

686 Uppsatser om Macroeconomic variables - Sida 16 av 46

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This study explores the different effects on attitude and behaviour three frequently used advertising techniques have. The techniques compared are social influence and egoistic and altruistic benefit-appeals. The results showed that ads featuring social influence had statistically significant higher mean values regarding attitude towards the ad compared to both the other ads, and significantly higher mean values regarding brand attitude compared to the ad appealing to egoistic motivations. Though, all advertising effectiveness measures used in this study - that is, attitude and intention variables - indicated that social influence was more effective than the other advertising messages. Thus, in accord with earlier studies, it can be stated with confidence that social influence is an effective tool to use in marketing communications..

Har ökad öppenhet påverkat den automatiska stabilisatorn? : -en makroekonomisk paneldatastudie

This paper investigates the automatic stabilizer and the underlying factors behind its function. The paper includes both a literature review and an empirical analysis. The literature review discusses the IS-LM and Mundell-Fleming models and different ways to quantify the automatic stabilizer. Based on the theory, the relationship between volatility in GDP and the size of the automatic stabilizers is then analyzed with the help of regressions. Our main result shows a negative relation between these two variables.

Kontrollerad verksamhet? Vilka faktorer påverkar utformningen av intern kontroll i kommunal verksamhet?

The purpose of this essay is to examine which factors that influence the design of internal control in municipal context and how well it works. We choose seven municipals, where we interviewed the administrative managers, the chairmen of the committees and two persons of the staff in each activity unit. The interviews were performed by telephone, due to the keeping of the essay?s timeframe.The theory in our essay comprises eight hypotheses. These hypotheses were operationalised into different variables aiming to make statistical tests possible.

Fysprofilen hos puckelpiståkare på elitnivå och en jämförelse av fysisk prestation över tid

AimThe aim of the present study was to evaluate physical performance according to ?fysprofilen? in skiers of the Swedish mogul ski team and to compare their physical performance at three test occasions during one year.MethodsAll eight elite mogul skiers at the Swedish national mogul ski team during the seasons 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 participated voluntarily in this study. The test battery ?fysprofilen? was performed at three test occasions, October 2011, May 2012 and October 2012. Muscle strength was evaluated with squats, bench press and grip strength; power was evaluated with power clean, squat jump, countermovement jump with and without arm swing, Harre´s test and the 30 meters sprint.

Lågkonjunktur, En studie i vilka skillnader som finns för variationen i antal anställda inom IT- respektive industribranschen

Sammanfattning Titel: Lågkonjunktur ? En studie i vilka skillnader som finns för variationen i antal anställda inom IT- respektive industribranschen Författare: Emilio Nilsson, Oscar Kacprzak Handledare: Emil Numminen Institution: Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Kurs: Kandidatarbete i Företagsekonomi Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och analysera för hur företagets ekonomiska data för den relativt unga IT-sektorn förklarar antal anställda gentemot hur företagets ekonomiska data förklarar nyckeltalet för en äldre mer erfaren bransch som industrisektorn. Metod: Vi har samlat ihop kvartalsrapporter från 1999 års första kvartal till 2009 års första kvartal för totalt 10 stycken företag som vi bedömt lämpliga för studien, 5 företag från IT-branschen samt 5 företag från industribranschen. Vi har därefter fört regressionsanalyser med antal anställda som Y-variabel och totala intäkter, aktienivå, rörelsekostnader samt rörelseresultat som X-variabler för att finna korrelationen däremellan. Slutsats: De framkomna resultaten från regressionsanalyserna pekar på att det finns skillnader branscherna emellan.

Fordonsbestånd och nyregistreringar - en statistisk analys av regionala skillnader och strukturella faktorer

The official statistics on communication and transports in Sweden is administered by Statens Institut för kommunikationsanalys (SIKA). SIKA?s commission includes production of statistics on the Swedish vehicle fleet. These statistics provide important information tofinancial institutes, ministries, industry and mass media among others. Furthermore, the vehicle statistics include measures of comparison between different counties and municipalities.

Pedagogers syn på för- och nackdelar med åldersintegrering som organisationsform inom skolans tidiga år

Earlier research has shown the difficulty of defining insulting behaviour in the workplace. It has been noted that the individual and subjective definition is connected to the specific situation in which the potentially insulting incidence occurred. In this study we designed a quantitative questionnaire in order to hopefully elucidate the comprehension of insulting behaviour and furthermore enable a more in-depth investigation on how important the contextual meaning is. This study examined 140 (n=140) working adult?s attitudes towards insulting behaviour in the workplace and the importance of the contextual variables.

Möjlig bronsåldersboplats? : en undersökning av platser från bronsåldern på Gotland

There are none known Bronze Age settlement on Gotland, although there are severalexcavation reports that mention that they have found a probable Bronze Age settlement. In the excavation that have been done in the study areas, there are Bronze Age dated hearths, cooking pits and post holes. These study areas have been investigated if they might be possible Bronze Age settlements. This paper discusses about the criteria of settlements and also investigate if the study areas meet those criterias. There are many different criteria for settlement but only the criteria of FMIS are used in the study.

Betong - Förvånansvärt lättflytande!

Concrete is a very common construction material. It´s characteristics are strength, durability and formablility. Superplasticizer is a common admixture, which changes the properties of concrete. Today (spring 2007) there are no certian mathematical methods to calculate the required percentage of this admixture needed to give the necessary set slump flow in the overall concrete recipe. Concrete batching companies must therefor experiment with different amount of superplasticizer in order to meet the specified slump and strength. The purpose og this report is to investigate if any mathematical relation can be established between the amount of superplasticizer used and the slump flow achieved. After carrying out some practical experiments using four different superplasticizers a direct relationship can be establish between the percentage of admixture used and the slump/flowability achieved. Unfortunatly at present due to the numerous variables, the calculation of mathematical formula can not be achieved..

Skiftarbetets påverkan på den upplevda stressen : - en undersökning inom vården

AbstractThe purpose with this study was to get knowledge if there are any possible differences in, and correlation between, experienced stress, experienced demands, experienced control and experienced social support in correlation to shiftwork.The study was made at two central hospitals in south of Sweden and had 90 participants (78 women and 12 men) that answered a questionnaire in the current variables. The result in experienced stress showed that there were no differences between shift workers. The results showed a difference between the day- and the nightshift in the correlation between control and stress. The writers speculates that the reason why the nightshift experience high stressvalues with high control can depend on the lack of presence by higher managers, compared with the dayshift. .

Karaktärisering av Gremmeniella-skadade bestånd inom Holmen Skog AB :

Since the end of the eighteenth century forest damage caused by the pathogen Gremmeniella abietina has been observed and documented. During the latest epidemic in Sweden more than 480 000 hectares forest land have been injured and this has lead to considerable economic losses. For the pathogen to succeed with infection, spore dispersal and colonization the right environmental conditions is required. The aim of this paper is to describe the diseased stands using site and stand characteristics and to evaluate the effect of these variables on the disease incidence. Further, the thinning performed during the time for spore dispersal and its relationship to injured stands is examined.

Lagerstyrning vid Frigoscandia Freezer AB

Frigoscandia Freezer AB have seen themselves as an entrepreneur company for a long time, but have lately begun to realise that they have to go against a more administrative era. With that insight they have begun to examine their enterprise in order to achieve this. The division Team Spare Parts has started a project with the intention of checking-up the inventory management, and improving it for the future. To get support for this and other point of views, they decided to let us do our exam thesis as a part of the project.The first part of the thesis deals with the appropriate inventory theory. All calculations in the other parts of the thesis have been based upon this.

Mognad hos unga flickor : normbrytande beteende, alkoholvanor och sexuellt beteende.

The aim of this study was to examine if biological early maturing girls and girls that percieved that boys treated them as older than they actually where drank more alcohol, were more delinquent, had more romantic relationships and sexual intercourse. Our data was collected from seven schools in Sweden. Significant relationships where found between early maturation and all four dependent variables. Significant relationships could also bee seen between how girls perceived that boys treated them and alcohol use, romantic relationships and sexual intercourse. For two of our dependent measures we found week interaction effects, for girls biological maturation and there perception of how boys treated them according to there age.

Skola i förändring : Politisering och företagisering av en kommunal och en fristående gymnasieskola

In this essay I examine how a municipal- and an independent upper secondary school compare to the ideal types the Company and the Political organization and how that affects the school practise as it?s described in policy documents. The conclusions are that the municipal school on a number of variables correlate to the ideal type the Political organization. At the same time the school reforms of the 1990s are considered as an intention to ?companylize? the municipal school and a number of tendencies how that have affected the municipal school are shown.

Projektledares motivation och metod : Med utgångspunkt från Vrooms förväntansteori

In today?s changing environment, creation of projects by organizations has become more common. The problem is, though, that the knowledge of the subject is still limited which causes many projects to fail. This has made it extra important to have a good project manager whocanlead the project in the right direction. While doing this both the project method and the project manager?s motivation are contributing sources.

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