

422 Uppsatser om Machine milking - Sida 26 av 29

Minskad miljöpåverkan av kapslar för kaffe, te och choklad : med avseende på materialval och utformning

During the spring semester of 2012 did Petra Hollsten independently a thesis on reducing the environmental impact of capsule for coffee, tea and chocolate. The work was performed at Karlstad University, Faculty of Technology and Science under the Bachelor of Science program in innovation, technology and design. The project's scope is at 22.5 points.The employment for this project is the company Löfbergs Lila AB in Karlstad. Supervisor at the Principal has been Maria Herou Wallner and Sandra Lyxell, product managers. Supervisor at Karlstad University is Monica Jakobsson, lecturer and program leader for innovation and design engineering program.

Torvströ till svenska mjölkkor :

Peat litter is a soft material with high absorbency. About hundred years ago many farmers in Sweden used peat litter to their dairy cows. After the World War II the use of peat litter decreased and the farmers used more straw. Nowadays (year 2007), when it is harder to find straw and sawdust to buy, peat litter is advancing again. The purpose with this study is to investigate peat as a litter to dairy cows.

Ärtrev som substrat för biogasproduktion : En litteraturstudie och rötning i labbskala

Until 2020, 49% of Sweden's use of energy must derive from renewable sources. Greenhouse gases must as well decline with 40% compared to 1990 as a part of Sweden's 16 environmental objectives. Biogas is part of the effort to achieve these objectives, but as the demand for biogas increases, more substrates are needed to meet the demand. The purpose is to investigate the conditions for pea residue as substrate by performing lab-scale mesophilic digestion with different fractions and notch lengths and then to summarize pea residue as a substrate for biogas production. During anaerobic digestion, 1000 ml bottles were used as reactors for digestion.

Axellagring till Klasserare

GE Healthcare wants to investigate whether additive manufacturing would be an alternative method in their workshops in the Umea? plant. Additive manufacturing is called 3D printing in everyday language and manufactures details by building them up layer by layer in an automated machine. The purpose of this work is therefore to investigate how mature additive manufacturing methods are and how they could be used at GE.The work has been divided into three parts. The first section investigates how additive manufacturing would work in the production workshop at GE.

Do grizzly bears use or avoid wellsites in west-central Alberta, Canada?

The purpose of this report is to make an evaluation of the self-monitoring for scarification which Stora Enso is using and this study deals with the effects and importance of scarification. A comparison is made in this study with the purpose to highlight any differences between some of the leading forestry companies and significant forest organizations in Sweden. The companies represented in this report are Korsnäs, Mellanskog, SCA, Sveaskog and Södra. In the beginning of this study an interview form was set up together with Daniel Forsberg at Stora Enso. Stora Enso is the head object of this report and seven interviews were made within that company. At the other companies only three interviews were made within each one, with an exception to Mellanskog who wished four.

End of line test : En studie av företaget Emotrons linjetestning i produktionen

Emotron is a company specialised in developing, producing and marketing equipment to con-trol, monitor and protect processes and machinery driven by electric motors, with an applica-tion focus. Examples of uses for their products are fans, pumps, lifts and cranes.The project is to look at Emotrons end of line test. The company has seen that at the final test-ing there is a bottleneck that restricts the outflow and prevents an increase in the number of tested products.The purpose of this project is to review how Emotrons end-of-line test works today and if there is a possibility to make the test more efficient in such a way that the quality is not at risk, while increasing the outflow of tested products.The projects first step is to look at and analyse what is causing the bottleneck at the end-of-line. When the analysis is complete, the next step is to review whether there is a possibility to solve the bottleneck and if so in what way can this be done. Emotrons most overall objective of the project is to increase the outflow of the number of tested products without jeopardizing the quality.An analysis has been made on frequency inverters, soft starters and shaft power monitors.

FE safety analysis of a high speed wood planer cutter. An alternative method to achieve the requirements of EN847 standard

In the last decades, high speed cutting has become an attractive technology in the wood industry. The possibility of reducing global costs in addiction with an increase in productivity, were the main reasons for the enlargement of the use of this technology. As usual, these advantages are accompanied by disadvantages that should be carefully analyzed. If on the one hand cutting forces are reduced with increasing cutting speeds, on the other hand, the centrifugal forces affecting the tool are higher. Exposed to such high loads, there is a considerable risk of tool failure that embeds hazards for both machine and workers.

Additiv tillverkning : Ett nytt alternativ inom tillverkningsteknik

GE Healthcare wants to investigate whether additive manufacturing would be an alternative method in their workshops in the Umea? plant. Additive manufacturing is called 3D printing in everyday language and manufactures details by building them up layer by layer in an automated machine. The purpose of this work is therefore to investigate how mature additive manufacturing methods are and how they could be used at GE.The work has been divided into three parts. The first section investigates how additive manufacturing would work in the production workshop at GE.

Hackelselängden beroende av skördemetod :

The conditions for a good silage process start with good wheather and choice of crop, then choice of harvesting machinery. The shorter and more mechanically treated crop, the better quality of the forage. (Pauly 1994). This study has examined the variations in chopping length depending on harvest method. Precision choppers works with a rotating chopping cylinder, where the crop is cut into pieces.

Jämförelse av Hypervisor & Zoner : Belastningstester vid drift av webbservrar

Virtualisering av datorer rent generellt innebär att man delar upp hela eller delar av enmaskinkonfiguration i flera exekveringsmiljöer. Det är inte bara datorn i sig som kanvirtualiseras utan även delar av det, såsom minnen, lagring och nätverk. Virtualiseringanvänds ofta för att kunna nyttja systemets resurser mer effektivt. En hypervisorfungerar som ett lager mellan operativsystemet och den underliggande hårdvaran. Meden hypervisor har virtuella maskiner sitt egna operativsystems kärna.

Förändrad aptering av massaved från 3- till 4-meterslängder vid gallring inom Södra : en systemanalys av effekter från avverkning till levererad virkesråvara

The costs of logging and of transportation with truck are dominating the total cost of wood delivered at industry. To support the profitability for the members' forestry the processing and handling with the timber has to be as efficient as possible. Increased length of pulpwood in thinning is one conduct that can result in higher productivity and/or lower costs. The study is scaled as a system analysis with the aim to exemplify the differences between working with 3- and 4-meter as standard length of pulpwood, related to biological aspects, timber receipts, cost of logging and cost of transportation with truck. Important aspects are if the change is technically and biologically feasible and economically profitable.

Automatisering av flexibel fixtur

This thesis was conducted at Linköping University and SAAB Aerostructures, Linköping, and focuses on the automation of flexible fixturing in machining applications. At Linköping University a project called "Koofix" is conducted with support from Strategiska stiftelsen and several manufacturing industries including SAAB Aerostructures. The purpose of this project is to develop a more cost-effective, flexible, technique for fixation of workpieces during processing and assembly.Fixtures are an important part during the machining process, especially if you process the parts with high accuracy. Today a large number of fixtures are used at SAAB and they would prefer to reduce the number of fixtures by using flexible fixtures instead. SAAB uses one fixture for each article and this result in a high fixture cost and it also takes time to design and construct a new fixture.There are several advantages with using a flexible fixture such as that you can process workpieces with different length, height and thickness in the same fixture.

Utvärdering av lämpliga metoder för vattengenerering

This master thesis has been performed at the department of Machine Design at KTH, The Royal Institute of Technology. The thesis has been a part of a global development project in collaboration with Luleå University of Technology, Lund Faculty of Engineering and Stanford University. Corporate liaison and sponsor has been Immerse Global Inc. The project was also performed on sponsorship from the Product Innovation Engineering Program, PIEp. The thesis is a representation of some of the contributions made by the authors.The lack of clean drinking water is one of the key issues facing the world today.

Problemanalys vid Aros Quality Group Enclosure Systems AB

The aim of this report is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the problems within the production at AQ Enclosure systems, and thereby achieve a more stable flow throughout the whole process, a better working environment and better competition advantages. The internal flow along with the external cooperation is very important for the company, because it views flexibility and short leadtime as it is the most important competitive means. The part of AQ production that?s been investigated is the manufacturing of ATM-machines, where the costumer is Banqit. This company is a rater small company with about 4 % of the world market of ATM-machines.In order to achieve the aim of the report extensive interviews have been carried out with employees at AQ.

"I am surprised at how powerful the propaganda machine of the so-called West is" ? Vladimir Putin Synen på Sovjet och Ryssland i svensk dagspress vid två 1900-talskonflikter

Syfte & problemområde:Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur dagens vuxna barn upplevt deras uppväxt i en familj med alkoholmissbruk. Jag ville även studera hur dessa personers nuvarande livssituation såg ut, och hur den påverkats av den specifika uppväxten, med en missbrukande förälder.Metod & material:Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie, där empirin har samlats in genom intervjuer med fem vuxna barn till missbrukare. Materialet tolkades och problematiserades utifrån ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv med fokus på familjen, och stämplingsteori med fokus på individen.Resultat & slutsatser:I resultatet framkommer det att flertalet av informanterna blev varse om att någonting inte stod rätt till vid 8-9 års ålder. Gemensamt för nästan alla som barn var känslorna av skam och kluvenhet över situationen med en mamma eller pappa som missbrukar.I fyra av fallen så fanns det en önskan om att fly eller hålla sig borta, men samtidigt en ambivalens gällande deras frånvaro, tre av dem kunde känna oro för föräldern eller syskon, medan den fjärde kände förväntningar på sig om ansvar i hemmet. Även känslor av ensamhet, utanförskap och dåligt självförtroende var typiska, känslor som kunde styrkas genom tidigare studier och kan eventuellt tolkas ses som representativa hos barn till föräldrar med alkoholmissbruk.

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