

3450 Uppsatser om Learning organizations - Sida 1 av 230

Sociala medier som verktyg för organisatoriskt lärande och verksamhetsstyrning

Title:Social media as a tool for organizational learningAuthor:David Chaaya & Filip FischerSupervisor:Stig Sörling & Tomas KällqvistBackground:People have always used different ways of communicating. Communication hasa vital role in organizations for control when management and employees are communicatingand interacting with each other to spread individual learning. Thru this contact, individuallearning can develop into organizational learning, which will benefit the whole organization.The most modern tool of communication is social media such as Facebook, Twitter andYoutube. The potential of these social media is disputed in society, but more and moreorganizations are using these kinds of media for communication.Aim:The purpose of this study is to illustrate how social media is used to control withinorganizations and also to create understanding how significant social media are fororganizational learning.Method:The method of this study originates from the ?aktörssynsätt? and is influenced byhermeneutics.

INDIVIDUELLT LÄRANDE I TEAM - En studie av lärstilars inverkan på lärande, effektivitet och prestation

Organizational learning has become more and more important in the last decades as the environment in which organizations exist continues to change rapidly and unexpectedly. In order for organizational learning to happen, the individuals within the organization must learn. Just as different individuals possess different skills, each individual also has their own learning style. As the use of teamwork increases, so does the need for techniques to put high performing teams together and with organizational learning as one of the objectives the question is, how do we maximize learning, efficiency and performance in teams? This study uses a quantitative method to examine how teams, from a course at the Stockholm School of Economics, perform on the individual learning, team efficiency and team performance scale based on the individual learning styles within the team.

Utvärdering av personalutbildning : En studie om organisationers utvärdering av utbildningsprogram

This study examines how and why organizations evaluate training and development within the organizations. The study has a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews, with office and organization development managers. The purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge about how three large Swedish organizations evaluates training and development programs for staff members. Another purpose is to describe why the organizations evaluate training and development programs and to research if there is a further need to develop the organization evaluation methods. Therefore the research questions are Why and how do organizations evaluate training programs? What further need is there to develop organizations evaluation methods?The conclusion of this study shows that evaluation of the training and development programs are not a high priority among the selected organizations.

Individens lärande på arbetsplatsen : En studie av hur formellt och informellt lärande sker och samverkar

Background: Learning is important for companies? existence in today?s society and many studies discuss the importance of life long learning and Learning organizations. An increased understanding for how the individual learn at the work place is importance to study to gain an accepting for how learning occurs, both formal and informal. Purpose: The purpose with this study is to describe the process of learning at the work place from an individual perspective, with focus on how formal and informal learning occur and interact. The purpose is also to confirm, contradict or develop existing theories.

Hur paraplyorganisationer fungerar - en fallstudie på ESTOC

Umbrella organizations, organizations that have other organizations as members, are in previous research described as arenas of conflicts with problematic decision-making and contradictory parallel action towards political decision-makers. However, the research within this subject is limited, and therefore the aim of this paper is to add knowledge to how such organizations in fact work. After conducting a case study at the trade association ESTOC this thesis challenge previous statements about umbrella organizations and conclude that there, under certain circumstances, may exist harmony within an umbrella organizations. The main implication, thus, is that we have to readdress umbrella organizations in quite another way to be able to make a more realistic interpretation of collaborations in umbrella organizations..

Mot en lärande multiprojektorganisation

How can a multi project organisation use Wiki to support improvement of knowledge management and project evaluation to become a learning organisation? The main purpose of this thesis is to give management and employees a better understanding of how Wiki supports knowledge management and project evaluation. The second purpose is to illustrate possible difficulties and pit falls that comes with the implementation of Wiki based learning. The theoretical framework initiates by explaining multi project organizations, then describes Argyris and Schöns theories about organizational learning and Learning organizations. The second half of the theory chapter brings up theories about important areas for a learning organization.

Hot mot yrkesrollen eller vardagligt verktyg? En studie av lärares inställning till lärplattform

Today an increasing number of schools and organizations are investing in so called Learning Management Systems. Researchers disagree on the pedagogical value of these tools. Some mean that Learning Management Systems cement old-fashioned behaviouristic teaching practices; others mean that the systems provide good opportunities in supporting learning in a socio cultural perspective. The aim of this study is to reach better understanding and increased knowledge of how the introduction of a Learning Management System influences the role of the teacher and how the learning is organized. We have conducted two case studies.

Borlänges gemensamma vård- och omsorgsnämnd - en studie av den gemensamma nämndens uppkomst

AbstractThe organization of the health care system in Sweden has been subjected to investigations and discussions in order to make it more effective. The aim is to create a better public health care and to economize on the financial resources. In the year of 2003 an amendment of the Swedish law made it easier for municipalities and county councils to make own solutions and agree about how health service should be organized in the best way. This resulted in a number of test projects. In this paper I will focus on one of these test projects which took place in Borlänge and was based on collaboration between the municipality and the county council in Dalecarlia.

Från verksamhetsmodellering till verksamhetsutveckling? : Leder kompetensutveckling av personer i ledarskapsroller till verksamhetsutveckling?

Learning organizations and organizational development are interesting subjects that does not examine municipal organizations and private organizations an equal amount.  Furthermore, there exists little research on the effects of competence development for individuals in a leadership role within organizations. Because of this, we wanted to examine the impact of competence development in business modeling and how it affected local government activities. Competence development is used by organizations to develop their business and achieve a greater competitive advantage, but does competence development for individuals in a leadership role lead to organizational development? This paper examines competence development in the form of a business modeling course via the Bitstreamproject and the effects that occur within three municipalities as a result of the competence development. By interviewing three participants and four coworkers within different municipalities and studied the data from the Bitstream project, we can not conclude that competence development within business modeling leads to organizational development, only that it exists a tendency for it.

Främjandet av expansivt lärande i samband med en organisationsförändring : En studie med utgångspunkt i Engeströms teori

In connection with that the last few decades have been characterized by major changes where also the rate of change has increased, changes in organizations has become a natural part of today's organizational activities. Every change involves a learning challenge and because of that every change is unique, its output is unclear. However, there is much research that highlights various factors critical to creating an effective change, among others internal communication.The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Engeström's theory can be applied to a completed organizational change and see whether an expansive learning has been promoted in connection with this. This is accomplished through interviews with six employees, all working in one of Sweden's leading property companies. Engeström's theory of expansive learning is applied in order to analyze whether learning is promoted in connection with the organizational change.The result of the study shows that Engeström's theory can be applied to a completed organizational change in order to analyze whether an expansive learning has been promoted in connection with this.

Kunskap och organisatoriskt lärande inom Apoteket AB

This paper aims to provide a description of how knowledge can occur in Apoteket AB, anorganization that is operating on the Swedish pharmacy market. The purpose of this paper isalso to describe how the organizational learning occurs in the organization, and how theoutcome of this learning can be stored in the organizational memory. This subject is ofinterest since Apoteket AB experience changes in their external environment in that they nolonger have monopoly to sell pharmaceuticals on the Swedish pharmacy market. Earlierresearch claims that organizations need to develop new knowledge in order to take action, andthis development needs to be supported by the management within the organization.The collection of primary data was done by two qualitative interviews with employees withinthe organization of Apoteket AB.Our conclusions are that knowledge can occur in many forms, such as tacit and explicitknowledge. The vast majority of the knowledge within the organization is the information thatcan be found in the electronic database Aponet within Apoteket AB, and that is useful for theemployees in their daily work, and therefore is known as explicit knowledge.

E-utbildning inom idrotten - framtidens utbildningsform?

Education in Swedish sport is mainly based on traditional learning that requires a lot of time and effort, which could be a barrier for trainers since they report a lack of time as a consequence of their commitment as a leader. The Swedish sports movement has noticed some trends that could be seen as influential on the future directions of sport. One of these trends is a changing way of communication where people today communicate to a greater extent with the use of digital technology. The Swedish sports movement has to relate to this and follow the evolution. The use of e-learning has increased in higher education and organizations over the past decades.

En jämförande studie av några fritidslärares och klasslärares syn på formellt och informellt lärande

The aim of this thesis was to investigate how teachers in school and in leisure time center look at informal and formal learning. Informal learning is often associated with leisure-time while formal learning is generally linked to school. My questions also deal with the teachers? view of each other?s activities from a learning perspective and visibility of informal learning. I have made an empirical study with qualitative, semi-structured interviews with three class teachers and three leisure teachers.

Fast lön, provision och lärande? : En kvalitativstudie om förutsättningar och utvecklingsmöjligheter för lärande hos medarbetare i ett callcenter.

In this study we aim to investigate what employees at a callcenter see as prospects, opportunities and barriers of learning within a company. To answer the purpose of this essay, two questions were formulated; "What opportunities for learning does employees experience in the company?" and "How can learning in the workplace improve for the sellers?". First, we present what previous research has highlighted regarding workplace learning and learning within the callcenter industry. Afterwards we present ten semi-structured interviews with leaders and sellers within a telecom company in Stockholm.

Ideologi och Kommersialisering : ?En studie om hjälporganisationers användande av sociala medier som marknadsföringskanal

The purpose of this report is to analyze and evaluate non-profit organizations way of working with social media within the organization, from a marketing perspective. We have made observations of three organizations and completed a series of interviews with representatives within the organizations.In the report we came up with five factors that are necessary for non-profit organizations in order to receive long term donations with the use of social media; Trust, awareness, involvement, interaction and Word of mouth marketing.Our result shows that the organizations have realized the potential and benefits of using social media, but have not come very far in the process of using it properly. Our conclusion is that social media can give assumptions for long term donations, if the organizations use a customer perspective and give their customers added value..

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