice Hockey Federation and that had sustained a traumatic injury related to ice hockey that resulted in medical care and then was reported to Folksam. The results are presented with descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation, median range and frequencies. ResultsThe head was the most common injury localization followed by the upper extremity where the shoulder accounted for a high number of injuries. Fracture was the most common type of injury for both male and female players.

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