

422 Uppsatser om Machine milking - Sida 25 av 29

Jag vill meddela mig : Exil, psykoanalys, 40-talism och det politiska i Peter Weiss tidiga svenska prosa

In Peter Weiss debut Fra?n o? till o? (1947) the ?I? travels from island to island as a castaway. The island here can signify, or work as a synecdoche for exile and the feeling of isolation that exile often induces. But the movement from island to island also implies a restless state: Peter Weiss shifting from painting to writing to filmmaking and theatre, from German to Swedish and then back to German. The years during exile and the years that followed the exile until his breakthrough in Germany with Schatten des ko?rpers des Ku?tchens (1960), Abschied von den Eltern (1961) and Fluchtpunkt (1962), were the formative years of Peter Weiss authorship.

Ytbearbetning av ersättningssten för kulturhistoriska byggnader

The study investigates questions and considerations emerging when stone in historic buildings needs to be replaced. The focus is on the surface treatment of stone in sandstone façades in pre-industrial buildings. That means buildings constructed by traditional methods and craftsmanship without the use of modern technology.The research issue originates from the extensive stonework that is planned for the façades of the Stockholm Palace. The project includes the replacement of large quantities of damaged stone to newly cut stone. This raises the questions about the use of modern and rational methods for surface treatment on the replacement stone.

Bergkyla och bergvärmeutredning för industrilokalen Rödbergsmyran 5 i Umeå, Västerbotten.

Grubbe Ventilation AB is a sheet metal and ventilation company who provides design, installation, service, and repair of ventilation. The company is expanding their business by building a new facility in Umeå, Västerbotten. The property is designed to be used for both office and industrial work.Grubbe Ventelation AB has not yet decided upon wish system which is to be established to provide the building with heating and cooling. The consulting firm Umeå Projekt Team has therefore been asked to investigate the possibilities to invest in geothermal- heating and cooling.If the investigation of a geothermal heating- and cooling system would provide favorable results it would be a very appropriate alternative that provides energy at low costs and are an environmentally friendly option as the energy comes from stored solar energy in the ground is provided by stored solar energy in the ground.The facility ´s heating and cooling consumptions are calculated in the program BV2 and the result indicate a heating demand of 185 000 kWh per year due to thermal transmittance, transmission losses, heating of warm water and a cooling requirement of 5500 kWh.Three different systems of geothermal heating and cooling were tested in the computer program Energy Earth Design. The results show no difference in the dimensioning of the drill hole if merely heating were to be used or both heating and cooling were to be established.

Maskininlärningsmetoder för bildklassificering av elektroniska komponenter

Micronic Mydata AB utvecklar och tillverkar maskiner för att automatisk montera elektroniska komponenter på kretskort, s.k. ?Pick and place? (PnP) maskiner. Komponenterna blir lokaliserade och inspekterade optiskt innan de monteras på kretskorten, för att säkerhetsställa att de monteras korrekt och inte är skadade. En komponent kan t.ex.

Förändras mjölkens proteinsammansättning i separata juverdelar i samband med höga celltal (SCC)? :

Today the milk production per cow is increasing but the milk delivered by the Swedish farmer contains less amounts of fat and protein than earlier. The contents have decreased since 1993. In average the milk contain 4,2 percent fat and 3,4 percent protein. Earlier the fat content in milk was important. Nowadays the dairy?s attention has turned to the milk?s valuable proteins, principally the caseins, which have a considerable nutritional value and are important for several dairy products like cheese and yoghurt.

Effektiv Planering enligt Lean Production : En fallstudie på Sandvik Mining and Construction

Due to a constantly increasing competitive pressure it is of great importance to constantly strive for improvements in order to gain competitive advantages. Lean Production is a concept that has been introduced with the aim to minimize waste and increase profitability. The purpose of this report is therefore to investigate how to perform effective planning according to the principles of Lean Production, in companys with customer exclusive products, through a case study at Sandvik Mining and Construction (SMC), and to investigate how SMC kan improve their planning of drifting rods at the production unit in Sandviken.The study started by creating a theoretical framework, to describe the subject planning and planning based on Lean Production. This frame work constituted the base for the case study which took place at Sandvik Mining and Construction, and also for the model and planning tool that has been introduced.The result of the study is partly a general model with factors that contribute to a more effective planning. These factors has beed identifed as SMED, which focuses on reducing set up times and in the end to facilitate the planning.

Effektutveckling i den koncentriska fasen i bänkpress och knäböj

Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate 1RM and what power could be generated in bench-press and half squat concentric at certain percentages of 1RM. Special interest was put to evaluate men (M) and women (K), strength trained (ST) verses non strength trained (EST) in generating absolute power as well as power relative to 1RM.Method: In total 59 subjects mean (± SD) age 24.9 ± 4.1 years divided into four test groups: 20 male non strength trained GIH-students (EST M), 20 female non strength trained GIH-students (EST K), 10 male strength trained - sprinters on national/regional level (ST M), 10 female strength trained - sprinters (ST K) on national/regional level. They did two tests on 1RM and power in events of concentric bench-press and half squat in a Smith machine. In the first test session 3 ? 5 lifts were made to measure 1RM in each event.

Bekämpning av fruktträdsspinnkvalster (Panonychus ulmi) med oljeemulsioner i äppelodling

Sedan införandet av bredverkande insekticider har frukträdsspinnkvalster, Panonychus ulmi orsakat skada på äppelodlingar i stora delar av den tempererade världen. Kemiska acaricider utvecklades först som en lösning, men deras höga toxicitet och kvalstrens förmåga att bilda resistens har gjort dem omoderna. En lösning på problemet är sprutning med oljeemulsioner, som främst har en fysikalisk verkan. Oljorna tillverkas av antingen mineraloljor eller vegetabilisk oljor och används traditionellt till bekämpning av övervintrande ägg på våren. För att bekämpningen ska vara effektiv krävs dock att den utförs när äggen är som känsligast. Äggen hos P. ulmi blir känsligare ju närmare kläckning de befinner sig.

Kortare sintid ? hur påverkar det kons mjölkavkastning, metabolism, hälsa, hull och vikt?

A shorter dry period length has in studies abroad showed some positive effects among high yielding dairy cows. Among other things it has been suggested that the periparturient metabolic stress becomes lower, that the fertility is improved and dry off becomes gentler for the udder, due to a lower milk yield. The milk yield is generally reduced during the first period after calving, especially among primiparous cows. The aim of this master thesis was to investigate how Swedish cows were affected by a shortened dry period, regarding milk yield, metabolism, health, body condition and body weight from two months before calving to some weeks after calving. Also plasma concentration of lactose during the period before calving was determined.

Utvärdering av 3dvia Composer : -För arbetsinstruktioner och beredning

With recent technical development computer aided design and manufacturing has taken amore important role in the product life cycle. New business segments such as Product/ServiceSystems and remanufacturing is emerging. This development demands better control of theproduct data throughout the entire product life cycle. Computer aided design is widelyrecognized and used within the manufacturing industries and in recent years the importance ofDigital manufacturing has increased. One part of Digital manufacturing is paperlessproduction which involves all orders and working instruction shown for example on a screenrather than on a piece of paper.

Skillnaden i muskelaktivitet vid jämförelse av olika vadskydd

SammanfattningSyftet med studien var att undersöka om det fanns någon skillnad i muskelaktivitet ivadmuskulaturen när olika eller inget vadskydd användes vid vadpress. Jämförelsegjordes mellan vadskydd (A), stickat av ett modifierat polyolefingarn och ett tillstickningen identiskt och utseende näst intill identiskt vadskydd (B) av polyamid,samt utan vadskydd.Testgruppen bestod av 13 män från militärhögskolan i Halmstad. Testpersonernagenomförde vadpress i smithmaskin* på en belastning av 50% av 1RM*.Muskelaktiviteten mättes med hjälp av sEMG* och tre mätningar per persongenomfördes. Det första utan vadskydd, andra med vadskydd A och det tredje medvadskydd B. Resultaten visade ingen signifikant skillnad i muskelaktivitet mellan användandet avvadskydd A och vadskydd B eller mellan vadskydd A och utan vadskydd.Mätmetoden sEMG är känslig och kan ha gett missvisande resultat. Fler studierbehöver göras dels angående skillnad i muskelaktivitet och dels för att testavadskyddens eventuella andra egenskaper, positiva eller negativa.

Uppföljning av system för vägentreprenörer i skogen

Holmen Skog is one of the largest forestry companies in Scandinavia and they depend heavily on a large network of forest roads for production and logistics in connection to their forestry operations. The company recently introduced a new system for planning of road management. The system will also be developed with the intention to facilitate the monitoring of actions performed by road contractors. This report will provide information to support future decisions regarding further development of the system, after its introduction. In addition to a presentation of results from interviews, the report also provides a smaller study of the different subjects associated with roads, process work and process development. The study is largely based on interviews with road contractors that perform work for Holmen Skog today.

Markberedningens betydelse och egenkontroll för markberedning

The purpose of this report is to make an evaluation of the self-monitoring for scarification which Stora Enso is using and this study deals with the effects and importance of scarification. A comparison is made in this study with the purpose to highlight any differences between some of the leading forestry companies and significant forest organizations in Sweden. The companies represented in this report are Korsnäs, Mellanskog, SCA, Sveaskog and Södra. In the beginning of this study an interview form was set up together with Daniel Forsberg at Stora Enso. Stora Enso is the head object of this report and seven interviews were made within that company. At the other companies only three interviews were made within each one, with an exception to Mellanskog who wished four.

Saluplats Fyristorg : medborgarnas gemensamma uterum?

The purpose of this report is to make an evaluation of the self-monitoring for scarification which Stora Enso is using and this study deals with the effects and importance of scarification. A comparison is made in this study with the purpose to highlight any differences between some of the leading forestry companies and significant forest organizations in Sweden. The companies represented in this report are Korsnäs, Mellanskog, SCA, Sveaskog and Södra. In the beginning of this study an interview form was set up together with Daniel Forsberg at Stora Enso. Stora Enso is the head object of this report and seven interviews were made within that company. At the other companies only three interviews were made within each one, with an exception to Mellanskog who wished four.

Tack för kaffet! : - en analys av konsumentbeteende hos Premium Coffees potentiella kunder

Hur resonerar potentiella kunder kring inköp av produkten som ens företag tillhandahåller? En av de främsta frågorna hos en marknadsförare, men också en fråga som är aktuell i vår marknadsekonomi i stort. Konsumentbeteende är därför ett givet fält inom företagsekonomin. Men hur går det till när konsumenten är ett företag? Vilka aspekter är viktiga och varför? Vilka marknadsföringsinsatser bör genomföras utifrån denna adderade förståelse? Det är utgångspunkten för denna uppsats.

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